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Photoshop tricks
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hey what's up everybody welcome into , this Adobe Photo shop tutorial brought to , you as always by tot Viacom'vie been , away for wellie'vie been sick for a , little while so I missed about a week of , recording so there's probably been , around week between the last time I , uploaded a video but if you're watching , this video six months from when it was , uploaded you don't know the difference , anyway my voice is still a little jacked , up but it was really bad there for about , aw eek I'm so glad to be recording again , I really missed it and I really felt I , just felt like I needed to get back and , do some recording so I'Avery happy to , be here doing this today we are gonna , take look at something very cool this , is a split sliced head effect and here's , a quick preview of what we're gonna be , creating see that looks pretty cool , right we're gonna be doing it all using , just a simple stock photo you can take a , photo from yourself or wherever and go , ahead and create this effect so let's , don't put editorship now and check this , thing out , alright alright here we are in Adobe , Photo shop and we're gonna begin this , thing by opening up a stock photo I'vie , got this one from Adobe stock great , stuff over thereto Adobe stock always , got to give them ash out-out when I have , a chance they give me a lot of they give , me a lot of images that I can use for , these tutorials and I appreciate it they , got a lot of good stuff there I'm gonna , double click to open up this image here , of what is it handsome athletic young , man isolated on a gray background dot , JPEG very long very long image titles if , I do say so myself of what we're gonna , do is we're gonna use the new select , subject option by going to select and , choosing subject this is a new feature , in one of the most recent updates of , Phototropic if you don't have this you , can just use the quick selection tool , but you can see this creates pretty , decent rough selection around what would , be the subject here of the photo it's , missing a little bit down here by his , arm and also maybe the edge of his hair , could be Little bit better but Think , what we'll do is we'll go select we'll , bump this into select a mask and see if , we can't clean this thing up a little , bit really we don't even need to worry , about any of us lower body we just need , to worry about the edges of his head , because we're gonna kind of cut him off , at the chin here so we just sort of have , floating head effect so I'm gonna zoom , inhere and at this point I'll probably , grab my tablet and I'm gonna use my , refine edge brush tool it'st he second , brush tool up and I'm gonna go over the , edges here use my bracket keys to make , the brush too a little bit larger paint , over that edge of his hair you can see , we're getting little bit of a better , selection there maybe I need to touch up , that little area Icahn grab the brush , tool here and can just paint in my , cell , action if I need to something like that , now I don'twat to do too much of this , because would prefer that select a , mask does its thing can hold down alt , or option just you know trim up here by , his ear if need be and you know what I , thin kit was actually kind of okay the , way it was , I can still grab my refine edge brush , here and can just dab right there by , his ear and clean that up and then come , back in with this brush to one last time , and it's Little bit of a labor of love , going back and forth figuring out what , works best for you and again you can be , as exacting as you want or not here in , this process'm gonna go over the edges , of his hair just like that is probably , if I brush a little smaller maybe , that'll help us get little bit of a , better selection the hair color is also , kind of close to the background but you , know what no excuses we're gonna we're , gonna try to make this as as good as , possible here let's run over the edge of , his hair he remake sure we get that bit , of his hair run down along there we can , see its a little wonky , right and we'll just come down the side , of his head this way there we go knock , that out that looks pretty good there , but we had a better selection with Ora , select subject option over here beside , his chin that's pretty bad the side of , the neck that's not going to matter , because we're gonna we're gonna clean , that up in armament I'm gonna grab my , brush tool here and'm just gonna paint , in just like that hold down alt or , option and just clean up cleanup the , edge just kind of like that that's , alright and then I'll just kind of , smooth that out a little bit there are , global smoothing options which maybe we , could take advantage oaf little bit , later but don't know think they're , gonna kind of wreak havoc on the hair , more than anything now the exact , perfection of this selection it's it's , not entirely necessary we're gonna be , placing it over a background that's very , very similar to what we have now so it , dozen't at all need to be exact'm just , more or less going in and cleaning up , areas that I know definitely can use a , little help right like up here that can , be kind of cleaned up a little same , thing across there up here this is a , little bit of a mess right so we can , just paint I'musing the brush tool by , the way I switched over to that so this , is just painting in the edge of that , selection up here this is just a total , mess and this is just where you know , select the mask it's it's far far far , from perfect better than it was but , still very far from being perfect I'll , comedown here and clean up this edge as , Welland you know Id on't know I don't , want to spend all day working on this , selection so we'll probably just ride , with something something kind of like , that and if i zoom out we can see , there's the selection you get you're , really getting a lot of the background , still but I think we'll be able to kind , of work with that we're gonna output , this to a new layer with layer masks so , put - I'm gonna say new layer with layer , mask and we'll go ahead and hit okay and , you can see we have this whole layer , mask he rebut remember we don't need his , entire lower body so I'gonna grab the , poly lasso tool that's just sort of the , straightedge lasso too land I'gonna , make as election here underneath his , chin like that just select the whole , bottom half for this image just like , that and once I have this I can fill , this area with black we can just do , something easy like edit fill and just , say yeah contents we want them to be , black okay and we have that mask , selected hit command or ctr D to , deselect and you can see now we just , have it's floating head and we do have , little bit of the neck left behind , notice up here to the hair kind of looks , okay we can probably clean it up a , little bit more before we get started we , probably will let's make sure we have , the mask selected by just clicking on it , I'm gonna collapse my libraries panel , because it's a little in the way and , then I'm gonna grab the brush tool I'm , gonna right click and I'm just gonna go , wit ha standard brush here maybe a , little bit smaller than that something , like W I think will work for this image , I'm gonna hit the letter D to reset my , foreground and background colors and'm , gonna hit the letters because I want to , be painting with black and painting with , black you can see I can paint away the , neck now the opacity of my brush tool is , at W%we want that to be all the way up , at yours is probably at I'm , gonna make the brush too a little bit , smaller and'm just gonna go over this , really quickly and just paint all of , this stuff away , all right I'll zoom out a little bit , that looks pretty good you can see it , dozen'tit realities't have to be , perfect it's all part of the effect and , then I'm gonna look up here and I can , grab my brush tool and here Icahn paint , with White can maybe you know thicken , up some of the edges or I can trim down , the edges maybe if Just want to kind , of level out his hairstyle a little bit , over here this is a little crazy so I'll , just kind of try to dab that down a , little bit of same thing across the top , of his hair that way and then you know , around the sides if you want to soften , it up a little bit I suppose you could I , took a little bit too much off there , give hi ma little too much of a haircut , if you will I'll just soften that stuff , up a little bit you can see now we have , the floating head all right I'm gonna , switch Tommy move tool there and I'm , gonna drag this down to around the , middle of the document and we have the , the first part of our effect is created , now just to give me absolutely no backup , or anything to lean Ono am going to , unlock my background layer and I'gonna , drag it to the garbage just a little bit , of a weird look USN'tit I'm gonna drag , that right to the garbage and we're , going to create ab rand-new background , so what I'm going to do is create two , solid color fill layers here so I'm , gonna go first solid color and this one , I'm gonna fill it with a , eight eight eight eight there we go I'm , gonna drag this beneath the guy here and , I'm gonna create a second solid color , fill layer and this one I'm gonna fill , withìiî ìiî ìiî so so much lighter gray , and what I'm gonna do here is grab my , elliptical marquee too land I'gonna , drag selection kind of over the middle , you know kind of the middle of the the , document like that I'm gonna inverse the , selection by going select inverse now , I'ms electing everything except that , middle area and with this mask on the , lighter Gray'm gonna hit command or , ctr I so that's gonna fill that part of , the mask with black therefore revealing , the slightly darker gray beneath it I , can hit command or control D to deselect , now that we have this a very hard-edged , circle we want to make this more of a , glowing center so with that mask , selected can open up my properties , pan eland Icahn just increase the , feather of the mask and want to push , this way up like five six hundred , percent something like that so there I , Amati five seventy five and you can see , well look at that it's a nice smooth , mask now if you don't have the mask , options in the properties panel you can , select the mask and apply simple , Gaussian blur blur Gaussian blur and if , you can only get up Tao W pixel , Gaussian blur do it W pixel Gaussian , blur three times or something like that , so here's our background this looks cool , and I want to go ahead and make him , black and white so my favorite way to , create a black and white is by using a , gradient map adjustment layer that's , this little gradient icon in the , adjustment layer panel you can see there , we have that I'gonna clip Otto the , layer beneath by hitting command option , or ctr alt and the letter you can see , not black and white black and white I'm , gonna select both these layers just like , that by shift-clicking them both and hit , command option that will be Control , Alt key on the PC this is gonna merge , them both up to a new layer and we can , call this guy or whatever we want to , call it now here's the fun part creating , the slices we're gonna create the slices , in a little bit of a maybe , non-conventional way by using the , ellipse tool down her ewe're gonna , choose to draw a path Nita shape not , pixels just pat hand what I'm gonna do , I'gonna make sure that this is set , yeah we'll go with combine shapes , guess since that's what we got I'gonna , zoom Inonu him a little bit and I'm , gonna draw