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hey cafe crew it's consummate here and , today I'going to show you my workflow , for working on images inside of , Light room , so why don'twee start with one of these , these were all shot with my DJI phantom , pro so let me pop this one open and I , guess this is as Good candidate as any , and let me walk you through the steps , now the first thing I see is it's a , little bit crooked want to straighten , that up so all the adjustments that , we're going to do again be done in , sighted develop modules so you're going , to just click on develop there and this , will take his uni'm actually just going , to click on the left hand side here on , that little arrow to collapse that side , down get out of the way and also if you , haven't make sure you drag this all the , way out because that will make these , sliders little bit longer okay so why , don'twee start with the composition so , we're going to go into the cropping here , and I'm just going to rotate this around , Little bit and you can see on the , guide there where the horizon should be , see that and we're going to lose a , little bit of that sunset but that's , okay because that's really not the , emphasis of the picture it's actually , here and if anything we might even be , able to crop this in a little bit and , maybe make iota little bit more dramatic , so what I'm going to do is I'going to , keep it about there now the reason I'm , doing this is you know we get that out , of the way because there's a bit of , distraction and also Ire ally want to , bring the sky into this and make this , more about the skycap that the clouds , are really powerful so I can hit answer , to apply that now the next thing that I , want to do is some lens correction , because it's Little bit of warping and , stuff so we're going to go down here we , go down to the lens correction and in , what you want to do is click on profile , and then enable profile and in what it's , going to do is it's going to Naval you , to choose your camera make and lens so , right now I'musing dag eye and there , it grabbed it inspire which is not , what I'm using I'm actually using the , Phantom 4 Pro but we can just grab this , and it's going to be pretty close , alright okay let's go back up to the , basic under here and this is where are , we going to do the majority of our , overall adjustments now the first thing , Indeed to do is fix the white balance , cause I'looking at this and it feels a , little bit cool so I can eyeball this , and one of the ways Alike to do it , just to move the surprise until it feels , ab outright now you can use this , eyedropper tool if you want and give an , area that should be white or a neutral , gray and if you click that will create a , perfect white balance so what that will , do is actually move the temperature and , the tint to get you where you want Togo , imagine you double click the tint , because I want to put that back and I'm , just going to pull it back because I , kind of like Little bit just a little , bit Moody there alright so as we can see , now we're going to move down to the this , area here the tone now basically what , we're going to be doing is adjusting the , bright sand the darkest's what this , doe sand this is the way I approach it , you could start the exposure and you can , see okay that looks pretty good so I'm , actually going to pull that exposure , down a little bit I'm going to skip the , contrast because the whites and blacks , do the same thing now I'm going to , recover the highlights I'm going to drag , that all the way up and in fact I'm , going to go all the way there because , notice how it just brings out the drama , and the clouds here and it's creating a , little bit of separation between there , and the water now I'm going to open up , the shadows little and see how it , happens you know kind of see how it , looks here'm just kind of thinking , about these rocks with a completely , blank cut I'd like to show a little , detail so let's see how that kind of , looks I can go a little bit like , maybe two about there notice'm not , going all the way and giving it you know , even though there's a lot of detail , there we could pullout it starts to , look a little fake HDR when we do that , so I'm going to pull it over this way , where I can see you know a little bit , more of the detail and the colors on top , of the rock snow the next one that we , can adjust is going to be the whites and , the blacks now if we look up here at the , histogram you can see there's the blacks , and there's the whites now another way , of working is to actually grab these , regions in the histogram and you could , actually drag in those regions notice , that we can adjust those blacks and , whites that way and notice that , suggesting the black slider if I get any , other side it'seagoing to adjust the , white slider see that so we can kind of , do it that way and also you grab in the , middle here this is going to change the , exposure slider see that , and then we go here it's going to Dias , shadows and he is going to do that , highlight so you can work there in the , histogram if you like prefer to move , the sliders gives me Little bit more , control , okay so overall we're starting to get , there now clarity is something that you , know can be