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Photoshop tricks
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welcome to the Photoshoptraining , channel in this tutorial I'll be showing , you how to add patterns or textures to , text'll do so by showing you how to , create this grungy paint peeling off , effect we'll start out by adding our , text layer and then we'll apply , different layer styles to achieve the , look we're going for and for the , background I'll simply use a picture , took of my neighbor's wooden fence to , complete the composition in this , tutorial we're going to use a texture of , paint peeling off a fence but with this , technique you can use anything else that , you like but anyway let's get started , with this tutorial'm gonna be working , in a canvas is Y by W tall the , first step is to create our text so I'm , going to click on the text tool and I'm , gonna make sure that have Ariel , rounded as my font and points as my , font size then I'gonna click on a , canvas and type P T C those are the , initials for the Photo shop training , channel and I'm going to use the Move , tool to Center that we're gonna need , four identical layers of theistic text , so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click , on apt C text layer and I'm gonna press , ctr J on my keyboard that's command J , on the Mac three times one two three so , now I have four identical layers I'm , gonna rename the top layer to texture , the second layer will be color the third , layer will be extrusion and the bottom , layer will be drop shadow next I'm going , to shut up the visibility to all the , layers except my drop shadow layer then , I'm going to double click on the layer , to bring up the layer style options I'm , gonna click on drop shadow and'm gonna , set my opacity to W%my distance to W , pixels , my size- W pixel sand I'm gonna set my , noise to about% and let me show you , what noise does just in case you're , wondering I'm gonna bump that up all the , way to W%and you see what it does it , creates a shadow it's got a lot of noise , in there and that's what I want but I , don't want that much so I'm gonna bring , back down A and you can barely see the , noise in the shadow now which is what I , want also lot of why my texts be , visible in this layer since I'm gonna be , applying color and texture in different , layers so what I'll do ISO'm gonna , click on the blending option sand I'm , gonna change my fill opacity to 0% that , makes every pixel in the layer , transparent except anything that we add , in the layer styles so the difference , between fill opacity is that it only , affects the actual layer pixels not the , layer styles and opacity affects both , notice that if we bring opacity down to , 0%that drop shadow that we created , becomes transparent as well so I'm gonna , say I'm gonna bring that up to W% and , when change my fill opacity to 0%then , I'm gonna press and so we can see , this effect better I'gonna change my , background color to something else so , I'm gonna double click on my foreground , color and change my brightness to about , W%then I'll press Orwell my , background layer select that I'm gonna , hit alt and backspace on my keyboard to , fill that's option backspace on the Mac , then I'm also gonna hit this up pointing , arrow right next to my layer styles just , so Icahn hide the options I don't need , to be looking at them now and it's gonna , create some room for us to work with and , also I'm gonna drag this up a little bit , - then I'm gonna turn on the visibility , for my color layer and I'm gonna double , click on the layer to bring the layer , styles okay the first thing I'm gonna , add is a gradient overlay and I'm gonna , select two Brown colors and I don't , really have a set color for this but , it's but I want something of a dark , brown color , and a lighter orange color something , like that maybe just a little bit , brighter something like that , press OK when you have those two color , selected and press OKing a gradient , editor then we're gonna add a bevel and , emboss to this so I'm gonna click on , bevel and emboss and I'm gonna bring I'm , gonna bring my shadow opacity to 0%and , bring my highlight opacity to about , percent so I'm like that I'm gonna leave , it At's percent then I'm gonna change , the size of this bevel to something , small something like OR 2 percent , actually I'll leave it at 3 3 seems like , a good number it's looking pretty good , I'll leave it at pixels then I'm gonna , click on inner shadow , I'm gonna leave my blending mode at 5 , and leave it up black and'm gonna , change the opacity to percent I'm , gonna change my distance to and , increase my size to W pixel sand look , up and you can see the result here it's , already looking pretty good , next'm gonna create an inner glow and , I'm gonna change the yellow to a white , and press Otto change my opacity to W% , my nose to W%and then let me increase , the size of this to let's see somewhere , about ma we'll make it W percent and , the range will bump that up as well , we'll make it'd maybe just a little bit , more maybe like% and that's looking , pretty good you can see the noise inside , of the text now it might not be visible , in the video since it's being compressed , but when you see the final result you , should be able to see the noise within , the text which ISS pretty neat effect , then we're gonna add some satin to our , layer and we're gonna bring the opacity , way down so it barely shows something , like 5 percent or so should do we're , gonna increase the distance just , little bit maybe W percent or