for my first select or my , first slice now if you're having trouble , kind of conceptualizing where the slices , will go you can hit command or control R , to bring up your rulers and let's say , alright we want to trim we want to open , up like the top of his head we want to , have a big slice here and maybe slice , down here you probably want his eyes not , be split in half so just keep that in , mind and then slice down here with his , chin and then what we can do is with our , move tool we can just kind of tighten up , where exactly the slice would go so , let's go right above the lips , let's go like right beneath the eyes , maybe I'll go a little bit higher here , really cut between his lips and his nose , and I'll pull this down on his forehead , a little more and just a little bit more , of his hair on top so we should have one , two three four five pieces we're cutting , his head in two I can get commander , control-r to hide my rulers again and , this just gives us a general idea of , where we're gonna create our slices , again just if you want to have a little , bit of a visual layout of how you're , gonna slice up your object or person or , whatever Otis you're you're creating , this effect with I'gonna once more , grab up my ellipse tool'm gonna zoom , in a little bit and I'm going to drag , out an ellipse kind of like this NOW , want the bottom part of the ellipse to , kind of click to or be as close Tommy , ruler as possible I'm gonna shut off my , properties panel for a quick second and , the important thing I want to show to , you here is his head is on a slight , downward tilt right like if I turn the , original image back on he's dropping his , chin a little bit into camera and the , the sort of this top part of his head is , the closest thing to the camera so the , bottom slice we should be able to see , sort of the largest amount of the inside , of it if you will so this will be the , thickest slice and as we get closer to , the top of his head the slices will get , a little bit thinner just to kind of , help complete that optical illusion so , just a little thing you want to think , about depending on the orientation of , your head if their chin is lifted up the , bottom slice the top of that bottom , slice will probably be what you can see , the least of all right now before we go , any further with this want to just , make sure that the edges of this ellipse , align pretty much as close to exactly , what the edges of our face as we can get , them so I'm going to zoom in here and , I'm gonna switch to my path selection , tool so that's the black arrow right , there and what I can do is I can free , transform this path command or ctr T , and I can just pull it out so it kind of , meets exactly with the edge of his face , and can look over here and you can see , we're overshooting the edge of his face , I can just kind of pull it just like , that there we go commit that change and , I have my first path here if we jump , over to our paths panel can see that , path here in fact I am gonna , double-click this pat hand I'm gonna , name OTC for the C slice you'll see why , in just a second and at this point we , ca neither duplicate this path or we can , create a fresh path think I'm going to , duplicate the path just so , I can make sure that I'm going a little , bit thinner and I can always stretch it , using free transform so what I'll do , here in my paths panel'm gonna go and , hit a new path'm gonna select the C , path and just hit command octal C go , to path number one here commander , control V I'm gonna double click on this , path'm gonna name this path and I'm , gonna drag it above the C path just so , it's Id on't know just so it's kind of , in the order that we're gonna be using , it and then I'll drag this guy up and , snap the bottom of that to my guide hit , command octal T let's stretch this out , to get out to his ear or we can just , make sure that we're getting kind of as , close as possible'm gonna stretch this , side out and get out to his ear I also , have my path set to kind of be pretty , wide if you want to get them a little , bit more precise maybe knock them down , to the default one pixel you'll be able , to see a little bit more easily what's , going on and I can see here if zoom in , I probably want to take it Little , further it's probably a little bit , better to go just atone bit too far , then not get far enough because we're , really gonna be using these to help us , create very exact selection sin just a , moment so there we go something like , that looks good for that path'm gonna , commander control T one more time I'm , just gonna crunch it down just a little , bit not too much , and then I'll go ahead create a new path , over here my paths panel select them , path again hit the letter A that's gonna , give us our path selection tool copy it , commander control C select that path one , command or control V we're gonna name , this pa thy-you can see we're getting , this sort of see my four Comaker're , gonna take this we're gonna drag it , upward and I'gonna just kind of snap , it into place there and you can see , these edges really need to be cleaned up , Little bit so command or control T , just nuzzle that guy right Inonu that , side the same thing over here we'll , bring that guy right in on that side , great and lastly create another path , select the Y path we're gonna copy it , commendatory C go down to path on , number one here commander control V , we're gonna name this path Kay we're , gonna drag it to the top so we don't , over CMYK and I'm gonna drag this path , all the way up here and just about snap , it in place and then once more command , octal T bring this in a little bit oh , let's make this path quite a bit thinner , and we're gonna go back down tithe Y , path and make it just a little bit , thinner forgot to do that a moment ago , something