really helpful photo will , ruin it so if we can play around that , clarity notice as you increase it does , make the image look apparently sharper , if you go too far it looks like that , fake HDR effect again so I'm going to , give it just a little touch a lot of the , time don't use a clarity bit in this , case I want to give it a little bit more , snap in the clouds , same thing with vibrancy I'm going to , just give iota little touch not too much , but just a little bit of vibrancy notice , actives is more color here in the water , and in the sky alright so at this point , her ewe'vie now finished doing the big , move sand if we want to look at it , before and after this is where we'vie , gone so far now I'm going to do , localized adjustments and this is where , a lot of the magic is going to happen , we're going to start off by darkening , the sky by grabbing the gradient tool , and here we have the gradient and notice , everything is pretty much say I'm going , to double click the blacks to make sure , that that is reset and what I'm going to , do is I'm just going to click and drag , down and now I'm going to go to the , exposure and drop that just ever so , slightly not a lot of exposure but one , of the things I love to do is not the , shadows is to take the highlights all , the way down there's Little secret , kind of source thing that I do not , specially exposure because it makes , things look dark and muddy if you go too , far but by doing your exposure with the , highlights notice that you can get a lot , out of it , okay so this here determines how abrupt , this changes see that so now it's not so , feathered and if I grab the DOT can , drag it down so I'm going to drag it up , to about here and that'looking pretty , good right now , I could play around a little bit more , and one of the other things Alike to do , sometime sis play around the temperature , maybe cool it down a little or warm it , up in the sky in this case maybe cooling , it , a little bit might give us an , interesting result now we can do the , same thing by adding another gradient in , the bottom I hold down the shift key and , that will constrain it and you know , obviously there's too much I'm just , going to double click to reset all of , those okay now let's take the highlights , all the way down and it's not really , much to recover it and I'm just going to , pull the exposure down a little bit and , bring this up so it's just very kind of , a gradual move there we gonad maybe , play around the color Little bit that , we like that warmer or cooler yeah you , know what I'just going to leave it , okay so now we'redone the gradient we , click on the gradient again to get out , of there once again before and after you , can see things are starting to pop now , now what I want to do is I want to go in , here and I want to brighten these up a , little bit manually so what we're going , to do is actual dodge and burning inside , of Light room so we're going to be using , the brush tool here see this brush this , is the localized adjustment brush and , I'm going to use the left bracket key to , make it smaller all right so the first , thing we're going to do is we're going , to do our brighter areas so we're not , necessarily sure how bright it's going , to be but what'm going to do is I'm , going to turn off the auto mask because , the auto mask will select areas and it , will kind of isolate those I don'twat , to do that because it creates her hide , edge sit works really Welland alto of , things just not in this particular , scenario feather all the way up is good , the size as you can see you know we can , adjust that it's the same thing we do , with the bracket key , now here's the thing I want to have this , flow down quite low you can have it all , the way up and then when you do it will , apply let me just show you if I was to , brighten that up if I have flow all the , way up it just brightens up very very , improperly I'm going to undo that and if , I bring the flow down quite low here now , when I do it notice it dozen'look as , much and in fact I'm using my walk-on , pan right now and see as I spend a bit , more time can slowly build that up , okay I'm going to go a little bit , further than nine maybe bring it up to , about about fifteen and see how that , works , yeah that's good okay any density what , that does is that limits the amount of , dodging and burning you can do so right , now I can go all the way to W if I , keep going it'll become pure light if I , drag it down can limit that so it's , kind of like a brick wall limiter so to , speak so I'm going to bring this up to , about and then I'm just going to go , in herewith a small brush and Just , want to brighten up some of these little , areas here where the waters kind of , facing towards the Sun remember the , light direction is coming from the left , across I'm just going to kind of just , brighten those up a little bit just give , them a little bit of life there we go , and'm going to go real small inhere , and just give that little touch there , we gonad same thing on the rock here , I'm going to do the same thing yet and , that rock face I'm going to brighten up , that rock face a little bit that's , facing the Sun see that and let's do , that up there and what I'm going to do , is just overall I'm just going to