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Photoshop tricks
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, hi welcome back to the Photo shop , training Channel I'm Mrs. Ramirez in , this video I'm going to show you W , Photo shop tips tricks and hacks that you , probably don't know my goal for this , video is to show you new techniques that , will help you in your workflow projects , and productivity before we get started I , would like to ask you for two favors if , you see a tip that you like and it will , help you create better images then hit , that like button as soon as you see it , and let me know in the comments what tip , that was in the second favor is for , those of you who are watching the , Photoshoptraining channel for the first , time if you find this video useful then , hit that subscribe and notification , buttons alright let's get started in , this first tip I'm going to show you how , to open the same document into windows , but most importantly why that is so , valuable so I have this photo of this , dog and I can open it up in another , window by going into window arrange and , selecting new window for in the name of , the file this file is titled dog dot PSD , if I click on that it open sup in anew , window so now I have the same document , into Windows this is not a duplicate , it's exactly the same document and I can , go into window arrange and select either , two up horizontal or two up vertical , I'll select two up vertical and put the , documents side by side so with one , document can zoom in and work on the , details and with the second document I , can zoom out and see the overall image , then I can create any adjustment that , like so in this case I'll create a new , layer and I'll start using the clone , stamp tool to clone this woman out so , I'm going to hold alt option on the Mac , and click and I'll start painting her , away notice how in the left window'm , working in the details in a document on , the right I can see how those , adjustments are affecting the overall , image so this is a great way of working , when you're retouching because you don't , have to zoom into work Ina detail and , then zoom out to see how that beat , affected the overall image so just zoom , in work on your image see how that , adjustment affects the overall image and , then continue adjusting as you see fit , also when you're in this view if you , hold shift in Thespis to pan you , can pan on both documents at the same , time by holding shift and the space bar , this feature could also be very powerful , if you have two monitors because you can , drag one tab over onto your second , monitor in this next Tupi'm going to , show you how to select colors from any , application let me show you what I mean , by that you probably already know that , if you select the eyedropper tool you , can of course click and drag and select , the color so I can hover over there's , green and release and that color is now , my foreground color and of course I can , paint with that color but did you know , that you can select the eyedropper tool , then minimizephotoshop so I have a , second window over here which happens to , be my Instagram account in case you're , interested'm at junior prompt and I , can just select any color that I like , from this different application by , putting it next to the photo shop window , frame clicking inside of Photocopied , then dragging outside notice now I'm , selecting the brown color from the leaf , or I can select the red from the Adobe , logo or any other color that I hover , over including the blue on my desktop , you will notice how the foreground color , swatch changes colors as Hover over , the applications that are outside of , Photo shop when you select the color you , can of course come back into Photo shop , and with the brush tool selected I can , paint with that color that I selected , from outside of Photo shop in this next , Photo shop tip I'going to show you how , to make the clone stamp tool even more , powerful so you probably already know , about the clone stamp tool is here when , you select it you can hold alt option on , the Mac and click on a sample source and , then you can click and drag ideally in a , new layer sou'll create new layer , and click-and-drag to paint new pixels , so now she has a twin but what you , probably did't know are the powerful , keyboard shortcuts that you can use so , once again'm gonna hold alt option on , the Mac to sample from her shoe you can , see the preview here on the brush and , watch what happens when Hold alt shift , and the greater-than less-than keys , that's the comma and period keys notice , how I can rotate the clone source notice , how her shoe is rotating so when I paint , I can now paint her in an Angle can , also hold alt option on the Mac and , click on that same shoe and I'gonna , rotate her back by holding alt shift and , the less than key and it rotates her , again the other way but what Cannot , also do is hold alt shift and the right , and left bracket key on the keyboard , to scale the source so now notice how , her shoe is getting smaller , when I paint'm now going to paint a , smaller version of that so you can scale , and rotate the clone source by using , those keyboard shortcuts and by the way , Should make a disclaimer this only , works with the North American keyboards , so in some parts of the world this , keyboard shortcut will not work if , you're in a region where those keyboard , shortcuts do not work don'worry about , it there is a panel that you can use so , I'm gonna go into window and select , clone source and you have that panel , here so when you make as election again , her shoe you can see the preview notice , how Icahn rotate the source here see , that see how you can see the sample , rotating there and I can also scale it , from this pan eland