OR W , we'll leave it at W , and increase the size to about and , we're gonna change the contour of this , just so straight line something like , that that looks much better , and finally we're gonna add a drop , shadow and this drop shadow is gonna be , W% maybe just a little more W% huh , might as well make it W we'll leave it , at W percent change the distance , little more something like W pixel sand , bring the size up a little bit more like , W W pixels seems to do the job so I'll , leave it there and add just a little , noise to that as well we'll leave that , At and it's creating this cool noise , effect around the shadow which is , looking pretty cool and when we have all , these settings we'll press Oakland once , again we'll click on the arrow so we can , have a little more space in our layers , pan eland why don'twee work on our , extrusion layer and what I'm gonna do is , a cool little nifty trick to fake D so , with your extrusion layer selected press , ctr T on your keyboard or command on , the Mac to bring up the transform tool , and you can click and drag to transform , this if you want Tobit what we're gonna , do is you're gonna hold shift and hold , alt to transform from the center so when , you do this you can see how it's already , creating this D effect so I'm holding , alt and shift that's option shift on the , Mac and I'm just gonna bring that in , just a little bit like so so we can see , the D happening herein here maybe just , a little more something like that then , I'm gonna press Enter and that's our , fake's and then I'm gonna double click , on the layer to bring up my styling , options and the first thing I'm gonna , add ISS color overlay and I'm gonna , select a dark brown color something like , so , something like that then I'll press okay , then I'm gonna add a bevel and emboss , and I'm gonna change the depth to W% , and bring down my highlight mode just a , little bit maybe actually more than that , mate let's just make it an even IN my , shadow we'll change that to W% then , I'll add an inner shadow and I'm gonna , unchecked the global light checkbox and , I'm gonna change that just a little bit , move it over to the side a little bit so , maybe a hundred and fifty seems to , be okay'm gonna bring my distance down , just by one pixel and I'gonna add a , chalk of% and a size of pixels for , my inner shadow and of course I'm gonna , add some noise this time I'll add about , W% of noise and then I'gonna add an , inner glow and for the inner glow I'm , gonna select black that's my fill color , change the blending mode to normal and , bring it down in size just little bit , maybe 3 pixels and then I'll press , I'm gonna go ahead and close the effects , to keep everything nice and tidy and , what we're gonna do now is we're gonna , add the texture to the text and we're , gonna be using of course this texture , layer here but what we need to do first , is actually create the texture for the , text so I'm gonna go ahead and open up a , file and'm going to select this file , titled texture click on open and this is , gonna be the texture that we're gonna , use for our text now what we need to do , is remove the fence and leave the red , paint so I'm just gonna create a quick , adjustment here to kind of to get a , better color for our paint so I'm gonna , go to levels and just give it a little , more contrast like so so like that is I , brought in , the the dark sand brought in the lights , and it created more contrast then I'll , press then I'm going to then'm , gonna go into my channel sand I'gonna , click through all the channels and see , which one has more contrast and it looks , like green between green and blue and , actually green there's more difference , between between the lights anoraks so , I'm gonna click on that channel I'm , going to duplicate it then'm go then , I'gonna go into image adjustment sin , level sand I'm gonna bring in the dark's , and bring in the lights it's much like , Han like so then I'll press OKing I'm , gonna make selection out of this but , if Oppress ctr click right now or , command click on the Mac it's gonna , select the white pixel sand I want the , opposite thing I want to select the dark , pixels so I'gonna Prescott I or , commando on my keyboard to invert those , then I'll click ctr or command and the , green copy mask then I'gonna go back , into my layers click on my background , but notice that it's goat lock because , it's a background layer so all you need , to do is just double click on it this , windows gonna come up just press OK and , now the lock is gone and you can apply a , layer mask to that and once you do , you're left with only the red which is , the paint peeling off the fence OK so , what we're gonna do now is we're gonna , make this into a seamless texture so no , matter how many times this is tiled , there would not be a seam so to do that , I'm gonna actually I'm gonna apply the , layer mask that way we'd ha veto worry , about that and what we're gonna do now , is I'm just gonna create a guide , splitting this in half vertically and , another guy splitting this horizontally , so I'm gonna go into view new guide% , view new guide% horizontal this time , and now we have a guy splitting , everything'm gonna click on my marquee , tool and'm gonna select the left half , I'm gonna go into layer new layer via , cut what that does ISIS it will split , this into two layers so the left side , and the right side I'm gonna bring the , left side over to the right and the , right over to the left and the reason we , do it we're doing this is when we tile , this the left side and the right side , will always match and there will not be , a line or a seam between both of them , what we got to do now is I'm gonna press , ctr H by the way to hide these guides , so you can see what are we gonna do now , so what we're gonna do now is only , worried about the seam here in the , middle so I'm gonna zoo min it's , actually not bad actually I don'really , see much of a seam other than here just , a straight line here and what I'm gonna , do is from that layer so I'm gonna add a , layer mask and I'just gonna select one , of these brushes one of these grunge , brushes and make sure my foreground set , to black and I'm just gonna actually , this is not working as well as I had , hoped was gonna use a different , technique but I changed my mind as I was , doing a tutorial since Thought this be , easier and I guess it is a little bit , easier it's not as good as I had hoped , but it's gonna get the job done as long , as there's no straight lines you should , be okay and that works that's like , pretty good job we did here and actually , let me just add that little gap there , okay so I'just gonna go ahead and , apply this layer mask and I'm gonna , merge these two layers into one layer so , now no matter how many times it Stiles , you will not see it seems if Bring , this over to the left and duplicate the , layer and bring that over to the other , side it matches perfectly as you can see , anyway I'gonna just Prescott alt Z , to undo those change sand now we Giotto , do the same thing for the top and bottom , so I'm gonna bring my guides back , by pressing ctr H or command on the , Mac select the top half go into layer , new layer be a cut and now we split it , in half once again and I'll do the same , thing I'll just bring that down and I'll , bring the other half up I'gonna press , cartilage command on the Mac to hide my , guides and as you can see we're gonna , have a little more work on this half so , what I'll do ISO'm actually gonna bring , the top half down just a little bit and , I'm gonna put that on the top layer and , I'm gonna add a layer mask and I'just , gonna start drawing once again , with the same brush just make sure , there's no straight lines and I'm gonna , add a layer mask on the layer on the , bottom and I'll do the same thing just , make sure there's no straight lines and , that looks good I'm just gonna highlight , both of those layers by holding shift , and clicking on both of them then I'll , press ctr e or commander and the , keyboard or make them into one layer , then I'gonna press ctr or command on , my keyboard and click on the layer to , select everything I'm gonna go into , image and crop to crop the extra space , out I'm gonna Prescott D to deselect , okay what are we gonna do now is just , double click Ina layer and we're gonna , add a stroke it's gonna be more like , more of a shadow than a stroke actually , so I'm just gonna set my size to , outside is fine and I'm gonna bring the , opacity down to I don't know maybe W W , might be too much percent I think , we'll be okay press OK and actually you , know what just to check that I'm gonna , create a layer I'm gonna fill it with , white just so Icahn see if it's gonna , look okay and think it'll look okay I , think think that's okay so I'just , going to delete this layer and I and now , we're ready to make this into a pattern , which we're gonna use in our text layer , so I'm gonna go into edit define pattern , and I'gonna call this peeling paint , then I'll press okay I'm gonna come back , into the composition we were working on , I'm gonna turn on my texture layer I'm , gonna double click on it and I'm gonna , change my fill opacity to zero then then , I'm gonna click on pattern overlay and , then'm gonna select the pattern we , just created which is the very last one , here at the bottom and there Otis I'm , gonna move this just Little bit to the , side here so you can see it better , guess we'll just look at these two , letters and you can use two things you , can scale this down to W% if you want , it to W% or anywhere really any and , all the way up to percent or 1 , percent we're gonna leave this at W% , you can also click and drag the pattern , so you can find the appropriate spot so , let me just find a good spot something , like that and I'm also gonna add a bevel , and emboss because there's a bevel here , but it gets cut off by the texture I'm , gonna click on bevel and emboss and I'm , gonna set my size to bring the , blending mode to overlay and bring that , down to about% and this to about , don't know percent then press and , this is our result now if you want it , you can go back into your color and you , can change the gradient to any other , color so just let me just click on these , presets here just so you can see how , that works so you can use any color you , want in the background it dozen'thieve , to be grading it could be a a color , overlay and whatever you want and the , texture is not affected by the changes , we make onto the color layer so Just , want to point that out to you guys also , if you decided that you did not want to , use a pattern , you can also use a texture overlay and , it creates this bevel emboss effect so , maybe you just want to have the texture , but no color added you can and you can , scale that of course and you can , increase his death or decrease Ito'm , just gonna go I'm just gonna go ahead , and press cancel on that what I'm gonna , do now ISO'm going to bring in our , background so I'm gonna go into file , open fence'm gonna open that up and , I'just gonna go ahead and right click , on that click on duplicate layer and , bring