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Photoshop tricks
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hey guys it's Jessica Garrett created , this video for my graphic design , essentials course as a brief intro to , photoshop , of course there's tons you can do with , this program but I'just gonna be , covering the basics for now so let'Sgt , started whenever you want to open up a , file you go up hereto the file menu and , choose open you navigate tithe file , you'dike to open so I'm gonna choose , the vintage camera JPEG and click open , so here you can see the file name , alright so then over on the right here , we have our layers panel if your , work space dozen't look like mine you can , update it by going window work space , making sure essentials is selected and , then just click on reset essentials so , over here in our layers panel when you , first open a photo by default it's gonna , be set as the background layer and it's , going to be locked so to unlock it we're , just gonna go ahead and click on this , lock icon right here so there we have , our layer now if we want to create , additional layers you just click on this , new layer icon right here and you can , see it just created that new empty one , above it if I wanted to duplicate this , layer you just go ahead and click and , drag and it just created a copy of that , base photo if I want to group images you , click on this little folder and it , creates a group so Just create a new , layer within that group and now I'm , gonna drag my image into that group as , well so now they're all in there , together if you want to rename these , files just go ahead and double click on , the title so I'm gonna call this photo , group empty layer , and vintage camera just for , demonstration purposes so over here on , the left side you should have your tools , panel at the very top you should see , this little icon that's your move tool , the move tool is pretty self-explanatory , it moves layers so for example right now , I have the vintage camera layer selected , so if I click and dragon my canvas it's , gonna move that layer now if Hold , shift while I'm dragging it's gonna , constrain that movement to either , horizontal or vertical so that's by , holding shift below that we have our , marquee too land these are used for , making selection sin certain shapes so , for example if you wanted to make a , rectangle shape you just select that , tool and then click and drag now if you , hold shift it's gonna constrain that to , a perfect square and if you hold alt it , begins that selection where your first , clicked so for example let's say I'm , gonna in command D to deselect so let's , say I wanted to select around this lens , area'm starting sort of in the middle , of it and NOW'm holding alt to Center , it where Iffiest clicked and I'm also , holding shift to constrain that to a , perfect circle so the area within those , dotted lines , that's my selection so I'm selecting the , move too land you can see I can move it , around if I wanted to bring that on to a , new layer there's a few different ways , to do it you can go ahead and do edit , copy and then edit paste so as you can , see that just pasted onto it sown layer , you could also do command for copy and , command V for paste so if you want , delete layers you ca neither hit delete , while you have it selected or you could , drag it down to this little trashcan , here so here we have our lasso tools the , basic lasso tool is sort of a free , selection tool you click and drag and , it's gonna be selecting everything , within the area that you're selecting so , it just selected that weird shape the , polygonal lasso tool is useful if you , want to create straight selections so , for example I just clicked click again , click click and just create something , like that if you want to close the , selection you can either click back at , the starting point or you can just , double click there's also the magnetic , lasso tool this is useful for selecting , objects when there's a lot of contrast , so for example I want to select this , edge here I just clicked once and now , I'm just moving my cursor and it's , automatically snapping to the edges so , again that's useful if there is a lot of , contrast so up here you'll find some , other selection options by default , create new selection is automatically , chosen , there's also add to selection subtract , from selection and intersect with , selection so when we have new selection , chose nit's gonna do basically what it , says it creates a new selection so I , just created that if Click somewhere , else , it creates a new one when create that , selection if you notice when you hover , over it your cursor changes that allows , me to move that selection if'vie adds a , selection chosen then what it does is it , adds Tommy selection so right now I have , this square now it has that Square and , everywhere Iago , it's just gonna keep adding to it if you , choose subtract from selection and again , it subtracts from the selection so I , have this cutout I'm moving up so , remove from selection basically cuts out , your selection so let's say I want to go , ahead and choose this camera area but I , don't want that lens in there so I'm , holding alt and shift and selecting that , lens area so what it did waist cut out , that area from my selection all right , now intersect with selection what it , does is let's say I have a selection so , I just selected this big old circle I , used intersect the selection only the , area in between my selection sis going , to remain selected so that's it so over , here we have the quick selection tool , and the magic wand tool and the quick , selection tool basically works like the , brush tool you click and drag and it's , sort of painting that selection I'm , gonna keep going and it keeps selecting , the way it makes that selection is that , it'automatically finding and following , the defined edges in the image so again , that works by establishing contrast it , can see that harsh line in between the , black around the camera and the lighter , area , mi nun Amanda to remove that selection , and so the magic wand tool the way this , works is it makes as election based on , the color range so for example want to , select this little Kodak just clicked , and it automatically selects nearly the , entire thing just because it was red , you're choosing exactly which range it's , selecting based on the initial area you , click the tolerance is what's gonna , affect how much is selected so right now , it's at W so it's selected a lot but , let'SSA I