then I can of course , paint those pixels and so remember you , can use the clone source panel to rotate , and scale the clone stamp tool but it's , a good idea to remember the keyboard , shortcuts because when you're painting , that can be Little faster in this next , Photo shop tip I'm going to show you a , powerful composite , sitting trick with blending modes so you , may be working on a composite obviously , composites can include more than one , layers so we have this foreground which , is a model and all these adjustment , layers that help it make it seem as if , she's spitting into the background and , by the way if you're wondering how these , were created also have tutorial on , compositing'll place link right , below in the description but anyway so , we have this composite here and if I , change my mind and decide that need a , second model so I'll press ctr J , command Jon the Mac to duplicate and I , decide to move her over maybe she has a , twin now I have to apply all these , different adjustments to the second , model to make it more realistic there's , basically two ways Icahn do that can , select them all press ctr J command J , on the Mac and duplicate those layers , and bring them down then Prescott alt , Command option G on the Mac to create , a clipping mask but you can already see , the problem I'm having way too many , layers just to control these two models , so that's not an efficient way of , working , I'll delete those layers by pressing the , Delete key the other option of course is , to hold ctr shift and click on both , layer thumbnail to load them as a , selection and then apply that selection , as a layer mask but then we have another , problem we have to duplicate that layer , mask two more time sand we don't have , the flexibility of moving our model , because the layer mask will no longer , match the models so we also want the , flexibility to be able to move our , layers around and one of the easiest , ways of resolving this problem is by , putting everything into a group so I'm , gonna click on the topmost layer hold , shift and click on the bottom portrait , layer then Prescott G command G on the , Mac to put all those layers into a group , then I'll open up that group and I'll , remove the clipping mask notice how , these three adjustment layers are , clipped to this layer these down , pointing arrows are indicating that , their visibility is affected by this , layer so if I simply hold alt hover over , them between the layer sand click , break that link now I can simply go into , the group and I can just go into , the normal mode and notice now that , these layers these adjustment layers , only affect the model sand not the , background I know it's a little , difficult to see because if the color , adjustments were trying to match the , background color so what I'll do just to , make it obvious is going back into , pass-through and'll just make an , extreme adjustment with a different , adjustment layers so I'll make a very , extreme adjustment and then I'll go back , into the group and change the blending , mode to normal , notice now that the adjustment layers , are only affecting the contents of the , group and no matter where I place the , contents or how many layers we have I , can press ctr J command J on the Mac to , duplicate the adjustment layers will , only affect the contents of the group in , nothing else so this is a fantastic , trick that you can use to keep things , more organized when you're compositing , in Photocopying this next Photo shop tip , I'going to show you the power of the , eight special blending modes the eight , blending modes that are highlighted on , this graphic give you more option son , blending than all the other blending , modes and let me show you what I mean by , that I have this composite which is , basically a background and the , foreground and it's trying to replicate , a window reflection effect and if I , wanted to add a secular highlight to , the scene I can click on the top layer , create a new layer then with a brush , could paint with white this is going to , become my secular highlight then I can , select the blending mode that'll make it , seem as if that was a bright light one , of those blending modes is color dodge , one of the differences between the eight , special blending mode sand the rest of , blending modes is that the opacity , reacts different than fill see that you , can see it here on the edges above her , shoulder notice how yellow it becomes , above her shoulders with fill now watch , what happens with opacity you don't get , that same effect with all the other , blending modes not highlighted in yellow , opacity and fill gave you the same , result , with the blending multi-layer in yellow , you get different results when you , adjust fill compared to opacity that is , one of the differences the second , difference in the point of this tip is , that you can double click on the layer , and you can also get an extra level of , blending by upchucking transparency , shapes layers watch what happens , see that that's with transparency shapes , layers , checked and this is without notice how , and now it looks like a much brighter , highlight right on that window and they , can adjust the fill to control the , intensity and I can press o'clock on , the move tool and move that and it looks , like bright height light hitting that , window no matter where I move it so this , is a great technique for creating , secular highlights when you're , compositing in Photo shop also keep in , mind that you can do the same thing with , these blending modes so try them out and , see how they can help you improve your , projects in this next tip I'm going to , show you a really cool tip to change the , luminosity of your images you may , already know that if you create anew , black and white adjustment