like that that looks good , let's select our Y path I'm gonna zoom , out just little bit's I'm gonna hit , the letters to grab my path selection , tool command octal T we're gonna make , this a little bit thinner kind of , something maybe a little thicker than , that , something sort of like that should work , just well for us and'll zoom out and , you can see if I deselect all my pounds , it looks like we haven'done anything , but we have because we have this stack , of pounds that we're gonna be using here , I'm gonna save my document and I'll be , right back , okay so this next little section you can , hang with me here because it gets a , little comments I'm really complicated , it'just difficult to understand you're , gonna need to kind of follow along to , see what exactly is happening we're , gonna command or control click the see , path right here and you can see it loads , a simple selection easy enough right we , want to be on the guy layer just like , that and then I'gonna grab my lasso , tool my regular last or not the poly , lasso that we'vie been using regular , lasso and I'm gonna set Otto the , intersect shape areas or intersect with , selection really as you can see it's , called and I'gonna drag selection , here well if zoom out , I really can't drag a selections we , just have that little selection we want , to inverse the selection first so go , select inverse now you can see it's what , it's doing is its selecting everything , except that little oval I'm also going , to shutoff the guides that'command or , control and the semicolon Key'm gonna , zoom in a little bi there I want to drag , a selection here just over the bottom , chin area it can be a rough selection , just like that and then join it and all , we have selected now is the bottom chin , area so now if I cut this ch into a new , layer not by hitting command or control , But command shift or ctr shift J , what we'vie done is we'vie now moved the , chin up to its own layer very cool we , want to now repeat that process for the , rest of his head so I'm gonna make sure , I select the guy layer go to paths , commander control click on the M , selection go ahead and go select inverse , the selection and because now the chin , essentially has disappeared off that , layer we're just gonna use that lasso , tool trick and we're gonna loop around , just like this something like that I , don't know if I quite got the best , selection possible let me try that again , there we go something like that , voila and then command shift J and boom , we're gonna have popped the mid-face up , onto its own layer I can shut that off , I'm gonna select the guy layer once more , we're gonna go back to paths we're gonna , load they path by hitting by command or , control clicking on that and we're gonna , do the same thing well make sure we go , select inverse to inverse that selection , go ahead bring it right out of there , up and around enter and then join that , selection off command shift Shut that , layer off we got one last cut to make , and , have our head divided into five pieces , commander control click on the K path , once again select inverse to just flip , that selection around come through here , with our lasso tool voila , enter and there we go something like , that should work for us Id on't know if , it'squirt perfect let me try it again , I'probably being too picky but you , know what I'drat her be too picky than , not picky enough let me undo that right , up and around enter there we go that's , more like what I'm looking for command , shift or control shift J and now I'm , going to go ahead and I'm just going to , invert the order of these layers so the , chin is at the bottom and the hair , pieces all the way up at the top and , then I will go ahead and'll probably , name these layers as well so now before , we go any further we want to select , these path sand create sort of the , bodies of color before we offset the , face just so the body of color can move , exactly with the slice we created so , let's go with the chin first and I , because I'm going to shut off the rest , of the layers there I'm going to select , the C path I'm going to go back to , layers and I'm gonna say hey look go , ahead and create a new solid color fill , layer it's gonna use that path you can , see right there and create a fill layer , for us then I'm gonna fill this with the , color-5 C 3 EA so you know it's very , cyan looking color and I just want to , make sure that this is right above the , chin just because we're gonna be working , closely obviously with the with these , two layers let's turn on the nose layer , I'm gonna select Matt we're gonna go , back to the paths we're gonna select , magenta and we're once more gonna go , ahead create a new solid color layer , here and this one is going to have the , fill Abe so it's kind of like a very , rich purple and that's not really rich , purple anymore from a gentle let's try , EB there we go I think I said EB but I , typed B I'm gonna hit OK hey there we , go that that's more the color that I , want'm gonna turn on eyes and let's , create well we got to make sure we , select the path right so the Y path now , we're gonna go for yellow probably , more of like an orangery let's , shoot for so let's try something like FF , A maybe-2 yeah that looks good we'll , go with that and I'm gonna turn on the , forehead and I'm gonna select the last , we're not going Togo with the solid , black we're just gonna do Avery dark , grey sou'm gonna go a solid color here , and'm just gonna go like , Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu-Tu so that I think that's , good that'll work for us there and then , if we turn on the hair voila you can see , what we'vie got , so let's , and we're gonna leave the eyes kind of , Center cut sand actually no let'slave , the the chin is gonna remain in the , center so let's go ahead