did'twat this area , selected I'm gonna bump that Dona , little bit to let's say W so now it's , selecting less if I hold shift I can add , to that selection through the magic wand , tool below that we have the crop , perspective and slice tools so with the , crop tool you can actually select , exactly what size you want to crop it to , so for example if I wanted this to be , like a perfect square just we're gonna , do five inches by five inches , W we're getting ready for web it , automatically set that for me so then if , Iago ahead and hit enter there it is , my perfect five inch by five inch square , at W dpi I'm gonna go ahead and undo , that , I'm gonna clear my selection your other , option is to set Otto ratio and then , you can drag it yourself in that little , black box up at the top left in my , selection you can see the exact size , that it's constraining it to the , eyedropper tool allows me to make , selections based off of my image so if I , wanted this exact read in the Kodak logo , I can just click on that and it's gonna , select it for me and you can see that in , the foreground color the area behind it , is the background color you can switch , between these two by clicking on this , icon little arrows or by clicking X if , you pressed or click here it's going to , reset those colors back tithe original , scheme below that we have some of our , other healing tools so the Spot Healing , Brush tool this is good for getting rid , of little areas you just click and it , automatically pulls from the area around , it to cover up that selection the , Healing Brush tool is very similar to , the clone stamp tool it's good for , repairing scratches specs things like , that it works kind of like the brush , tool so you can choose your cursor size , and then what you would do is you hold , alt so you hold down alt to select a , nice clean area and then you click the , place over it I'm jumping around a , little bit this is very similar to the , clone stamp tool it works the exact same , way except outdoes't blend at the end , it's more of a direct copy of the , information from the first selected area , to the second with the patch tool you , initially select the area that you want , to cover up and then you choose the area , you want to pull from so it's basically , taking the information from your second , selection and placing that over the , first below that we have our brush , well you can also hit just like that , there's also the pencil tool mixer brush , tool all of those options but you can , make adjustments to the brush by , clicking right up here you can adjust , the size of it and the hardness or the , softness and you can also select from , different brush tips you can also view , more options by going window brush and , then you can make adjustments to the , shape dynamics the size in between each , brush mark and things like that , and then you use the brush you just , click and drag there's also the eraser , tool the eraser tool will work similar , tithe brush tool you can adjust the , size of it right NOW'm holding close , brackets make it smaller you can also , hit open brackets make it larger or you , can adjust the size here you have a lot , of options and then if you wanted to , erase you just click and drag so right , now it'snot really removing my entire , image like I want Otto that's because , the opacity is that's only W% I want it , to be a hundred percent so now that , removes the entire selection below that , we have our gradient tool and underneath , that is also the Paint Bucket tool so , the way that works is you just click and , it fills your area so if you want just , full selection you can make that , selection click on the paint bucket tool , and click with the gradient tool there , area few presets that you can choose , from these automatically pull from your , foreground and background so you know it , shows it's black and white right now if , we were to select that other color you , could see that that change to that , reddish color and then the white is my , background right now the blur tool blurs , certain areas sharpened tool sharpens it , makes it Little more exultant the , smudge tool smudges , those are all pretty self-explanatory as , well there's also the dodge burn and , sponge tools so the Dodge tool lightens , you can choose whether it affects the , shadows mid-tones or highlights right up , here and the burn tool darkens and it , works in the similar way and then the , sponge tool saturates so you can see , when I use this it's pulling the color , out from everywhere'm clicking and , dragging over and remember wit hall of , these tools you can still adjust the , size similar to the way you would with , the brush tool if you want to ever apply , text to your image you select the text , tool , so below the text while we have the , shape tool if you click and hold you can , choose between the different shapes so , you want to create to use them all you , ha veto do is click and drag and you can , also hold shift to constrain those , properties and make it perfect square , or a perfect circle depending on the , shape you choose you can also choose to , change the stroke by clicking under the , properties and selecting the different , colors you like and you can adjust , thickness of that or you can choose have , no fill there's also the move tool this , allows you to move around your canvas , another shortcut for that would be to , hold shift the zoom tool allows you to , zoom in and out on your image you can , hold command - or command +a shortcuts , and I'll show you exactly how close your , zoomed in right down here you can also , click up hereto automatically decide it , to hundred percent fit scree nor fill , screen down here you have your current , foreground and background color we kind , of went over those earlier if you double , click on the color it opens up your , color picker this allows you to be more , a little more specific with your , selection you can also choose to alter , by thereby values the Cavaliers or the , hex values so you just select the color , you want and click OK if you want to , switch to the background color you just , click on these arrows something else to , keep in mind is by clicking on the , little eye icon next to your layer you , can choose to hide or reveal it so , that's pretty much it for our photoshop , tools overview again these are just the , basics to get you started , you are definitely encouraged to go , experiment with the tools on your own , time if you have any questions in the , meantime please feel free to shoot me an , email alacrity graphic sat