The Basics, Photoshop Tutorial | How to edit Video in Photoshop CC and CS6


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hi there this is Colin Smith from , photo shop cafe and in this video'm , going to show you how to do some basic , video editing inside a Photo shop so , right now we'vie got Photo shop sitting , here and you can see'vie got the , timeline open and no document so what , I'm going to do is I'Mont going to , create a document and then bring the , video in I'm just going to simply open , the video'm going to choose file open , then I'm going to go to the video and , click here and in what it'seagoing to do , is it's going to open the video in , Photo shop as a document now the reason I , did that is because did'twat to , have to figure out all the setting sand , have to put in the proper size that , prepacked aspect ratio all that stuff , by bringing the video into Photo shop it , creates a new document with exactly , those settings for you so you can see , right now we'vie got timeline here and , this is called a play head and can drag , the play head to scrub through the video , and we can see different parts of the , video now I'vie turned the audio off here , if I have it on you'll get sound if I , turn it off you won't so I'returned it , of fright now so as you can hear me , speaking over the footage I can hit the , space bar right now to play it and what , we have right now is I'vie actually done , a little follow cam kind of a thing here , with a car driving by and I'm using a , DJI phantom quadcopterwith a Go Pro Hero , 3 Black Edition on the bottom and other , videos'll show you how to remove the , distortion and do some get rid of some , of the camera shake in this video we're , actually going to put some of the , footage together and create a small , sequence so with the first clip added if , we want to add more we simply go down , here and we can click on the video and , we can choose add media I'm going to add , two more so I'm going to simply click on , the fir stone then I'm going to hold , down the command key and click on the , second clip that would bacterial on , Windows and click open now when I do , this it adds all three tithe timeline , you can't see them right now because , this , much going onto shout in the timeline , but once so we can go down her ewe can , use this little slider here which it , enables us to zoom in and out of the , timeline now it's not changing the speed , or the duration of the video clips all , it's doing is shrinking down the , timeline so we can see it so what I'm , going to do is I'm just going to go to , the next clip and hit Thespis we , can see what we'vie go there we go we'vie , got another shot where I'm flying over , the top of the ca rand it will let it , continue see it's just like dead air at , the end of that and then we'vie got , another one here where I'm hovering and , along comes a ca rand now I start to , follow the car with the copter so you , can see we'vie got these three different , clips so what we want to do we don't , want it here where the starts to get in , is shot here our rotor sand stuff at , getting in the shot so what we want to , do is take the three clips we want to , trim them to length so we're going to , start with this one since it's running , right now I'going to click and drag , notice as soon as I click you see a , window which shows the duration of this , particular clip which is W second sand , W frames right no wand the entire , project that we have right now which is , W frame sat W seconds and frames so , I'm just going to drag back and you'll , notice as I do that we can stop right , there where everything gets into the , shot let's go to the beginning of the , shot and we're going to drag it until , the car starts to appear you'll see the , shadow fir stand then the car so I'm , going to release it right there so what , we'vie done now is we'vie trimmed this , clip to only that where the action is , now this Hans't thrown anything away , it's still there you can recover it at , anytime by clicking and dragging to , bring it back so these hidden areas are , known as the head and the tail of the , video so it's still there but we're just , working non-destructively so let's click , on the next clip I don't even have to , have the play head over the clip I'm , working Ono can simply click and drag , backwards until we get to the end and , let's go right there or I'just gone , tithe end of the car and let's go to , the beginning click and drag the way the , car appear sand there we go , and now we'vie trimmed , one down let's go to the first clip and , we're just going to click-and-drag , notice this right in there so let's go , to the end of that shot and actually , that's pretty good we don'tend any , trimming on that shot notice though that , we'vie already trimmed this project down , to seconds and W frames you can see , that here which is quite good we'vie lost , almost seconds now remember people , have Short attention span less is more , so trim your videos just down tithe , very very important parts of action all , right let's go back and we're going to , take the play head to the beginning and , hit Thespis and I'm going to let it , play as it's playing notice that it's , becoming green behind the play head and , it's showing at the bottom saying is , playing in real time at which is W , frames per second for argument's sake if , Photo shop is notable to keep up it , would show red and it would start to , render of these out so what I'vie , actually done is these clips are working , on right NOW'vie actually reduced the , size down to W and if we actually go , and look at the image and we go to image , size I'll show you what we'vie done you , can see I'vie go tit down if you don't , see the pixels here if it's in inches , you want to change it or percentage , change the pixels and right now you see , we're at W by this is the HE'D , size so right now I'working in HE'D , even though the footage was shot bigger , I could work on it bigger I could work , Ina W or the 2.K which was , originally shot but I'm working at at , W because'vie got much better , performance just to demonstrate how this , works so if you find