Text In a Circular Path Tutorial -How To Type In a Circle In Photoshop


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in this video'm going to show you how , to type in a circle internship hi , welcome back tithe Photo shop training , Channel I'm Mrs. Ramirez in this video , I'going to show you how to type text , in circular path internship believe , it or not this is one of the most asked , questions that get in regards to text , editorship sou decided to make a , video on it this is going to be a , complete guide showing you how to type , in a path okay let's get started we're , gonna work with this document that , contains two layers the background layer , and the simple design element before we , get started I'm going to create guides , make sure that you have your rulers , enabled if you don't see your rulers you , can go into view rulers or press ctr or , command R on the Mac to enable or , disable the rulers then click and drag , to create a horizontal guide and snap it , to the center and a vertical one as well , if you don't have snapping enabled you , can enable it by going into view and , make sure that Snap is checked also you , can right-click on the rulers and select , % and W% on both the horizontal and , vertical axe swill show the center so , that's something that you can use as , well now that we have our guides we can , create the path where we're going to , type text inside of the circle so I'm , going to select the ellipse tool make , sure that in the options bar you have , path selected then I'm going to click , right in the center point where the , guides meet and drag out then I'm going , to hold alt to create a circle from the , center that's option on the Mac and add , the shift key to constrain that into a , perfect circle sou'm holding alt and , shift and dragging out then I'm going to , release once I get to this point and I'm , going to click on the horizontal type , tool make sure that white is my , foreground color and I can click , anywhere on this path and start typing , so I can tutorship training , then can click on the check mark or , press Enter return on the Mac to commit , the change snow this is the part that , can get a little confusing but I'm going , to go slow so that you can understand , the concepts'm going to click on the , move too land I'going to show you what , most people would do in this situation , to align the text they will probably , press cutlet command Tin the Mac move , the pivot point to the center and click , and drag to rotate the text and while , that certainly works don'think , that'st he most efficient way to work , you can actually click on the path , selection tool instead and if you click , on the path that will become your new , start point so notice how I'clicking , in the path and that becomes a start , point of the text also like should , pointed out that my text is aligned to , the left anyway I'going to go back , into the path selection tool so Icahn , click and set my start point where I can , click and drag this point which sets my , start point my endpoint is here so I'm , going to click and drag the end point to , the other side right there then drag my , start point and drag it here because I , want my text to fill the top half of the , circle if your text is too big you can , go back into the type tool triple click , to select all the text and just reduce , the size of your text so you can use the , down arrow key on the keyboard , to decrease the size of your text or you , can use the up arrow key to increase it , so now my text fits within the top part , of the circle I'm going to edit the text , so I'm just going to type tutorial so , that I can show you the next example and , the reason that it's important to use , the start and ending points is that you , can align your text and let me show you , what I mean by that , now that I have less text you will be , able to see what happens when I click on , a line right the text aligns to the end , point if I click align Center tech , centers between the starting point and , end point also when I have a line Center , enabled and select the path selection , tool I can click and drag the starting , point and you can actually see the , center point do you see that line close , to the second P in Photo shop that is the , center point so that's why I think that , using the starting point and ending , point are more , then simply pressing ctr T command Tot , rotate the text'm going to click on , the move tool now I'm going to show you , how to type text on the bottom half the , easiest way to do it now that we have , the top part of the text finalize dis by , precinct J command Jon the Mac to , duplicate I'm going to hide the original , layer then I'm going to select the path , selection tool and click and drag the , starting point tithe other side click , and drag the end point to the other side , right there then when Get to this side , I can simply click and drag inwards and , notice how the text flips see how the , text flips there and I can click and , drag my end point there so now the text , is here then I'm going to change the , text and I'll just type bassos Ramirez , and there's two methods for aligning the , text and I'going to show you both , methods so what I'going to do is I'm , going to press ctr J command J on the , Mac so that can show you both methods , and each method will be on one , individual layer first with the layer on , the bottom you can simply enable both , layers and select the path selection , tool make sure that the bottom half is , selected and then press ctr Command T , on the Mac and click the shift key then , alt click and drag out and make sure , that the path matches the top part of , the text see that there when you match , it just hit enter/return the Mac and now , the text matches the second method is by , selecting the text layer and going into , window character and adjusting the , baseline of the text so you can just , click on the input box and press the , down arrow key on the keyboard until a , top part of the text matches the line so , you can use either method whichever one , works best for you what I'm gonna do now , is show you what to do just with a , simple path so I'm going to hide the , layers and then press ctr semicolon , then I'ms imply going to click on the , pen too land just create a path the , shape really dozen'matter then click , on the type tool the horizontal type , tool and by , when you'reworking with a path and it , disappears and you don't see it you can , always find it in the paths panel and , you can enable it by going into window , and paths but anyway'm just going to , click inhere on the pat hand I'm going , to start typing Photo shop notice two , things number one is that the end point , is right here which is why we can't see , the rest of the text so I'm just going , to move that away to the other end we , have the text align Center which is why , it moved there second of all the reason , that the text is below it's because we , we reworking in the character pan eland , we have the base line set to negative W , so I can just type 0 hit enter and the , text moves above the line so now I can , keep typing in that professorship , training channel on YouTube so you can , see how the text follows that path , notice these problem areas here with the , Rand D are you can click in between the , text and hold alt option on the Mac and , use the right arrow key so I'm tapping , on the arrow key on the keyboard to , separate that text you could also do , that in the circular path as Welland by , the way let me know in the comments , below if you knew these techniques , already also if you want to learn more , about type in text then check out all my , text tutorials hereon YouTube I'm gonna , pas tea link to that playlist so that , you can check them out I have tutorials , on recreating the Black Panther text , effect creating D chrome text and many , more text effects that you can create in , Photo shop and if this is your first time , at the Photoshoptraining channel then , don'forget to click on that subscribe , and notification buttons thank you so , much for watching and I will see you , again in the next tutorial.

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