Line Drawing Effect - How To Create a Pencil Drawing From a Photo In Photoshop


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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , Tues Ramirez and you can find me on , twitter @jrfromptc , draw and look this effect is actually , very straightforward you can apply Otto , almost any image but keep in mind that , it would look better when you have a , subject with a white background also you , can follow along with me if you like but , if you're using your own image you may , have to enter different values on the , filters that we apply so that they work , on your photo let's get started the , first thing I'going to do is when I , click on the background and'm going to , click and drag it over tithe new layer , icon then I'm going to create new , black and white adjustment layer that's , going to turn everything black and white , I don'tend their properties so I'm , just going to click on the double sided , arrow to collapse the panel then on the , background copy'm going to switch the , blending mode tickler Dodge and what , col or Dodge does is it creates , stronger or more contrasted version of , screen if I go into screen you see what , that creates Coleridge similar to , screen but more contrast then I'm going , to invert the colours that means that the , light colours will become dark and the , dark colours will become light and you , can do so by pressing ctr I on the , keyboard or by going into image , adjustment invert guttural I or command , I on the Mac is much faster and you'll , notice what happens everything sort of , disappears except for the black pixels , if I comeback in to screen you'll see , what that does it essentially washes , everything out because only the light , colours are showing but if you intensify , that effect everything is gone except , for the really really dark pixels what , I'm going to do now is I'm going to , right click on the layer click on , convert to smart object if you're using , aversion of Photo shop that does not , have Smart Objects , you don't have to worry about this step , the only reason I'm creating a smart , object is so that Icahn have Smart , Filters and I can edit them later but , you don't ha veto do that you can just , go into filter blur Gaussian blur and , create the blur put out a smart object , and'll show you why a smart object is , beneficial but anyway when you start , blurring the image you start seeing the , outline of the image come back and this , is what's going to create the basis of , our line drawing and the radius that you , should select is whatever looks good for , your image all the effects that I'm , going to show you today in the filters , will have different settings if you're , using a different photograph or if you , want to get different effect so don't , be so specific about the settings that , use just look at the technique and , adjust the settings accordingly to your , image for this image somewhere around , maybe 1.9 or around there looks like , it'll work I get a lot of detail on the , face and on the jacket some of these , lines are too dark but think I can , work with them so I'just going to , leave the radius at 1.9 for now and I'm , going to press you can see that the , Gaussian blur was applied to the smart , filter and the reason I created smart , object was that I could double click on , the Gaussian blur smart filter to come , back into the glassy and blur window and , adjust the effect if necessary'm not , going to do that but I just wanted to , give you that option in case you needed , to make adjustments down the line'm , going to click on this up pointing arrow , to collapse the smart filters just to , give it a little more room at this point , you might want to call this done , depending on the effect that you want to , achieve but we want to create a much , more realistic effect so I'm going to , show you a few filters that are going to , help us achieve that goal I'm going to , click on the background copy instead of , clicking and dragging it to the new , layer icon this time I'm going to press , ctr J command J on the Mac which , duplicates the layer I'm going to click , and drag it tithe very top now I'm , going to go into image adjustments , distrait saturates the image , then'm going to go into filter filter , gallery and I'm going to select stylise , glowing edges and this is going to help , us create an outline around an image , that are going to mimic , pencil line sand you can play with the , edge width to get the width is , appropriate for the look that you're , going for the edge brightness and the , smoothness for me edge width of one edge , brightness of four and smoothness of , five works'm going to press okay now , the lines are white and the background , is black want the opposite and we , already know how to invert colours we did , it just minute ago so I'm going to , press ctr I command I on the Mac to , invert this layer then I'm going to use , a blend mode to get rid of the white , pixels and keep the black to do sou'm , going to go into multiply multiply it , makes the white pixels invisible and it , makes the dark pixels visible so NOW , have an outline for my drawing what I'm , going to do now is Want to create some , shading around my drawing but I want to , use somebody looks like pencil marks to , do so I'm going to click Ina background , layer again press ctr J command J on , the Mac click and drag that duplicate , all the way to the top we're going to , saturate it this time I'm just going , to Prescott shifty that's command , shifty on the Mac and if you forgot you , can also get to that by going into , adjustments and saturate the shortcuts , right here now I'm going to apply a , different filter so I'm going to go to , filter filter gallery and this time I'm , going to apply one of the filters found , in the sketch section and I'going to , choose charcoal and that'seagoing to , create this etching effect looks a lot , like pencil line sand that's what I want , to use charcoal thickness one detail for , light in darkness's again you may want , to play with these settings to get a , different look on your image if you're , going for something different , press OK when you're done this time we , don'tend to do any inversions but we , do need to get rid of the white and keep , the black so we're going to change the , blend mode to multiply and we get this , effect so now we have the original line , drawing with some extra lines to help us , define the drawing a bit more and these , edge lines that make it look a lot like , a pencil drawing if zoom uni'm gonna , I select the zoom tool by pressing Z on , the keyboard and I'm just going to zoom , in and you can see how this looks lot , like a drawing already the problem that , I see is that I lost a lot of detail in , the eyes so I want to bring some of that , detail back'm going to press B , on the keyboard to bring up my brush , tool then I'm going to make the brush a , little bit bigger so maybe something , about this big and what I'm going to do , now is I'just going to paint with , black on the layer mask and create a , layer mask yet so I'm going to click on , this layer mask icon to add a layer mask , and if we remember when you paint with , black and a layer mask it hides the , pixels that are selected I'm going to , press To switch the foreground and , background col or so the foreground , is now black and if I paint with black , on the