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Photoshop tricks
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in this video I'm going to show you ten , really useful Photo shop keyboard , shortcuts that you don't know probably , hi everyone welcome back to another very , exciting tutorial here at the , my name is , Harris Ramirez and you can find me on , Instagram at jr prompt in this , Photo shop tutorial I'm going to show you , ten really useful keyboard shortcuts , that you probably don't know if this is , your first time at the Photo shop , training channel then remember to , subscribe and enable a notification bell , also as you're watching this video let , me know in the comments how many of , these shortcuts were new to you and also , let me know what shortcuts Amiss that , you find really useful that way the , comments section can be a good resource , for great keyboard shortcuts okay let's , get started the first shortcut is how to , redo the last selectionPhotoshop , actually remembers the last selection , that you use let me show you how that , works I'going to select the quick , selection tool and I'm going to make a , selection around her arms , and I'm gonna hold alt option on the Mac , subtract from the selection and now that , I have her arm selected can create a , new layer and'm just gonna paint in a , shadow so I'gonna paint with black , like so then Icahn press ctr Command , D to deselect and I can continue , painting shadow down here and maybe , now I want to add to the shadow or maybe , create highlights on her sleeves but I , don't want to waste the time creating , the selection again so I can simply , press ctr shift D that's command shift , D in the Mac to bring back the last , active selection so now I can paint with , whit eon a new layer with the overlay , blending mode and now I can create , highlight son her sweater then I can , press ctr Command D to deselect and , if I need to bring back the selection , once Cantrell shift the command shift , D on the Mac the next keyboard shortcut , that I'm going to show you is the lock , transparent pixels shortcut so I'm going , to select the brush tool and then I'm , gonna select the color that you can , really see sou'm gonna select red and , I'm gonna create anew layer and I'm , going to paint with red so maybe your , painting or retouching or doing anything , where you're creating new pixel sand a , blank layer then if I want to make an , adjustment like maybe paint with a , different color so I'll select blue and , you want to paint directly over those , pixels but not affect the pixels that , are transparent then you're gonna need , to use this keyboard shortcut I'm gonna , undo that by pressing ctr alt see what , you want to do is press the question , mark key which is the forest lash key , and then that locks transparent pixels , so when you paint you only paint on the , pixels that are opaque not they're , transparent also notice in the layers , panel that the lock transparent pixels , icon is selected and there is a lock on , that layer so Icahn press the forward , slash key to remove that and now I can , paint anywhere in the layer can press , the slash key again and maybe use a , different tool like maybe the burn tool , and I can burn only the opaque pixels , I'm not generating any new ones by , painting on transparent pixels the next , keyboard shortcut that'm going to talk , about is one that actually gave Mae lot , of problems when was first starting , out in Photo shop I have the brush tool , selected and you can see the brush , preview if I use the bracket keys on the , keyboard to increase or decrease the , size on my brush you'll see the cursor , change it's giving us preview of the , actual brush but if you inadvertently , hit the caps lock key we no longer get , that preview we just have the cross hair , cursor on our painting tool so even if , you decrease or increase the size of the , brush which I'modding now you won'see , the preview so make sure that the caps , lock key is off if you're ever missing , that preview of the brush and the very , first time that I came up across this , problem I actually ended up uninstalling , Photo shop believe it or not because I , thought my Photocopies broken that was , back with Photoshopversion 7 and I'm , sure I'm not the only one who is , confused by the caps lock ski if it's , confused to you as well let me know in , the comments below , but anyway just remember the cap locks , key gives you the cross hair cursor or , the brush preview and I prefer the brush , preview of course the next keyboard , shortcut want to show you is the fit , to scree nor bird's eye view keyboard , shortcut which is really the same one so , I'm gonna press cutlet command T to , transform and I'm gonna zoom out then , I'm going to make this image larger like , so then I'm gonna double tap on the hand , tool which fits the image to screen and , actually the keyboard shortcut to fit to , screen astral 0 however when you press , cutlet command T on the Mac to transform , but the corner handles are outside of , canvas and you cannot see them you can , use that same keyboard shortcut ctr 0 , to zoom out and see the handles so , whenever you transform something and you , don't see the handles ctr 0 command 0 , also as a side note control 1 command 1 , on the Mac zooms into W% the actual , view so basically the same thing as , double clicking in the hand tool or , right-clicking with the zoom too land , selecting W , in the next keyboard shortcut I'going , to show you how to toggle the canvas , color so I'm gonna zoom out just so that , we can see sometimes you're working with , an image and your canvas color really , dozen'help you seethe image so you , may need to change the color of it so , that you can see the image better so you , can press the spaceman the F key on , the keyboard to toggle between the , canvas colors see that it's healing , toggling between the canvas colors and , you can add your own custom canvas color , if you like but I prefer the presets , that Photographs available so once , Arkansans and thief key if you want , to toggle the canvas colors to the , opposite direction just add the shift , key to that the next keyboard shortcut , that'm going to show you is the , feather selection keyboard shortcut so , I'gonna select the elliptical marquee , tool and I'm gonna create a very simple , selection like so notice that the , feather is set to which means that if , I create a new layer and fill say with , the foreground color and you can do so , by holding alt and backspace you will of , course get a really sharp edge but if , you want to feather that then what you , would need to do is deselect type in the , feather amount that you want and then , make the selection again but if you , created a complicated