that your playback , is a little bit sluggish then let it , play and then once it'screen like it is , now then when you hit the space bar to , play again this time it'll play through , smooth because now that it's green that , little bar there see that that green , means that we're on Ram preview meaning , every single frame now is loaded into , memory so we can play it back at the , actual speed that the action is , happening so I just want to make you , aware of that so we'vie got these , different clips what if we want to , change the order of the clip swell the , first thing we want to do is we'll want , to see where they live and they live in , a layers panel so if we click on the , layers panel here you'll notice that , we'begot our three clips and I just hit , the top one and notice that the other , two show so what it's doing is rather , than how layers work where it stacks , from the top from the bottom tithe top , and loads images on top of each other , when we're working ins idea video group , which is what you're going to get when , you create a timeline like this the , video group is going to change it from , stacking on top of each other to playing , one after the other in duration , so chronologically speaking the , beginning is at the bottom and the end , is at the top so in time it goes from , early to late so time climbs time flies , is a way to think about it as it goes up , it goes across so if we want to change , the order of these clips say for example , we're starting with this shot what if we , want to put that one in the middle well , we can click it drag it and release it , and now let's reorder them notice , everything snaps in position here that's , because we're in a video group and in , what it does is it will snap everything , into position and avoid those little , gaps in there this is also known as , ripple editing which is done , automatically inside of Photo shop so now , we'vie got this first clip here that goes , like this is close-upshot where we fly , away then we'vie got this one here and , then finally this one feel like I'd , like to change the order of the first , and the last one well rather than having , to click and drag these like that we can , actually do it from the layers panel , take that one to the top take that one , tithe bottom and as I change it in , there notice it also changes it right , here inside of the timeline so sometimes , it's easier to change your timeline by , moving them around in layers than it is , to , in the timeline panel so let's have a , look at smoothing out these transitions , what we're going to do is create some , nice dissolves because if we look at it , right now we'll see where it goes from , one to the next very sudden although in , a lot of movie making these sudden cuts , are very common and work very well in , this case we'redoing something that , looks like a car commercial so we want , something little bit smoother that , gives this nice feeling of just Avery , nice soft fuzzy feeling so what we're , going to do is we're going to click on , the transition button we can change the , duration of these transitions'm going , to make it two second sand I'm going to , choose the crossfires I'm going to , click and drag that cross fade between , the clips that I want to change and I'm , going to do the same thing here so now , if we go back and we play it we'll see , we'vie got this nice smooth transition in , between the clip sand then we'll let it , play to the next clip and let it , transition again and there we go so we , get these nice transition snow if you , want to change these transitions after , the fact you can by either right , clicking we can change the type of , transition or we can change the duration , of the transition or we can delete it by , hitting a little trash can the other , option is we can actually just click and , drag here and you'll seethe duration is , showing us we can make it shorter or we , can make it longer in this case I'm , going to shorten it ever so slightly and , now if we want to play back again you'll , notice the transitions quicker goes into , that and then a car goes off now and , it's going Togo into the other , transition now something that always , looks good to finish these kind of , things off as a fade to black and fade , from black so what I'm going to do right , now is I'm going to choose here and I'm , going to choose fade with black but this , time we're going to change the duration , to 1.5 seconds and now whenever Change , the duration here notice it's going to , affect every single transition that's , how it works , if I set it there it'll affect every , transition before apply it now , once I'reapplied iotas you saw before I , can always change it so we're going to , do one and a half and we're going to , drag at the beginning and'm going to , do one and a half and I'going to drag , it at the end I'going to go back here , I'm going to hit the space bar and notice , it fades in and we're you know you see a , little jerk every now and then well , things are loading up and right now it's , loading up into RAM it's loaded up , pretty well right now is playing is our , transition it's going to go back and now , it'seagoing to fade from black out and , there we go right now I'vie just go to , looping such as going backwards and , forwards and you can see that we'begot , our our video clip is playing now , there's a lot of other things we can do , we can add sound we can add different , adjustment layers there's a lot of , different thing sand in fact what I'll , do just for fun is I'll convert this to , black and white and I'll show you how to , add that we click on the top video group , and then I'm going to go under here and , I'm going to add a black and white , adjustment and this black and white , adjustment let me make sure that it's , turned onto show all layers if this , clip on is turned on it's only going to , affect the layer directly underneath it , which in this case you'll notice will be , the last clip so what I'm going to do is , turn that off so to fix all of them and , now we have this black white video of , this car going what we can change all , kinds of things with adjustment layers , if