layer your , image return of course black and white , then you can adjust these sliders to , control the luminosity of the layers , essentially you're taking the original , color and making the darker or brighter , in this black and white version for , example this building is yellow so if I , adjust the yellow slider that building , gets darker or brighter because those , pixels were already in a yellow but that , you know that if you change the blending , mode from normal to luminosity you keep , the colors and you can change the , luminosity using these sliders so I'll , reset the adjustment layer notice what , happens when I adjust the reds the , original Reds get darker and brighter , same thing with the yellows greens , science blues and , magenta's this is fantastic trick , that you can use to change Eminence , values of your image in this next photo , shop tip I'm going to show you how you , can supercharge the Spot Healing Brush , tool to give you much better results , when you're retouching portraits so this , is the Spot Healing Brush tool here , select it and create a new layer and , make sure that sample all layers is , checked that way we can work , non-destructively you always want to , work in under structurally because , sometimes you may make mistake sand you , want to have the flexibility to come and , make changes or delete the adjustments , so you may already know that with the , Spot Healing Brush tool you can click , and drag to remove wrinkle sand , blemishes before and after and in some , cases it does a great job however in , other more problematic areas like in , this area here if I were to try to , remove those blemishesPhotoshop will , introduce problem areas instead of , fixing them see that see how we created , this dark patch here and if I try to , remove more blemishes it really dozen't , do that good of a job and that's because , we're not really targeting anything so , it's always good idea to think of your , blemish and then target that blemish and , what I mean by that is you ha veto look , at the blemish and think is it darker or , brighter than Tarkington if it's , darker than the skin tone like in this , case then you want to lighten that , blemish so you can go into mode and , select lighten if the blemish was , brighter than the skin tone then you , want to darken it but in this case it's , darker than the skin tone so we want to , align it so when you select lighten and , you start painting on those blemishes , you're only targeting the darker , blemishes and not affecting the brighter , pixels so you can remove those dark , blemishes in these areas and not affect , those tiny little hairs on his forehead , because we're only targeting the darker , pixels and those strands of hair are , bright so I can come in here and just , remove all these blemishes without , affecting the detail that we want to , keep in some cases like in this area , here we can remove the blemish but we , still keep the dead skin because the , dead skin is brighter than the skin tone , so in that case Would ha veto change , the mode to dark , and then paint to get rid of those , brighter pixels also notice that when I , have light and selected and I paint over , this wrinkle the darker pixels disappear , but we still keep the brighter pixels we , still keep that texture in that detail , and that could be very powerful when , you're retouching your portraits in this , nextPhotoshop tip I'm going to show you , how to turn a blend , if blend into transparency so I have , this text layer and this layer which is , arrest texture if I press ctr alt , command option G on the Mac I can of , course clip that tithe layer below and , now I have this realistic looking rust , layer but if I wanted to only keep the , rusty darker areas of this texture , would need to mask them out or in this , case use the better technique known as , blend if so I could double click tithe , side of the layer and if you don't know , what blend if is I highly recommend , watching my crash course on blender if , it explains everything'll place a link , right below in the description , but blend if basically allows you to , blend layers based on luminosity or , their channels so right now I'going to , work with the grace which is luminosity , and under this layer the layer that I , have selected can hide the dark pixels , or I can hide the bright pixels so if I , hide the bright pixels the original , green comes back in the darker areas , remain which is what I want when I press , OK you'll notice now that my texture , looks exactly the way that I want it now , the problem is that this is not real , transparency look at the layer thumbnail , here you can still see the entire layer , there's no transparency if I hold ctr , command on the Mac and click on that , layer notice how I load the entire , canvas in not those pixels if you need , transparency meaning these pixels to be , delectable you need to do is right , click on a layer and select convert to , smart object , notice the layer thumbnail now we , actually have transparency so if , press control/command in the Mac and , click notice how I'm now selecting the , transparent pixels so I can create , curves adjustment layer and only target , those pixels obviously I can create , clipping mask and then make an , adjustment to only those pixels so this , is a really powerful technique to get , transparency out of blend if in , Photo shop CC the refine edge dialog box , was replaced by selected masks let me , click and drag on this dog and just make , a quick selection so with any selection , active in Phototropic you can click on , selected mask and this brings up the , Select and masks work space and you can , adjust these sliders to control how the , mask looks some people don't like this , backspace and they prefer the old , one the problem is is that