and take the , nose and the nose is color fill so I'm , just shift clicking those layer sand , let's offset them we're gonna use our , move tool here let's just offset them to , the right ab it so I'just gonna pull , it over maybe kind of like that right , that looks pretty good something like , that Nice nice little shift we're , gonna grab the eyes and the orange fill , layer and I'going to shift this tithe , right maybe kind of something like that , that's pretty cool maybe just couple , more for good measure we're gonna take , the forehead and the sort of the black , fill and I'm gonna offset this guy to , the right ab it but not probably not , quite as far as the nose down there and , then what I'm gonna do with the hair I'm , gonna lift the hair IPA couple clicks , and I'm gonna move it off tithe left a , bit like that CZ what we're gonna end , up like tilting the hair and kind of , doing some stuff with that you can see , the selection up there that really kind , of bugs me we might go through and kind , of buzz that off as well in Little bit , if it really really bugs us but you can , see now we'vie got the beginnings of our , sliced face effect the rest of this , video is going to be really dedicated to , just making it look little bit more , realistic by adding some shadow sand , things like that so we'll have some fun , doing that I think the first part of , working with this stuff is going to be , let me shut off the hair we want to go , in and just tweak the edges of our , ellipses and make them look little , more realistic like that's probably , overshooting our hair just Little bit , so we're gonna work with this by , grabbing the direct selection tool the , white arrow there and can grab well if , I select that color fill layer I can , grab just an anchor point and Icahn , nudge it in we're just a little bit , maybe nudge it down just kiss , something like that maybe make it look a , little bit more realistic and the same , thing over here can just nudge it over , maybe nudge it down a little bit kind of , make it just fade together a little bit , more for just a slightly more realistic , edge , so we just get nice you know more , realistic edge sand before I go any , further it's kind of creepy looking , shot USN't it before I go any further , let'sad just a slight inner glow to , these shapes we're gonna just basically , create one inner glow and copy it across , all of our shapes let's go with an inner , glow and this is pretty much what I want , maybe what I'll do is knock the size , down to like W and increase the choke , strike like% something like that and , let's reduce the opacity maybe knock it , down to like 8 percent I think something , like that is great I'm gonna hit okay , it's just gonna add Little bit of sort , of depth to our oval you might like it , you might hate it I'm gonna stick with , it I'm gonna right click on this layer , copy that layer style and then hold down , my command or control key and select , each of the other color fill layers , right click and just choose to paste , that layer style and we'vie added that , inner glow now to all of our colors and , hopefully added just just beginning to , add a little bit of depth to our effect , here okay so let's now select sort of , the the hairs the hair that's fine that , can hang out the rebut the the slice , with the forehead we're gonna select , those two pieces and hit command or , control G to group them together and I'm , gonna call this K slice for the black , slice select the orange with the eyes , commander control G I'm gonna call this , a Y slice I'm gonna select the pink and , I'm gonna call this M slice and then , finally the cyan shape with the chin , commander control G and I'm gonna call , this C slice the reason we'regrouping , these up is because we're gonna begin , creating some shadows here and Think , I'm gonna work from the top down with , the hair or the shadow for the hair and , then move myself down this whole sort of , tree of facial slices what I'm gonna do , I'gonna select the hair layer here and , the first thing we'll do is just tip the , hair a little bit so I'm gonna give it a , little little tip a rusk like that and , maybe I'll bump it I'm gonna touch it , back to the right Little bit and maybe , set it just like that yeah you know , whatever outdoes't have to be exact one , way or the other and let's add a new , layer below so hold down commander , control and hit the new layer button and , I'gonna call this hair shadow and , basically what we'll do here is just , begin painting shadow in on the shape , beneath this now obviously want let's , say I use the brush tool for this , instance I'm gonna reduce the open see , the brush tool to like% I want to , paint with black and let's say I make my , brush tool quite a bit bigger using the , bracket keys right , and I click couple times in here to , like start building out a shadow that , would fall on the hair below well part , of the problem is you can see it's , falling on the background as well well , we're gonna combat this by clipping our , shadows tithe layer groups beneath that , we just created and you do that by using , the hotkey command option G that would , be ctr alt G on the PC and you can see , there Otis without the shadow there it , is as we begin to build the shadow so , what I'm gonna do I'm gonna dab in a , little bit more shadow there and the , shadow should really get thicker where , the hair kind of is closer to our shape , and as I look at this it really looks , like this color fill ought to be nudged , down one pixel you can kind of see a , little bit of a gap so I'm gonna go , ahead and grab my move too land just , nudge it down you can see that makes all , the difference in the world that's , alright collapse K slice again go back , to the hair shadowier think'm gonna , create a new layer above this command , option or