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Photoshop tricks
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hey everybody I'm Nathaniel's from , touch Viacom welcome right into this , Photo shop tutorial where today we're , gonna take look at ten different tips , tricks techniques you name it that will , help improve any photo you bring into , Photocopy're just ten really , stinking cool tricks that you probably , often know how to do in Photo shop maybe , you already know how to do some of them , but Think will be some stuff in here , that you really like and will help up in , your Photo shop game a little bit as well , now we're doing this tutorial as kind of , this hyper speed version of a tutorial , it's a little something new that we're , trying here but I hope you enjoy it I , hope it'something that maybe cuts out , alto of just the jargon lot of this , kind of stuff Fri just sit there and , just ramble and talk on and on an don , but with that out of the way let's jump , into Photo shop right now and check this , thing out okay here we are in Photo shop , an easy way to quickly boost the , contrast of any photo is to add a levels , adjustment layer and just set its blend , mode to soft light use your opacity , slider to dial the contrast in exactly , as you wish , moving along sharpening the best way to , sharpen a photo in Photocopies to go , filter Camera Raw it's gonna send the , photo out to the Camera Raw editor and , the trick here is to well first of all , find the sharpening function in Camera , Raw but hold down your alt or option key , as you use these slider sit gives you a , really great way to look at the , sharpening as it's happening and make , sure you don't sleep on that masking , slider , it just helps restrict that sharpening , to exactly the areas of the photo that , need it one of my best tricks to , beautify sunsets and make them explode , with color is to use color balance add a , color balance adjustment layer to your , sunset or sunrise photos pump that blue , the magenta and the red in mid tone , shadows and highlights maybe play around , with the rest of the colors Little bit , see what looks good to you it's gonna , make any sunset look epic moving right , along a great way to clean up skin , blemishes is to create a new layer and , use the regular Healing Brush not the , Spot Healing Brush set to sample current , and below hold down your alter option , key and sample a clean area of skin and , simply paint away the blemishes now the , trick here is you can use a larger , healing brush and paint overlarge areas , of blemish like bags under the eyes and , maybe large scar or wrinkle sand then , just reduce that layers opacity and will , help fade those kinds of things so , wrinkles while they're still there will , be , far less pronounced too quickly and , realistically change the color of any , object in your photo add solid color , fill layer and fill it with whatever , color you like then invert that layers , mask by hitting command or control I and , then set the overall layer to the blend , mode of either hue or color you can play , with them and see what you like more for , your particular image then set your , foreground color to white and use the , brush tool and pain tin the layer mask , to reveal the color effect only over the , object you wish to change the color of , all right number six to create a smooth , faded shadows effect add a curves , adjustment layer and pull straight up on , the black point then pull down a second , point around the eighty percent , brightness range of your image then , boost the highlights by dragging just , tiny bit upward around about the , percent brightness area of the curve , bonus tip here use those color channels , and cur vestry adding Little blue to , the shadow sand maybe a drip droplet , yellow and red to the highlight areas of , the photo maybe even a little magenta to , the shadows as well see what works with , your image and be subtle move it along , to number seven to quickly change the , balance of light in your photo and , almost digitally relight it set your , foreground color to black and add a , gradient fill layer choose the , foreground to transparent gradient and , set the angle to W degrees then drag , the gradient to darken up at the bottom , of your photo just little bit you can , literally click on the gradient and drag , it hit OK repeat that step but set white , as your foreground color and set this , gradient to the angle of a negative , degrees so you'd brighten up the top , part of the photo and then set both of , these layers to the soft light blend , mode and again use the opacity sliders , to dial it in and make it look just , perfect alright number eight this is one , of my favourites for the best , consistently good black and white photo , you can get across the board press the , letter Dandy then press the letter X , it's gonna set white as your foreground , color then Dada gradient map adjustment , layer and use the foreground to , background gradient your image is going , to look crazy totally inverted totally , messed up but just go ahead and hit the , hotkey command or control Kit's gonna , duplicate that flipped and flopped an , inverted layer and you're gonna get this , amazing smooth yet contrasting black and , white image now number nine for a really , cool lens flare that actually Enter , with your photo first create a new layer , and set it tithe blend mode linear , dodge add then double click on that , layer to open up your layer Styles , dialog box check off transparency shapes , layer and grab a large soft edged brush , set your foreground color to white and , simply begin painting in flares wherever , you think your image needs it now last , but certainly not least change color and , toning your image with gradient Maps I , like to use the website movies in color , comm they haven't sponsored this video or , anything they just have great content , over there like to head over to their , website copy any image containing a , color palette copy it and then paste it , into photocopy document'll then , select my background image and place , gradient map layer in there and I'll set , the gradient map to soft light blend , mode right off the bat then this is , important will specifically click on , the gradient map thumbnail in my layers , panel this just to make sure that the , ma skis not selected then I'll click on , the gradient stripe and select either , color stop and begin sampling colors , from that image that Pasted it in from , that movie sin color website use , darker colors for the shadowy parts of , the image and a brighter color for the , highlight part of my image and you can , really play and push all kinds of , different color sand contrast and tone , into your image using a gradient map set , tithe soft light blend mode okay that , is gonna be the end of this one guys if , you enjoyed this tutorial well please , consider picking up a copy of my , retouching course it should be a link , for it right up there in the top corner , of the video yeah the course covers all , kinds of different retouching techniques , that I think you'll really enjoy but , most importantly if you pick up a copy , of the course it helps support the , channel helps us continue creating free , tutorials here on the channel and for , that I do thank you very much was I , was a strongman if I do say so myself , oh yeah if you pick IPA copy of that , course it helps us do what we do here , and man I'morally thankful for you for , that if you don't want to pick IPA copy , pick up a copy of the course well , there's plenty of other free tutorials , hereon the channel that you can jump , into and enjoy all the same guys for , this tutorial that's it get it go tit , good Nathaniel Dodson Chuck Viacom I'll , catch you in the next one , and before you go make sure you , subscribe to my channel for more great , tutorials every , a-also by my course it helps us do what , we do and this channel is supported by , viewers just like you you can also just , click the thumbnail and watch another , video from this channel see you next , time guys .