they don't , know how to get back to it and this is , what this tip is all about how to get , back to the old dialog box in case you , prefer it if you prefer the old dialog , box , hold shift when you have a selection or , a mask active then going to select and , click on select the mask remember you , ha veto beholding shift when you do , that if you do the old refine mask , dialog box come sup and you can use that , instead of the new select and mask , work space in this next Photo shop trick , I'm going to show you a technique to , create non-destructive masks let me show , you what I mean by that in this image , have this background layer this gradient , map is applying this color effect this , rectangle and this text layer if I , wanted a word winter to cut through and , show the background with the effect , instinctively most people would think to , create layer mask out of the text so , hold ctr click on the layer thumbnail , and then create a layer mask on the , rectangle layer while holding alt option , on the Mac to create an inverted layer , mask and that does give us ares ult that , we want we have the cutout text showing , us the background unfortunately doing , this will not be the most effective way , in some cases because the layer ma skis , technically destructive we can't edit , the word winter so we wanted to type the , word , snow instead of winter then we would , have to do that whole process all over , again obviously in this case this ISS , very simple thing to doubt in some , projects this could be a much more , complicated task so let me delete this , layer and show you what you do instead , so I have the knockout layer which reads , winter and I'm going to hold shift and , click on this gradient map then I'm , going to press ctr G command Gin the , Mac to put that into a group I'm going , to open the group and double click to , the side of the knockout layer to bring , up the layer style window , from this dialog box under advanced , blending'm going to select shallow and , nothing will happen but watch what , happens when I reduce the fill opacity , to zero notice now how we're cutting , through to the background I'm going to , press now I can double click on the , layer and type the word snow but you , will notice a problem that we don't , actually have the color effect well the , reason that we don'thieve the color , effect on the word snow is because the , gradient layer is actually inside of the , group so if we simply click and drag it , out of the group notice now that the , effect is applied to the word snow and , the reason I did that was just to show , you that anything that is inside of this , group one will be cut out by the , knockout so anything below the knockout , will be masked out essentially this , layer is knocking outta hole through , anything inside of this group to reveal , what's outside of it and like I said the , best thing about this is that it's , non-destructive so you can always come , back and edit it if you need Toni this , next Photo shop tip I'm going to show you , a powerful technique to create , selections lot of times when you're , working internship you may need to , target only the shadows or the , highlights of an image so if we were to , create a curves adjustment layer and we , only wanted to target the shadows then , it could be a little difficult to do so , you can use the layer mask to just , select the shadows and how do you do , that well I'm going to delete the layer , mask and I'm going to first show you a , keyboard shortcut , that allows you to select the bright , pixels so if press control Alton the , number two that loads the bright pixels , as a selection control all to command , option two on the Mac then if I create a , layer mask and hold alt option on the , Mac and click you can see what that , layer mask looks like the bright pixels , are selected which is why they're bright , and the dark pixels are not which is , whether black so now I can make an , adjustment that only targets the bright , pixels but if I wanted to select only , the darker pixels can then just click , on invert and then this will allow me to , target only the darker pixels of the , image notice how I was able to make , these darker pixel son the outside much , darker making her much brighter and , stand out before and after also this is , a bonus tip when you make an adjustment , intended to be luminosity adjustment , you should always change the blending , mode and let me show you why I'm going , to make an extreme adjustment so that , you could see so I made this extreme , adjustment with the curves adjustment , layer and my intention was to change the , luminosity of the layer not the , saturation and not the color but when i , zoo min you'll see that I also change , the saturation see that before and after , I change the saturation if you want to , only target the dominance values in that , the saturation change the blending mode , to luminosity see that luminosity only , changes the dominance values with normal , you also add saturation so change the , luminosity and then make your , adjustments sou'll reset the layer and , I'll make the adjustment like I did , before and that looks much better , because I did't adjust the saturation , of the image only the dominance values , in this next tip I'going to show you , how to changephotoshop's , auto color correction algorithm to give , you better results so we have this image , here that obviously has a color ca stand , you can use the curves adjustment layer , or the levels adjustment layer to fix , this image so I'll select curves because , that's the adjustment layer that I , prefer , and I can click on Auto to allow , Photo shop to attempt to automatically , fix the image in this case Photo shop , did'Tod that good of a job but you can , make a change to the algorithm that , Photo