that into our texture text texture , Tharp is the document that we're , working on press , I'm going to go ahead and close that and , our fence I'm gonna rename that actually , and our fence was brought in to they've , composition and'm gonna drag that all , the way to the bottom right above the , background and I'm gonna Prescott Tot , transform this I'm gonna right click on , my layer and click on rotate , counterclockwise so now the wood pawn , panels are going horizontally as opposed , to vertically and I'm just gonna find a , good spot for for this and you know what , maybe I need to resize it so I'm gonna , press ctr ON my keyboard in the , number pad and it's gonna zoom all the , way out so I can see all of the control , handles here and I'm gonna zoom in to , about W% I'll just type W on there and , you don't find a good spot for this , maybe increase the size just little , bit , something like that then I'gonna press , Z on my keyboard to bring up my zoom , too land I'm gonna zoo min and I like , everything the only thing I don't like , is this gap here so let me see if this , works I'm just gonna create AI'm gonna , zoom in just a little bit'm just gonna , click on my marquee tool and create a , little square like so press ctr T and , then just drag that all the way to the , right just to fill that with black and , yeah we'll just go all the way and then , press Enter P select I'm gonna press on , my zoom tool once again by pressing Zion , the keyboard right clicking and clicking , on fit to screen and think of that the , gap is gone perfect and I want I want to , change the background just a little bit , so I'gonna go into image adjustment , curves'm gonna create an S curve to , give it just little more contrast and , you know what don't know why I'm doing , that I'm gonna Prescott Z it's always , better to create adjustment layers so , I'gonna do the same thing click on , curb sand create an adjustment layer and , s curve and actually let me give myself , a little more space I could really see , let me just start over again s curve , something like that that looks pretty , good I'm gonna add another layer , adjustment layer and this time I'll add , a hue/saturation adjustment layer and , I'm gonna move the hue to the right a , little bit just to get make it a little , a little browner like so so this is , after and that's before it's Little , reddish but I want edit just a Little , little browner , and you know what I'm gonna do one other , trick to this I'm gonna duplicate this , layer and I'm gonna set it to overlay , and this time I do want to do it in the , actual layer I'm gonna go into image , adjustments hue/saturation and , saturated creates this cool effect , there but it might be a little too , strong so I'm gonna set it all the way , to zero I'm just gonna bump it up until , I find Good spot so maybe% , and I'm gonna create one other layer at , the very top and I'll call this layer , beam yet and I'gonna zoom in fit to , screen actually I'm gonna zoom out just , so Icahn see more than the screen'm , gonna select my brush tool select a soft , brush hundred seventy-five pixels , maybe more three hundred and nineteen , twenty pixels should be okay and I'm , gonna set my foreground color to black , and I'm just gonna paint with black like , so and again I don't have to be perfect , not for this effect at least and I'm , gonna bring the opacity down to about , eighty percent maybe seventy percent and , that'before that'sifter and this is , before so it kind of centers everything , into the text there and you know what , let me just try something if I bring , this up here no not my change it'still , looking a little brighter than I had , hope so , maybe mys curve is Little too strong , we darken that up Little bit yeah I , think that look that's looking a little , bit better and you know what Just , realized that I miss one step IE on our , extrusion layer we also Giotto add the , same pattern the same pattern overlay so , we can maintain the effects I'm gonna , click on pattern overlay and I'gonna , select the same pattern this one has a , color overlay as you can see so I'm , gonna bring that color overlay down a , little bit so fifty percent should be , okay , click on pattern overlay and move that , around until you'll find a good spot for , your pattern sou'm gonna get something , that's got a lot of detail maybe , something like that it's dark and it's , lied and Scott you can see that there's , things going on there but it's too dark , so somewhere along somewhere along there , I thin kit's better then I'll press okay , yeah and it's looking pretty good here , as well Oh , and now that See this think we need , to add on our color layer weened I , think we need to add or change at least , our drab shadow so I'm gonna click on , use global light that way we don't , change the perspective of anything else , and just add a little just drag it all a , little bit more to the right so we can , get the shadows cast it on the exclusion , layer just little bit better and then , press and that's it for this tutorial , as always I hope you enjoy edit and that , you learned something new leave any , comments or questions down below or head , over to my Facebook page and leave them , there if you like also feel free to , share with me any designs you come up , with using this technique would love , to see your stuff and don'forget to , subscribe to my free newsletter where i , provide subscriber only content just , enter your email address in the box and , the top right side of my website , once again , thanks for watching and I'll talk to you , guys again soon