ctr alt G and we'll just call , this we call eight shadow two for hair , shadow and once more I will go ahead and , grab my brush and I'm just gonna dab in , more here I really I almost want the , shadow up here to kind of get solid , black almost something like that Think , would be good and I'll go ahead and just , paint a little bit of shadow out over , there a little bit more shadow down , something like that that looks kind of , cool if back it up you can see there , it is without the shadow there it is , with and there's still little bit of a , gap and the reason that it the shadow is , not covering it up is because there's a , little transparency there so with the , clipping ma skit's gonna always show , through a little bit so I'm gonna go , back tithe K slice I'm gonna select , that color fill once more we're gonna , nudge it down another pix eland you can , see that really helps a lot now I know , just down a little bit so I'm gonna make , sure we're still looking good over here , and we are maybe here for the forehead , what I would do is again grab my eraser , tool I'm on the forehead layer and I , would just kind of erase away little , bit of this to make it look a little bit , more realistic and me set my eraser , brush opacity to something like , that'll be okay for us right here right , now go back to my move tool I'm gonna , collapse the K slice layer group you can , see it just takes a little bit of , finessing and really- at this point I , should really consider just kind of , cleaning this up so here with the hair , again normal circumstances I would be , adding masks but I'm just trying to go , quick and dirty let's get through this , thing and make it look presentable as , best as possible also , as quickly as possible while I'mails , simultaneously explaining how all this , is done alright there we go so I can , bring that out we'vie got the shadow for , the initial piece of hair that looks , pretty good and you could also on the , hair you could grab like your dodge and , burn tools probably burn in this case , and burn like the front edge of the hair , a little bit so that can kind of add a , little bit more realism something like , that can be kind of cool you can also , add the the burning up on a new layer , that might be a good idea so it's a , little more non-destructive but we're , going sort of the destructive route here , if you Willie kind of like the way that , look sand now let's go ahead and do one , of the more sort of structured shadows , that we would have beneath the the , bigger chunk of the forehead here that , we'vie cut out so I'm gonna comedown , here above why slice and I'm gonna add a , new layer and I'm you know I'm not even , gonna name this because it's just adding , to our time here'm gonna zoom Ina , little bit'm gonna grab my ellipse , too land here what I'm going to do well , you know what actually there might be a , smarter way to do this if we go back to , our pounds I can command or control , click on the Y and get an ellipse that's , about the size of what I need it'snot , in the position need but that's , totally fine here in our layer 1 we're , simply gonna fill this with black using , the hotkey option delete that is alt , backspace on the PC and then command or , ctr D to deselect now I'm going to hit , command or control T and sort of the , fulcrum if you will of the shadow is , going to be the center left point so I'm , gonna come up here I'm going to anchor , it Center left and what I'gonna do now , ISO'm gonna shift it over this way just , kind of like that that's cool maybe bump , it down a couple pixel sand then I'm , gonna pull it down this way kind of like , I don'TKO how far down maybe I'll go , like that far down and then I'm gonna , pull it back upward kind of like that to , fill in the head I'm gonna nudge down a , few pixels and now I'm gonna nudge it , back or I'm gonna rotate it back I , should say it's still not quite far , enough down his head we're gonna really , stretch this out quite a bit , that'alright and then will nudge down , the key is I really want the shadow to , meet up somewhat naturally with the edge , of the head over here as it begins to , cast its long shadow across the head , again don't mind if it goes off the head , over here we're gonna clip this bad boy , in place and to return to commit that , change we're gonna go filter , we're gonna go blur we're gonna gauzy , and blur this probably about W pixels , and not W a little extreme , yeah Think W will work for us we're , gonna hit okay once again'm going to , clip this tithe layer beneath hitting , command option , gee that's ctr alt G on the PC and then , we'll try reducing the opacity to like I , like W%right around% say something , like that that looks pretty good , if I back out now we need to make sort , of a darker sector of the shadows you , get more shadow the closer you get to , sort of the actual edge of his head so , we're gonna commendatory J to , duplicate that layer I am going to , probably blur this again so I'll go , filter choose Gaussian blur to give it , another ten pixels of blur we're gonna , clip it command command option or ctr , alt and the letter and I'm gonna move , this upward using my move tool all right , now maybe I should'move it upward so , much as hit command octal T and just , crunch it upward a little bit like that , move our point back over and probably , make the fulcrum of this shadow right , around there and just sort of Id on't , know maybe we'll put it right about , there , and Think I'going to make this , opacity more like W something like , that yeah I think about W will work for , us there maybe'll nudge it upward a , little bit more command or ctr T let's , try to flatten that shadow out a bit , mores that just works perspective , Wise'm gonna nudge it up a little bit , more maybe nudge it over to the Right , little bit more this