shop uses you can go into the , footmen and select Auto options , which brings up this window which , contains the four different algorithms , that Photocopying use to attempt to , auto color correct this image by default , enhanced brightness and contrast is , selected but you can select some of the , other algorithms to see if they give you , better results I prefer find dark and , light colors notice how this algorithm , gives you a better result you can also , check snap neutral mid-tones to try to , Fonda neutral gray and notice how this , makes the image much better then you can , click on save as defaults so that , Photo shop remembers these setting sand , it applies them every time you click on , that auto button you can press OK and , next time that you create curves , adjustment layer Photo shop will use that , algorithm when you click on the auto , button notice that that's much much , better than the default algorithm I'm , also going to show you what to do when , this algorithm dozen'twerk I also have , a color test in this image and I'going , to create a curves adjustment layer and , click on Auto this time the image looks , a little bit better bu tit's not quite , what we're looking for , if this happens all you need to do is , click on the gray point eyedropper and , click anywhere on the image that should , be neutral gray , for example the brick pat hand when you , do tutorship neutralizes the image , and the image looks much better now I , know that some of you may be thinking , why don'twee do that from the beginning , let me show you what happens when you do , that I can click on this reset button I , still have the great point eyedropper , selected and if I click on the brick , path the image does look much better , it's neutralized but it dozen't have the , contrast because we did't apply that , Auto color correction algorithm so it's , much better if you first try the auto , color correction algorithm if outdoes't , work use the gray point eyedropper and , click on something that should Beau , neutral gray the brick path or maybe , even dark gray , on her strap to color correct the image , but I think that in this case the break , path works better in sweatshop tip , I'going to show you another great use , for the auto color correction option sin , both curves and levels in this case , instead of color correcting an image , we're going to color match an image in , compositing one of the greatest , challenges to making things look , realistic is getting both images to have , the same color theme or the same color , temperature but with the curves , adjustment layer and auto options you , can make that task a whole lot easier , let me show you how to do that'm , working with two layers here I have this , background layer which is cold and it , has a cool color cast in this model that , was shot in studio , I'vie already master out if I hold shift , and click on her layer you can see the , background is just simply awhile , background and if we wanted to make this , composite more realistic we have to , color match the images so one way of , doing that is by creating the curves , adjustment layer clipping Otto the , layer below by clicking on this icon , this simply means that the visibility of , the model layer will control the effects , of the curves adjustment layer in other , words anything that we apply on this , curves adjustment layer will only affect , the mod eland not the background and , before you do anything else you ha veto , make sure that the focus this white , outline is on Thebes thumbnail not , the layer mask so make sure you have , this white outline here then hold alt , option on the Mac and click on Auto that , also brings up the auto color correction , options one important thing is that you , have to make sure that you unchecked snap , neutral mid-tone snow you have to tell , Photo shop what color the shadows are and , what color the highlights are so you can , click on shadows and the color picker , opens up and just click a dark area in , your image you may need to click and , drag to make it darker or brighter , depending on what color you select so , I'm just gonna select a darker blue , which is close tithe color that I , selected and then press OK I'll do the , same thing for the highlights I'll click , on highlight sand then clicked on a , highlight color in this case maybe I'll , click on the white on the flag here and , that might be Little dark so I'll , click and drag up to brighten it up just , a little bit and that applies those , colors onto this image then I can press , OK , and press no in most cases you do not , want to make these your default colors , then I can use the curves to adjust the , luminosity of the foreground to match , the background the black point controls , the darkest pixels the white point , controls the brightest pixels the curve , is actually really simple to understand , if you click and drag up you add light , to make things brighter if you click and , drag down you reduce light to make , things darker much like a dimmer switch , so what I'm gonna do now is just click , here and drag down to add Little bit , of contrast and I'gonna click and drag , this point up because Id on't want the , darkest pixel on her layer to be , completely black notice that there's no , real pure black in the background so I , don't want there to be any pure black in , the foreground as well so maybe right , along here and then Icahn click and drag , this point up to make the highlights , brighter and that alone makes this , composite much more realistic of course , you can keep fine-tuning the image but , these are the basic steps to color , matching images internship with this , fantastic technique in this next tip I'm , going to show you how to create a , Photo shop template most people don't , even know about this technique