Photoshop CC 2017 Tutorials


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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , Susie Maris and you can find me on , Instagram at jr from pct in this video , we're going to look at the top new , features of Editorship CC W , after you watch this video don't forget , to head over to my website , so you can , read about the smaller change snot , covered in this video if you're new to , the Photo shop training channel then , don't forget to subscribe for more free , tutorials let's get started , when you first open up Photo shop CC W , you'll be greeted with the start , backspaces is not new to this , version of Photocopying fact it was , introduced in the November update , of Phototropic when you first launch , Phototropic you're going to be , greeted with the start or expand the size , the screen that is displayed when you , first launch Photocopier whenever no , documents are open as with previous , versions of the start work space you get , access to the recent files that is , what'selected by default , currently I have no recent files since , this is a new installation of Photo shop , and haven't yet open any files so , instead I have the opportunity to create , a new document by clicking on the start , new button the biggest change to this , start screen is the removal the , libraries impress its tabs and the , addition of the CC file stab here this , new CC files tab gives you access tithe , last W PSD files that have been synced , to your Creative Cloud account these , files will also include PSD assets that , you have uploaded from the Creative , Cloud market PS these are currently the , only file type supported in the CC files , tab but additional format sand filtering , controls are expected to be added in , future versions of Hotshot exit the , start work space you can click on the , startworkspace button and select any of , the other ones for example essentials or , you can simply press the Escape key on , the keyboard if you would like to , completely disable Start screen you , can bring up the preferences panel by , pressing ctr K that's command key on , the Mac and under the general tab , unchecked show start work space when no , documents are open doing so will disable , the Start screen permanently I'm going , to leave mine checked since I do like , the st artwork screen mentioned that , the start work space dozen't have any , recent files currently but obviously in , the future it will have a list and if , you want to edit the number of recent , files that are displayed on this list , you can open up , the Preferences panel once again control , K command key on the Mac and under file , handling under recent file list contains , you can put any number you like in here , between and W is okay for me so once , again'm just going to hit the Escape , key and those are the new feature sin , the start workstation Adobe Photo shop , CC W , another big change in Adobe Phototropic , Can be found in the new document , window you can access a new document , window by pressing the keyboard shortcut , ctr n to create a new document or , selecting the new button in the start , backspace by going into file in new , and this is what the new document window , looks like no win the items that you , will see by default are the most recent , in this case defaultPhotoshop size a , template that I'vie used then we're going , to talk more about templates in a moment , and different custom Fetishists , that'vie created and if you have , something in your clipboard such as a , screenshot or maybe you copied an image , you're also going to have clipboard , size to the right you have the preset , details notice that if Click on , default Photo shop size the properties on , the right hand side are adjusted we have , width height and the different units of , measurement you can change orientation , by clicking on these icons here so , notice right now we have width of high , to but if change the orientation to , portrait you'll see those two swap can , check this box to create inboard , with my new document have the , resolution color modes bit-depth , background contents notice that right , now you only see white black and , background color but if I click and drag , on scrolls there's more options , so you have transparent and custom you , can of course click on this color swatch , to bring up the color picker for the new , document background color profiles in , the pixel aspect ratio you can also save , new document presets by clicking on this , icon here so for example when I create a , new article on my website , photoshoptrainingchannel.Como use a , feature image that is W by and I , use a resolution of W pixels , and all the other settings are fine for , this example and if I click on this icon , here to save the preset I can name it , feature imaged for my website click , on save preset and now I have access to , this preset every time Create a new , document you can find it under the save , tab so you will start out on the recent , tab click on save and there it is if you , don't like it you can delete it and now , it'scone now the biggest addition to , Photo shop cc W in terms of creating , new documents is the photo print art , illustration web mobile and film video , categories if I click on photo you will , see that we have blank document presets , that's sort of what we just talked about , just blank documents with different , width heights resolutions and things , like that but the biggest addition is , the templates that you can download from , Adobe stock we're going to work with , this exam plea little later on but , essentially what all these different , templates do is allow you to get started , on a project much more quickly you can , click on the template to read about what , it contains currently