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Photoshop tricks
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, hi welcome back tithe , , I'm Mrs. Ramirez in this video I'm going , to show you how to create custom brushes , from your photos in Photo shop okay let's , get started we're going to work with , this document and it contains a cloud , and you can just use any photo that you , like you can just go outside and take a , photo oaf cloud with your cell phone , the important thing is to get a cloud , that looks sort of like this a little , poof circular not too long and just , open it up in Photocopy first step , is to isolate the cloud that you want to , use from anything else so you may have , photo that contains buildings trees , power lines and things like that so you , don't want to include those in the brush , so to isolate the cloud you can use a , tool such as the lasso tool and click , and drag and make selection around the , cloud that you want to use for your , brush in this case is not really , necessary but I wanted to give you that , option in case you need it in your photo , with the cloud selected you can then , click on the layer mask icon to create a , layer mask and hide everything else , brushes in Footwork only with , dominance values so there's no color so , you can saturate the image to make the , process easier at least easier in your , mind so click on the layer thumbnail , notice the white focus is now on the , layer thumbnail not the layer mask and , then you can saturate the image which , means that we're going to remove all the , color to do so you can simply use a , keyboard shortcut ctr shift u on , Windows that's command shifty on the , Ma cor you can go into image adjustments , and restaurateur'll notice the , keyboard shortcut here when you're , working with brushes remember that black , is what we keep in white becomes , transparent so we want to keep the , transparent background and make the sky , transparent so if white is transparent , then weened to make the background , white and black is what we keep so we , want to make the clouds black so it's , sort of the opposite as a layer mask , with a , layer masks we keep white and we hide , black with a brush we keep black and we , hide white so we need to make the clouds , black to do so you can simply press ctr , I command I on the Mac to invert so , anything that is white will become black , and anything that is black will become , white all we ha veto do now is simply , make the sky as close to white as , possible to make it transparent so I'm , gonna go into image adjustment and , level sand I'm going to use these , handles here to control the luminosity , of the layer this is the white point , this tells Photo shop what pixels are , white so if I click and drag the white , point to the left notice that more , pixels become white so basically this , shade of gray or brighter will be white , and that's what I want and you can see , where the information starts so this is , the level of gray that controls the sky , so I'm gonna drag it further to the left , to make the background white you don't , want to pus hit too far or you start , getting hard edges so I'm just gonna , scale that back little bit and you can , then press okay you can then use the , Dodge and burn tools with the Dodge tool , you can make things brighter and with , the burn tool you can make things darker , so I'm going to select the Dodge tool , and on the range make sure that you have , highlight selected because we want to , make these highlights brighter exposure , is how strong the tool is W% will work , for no wand I can just start painting , and notice how I'manly affecting the , brighter pixels in the image and'm , just gonna go around the entire area , just to make sure that the edges are , completely white therefore transparent , really don't need to make the clouds any , darker because different levels of gray , will give you different levels of , transparency so the clouds will be , somewhat transparent and that's what I , want once you have this you can simply , go into edit define brush preset and , you'll be able to see a preview of the , cloud right in this window here and it , looks great you can give it whatever , name that you want'll just call it , cloud and press , and there's my brush I'going to , disable this layer create a new layer , fill it with white white is currently , our background color sou'm going to , press ctr backspace that's command , delete on the Mac and I'll create one , more layer and this is what we're going , to test our brush and by the way , currently we have the Dodge tool , selected so that's where the brush was , activated'm going to click on the , brush tool and make sure that Is elect , that brush which is right here cloud and , there Otis so when I paint you can see , that that dozen'really look very good , but we can change that by first , decreasing the size of the brush so I'm , going to tap on the left bracket key on , the keyboard to make it smaller and I'll , show you what we have not very good but , we can click on this icon here to bring , up the brush settings and we can adjust , the brush keep an eye on this preview , window when we make an adjustment to the , settings you can see how they're updated , on the preview window for example if I , click and drag the spacing slider to the , right you can see now how we space out , the brushstrokes see that we can then , start working with shape dynamics which , controls the size and angle of the brush , so I'gonna bump the size literally , the way to the top that just simply , means that the brushstroke is going to , have different sizes they will not all , Bethe same size see that how some are , smaller and some are large rand I'm , going to adjust the angle jotter so , they're all facing a different way so , it's gonna look completely random much , better then I'm going to adjust the , scattering which allows me to control , how scattered the clouds are so scatter , them just a bit much better and I can , adjust the count so how many clouds do , we have we can have a lot of clouds or , not so many the choice is up to you , think that maybe a cow jittery about , W percent should work in this case and , I also want my class who have different , levels of transparency so I'm going to , click on transfer , adjust the opacity jotter I can probably , leave it at about% and I think that , may do a good job so we'll leave that up , to W% and they have the minimum At's , and when I click and drag you'll see now , how all the clouds have different levels , of luminosity and actually W% might be , too much so I'll bring it down to W and , I'll try again , I'll just collapse this and just go down , so that you can see and yeah that looks , much better I think so what I'll do now , is I'll just create a new layer and show , you what we have so that's a new layer , and I'll make the brush Little larger , by tapping on the right bracket key on , the keyboard and paint and that'SWAT , we have and actually now that I'm , looking at it Little larger I think , that we do need to change the transfer , and bring it even lower so maybe% and , let's see what that gives us yeah I , think this will work much better so how , do we use this on an actual photo well , I'm gonna open up this tab and it has an , image we can use it in alto of , different ways for example we can create , a new layer and with the eyedropper tool , select this bright color in the sky and , I'll just make a large brush and this , could be used as fog so you can see we , can add just a nice layer of fog mist , smoke also you can create special , effects for example we can select a , really dark color from the image like , maybe one of these dark Reds almost , black and we can paint smoke maybe , there's some smoke coming out of one of , these windows or streets and the smoke , is not looking very realistic because we , need to decrease the spacing so let me , undo that click on this icon and go back , into the brush tip shape and reduce the , spacing so maybe something like that and , now when I paint we should get more , realistic smoke so maybe there's some , sort of accident some sort of fire and , we're just creating smoke here and one , of the great things about working on , separate layers is that you can click on , this icon here to locked transparency , that means that now we can only paint on , pics , that are opaque we can no longer paint , on transparent pixels so I can hold alt , option on the Mac to switch to the , eyedropper tool so you don't ha veto , click on the eyedropper tool when you're , working with the brush tool hold alt , option on the Mac and it temporarily , switches over into the eyedropper tool , and you can select the color so maybe , can select that color there and with , layer number to select Ito can paint , right on that smoke without affecting , anything else if the color is too bright , remember that you always have the Edit , fade command which fades the last tool , that you used in this case the brush , tool so when Is elect it I get this , window here I can change the blending , mode and I can reduce the opacity so , I'll reduce the opacity see that how I'm , reducing the opacity on that smoke so , now we're adding depth to it we're , adding color to help it look more , realistic and that's how you create , custom brush in Photocopied me know , down in the comments below what other , types of photos you'vie used to create , custom brushes and by the way if you , want to learn more about compositing and , blending images together editorship , then check out this free one-hour , presentation here on YouTube cover a , ton and compositing and Highly , recommend it , so I'll place a link right below in the , description if you want to check that , out but anyway I hope that you enjoy , this tutorial if you're new to the , Photoshoptraining channel then don't , forget to click on that subscribe and , notification buttons leave your , questions down in the comments below and , I will see you at the next tutorial