selection it might , take you too long to redo the selection , so what you want to do is apply the , feather to the selection to do so you , can hold shift in the F key one of the , function keys Shift + F and that brings , up the feather selection window and you , can enters feather radius we can try W , pixels and press OK now if we fill with , the foreground color Alt + backspace , option delete on the Mac you'll see now , that we no longer have sharp fill we , now have a fill with feather in the next , example'm going to show you how to use , the spring-loaded keyboard shortcut so , this is not really a single keyboard , shortcut it's more of how the keyboard , shortcuts affect the tools if used in a , certain way so let's say we have the , burn tool selected and I start burning , the image and Want to zoom uni can , holds and I'm still holdings zoom in , release and it goes back into the burn , tool so I did'really have to sell , again so whenever you Hilda keyboard , shortcut down the tool will temporarily , be selected and when you release you go , back to the previous tool so maybe in , this case you can hold thee key to , rotate click and drag we rotate the , image release the R key and I go back , into the burn tool'm gonna rotate , again now there's a trick to that , however if you hold R and you click and , drag to rotate make sure that you , release the mouse button first and then , the R key because if you hold the letter , R click to rotate and release the letter , R first it'll go into the actual rotate , tool see that how that now is selected , so make sure that you release the mouse , button fir stand then release the letter , RI'm gonna double click on the rotate , tool to bring it back to the regular , view and I'm just going to select the , hand tool and double click on that to , fit the image to screen in the next , example I'gonna show you something , that I have hereon this folder I have , two circles black circle in a white , circle if you wanted to create a design , where you're gonna fill something around , the circle maybe you're creating watch , or something like that there's a , keyboard shortcut that you should know , which is the repeat the last , transformation keyboard shortcut so I'm , gonna press ctr H command H to bring , back guides that was tincture H , command HHS extras and I'm gonna , press cutlet command or transform , click and drag the pivot point to the , center of that circle then I can change , the rotation to W degrees and hit enter , so that of course rotates that circle , into that position now if press ctr , alt shift T command option shift T to , duplicate that same transformation onto , any layer watch what happens'm , pressing that same keyboard shortcut , over and over and over again , so that duplicates that circle around , the larger circle and that works because , we change the pivot point to the center , of the larger circle and we change in , increments of W degrees which of course , divides equally among the W degrees of , a circle , so you can use this technique to create , very interesting designs by simply , duplicating the last transformation that , you did onto a new layer in the next , keyboard shortcut that I want to show , you is one that I use all the time and I , like to call it the whoops-daisy key , because when you make a mistake you can , always go back and not even worry about , pressing cancel or anything like that , let me show you what I mean by that so , maybe you'reworking in Photocopied , you click on the crop tool and you , decide that you no longer want to be in , the crop tool maybe even you started , making a crop but you really want to , cancel that simply press the Escape key , and that'll get rid of that maybe you , open IPA window so let me switch tools , and go into edit fill and decide that , you no longer want the fill window you , can just press the Escape key the same , thing will happen with any window maybe , you press ctr K command key on the Mac , to bring up the Preferences panel maybe , you don't want it anymore you can press , the Escape key if you select the type , tool and you click and you decide that , you no longer want that text layer you , can simply press the Escape key and that , cancels out of that tool and the layer , disappears so if you make a mistake and , you're in a tool or window that you , don't want to be in just hit the Escape , key , now the next few examples are extras , these are just couple of things that I , use all the time so one of those is with , text so I'going to create a text box , then I'm gonna go into type paste lo rem , Ipswich is the generic text and I'm , just gonna press ctr a command a to , select all the text and I'going to , change the color to white so that you , can see it better so notice how there's , hyphens that is hyphenation and that's , enabled by default so if you want to get , rid of the hyphens just Prescott-a , Khomeini and the Mac to select all the , text and then you can press ctr alt , shift H that's command option shift on , the Mac and it gets rid of all the , hyphens it removes the hyphenation in , the way of doing that without keyboard , shortcut is by going into the paragraph , panel clicking on the footmen , selecting hyphenation , and then upchucking this checkbox so the , keyboard shortcuts so much easier once , again the keyboard shortcut is ctr alt , shift command up , shift H on the Mac another keyboard , shortcut that I use all the time is , holding the Alt key on any one of these , eye icons to hide all the other layers , except for the layer that clicked on , so I held alt option on the Mac click on , this layer and all the other layers were , hidden I can do the same thing again to , bring them back I can do the same thing , with this black circle so hold alt , option on the Mac click on the eye icon , to hide all other visible layers and to , bring them back alt option on the Mac , and click again and the last bonus , keyboard shortcut is another one that I , use a lot when I make mistakes sometimes , you just make too many mistake son one , file that you have to go back to the , last time that you saved it or to how , the file first look when it was open you , can simply press the F's key on the , keyboard function W to revert the image , so how many of these shortcuts were new , to you let me know in the comments below , and as I said earlier in the video posts , your favorite keyboard shortcut not , shown in this video in the comments and , check out what other people are , commenting and maybe you'll discover , something that can be useful to you , don'forget to click on that subscribe , and notification buttons really hope , that you enjoy this tutorial and that , you learn something new thank you so , much for watching and I will talk to you , again soon