you can download , over a hundred free templates you also , see the file size and you can click on , see preview to see a preview of what the , template looks like can close the , preview and we have all different kinds , of templates we have brochures business , card smock-ups and just a whole bunch of , stuff that you can download and get , started quickly I'm just going to go , through most of them really quick just , so you can see the difference between , them the web category includes , responsive website layouts the mobile , category includes mobile UI kids and , also iPhone mock-upsilon video , contains title graphics and graphic , overlays and things like that so , Photo shop is making it really easy for , you to get started right away and also , one other thing that you can do in the , new document dialog box is search for , content on Adobe stock so now let's , quickly see how these templates work , click on the photo tab to open up one of , these template sand I already have this , one here it's called texture geometric , mask if I click on it I can open it and , you'll see this blue circle wit ha white , check mark on it this means that this is , already in my CC library if I select , another template that Haven't yet , downloaded then I would have to first , download that template so this is what , you'll ha veto do the first time that , you try to use one of these templates so , I'm going to click on this one here that , I'vie already downloaded and I'm going to , click on the Open buttonPhotoshop is , going to open up that template and you , can see it here they're all different , but the way this one works is we have , all these layers that we can disable and , enable to create different geometric , mass and we have this placeholder here , it's a smart object so if I double click , on it it open sup a new tab and I can , place whatever photo I want here and , apply it to the template so I have my , libraries window here I have an image , from Adobe stock I'm just going to , simply click and drag that into this , template and of course you can use , whatever image you want for your , template and I'm just going to scale , this up just so you can see how this , works'm going to move this over to the , right and I'just going to hit enter , and I'm going to press ctr ls commands , on the Mac to save and I'm going to go , back into the working document by , clicking on the tab here and you can see , the result there now I can keep enabling , or disabling layers to create different , geometric shapes or different geometric , masks can also go into window arrange , to up vertical and I can see both tabs , at the same time so that if I select the , move tool can click and drag this , around and then hit ctr s commands on , the Mac to save and it automatically , updates on the window on the left so , then that can help me composite this a , little bit easier and faster so every , time you see it updating here on the , left is because I'm pressing ctr s , command s to save now , quickly show you what happens in the , libraries panel there's a new stock , templates library where all your , templates are going to be save din their , save in a format called PSD T but when , you open them internship they become , PSD documents those are regular , Photo shop files any change that you make , to the Pastille not affect the original , dot PSD template and the last thing , want to show you is how to disable the , new document window in case you don't , like it and you want to go back to the , old new document window so you can press , catwalk command key on the Mac to bring , up the Preferences window and under , general select use legacy new document , interface if I check that and press OK , next time I bring up the new document , window you will get the legacy new , document interface like the new one so , I'm going to keep using the new one so , I'm going to unchecked this box and press , OK , one of the biggest and best additions to , Adobe Photo shop CC W is the powerful , multi scope search you can think about , it as Google inside of Photocopied is a , great tool for both beginner and , experienced users alike you can use the , search feature to quickly find tools , menus tutorials tips assets documents , layers and much much more all from , within a unified dialog box inside a , Photo shop search integrates with Adobe , stock to find stock asset sand with help , x adobe comm to retrieve relevant help , documentation to show you how search , works we're going to work with these two , files this is a tutorial that I'vie done , in the past on how to create window , reflection sin this file here that shows , you how to create color grades in , Photo shop both tutorials can be found on , my website , but anyway her ewe are in the window , reflection dot PSD file to bring up the , search feature you can press ctr F , that's command on the Mac now before , we go further I should point out that , ctr F or command F used to be the , reapply the last filter used keyboard , shortcut so this new feature took over , that shortcuts so if you want to reapply , the last use filter you have to hold , ctr alt F that's command option F on , the Mac but anyway let me show you how , the search feature works inside of , Photocopy'm going to click inside the , search box and I'm just going to start , typing notice that as I'typing , Photoshopautomatically starts giving me , results before even finish typing the , keyword so it's very fa stand very , accurate notice by default the all tab , is active this is showing me the results , from three different categories , available in the search box we have the , Photo shop search results to learn search , results in the stock search results you , can sort by category by clicking on the , tab labels underneath the search box , Photo shop learn stock , Photo shop search result sour search , results that you would find through the , Photo shop user interface that includes , filters layers menus new document , presets open documents panels recent , files smart object and tools learn gives , you documentation or instructional , material from the help x adobe comm , website in stock gives you search , results from Adobe stock and this , includes photos illustration videos and , templates one of the reasons why I , really like the search feature is that , you can perform tasks and operations , associated with the search result by , clicking on any other results this will , of course save you a lot of time and it , can also help you find or discover , functionality that you may not have , known existed what I'going to do now , is show you the different types of , search results that you get and what , happens when you click on the search , results this is what we have these two , files here so the first thing I'going , to show you is what happens when you get , a layer as a search result so I'going , to press ctr F and I know that I have a , layer titled , busy City so I'm just going to type in , the word busy and before I even finish , typing the word busy if notice that I , already get the result here busy city , and it's inside a group called window , reflection effect in the current , document that mean in the active , document notice that the group is here , window reflection effect there Otis if , I click on that search result it will , open up that group and select that layer , if I go into a different document , however in search for the same layer it , will not come up the search only finds , layers in the active document so watch , what happens when I comeback into the , window reflection document and press , ctr Fa gain there Otis busy city you , can also search for tools so if I want , to use the quick selection tool can , just type in the word quick and right , away get the quick selection tool , notice a keyboard shortcut on the right , hand side you also get that and if I , click on it , it highlights it and select sit in the , toolbar I can also activate panels so if , I want to activate the channels panel I , can just type in channels there it is , channels panel also notice the icon to , the left of the search result that helps , you determine what the actual search , result is in case you have two search , results with the same name so a channels , panel click it opens the pan eland , highlights it as you can see here I'm , going to go back into the layers panel , and I'm going to collapse this just so , we can see what's going to happen here , I'm going to create a new layer it's a , blank layer and Icahn also search for , filters so I'm going to press ctr F , command F to bring up the search panel , and Icahn type the name of filter so , let's try clouds there it is , filter cloud sand I can click on that , and notice that automatically apply , the clouds filter that is the same as , going into filter render clouds'm , going to delete this layer by tapping , the Delete key on the keyboard and now , I'going to do the same thing again but , this time I have a group selected ctr F , command F to bring up the search panel , and this time if I use the same filter , notice that nothing happens because I , have a group selected and actually if , reset the search and type in clouds , again notice that this time clouds comes , out as unavailable the reason that it , was showing moment ago is because we , Haydn't clear the search but once we , clear the search Photo shop did find the , clouds filter but it'Sterling us that , it's unavailable because of the , currently selected object in the layers , panel the search panel can also help us , find and apply menu commands so let me , show you how that works , maybe we want to apply a layer mask to , this group that hides everything so I , can type in the word hide and you will , see one of the search result sis hide , all if you look right under that you'll , see layer layer mask title if I click on , it it will create a layer mask it will , hide all the car , since of the groupie'm going to undo , that ctr alt Z command option Z in the , back that is the same thing as holding , alt option on the Mac and clicking in a , new layer mask icon and just to show you , you can go into layer layer mask hide , all and it does the same thing the , search command also allows you to open a , recent file so if I go into my recent , file list you can see that I have three , files here when the reflection which is , the one we'recurrently on cinematic , color grading which is the other file , open in another file that is not open , selection mask PSD so let's search for , tactile F command Fin the Mac , selection there Otis , selection mask dot PSD and if I click on , that recent document it opens up in a , new tab you can also search for open , documents so I can press ctr F command , F on the Mac click on the To reset my , search and this time I can type in the , name of the other open document which is , cinematic color grading so if I type in , the word cinematic it comes right up , here on the list , I can click on it and Photo shop , activates that open document if you , search for help and learn topics you , will open up the helix document so I , can search for the word crop and notice , here this is one of the helix documents , so I can click on that and Photo shop , opens up your default browser and goes , to that page here we are at the help x , adobe comm page and we have all the , relevant information and documentation , on the crop tool'm going to bring up , the search bar again'm going to leave , crop and then I'going to click on , stock and these are the Adobe stock , search results that we get with this , keyword so I could click