but it's , are ally useful and valuable technique , so you may work on a file that will , become template for example in this , case Created a file that is used to , create seamless panoramas on Instagram , and just in case you don'TKO what I'm , talking about this is what it looks like , I actually have a full length tutorial , on how to make this template so you can , watch that if you like to uh place a , link down below in the description but , anyway this is the file that I worked on , and it dozen't matter what the template , that you're creating is going to be used , for the point is that you have file , that is going to be reused over and over , again right so after you create your , file like this one hereof course you , will save it file save and then I'll , save this on my desktop and I'll just , cal lit Instagram template and then , press if I go onto my desktop you , will see the template file here it's a , regular dot USDA Photo shop file if I , double click on it of course that will , open up , Photo shop it was already open but notice , the tab , it reads Instagram template dot Paste , name of the file if I'm working with my , template and I make a change for example , crop it and close my file and save it , when I open my template again it will , not be the template as I want it because , I made a change in order to avoid that , you can turn in this file into , Photo shop template flower and let me , show you how to do that'm going to , press ctr Z to undo that last change , I'm going to close this file then I'm , going to go back into the desktop and , I'm going to right-click on the file , click on rename and all I'm going to do , is add one character after the file type , I'm going to add the character P as , the T Photo shop template then when I , accept the changes my operating system , will ask me if I want to make the change , yes I do , so I'm going to click on yes and now , this has become a Photo shop template , file when I double click on this PSD T , it will open up internship as you , would expect but notice one thing , it no longer reads the file type it , reads untitled one so what Photo shop is , doing is opening up a separate instance , of that file so that way you never , overwrite the original template and you , always work wit ha separate instance if , you want to override your template and , make an adjustment to it all you need to , do is go back into therapist T file , right-click rename and remove that T so , that it's a Pistons again I will change , the file type click on yes if I double , click on the file notice that it reads , Instagram - template dot Stand of , course if I were to make change no wit , would overwrite the template so remember , adding At aftertaste or turn the , Photo shop file into a template file and , by the way this only works with , Photo shop CC W point in newer in , this next Photo shop tip I'm going to , show you how to match image sizes using , Little-known option in the crop tool , so with the crop tool selected you can , click on this drop down and you'll see , an option that you probably have never , noticed before which is a front image so , when you click on that nothing really , happens , tutorship has analyzed this image , the currently selected image and it has , noticed that it'S's pixels by W , pixels at a resolution of W so that is , what Photocopies going to remember if I , go into another image like this one here , Photo shop already has that crop overlay , active and no matter where crop my , image or how crop my image when I , commit the changes Photo shop will turn , my crop into that same image size and , resolution pixels by pixels at , a resolution of notice that if I , click and drag with the rectangular , marquee tool this is a W pixel by , W pixel image'm going to press ctr , Command D to deselect if I click on , the crop tool again it still remembers , those setting sand no matter how small , my crop gets the image will always be , that large'll double click on the hand , tool to fit the image the screen , obviously the image speculated because , we enlarge the image to match that crop , size so remember when you want to match , image sizes select the crop too land , then go under front image to copy the , settings from the currently selected , image and apply them tithe crop tool so , that when you move on to a second image , those setting swill be applied to it , when you crop in this next tip I'going , to show you how to access a hidden , feature in Hotshot precisely place , lens flares so if I wanted to place a , lens flare on this image first have to , decide where to place it in the exact , spot where I want to place it is where , these two guides meet so how do I know , where that is if I go into info can , hover over the image and you'll see the , x and y coordinate sand if I go into , that precise spot you'll see that the , coordinates are an X of and Au of , W , six so now that we know that we can , create a new layer fill it with black , then go into filter render lens flare , and we can select how we want the lens , flare to look so we'll select movie , prime and we can increase or decrease , the intensity and the only way of , placing this lens flare is just by , clicking and dragging it but actually , that's not the only way because there is , a hidden keyboard shortcut that will , allow you to access a way of precisely , placing your lens layer so if you hold , alt option on the Mac and click on this , preview that brings up the precise flare , center and you can enter those , coordinates , of X and the yo W and press OK , now that lens flare is in place and , can press Oakland that appears precisely , on that spot then I can change the , blending mode to screen you now have a , lens layer precisely on that area you , can see it here obviously it's not too , noticeable because the