layer mask it hides the pixels , over there before and I'm going to do , the same thing on this side and maybe if , I have a smaller brush you can create a , better defined eye layer you know maybe , make it bigger again by the way I'm , using the bracket keys on the keyboard , to adjust the brush size I'going to , zoom out by holding Alton using the , mouse wheel just to see the effect that , I have and Id on't like how this eye the , right eye is looking so maybe I'll hide , that entire area and maybe this area - , and we're going to work with this a , little later on to give it more , definition so I'm using masks to hide , the filters that I'm not happy with and , you could do that with the rest of the , image I'm not going to for this tutorial , I'm just going to do the eyes but at , least you know the techniques you can , apply to your image what I'going to do , now is add one more layer this time I'm , going to use the Wac om tablet to draw if , you don't have one don't worry'm going , to show you how you can apply these , effects with the mouse fir stand what , I'going to do is I want to just create , some lines around the image to further , enhance the effect of pencil drawing , what you want to do if you'reusing a , mouse is get are ally small brush maybe , one or two pixels we'll start with one , and see how that looks and I'm just , going to paint and that looks pretty , good but maybe the opacity is too much , I'm going to bring that down to maybe , W%and I'll probably bring the flow , down and I'm going to paint no wand , that's looking much better this is , looking more like the pencil lines that , you see here so I'just going to press , contralto Command option Z on the Mac , to undo and I'm going to zoom into the , image and I'm just going to start , in some areas and now that I'm painting , on it actually think it's too dark and , I'm going to get rid of those lines by , precinct alt Command option Z on , the Mac and maybe bring the opacity down , even further maybe% and now that I'm , painting I'm sort of liking it better so , now I'creating lines in here'm , filling in areas that think need , detail maybe like that ear lobe here the , ear needs a little more detail and it's , okay if you don't draw perfectly this is , more of a sketch look so it'soak if , you go over the lines and you know you , have that hand draw and look that's what , we're going for so as you can see I'm , just simply painting with the with the , mouse I'm not using my Commutable yet , so that's how you would do this , technique using the mouse now obviously , if you have AWACS tablet it's a lot , easier not only because is it easier to , draw with a pen but you have pressure , sensitivity so I'm going to bring the , flow all the way to hundred percent , opacity% and if you're using a Wac om , tablet make sure this button is pressed , so you can use pressure sensitivity when , you when you draw sou'm not really , going to draw too much what I want to do , is actually do two things want to , enhance the hand-drawn look and I want , to fix areas that don'thieve a lot of , detail so for example I can come into , the nose here and maybe Dada shape , that's what helped enhance the nose like , so what I also want to do is in areas , where other shadows maybe I want to , apply some lines that look hand-drawn , like so and'm not doing too much I'm , essentially scribbling on these areas , just to make it hand-drawn so a little , more detail in the ears maybe comeback , and work on the eyes a little bit make , the eyelashes a little bit darker and , I'm going Togo Little bit faster all , I'm really doing is creating this , hand-drawn look on the edges here just , to make it a little more realistic also , in areas like the hair down here it can , maybe do something like this to make the , hair stand out a little bit better and , again in areas or other shadows maybe , draw more lines that look hand-drawn , like Latin I'm not doing too much as you , can see and something you may want to do , on edges like this , maybe you extend the lines out and it , looks more like a hand drawing as you , look through your image you may find , areas like this where the filtering't , do that good of a job so you may want to , hide it by just painting over it like so , and obviously the more time that you , spend the better results that you get , but you get the idea one thing that I am , going to do is in areas like this with , there's not a lot of detail I can come , in and just paint a line along the edge , just to give it more definition and , again in this areas I'm just going to do , some very very light strokes here and if , you're thinking to yours elfin areas , like this is going to be really hard , with the mouse and yeah Otis it's , obviously a lot harder to draw with the , mouse and it is with the Wac om tablet , bu tit can be done you're just going to , take your time in areas like this I'm , just going to go the opposite direction , of the strokes that way it looks a , little more like hand drawing and , again create those edges there and I'm , not going to take too much more time , because think the filters did a really , good job but Just wanted you to see , how you can further enhance the image if , you need Otto and I look like on the , zoom tool just to go to W%and you can , see our final drawing there and once you , have everything completed one thing you , may want to do is this I'm going to add , a new solid col or I'm just going to make , it White'm going to disable this layer , then I'm going to go into the channels , pan eland I'm going to select any one of , these channels it dozen't really matter , which one they're all the same we're , working with ab lack and white image so , they're all going to be W% the same so , choose one click and drag it over onto , the new channel icon to duplicate it , selected then press ctr I on the , keyboard commando on the Mac to invert , now we're going to create a selection , out of light pixels which are the pencil , marks I'm going to press ctr command on , the Mac click on the channel copy , thumbnail to make a selection around , those light pixels come back into the , layers panel enable the white col or fill , and select another solid col or you can , choose black if you want to but you can , also choose different col or maybe you , had a drawing with , blue pen or something like that I'm just , going to select the dark Gray and press , OK now the image is being created just , by this solid col or in this layer mask , if I hold alt option on the Mac and , click on the layer mask icon you'll see , what the layer mask looks like I'm going , to hold alt and click on the layer mask , icon again now if you want to make any , further adjustments at this point you , will have to make them on the layer mask , but Ire commend making all the , adjustments before you get to this point , that way what you see in the layer mask , is the finished product and of course , you can change the col or or the , background which is now white to , something else or maybe add a paper , texture or something like that to make , things more realistic and that's it for , this tutorial if you have any comments , or questions please leave them down , below if you found this video useful , share it with Friend and hit that like , button and of course don't forget to , subscribe thanks for watching and I'll , talk to you again soon .

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