on one it will , automatically upload it into my active , Creative Cloud library and place it onto , my document so there Otis I can hit , enter and I can start working with this , layer if I want to license the image I , can select that and click on license , image I'm not going to do that for this , image I'm just going to delete this , layer for now I'going to bring up the , search bar again so ctr F command , I'm going to hit all and this search , feature is actually really powerful the , algorithm is really smart and it can , recognize synonyms so I can type in the , word retouch and notice what happens , get tools related to retouching so this , is truly a really powerful feature in , Photocopy search feature in , Photo shop CC W it's available in all , the languages that Photocopies , available in and that I's different , languages a couple of things that you , can search for using the search feature , is library elements or individual styles , so I recommend that you use the search , feature as much as possible you might , know that something is inside of , Photo shop but you may not remember , exactly where this is going to help you , solve that issue you can just start , typing and right away you're going to , see the results that will get you to , where you want to be , one of the biggest enhancements to type , in Photo shop CC W is the addition of , SVG color fonts to the list of supported , font types SVG fonts support multiple , colors in gradients in a single glyph , Photo shop CC W ships with two SVG , fonts that Trajan color concept and the , emoji one font yes this means that you , can now use emojis internship so let , me show you how to work with these SVG , fonts I'm going to click on the type , tool and I'm also going to make sure , that my lips panel is enabled there's , two ways you can get to it by going into , window lips or by using the graphic and , web design work space so I'gonna select , that one and here Otis in the , right-hand side then I'm going to select , a font called Trajan color you can see , the Seafront icon here that's what it , looks like'm going to click on that , and I'just going to type Portland as , you can see this font has colors , ingredients attached to it now the , reason that we open up the glyph panel , is so that we can see the entire font , list many of these fonts do not have , corresponding keys to the characters , found within the font and you'll see , what I mean by that when we use the , emoji one font and in other cases using , the key son the keyboard will only give , you one color scheme even though , there'll be many others included in the , font like in this case notice the glyph , panel here if I click and drag up you'll , see all the different variations of the , font that we have there's alto of , different colors there's two ways in , which you can select a different type of , character or a different color character , I can select the character and then go , over into the glyph panel and , double-click on the alternate character , that want to use a faster way is by , hovering over this shaded box below the , character and then you can see the , different types of pieces that we have , so maybe we want to apply blue P so , I'm going to click on that and there it , is the P is now blue and I can do that , for all the other characters of course , or I can click on this icon here to go , into the glyph panel and it will only , show me the alternates for the currently , selected character watch what happens , when break , this text apart so I'm going to , right-click on it and I'm going to , select convert to shape now this is a , shape layer that is being controlled by , this layer here if I double click on it , I can bring up the foreground color , picker and select the color I could also , click on it with the direct selection , tool and select the points of the text , to adjust them any way I want so that is , are ally powerful capability'm going , to go ahead and delete this layer and , now we're going to look at the emoji one , font'm going to click on the type tool , and I'm going to select the emoji one , font here it is emoji one as you can see , it's also an Savaged font and I'm going , to click on here and'm also going to , type Patents that I do not get any , emojis but if I go into the entire font , drop-down under the glyph under emoji , one you'll see all the different emojis , that have so for example can double , click here and add a happy face , and there's a whole bunch of others as , you can see there on the list now the , really cool thing about the emoji one , font is that you can create composite , clips let me show you what I mean by , that I'm just going to go ahead and , delete the layer and I'going to start , from scratch make sure that I have the , emoji one font selected I'going to , click and what I'm going to do now is go , into one of these characters here you , will see a list of letter sand watch , what happens when I enter two at the , same time the letter U and then the , letters I get the American flag so you , can use country codes to create other , emojis we're compositing emojis together , let me show you how that works once , again I'going to double click on M , then on And we get the Mexican flag if , we go for the in E we get the German , flag as long as you enter country code , you should get a resulting flag I also , want to point out that if you hit the , Delete key or backspace key you won't , delete the actual flag emoji watch what , happens wit ha German flag'm just , going to hit backspace once get a D , that is because that emoji was composed , of two other emojis the emoji and the , E , Moi so we hit delete once we delete the , second one which is the letter e and , we're left only with the letter D for , Mexico MX we hit delete once we delete , TeX and keep the M and you probably , guess that with the USO we delete once , will keep Thieu and that'show you can , break apart the emojis that you can pass , it together there's also a different , type of compositing that you can do with , the emoji so I'm going to go ahead and , select one of these yellow body parts , for example this hand here this pointing , hand and I can also click on anyone of , these circles which represent skin color , to change the skin color of that hand so , I can double click on this darker skin , color and watch what happens we added , that skin color to that hand if Hit , backspace on the keyboard delete the , color so once again two emojis are , creating one if I add one of these , emojis here with the hard Haiti can come , back and to like one of those color , swatches again and the skin color , changes and just like before we can , right click on the layer and we can , convert the item to a shape path or , pasteurize pasteurize will obviously be a , pixel layer if I go into shape you will , see the shape that makes up this emoji , and again you can click and drag to , adjust the points just as a side note if , you're trying to do this skin color , changing technique it dozen't work with , glister contain more than one person , so keep that in mind and that's how you , work with Seafronts in Phototropic W , in this video we're going to talk about , the smaller changes to Adobe CC W , we're going to start out by the changes , to the properties panel there it is , properties if you don't see that you can , go into Windows properties and I'm just , going to create a new layer and'm , going to create accustom shape using , pixel sand I'just going to select this , shape and make a pixel-based layer , notice the properties panel now allows , me to make adjustments the width and , height of that pixel layer so I can also , click in there and use the up and down , arrow key son the keyboard to make , changes and I can hit Enter when I'm , done to make the transformation with the , text tool'm just going to type in PTC , and you'll notice the properties panel , now allows you to select the font font , size justification in color so I can , double click on the text layer to , selected adjust the color to maybe red , change the font size if I need to and , the justification I can make this bold , italic and you get the idea so now you , have a lot more control over your text , in the properties panel another smaller , changes what's in the libraries panel , and one of the changes to the library , panel is that you can now undo anything , that you delete so if I hit the trashcan , button Herefords is going to ask me , if I want to undo that file being , deleted now if you wait a little while , it will disappear and you can't undo is , the deletion of the item but if you , delete something you can right away hit , undo and then it will comeback so , that's one of the changes in this , version'm going to go into a library , called my library and this library has a , bunch of images but the one that'm , looking for is just one called , background'm going to double click on , I just so that you could see it and this , is an image that I took is not a stock , image but one of the new additions to , photo shop CC W is the ability to , search for images that look like images , that you shot not necessarily other , stock images so I can right click on it , and choose find similar so wardrobe , stock is going to try to find images , that are similar to the image , that shot so this is a great addition , to the search capability in Adobe stock , another small change tutorship cc , W that like is the highlight color , notices layers currently selected and , it's a light gray that is letting me , know that this is selected but if I , Prescott K command key on the Mac and , bring up the Preferences panel then I , can go into interface and I have this , drop-down here highlight color I can , select blue and now anything that is , selected is in blue so I like that it , make sit easier to see than the default , color so look at the interface label , here it also changes to blue so Think , Will keep that on and what I'm going , to do now is I'm going to double click , on the padlock there to remove the , background and turn it into regular , pixel layer there it is and another , change worth mentioning is under edit , and copy special it no longer says copy , merged now we have to goon to the drop , down here for the copy merge is on top , there the keyboard shortcut is the same , so you don'thieve to worry about that , but in addition to that we have copy CSS , and copy's so I'll quickly show you , what the CSS 1 does I'm going to make a , shape and I'm just going to create an , ellipse black foreground color no stroke , then I'm going to add a layer style with , a drop shadow Green is fine and can , add an inner stroke of red of W pixels , and that's good then I'm going to go , into edit copy special copy Cassie , you're a web developer then you know , what CS Sis it's code that allows you to , style HTML and I'm going to bring up , this notepad plus plus and I can paste , the code on here and you can see the , code that is generated based off the , layer styles so we have the border width , of pixels just like I said it here , and all the other different types of , settings that this object has so that , you can apply it Tao CSS file and that , is all let me know what you think about , the new features of Adobe Photo shop CC , by leaving a comment down below if , you enjoy this tutorial don't forget to , share it wit ha friend and click on that , like button , if you haven'already subscribe to the , Photoshoptraining channel now thank you , for watching and I'll talk to you again , soon  .

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