Remove Tourists From Photos In Photoshop - Stack Mode Tutorial


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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , sue Ramirez and you can find me on , Instagram at jr prompt in this , tutorial i'm going to show you how to , sweatshop stack modes to help you , remove turrets from your vacation photos , this technique does require you to take , multiple images in a bit of planning but , it is all worth it in the end because , the results are amazing , the image stack mode will take a , statistical average of the content found , in all the photo sit will keep identical , areas and remove everything that changes , between the different shots it is very , likely that cars and people would move , and change locations thus that will be , removed when the algorithm is applied , leaving only the background when you're , out taking the photos make sure that , your camera is on a tripod so that the , images line up better during the blend , if you do not have tripod hold your , camera as steady as possible when , shooting your images wait about W , seconds or so in between each shot you , want to give people and cars time to , move in most cases you will only need , between to W photos in this tutorial , we're going to use 9 photos that I shot , with my cell phone without a tripod for , this video wanted to use photos that , were not shot under the perfect , conditions so that you could see the , power of this technique and by the way , if you enjoy this tutorial , don'forget to click on that subscribe , button and share it with your friends OK , let's get started , the first thing that we're going to do , is bring in our files into one single , document each of the files is going to , be a layer inside of that document and , we can use a script to accomplish this , task'm going to go into file scripts , and select load files into stack then we , can select either files or folders to , bring it into Photo shop it's a single , document so I'm going to select folder , and I'm going to click on the Browse , button then find the folder that , contains my files from , that folder is here and it's called , stacking you can download this stacking , folder from my website if you want to , follow along , my website is , there's a , link to it right below this video so , select the stacking folder and press OK , Photo shop is going to load nine , different files onto this list make sure , that nothing else is selected then click , OK , so Photo shop creates a new document in , each file gets placed in the layers , panel as a separate layer so we have , nine different layers and the layer name , is the filename of the original files , as you can see there are nine different , images of the Trivium building in , Oakland California and as you saw when I , disabled the images I was not using a , tripod was simply standing there , holding my cell phone and shot nine , photos about W seconds apart which gave , enough time for people and cars to move , what I'm going to do now is align these , images if the images are not aligned , properly this is not going to work since , we did't use a tripod'm going to use , Photo shop to align the images the first , step is to select all the images you can , select the images by clicking on the , layer on top and then holding shift and , clicking on the layer on the bottom or , you can use the keyboard shortcut ctr , alt a that's command option on the Mac , to select all the layers when all the , layers are selected you can go into edit , Auto align layers and Dishtowel , automatically try to align these layers , simply click on auto and then okay , notice that Photocopying the images , if disable them they all pretty much , align is not going to be a W% perfect , lineman because I was moving around and , there's also as light change in angle in , perspective so it won't be A's% match , and you can actually see that if i zoom , in there's going to be areas that don't , quite match up but that's okay we're , going to crop that out later so with all , the layers selected they're still , selected if , not for you once Cantrell alt a , command option a to select them all with , all the layer selected can right click , to the side of any layer and select , convert to smart object this is going to , put all those layers inside of this , smart object if I double click on it you , can see that it opens up in anew tab , and all my layers are still there I'm , going to close it for noway smart object , simply allows us to apply filters and , transformation son destructively and one , of the things that we're going to apply , is the stack mode so with the smart , object selected I'going to go into , layer smart objects stack mode in the , stack mode we're going to use is median , this stack mode is going to look at all , the pixels on all the images and the , pixels that are constant throughout all , or most images are going to stay in the , pixels that are not constant are going , to disappear obviously the background , will not move but the people in cars , will so the pixels will be different , that means that those pixels will , disappear so watch what happens as soon , as Is elect median all the people in the , Carson the background disappear if I , assume and there's still a car there , that cars parked obviously it did't , move throughout the different shots but , the cars driving by and the people did , and as I mentioned earlier Tswana't a , W% perfect alignment so we're going to , have some issues but we're going to fix , those towards the end of this tutorial , and there's actually a faster way to get , to this point and the reason that I went , a long way was that you saw each of the , individual steps to get here but there , is command in Photocopied does all , of this automatically and I'm going to , show that to you now , I'm going to go into file scripts , statistics then under use select folder , click on browse and find the same folder , once again the stacking folder select , that press and it's going to look , very familiar you're going to see the , nine files there but this time select , attempt to