we wanted to add a curves adjustment , we could and with this curves let me , just pop out the curve here a little bit , you could tend to plug up the shadow a , little bit more which is done a lot in , in movies and if you wanted you could , open up the highlights so what we'vie , done is we'vie actually increase the , contrast quite a bit and this might not , work so well in color but a black and , white is quite effective so let's have a , look once again make sure that that clip , is turned off if it's clipping like that , hold down the option key ending just , click on the layer and now it's going to , affect all the layers underneath so , let's play it now we'vie got our , adjustment layers we'vie got black and , white now and we'vie got the curve , adjustment , and you can see that we'vie got this nice , blank white effect now if you wanted to , take it even further and add a sepia , tone you could do that in fact you could , apply any adjustment layer that we have , here one of the ways I like to apply a , color is cinematic color here but before , I do notice one of the things that we'vie , been having here when we'vie been , applying these adjustments as you have , noticed here's our adjustments here that , if we go to our properties here you will , see that we'vie goat lot of different , things when we click on our adjustments , here they now appear in the properties , panel so the other thing is the mosque , if we wanted to add a mosque we can do , that but we're not going to do that , right now what we're going to do is I'm , just going Togo back down again and I'm , going to apply a solid color , now with the color I'going to choose , this we want to do a sepia tone so I'm , going to grab an oranges color click OK , and now I'm going to change the blend , mode of this color because I want this , blend mode notice though before I do , that now that I'vie created this notice , it'just at the very Enid want to make , you aware of that what we need to do is , drag it out and we put it on top and , then what we're going to do is we're , going to grab this and drag it here all , the way out so now this Lost's the same , amount of ti meas our footage underneath , so if that'SWAT happens if you'vie got , them appearing in here do that now any , of these I could drag these out as well , but there's no need but with the color , one I do need to do that so what I'm , going to do is I'm going to change the , blend mode to color and now you can see , the color come through and to choose the , amount of color that I want in here all , I simply do is adjust the opacity so I'm , going to take the opacity down and you , just give it just Little smudge out , there and now we'begot this cool sepia , tone video click let me hit the play , button here and you can see how that's , going and one of the other nice things , ab outdoing this when we do this kind of , effect it really ties the footage , together , because now the footage has this uniform , color effect now while I'm doing that , I'going to show you one more thing if , It urn off the black and white by , applying this color adjustment it gives , a feel or a look to entire footage so , now you can see here this footage has , got this really warm kind of a color , tone because it's not black and white , anymore and so sometimes if you want a , cinematic look all you need is two , things one increase the contrast here , with your curves like we did and add a , little bit of a color cast you can , change the color cast double click and , we could go say greenish hue so we get , something looks like it's out of the , matrix and now we can play it back and , notice that all the footage now has this , green tint to it so you can see how easy , it is to apply these different , adjustment layers tithe video to get , different feels to your video and just , really change the mood of it entirely , so when you're done you can simply save , this document and a wonderful thing , about saving the document is that , everything we'vie done is going to stay , within the document now the footage is , linked so you need to keep the original , footage on your hard drive it's pretty , robust actually because if you move your , footage around within the drive , Photo shop is still going to keep it , connected but if you move it off the , drive to another drive it's not going to , work it'seagoing to be looking for that , footage however all our edits are , transition sour adjustments all the , things that we do here are all going to , be contained within this one document , when we save it out as a Pasadena you're , ready to share it with the world , go down here click the render button and , then we can choose option sin a nutshell , we're going to give it a name we're , going to choose what we want it to go , then the options you have is right now , we're just going to work with dope Adobe , Media encoder right now it's going to , h.which is a standard sharing format , that works on YouTube iPhone's iPad's , Apple TVs Android even Blu-ray players , use h.W , it's pretty much the standard right now , so you could choose that and or you , could go down to quick time but under , the h.let's look at some of the , presets you can do high medium or low , and it'll take the size and the frame , rat ewe have or we can even change it to , work on all these different devices even , YouTube video Android phones Apple TV , and will actually size the video for you , and you'll be good Togo you don't even , need to know what the settings mean so , when you're done you simply click render , and it is going to create movie in the , location that you have chosen and then , you can share with other people so I , hope this has helped you and and you'll , find it is you start to play with video , on Footpath's a lot of options , here that are available and don'forget , to comeback tutorship cafe because , I'm going to have a lot more tutorials , on video and Photo shop I actually have a , book on it as well which is called video , in Photo shop and there's a lot more I , can teach you about this topic but for , now this is enough to get you started I , hope you enjoyed .

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