is where just takes , a little bit of finessing and then come , up here to filter and choose Gaussian , blur for another ten pixel sand maybe , another W pixels on top of that just , kind of do it until it looks good and I , think that Think that works for our , topmost shadow there again there might , be some work we need to do here probably , should't be quite as much of a shadow , right there at the base of the head but , Think we're gonna roll with what we'vie , got for the purposes of keeping this , tutorial moving along Might add , another pixels of blur to that bottom , shadow yeah that looks kind of I think , that looks more right like that and then , we'll repeat this process and just kind , of do it as you see fit for the shadow , cast here to hear his nose and the , shadow cast over the lips as well so I'm , probably gonna speed the video up a , little bit here and just kind of try to , blast through this a little bit and I'll , be back in just a minute alright I think , that's pretty cool I think that works , for us now let's say I'm looking at this , and Igor the the hair a little pushed , off tithe side let's say we want to , maybe tilt the eyes or the nose portions , by the way you see that we got a slight , bit of a gap there so we would come in , to Y slice here and we would select that , top color fill and it just needs to be , nudged downward a tiny bit like 2 , pixels there we go it just cinches that , right up makes it look way better but , basically what I would do here is select , wise , and then hold down commander control and , select the two layers that are kind of , have shadows cast on them , I'm sorry not those two layers the two , layers that have a shadow being cast , from so the why slice is casting both of , these shadows here right if I shut these , off those are the shadows beneath why , slice those are the shadows if the , object moves the shadows move with it so , we want to select all those objects of , just shift-click the group and then , shift-click the the bottom most layer , their commendatory T and we'll just I , mean we'll just give this a slight , little little little tip tip like that , and then I think we'll do the same thing , here for the M slice I'm gonna shift , select all of those layers command or , ctr T and let's just tip this guy out , here toward the right just to just to , introduce some lack of uniformity to , this whole thing as if we don't have a , lot of disjointedness as it is right now , to really finish adding some depth to , this whole thing let's create a little , bit of a shadow beneath this entire the , head here so I'm gonna go ahead and , create a new layer I'gonna call this a , shadow and what I'll do I'll grab that , we're just gonna kind of play this by , play this by ear so to speak I'm gonna , create a nice little nice little shape , there fill it with black alt backspace , that would be option delete on the the , Mac and then command or ctr D to , deselect and I think of this we'll go , filter let's try going blur and motion , blur at first and we'll motion blur it , not at a degree angle but Otis zero , degree angles just straight left to , right and maybe I'll go like six hundred , and fifty pixels I'll do it a lot I'm , gonna hit okay and then we'll go filter , blur and we're gonna mix in a little , Gaussian blur now maybe thirty let's try , thirty see what that looks like that , looks pretty good maybe not quite all , right I'sorry it may be a little bit , more than thirty maybe forty five , something like that it looks pretty good , and you can see we're getting a really , nice relatively realistic looking shadow , beneath him we will push it a little bit , down a little bit further that's gonna , make his head appear to be floating , further above our fake surface here and , then I'gonna just make the shout or , not quite as dark so maybe I'll set the , layer opacity to like eighty something , like that and Think that works for us , now let's look at adding some grain , we're going to add a new layer here I'm , gonna call this noise and I'm gonna fill , it with% gray by going edit fill , content's% gray hit OK and then , think some of the best grain we'vie got , in Photo shop right now is by going , filter Camera Raw filter and you'vie got , a lot of different options here in the , effects , within Camera Raw so you have grain I , think we're gonna go wit ha heavy amount , of grain at decent size roughness yeah , I think what will introduce bit of , roughness little bit more in the size , Department hit okay , it's a massive image we're working with , I'm gonna zoo min a little bi ton this , and I'gonna set my noise layer- let's , try overlay and you can see what it's , doing it's really adding this this grain , that's making the whole image look a , little bit more organic but it's a , little bit too much it's a little too , heavy so we'll reduce the opacity here , to maybe like I don't know percent or , so I'm gonna duplicate this layer , command or control J and I'm gonna once , again enter into Camera Raw filter and , what I'm gonna do now is just add more , green but this time very small grain not , very rough at all , so it's gonna be a very very fine grain , we're adding I'm gonna hit OK and for , this'm gonna set this to soft light , and I don'TKO we'll set it right , around% opacity as well maybe lay off , on the opacity of the really chunky , grain beneath it and we just have a nice , amount of it's just gonna kind of add a , little bit more of an organic feel to , the overall image make things a little , bit more realistic alright we're coming , down the homestretch a few color effects , we're gonna play with and we'll be out , of this joint let's go ahead and add a , selective color adjustment layer first , and foremost and I'm gonna go to the , whites within the image and what I'm , gonna do is I'm gonna reduce the whites , in the image by boosting the blacks so , by boosting the blacks that's because , they look take the very brightest pixels , in the image and just infuse plus W% , black into them therefore making all the , whites more like a very very light gray , then I'gonna go to the black sin the , image and I'going to reduce the blacks , in the blacks by probably the same , amount but just the opposite so I'll go , like negative here and that you can , see is really giving us this kind of , interesting faded effect there I'm gonna , close my properties panel I think I'm , gonna add Little bit of a gradient , here let me just figure out what's going , inhere a little zoom in zoom out looks , like photo shop's not quite rendering , there if i zoom out a little bit further , that's interesting let's go ahead and , create new layer here I want to add , kind of an angled of vignette so I'm , just gonna call the layer angled I , am going to make sure my foreground , color is black this is kind of a cool , little technique her ewe're gonna grab , our gradient tool and I'm gonna go with , the foreground to transparent , this is default gradient and because , our foreground color is black we're , getting black to transparent'm gonna , set the mode here to multiply for the , gradient too land I'gonna drag black , gradient in from the top corner , something like that is perfect and I'm , gonna zoom out a little bit and just , ignore the weird rendering that , photo shop's giving us and I'm gonna , apply a much smaller more faded black , gradient to the bottom corner like that , and I'm gonna go ahead'm gonna set , this layer to the blend mode of like , overlay you can see that's really gonna , allow the noise to kind of shine through , and then I can just reduce the opacity , of this gradient vignette just until it , kind of gets to where I want Otto be , that looks good and now here's where , can have some fun with this whole thing , I can go ahead and do something like add , channel mixer here in the red output , channel leave everything at W go to , the green output channel set greens to , zero and that'skint of a cool effect , there in solid pink and also set the , blues to zero and you can see we get , this really rich like blood-red overlay , you may be thinking well that just gets , rid of all those colors we added in , there and you'd be correct but again , we're just playing with some color , options we could do something like a , gradient map and I'm gonna open this up , let's create accustom gradient just , messed upon tracked there let's , double click on the black stop and I'm , gonna fill this with some kind of like , dark purple let's go like three two zero , two two three right so super like dark , rich kind of purple color and then for , the highlights we want more of a hot red , so we'll go liked d and then just zero , zero zero zero something like that you , can see that's kind of a neat effect , that we'vie got we're really colorizing , the image very strongly that way that's , interesting or we could do something by , just adding not channel mixture what we , already did channel mixer something like , a color balance adjustment layer here , where Id on't know throw some red into , the mid-tones maybe there was some blue , in there throw a little magenta in there , something like that go to the highlights , let's infuse cyan and blue into the , highlights maybe Little too much on , the cyan there one is what it looks , better a purple or green maybe just a , kiss of green and then we go to the , shadow as we pump some blue into our , shadow or something like that what looks , better cyan red Think a little cyan , then maybe just touch purple you can , colorize the image that way as Welland , in this way obviously you're maintaining , a little bit more of that orange pink , blue and sort of that dark color for the , top slice and of course you can reduce , the opacity if it's not quite you know , what you want it's a little too much or , not enough or whatever you name it you , can combine mix and match these or of , course you can just , with that sort of original faded black , and white that we had and don't forget , to the photo filters if you just want , sort of a sepia effect you could do that , you can always preserve luminosity and , crank this thing up give it like a , really strong yellowy color and then , play with your blend mode so you can go , with something like soft light and see , what that does , that's gonna give USA kind of effect , not not as huge a fan of that but you , have lot of options here in terms of , what you want to do with the image but , really that's gonna be it for creating , this sliced head effect in Photo shop , well ladies and gentlemen there you have , it it was a little bit of process I , know bu ta pretty cool finished effect , if you got through the whole tutorial , and you created your own version of this , I would love to see it make sure you , upload it to Instagram tag mien the , Instagram photo at stud vied that's my , handle and I'll see it'll show up in my , tagged images feed and I'll give you , some love all I'll check it out for sure , so also if you did enjoy the tutor will , make sure you subscribe to the YouTube , channel to not miss any tutorials in the , future for creating this sort of sliced , head effect here in Photocopied all , the tools tricks tips and techniques , that went along with Otto help us , create this effect here or do we , Photo shop ladies and gentlemen that'sit , get it got it good with a no nods and , tuck Viacom'll catch you in the next , one and before you go make sure you , subscribe to my channel for more great , tutorials every day also by my course it , helps us do what we do and this channel , is supported by viewers just like you , you can also just click the thumbnail , and watch another video from this , channel see you next time guys .