image is already , bright but let me darken up this image , so that it's a little more noticeable , there Otis and Icon what some of you , may bethinking why not just create , new layer fill it with black and go into , filter render lens flare and then just , adjust the flare accordingly and then , change Otto screen and then move it to , where you want to place it now you can , certainly do that but there's two , problems when you start moving the layer , you can sometimes sea seam like here , in the bottom and the angle the flare is , not correct in relationship to your , composite so those are two reasons why , recommend using the precise flare Center , as opposed to simply just creating a , black layer applying the lens flare and , setting Otto screen this next tip also , deals with filters you already probably , know about you can create a new layer , and going to filter render and clouds , and that of course gives you clouds but , if you create a new layer hold alt then , go into filter render and , clouds you get clouds add more contrast , see the difference and I know some , people think that holding alt dozen't , give you more contrast instead it gives , you the inversion and that's not the , case if I select the original layer and , press ctr commando to invert you'll , notice that you don't really get the , same result so holding alt when you , select the clouds gives you clouds with , more contrast in this next step I'm , going to show you how to get free assets , inside of the Creative Cloud app for , when you'reworking on your projects , want to clarify that this next tip only , applies for people who are in the , Creative Cloud version of Photo shop the , full version so if you're in the , photography plan unfortunately this is , not available so you will need the full , version of the Creative Cloud for this , but anyway if I were working on this , image and wanted to add fog and maybe , even some birds one of the ways that , could do so is by using brushes and , obviously when you select a brush tool , Photo shop does have a lot of brushes , already installed but you can get even , more from the Creative Cloud app so I'm , going to open up the Creative Cloud app , then click on asset sand under market , you have a bunch of content you can , download for free you can download user , interfaces vectors icons patterns and , brushes and you can search if I click on , this icon Icahn search for a fog brush , and you can see the results here I have , vectors and all kinds of different , graphics but can narrow my category by , for placement user interfaces vectors , icons patterns and brushes when I select , brushes can see all the brushes that , are available and I can select anyone , of these to use'll use this one called , cloud brush can click on this icon and , I can select where to save it I have a , library called download so I'll click to , select that and when I go into my , libraries panel you'll see it here , clouds brush I can click on that and , Photo shop automatically selects it if I , create a new layer notice that white is , my foreground color and can paint with , that that's a little too small so I'll , increase the , my brush and'll Prescott-z to undo , and I'll paint again , and that looks much better can reduce , the opacity and now I have some fog and , my scene I can also go back into the , Creative Cloud app and this time I'll , search for birds change the category to , brushes and also like this flock of , birds here to download into my downloads , library and you can see a downloading , here and there it is if I create a new , layer and increase the size of the brush , by using the right bracket key you can , see those bird sand actually they might , look better if they were just Little , bigger and maybe a darker color maybe a , dark blue so I'll select the blue here , and click and drag down to select the , dark blue and maybe make them large rand , paint my Birds there so now I have my , Birds and my fog and they were really , easy to add by using the free brushes in , the creative marketplace one of the , biggest problems when first learning , Photocopies that you don't know where , the tools are but that you know that you , can click on this icon to search in , Photo shop so if you know that there's a , tool called the clone stamp tool but you , don't know where it is you can simply , type in clone and you'll see it clone , stamp tool if you click on it Photo shop , will highlight it and select it also if , you don'TKO what tool you're looking , for you can just type the topic that , you're interested in for example , retouching and if you type the word , retouching you'll get all the tools , related to that topic so clone stamp , tool Spot Healing Brush tool patch to a , content or move Tao red eye tool also , you can do menus so I know that there's , a menu called statistics so if I type , the word statistic sit comes up there it , is file scripts statistics I click on it , it comes up instead of going to the , actual menu file scripts statistics also , with a search tool you can look for , tutorials so if you click on learn , you'll see a tutorial on Adobe's helix , website where , that keyword so once again if Iago into , the clone stamp tool you will see the , tutorials that use that tool so if I , click on this option new window will , come up and it'll show you how to use , that tool and you can click on the links , to see what the tool does so the search , feature can be a very powerful tool for , beginners okay , let me know which of these tips tricks , and hacks who is your favorite also live , this is your first time at the Photo shop , training Channel please click on that , subscribe and notification buttons that , way you're notified whenever I post any , tutorial thank you so much for watching , and I will talk to you again very soon .