give , it a little bit of brightening around , those rocks it's pretty subtle what I'm , doing here and it'just kind of , bringing out Little bit more detail , there and maybe this little trough here , I'm going to lighten that up Little , bit on the side facing the light and , let's make it an ice big brush and'm , just going to brighten up the horizon , line there because we know we'vie got , light coming in in fact let's go real , big we'vie got light coming in from this , side so let's enhance that light a , little bit there we go , and maybe just over here I'm going to , lighten that up Little bit okay , starting to get there and give iota , little bit of light there now we're , going to go the other way I'm going to , create another one and you can see this , is the area's I let me just show you , there that's what I'redone there and , working here with this brush let me just , show you if I turn it off you can see , that'SWAT I'vie been brushing see that , see how it's just bringing some life , into that , image and also guiding their eye into , the area of detail really making that , come alive okay so I'going to click , new I'm going to create new brush and , this time I'm going to turn the exposure , down the other way and'm going to use , this person adding some shadows so what , I'm going to do is I'm just going to go , into these little nook and crannies here , and just add a little shadow and it just , to give iota little bit of debt for , definition what this will do is will , make it look little bit more , 3-dimensional it's subtle but you'll see , the difference when show you the , before and after and it's just carving , it outta little bit just creating a , little bit of separation between , different thing sin the image here I'd , be a little bit there actually went the , wrong way let me put it on this side a , little bit over there , alright so Think you guys get the idea , of what I'modding here and let's have , look and see what that does before and , after let me turn it off okay so that's , the brushing there the lights and the , dark's probably want to do a little bit , more I'm probably going to create a , third brushstroke so let's grab new and , I'm going to make this one quite large , and this one I'm going to take my , highlights all the way down and drop the , expos urea little bit and I'm going to , use this just to kind of darken up , certain areas here so it's kind of a , more darkening and I'm going Togo in , the corners here and the bottom all , right so we can play around with this , now so if I want to take this and , increase it notice I can play around , with these so I'm going to bring the , exposure Dona little bit there and , let's have look at this one here I'm , going to select this one and of course , you know I can darken that more see , where I applied it right there , somebody's going to kind of bury it in , there a little bit and maybe make those , shadows Little cooler then we're going , to grab this area this is our highlight , area and of course we can see what we'vie , done with that look at that so we can , really increase it if we want , so this is the great thing about live , room it's non-destructive we can do all , these kind of thing sand I might just , give this a slight warmth to it not a , lot just a just a very very subtle , amount to make it look you know Little , bit more of that beautiful Sun hitting , it so if we look at before an doff then , now this is where we started this is , where we're at the final thing I'm going , to do is I'going to add just little , bit of a vignette so what we're going to , do is click the brush to close that out , and then we're going to go down tithe , vignette and this is going to be the , under the effects this is the post crop , vignette and I'm going to take that down , and just add a little bit see that , around the edges to bring the eye into , the photo now the final thing might do , on this particular image is go down and , maybe just touch the exposure just bring , it up just a little bit just to brighten , it because we'redone a lot of darkening , and different things on it so if we look , at this we can see there's the before , and there's the ah ta and you can see how , I can really bring out a lot of detail a , lot of tone and start to stuff this , image now if you like this kind of , training don't forget check out a , photo shop cafe have a comprehensive W , hour courses called , Light room 6/ CC for digital , photographer sand that covers live room , MC also did live room 5 4 3 2 all the , way back I'vie done all versions of it , but that's W hours of working in , Light room from start to finish every , touch every switch every , slider and basically I created that to , teach people how to use library so , anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this , tutorial I'vie got more library tutorials , coming more Photo shop tutorials coming , at least once aw eek right now I'm , posting two or three times a week so I , hope you guys are enjoying these , tutorials if you do don'forget to , become a subscriber if you haven't , already and take that like button pound , that like button into dust add a comment , let me know what you like what you don't , like some extra tips whatever let's get , a discussion going and until next time , I'll see you at the cafe