automatically , line source image sand understand mode , select median and press okay so , Photo shop will automatically open up all , those images into one document as layers , align those layers and apply the stack , mode all with that one single commandos , as you can see the difference between , the two image sis nothing really and , actually let me fit this image to screen , then switch between both images so you , can see that they're exactly the same so , that is a shorter faster way of doing it , and again wanted to show you the long , way so that you knew what the steps were , in case that that short version gave you , some problems you know how to backtrack , and try to figure it out but anyway this , is the final result at this point you , can work with either file'm just going , to close new file but both files are , the same so we're working now with one , document what I'm going to do now is fix , some errors this is a fantastic script , but the problem is that it dozen'twerk , great with background elements that are , constantly moving background elements , such as water or flags if you zoom in to , the top of the image you will see this , American flag and it dozen't look very , good because it was waving so when the , stacking mode was applied it sort of , shot that up as you can see there , there's also a smaller flag here on the , bottom left so let me show you how you , would fix an issue like this'm going , to zoom out and I'just going to pan a , little bit then I'm going to double , click on the smart object you can tell , this is a smart object by looking at the , bottom right of the thumbnail double , click on that it opens up a new ta band , inside of this new tab you will see the , nine different files that created that , image and if disable them I can go , through all of them and see which one , has the best-looking American flag , like the flag in the zero two JPEG layer , I thin kit's one of the best ones in , this image so I'm going to zoom in click , on the lasso tool and then click and , drag around the flag to make a selection , with layer number two selected press , control-c that's command , on the Mac then go back into the working , document and press control shift , that's command shift on the Mac to , paste in place and there's a flag so , this is before and after and you can of , course do the same thing for the smaller , flag'm not going to do that to save a , little bit of time but it's exactly the , same process what I'going to do now is , just look at the entire image just so we , can see what we have and obviously we , still need to crop it but what I'm going , to do before crop it is adjust the , colors found in the image and want to , apply non-destructive effect sand maybe , even fix some of the distortion problems , the distortion problems are not very big , but we could benefit from fixing them so , what I'going to do is select all the , layers in this case we only have two , layers'm going to press ctr alt a , command option a on the Mac to select , all layers'm going to right click to , the side of those layer sand convert , these two layers the regular layer and , the smart object into another smart , object so convert to smart object , now I can apply the Camera Raw filter , non-destructively so Camera Raw filter , and I'm going to use Theron sliders , to adjust this image I'm going to click , on highlight sand make the highlights , darker then click on shadows and make , those brighter'm sort of faking Andre , effect here then I'm going to click on , clarity and drag Otto the right this is , going to add contrast in the mid-tones , then I'm going to click on vibrancy and , drag that to the right as well this is , going to add saturation to the colors , found in the image that don't have a lot , of saturation it's sort oaf smart way , of saturating images saturation applies , a global saturation no matter what the , current saturation of the colors are but , Byron's protects the saturated color and , only brings out the color and colors are , d saturated also when you'reworking on , portraits Byron's protects skin tones so , it's one of my favorite sliders to use , to add saturation to images now we're , going to fix some of those distortion , problems that Iowas talking about so you , can click on this icon here which is , the transform tool you can also press , shift T and under up right you can click , on the abut ton to apply an auto balance , perspective correction so you can see , the before the after it's a slight , correction but I think it works usually , distortions like these are more , noticeable when you're working with , straight line sand obviously in this , image we have a lot of straight lines , I'm going to press and these are the , Smart Filters here you can see the , Camera Raw filter that we applied you , can click on this eye icon to disable , the effect and click on the empty space , again to enable it the final step is to , crop the image so I'm going to click on , the crop tool you can also press C on , the keyboard and make sure that the lead , crop pixels Eysenck usually I don't , like leaving this checkbox on just , because I like to work non destructively , so I'm going to click and drag on these , handles to better crop the image and , hide some of the errors here where the , image wan't aligning properly and I , think something like this will work so , just going to press enter on the , keyboard and that'sour final image , that's it for this tutorial hope that , you enjoyed it and that you learned , something new make sure that you leave , all your comments or questions down , below if you create an image using this , tutorial or any other of my tutorials , feel free to share it on Instagram with , the handicapped voids often do a search , for this hashtag to see what you're all , up to if find your image would leave , you comment also don't forget to , subscribe and click on that like button , if you have a friend who you think will , enjoy this tutorial please share this , link with them now thank you for , watching and I'll talk to you again soon.

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