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Photoshop tricks
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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , sue Ramirez and you can find me on , Instagram at jr prompt in this video , i'm going to show you how to create a , realistic pebbling photo shop i must , admit have not played Pokemon go yet , but i figured that it would be a good , idea to record a tutorial on creating , the piebald you want to follow along , make sure that you head over Tommy , website pct voids dot-com and download , the file for this tutorial also while , you're on the remake sure that you check , out my new compositing course there's a , lot of good tip sand techniques there , you can also find the link to it right , below in the description let's get , started the first thing that I'm gonna , do is I'gonna find the center of the , image and I'gonna use the rulers here , to help me do that so if you don'see , them you can press ctr or commander in , the Mac to enable them then you can , right-click on them and choose % W% is , the center of the horizontal and , vertical ruler so you can click and drag , a guide until you hit% on both the , vertical and horizontal rulers so that's , the center of the image now we're gonna , create a ellipse that it's gonna revolve , to make half a sphere now initially you , might be thinking that creating a simple , ellipse will do the job but we actually , have to cut that in half and by the way , I held Shift + Alt shift an option on , the Mac to create this perfect circle , we actually Giotto cut it in half so , that we can revolve it in space so , what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select , the delete Anchor Point tool and I'm , gonna delete the anchor point right here , Photo shop is gonna tell me that this is , going to turn a life shape into a , regular path and yes I want to do that , so I'm gonna click on that then I'm , gonna select the direct selection tool , click on the handle while holding alt , option on the Mac and drag that handle , until it snaps into the point there do , the same thing for the point at the , bottom click and drag while holding alt , option , and when it snaps let go so now we have , half circle we no longer need our , guides so I'gonna Prescott semicolon , that's command semicolon in the Mac to , remove the guides then with this layer , selected I'm gonna go into D new D , extrusion from selected layer and that's , gonna turn that half a circle into a D , model if I rotate it you can see it , there now obviously this dozen'look , like half a sphere but we're gonna make , some adjustments so that it does the , first thing that you need to do is click , on this tab here which is the deform tab , then under horizontal angle you need to , type that's half a circle and you , need to make other adjustments for , example the extrusion depth needs to be , At and back in the deform tab you need , to adjust the deformation axis right now , that Center square is shaded that's , where the rotation is happening you want , to make it happen from one of the , corners so that it's half a sphere so if , I click on the corner here notice what , happens we get half a sphere see that , now that corner is selected I can click , on this orbit D camera tool hereto , rotate the camera and now we see what , that looks like what I'gonna do now is , click on current view and under the view , drop down select front so we can see , what'seagoing Ina lot better so there it , is front'm gonna click Ina D model , it's gonna select it here as you see and , then I can rotate around TeX-axis to , have the cutout facing down but a better , way of doing it is by clicking the , properties here and Tupungato and , hitting enter to accept the changes I'm , gonna click and drag it up Little bit , and now we're gonna work with the rest , of the sphere and then we're gonna , duplicate it and create the bottom half , so this top part is gonna be red and , we're gonna create some reflections and , we're gonna just lighting and then we're , gonna work on the bottom part so the , first thing we're gonna do is we're , gonna lighting'm going to click on , infinite light and now I can control the , light and we're going to try that match , in the scene delighted and the scene is , coming from up here you can see the , shadows here under the car there pretty , much right under the car so it's maybe , something like this not at this part , might be Little bit brighter than any , other parts of the light is probably , coming from here down like so so we can , pretty much assume that this is gonna be , the light then we Giotto work with the , color of the sphere the extrusion , material is what we got to worry about , in this case so under the fuse you can , level click on the color there to bring , up the color picker and you can choose a , dark red about right here and press OK , then we can apply the background as an , image space light so we can see some , reflection son the actual sphere so what , I'm gonna do is I'gonna click on , environment under image space lights I'm , gonna select remove texture and then I'm , gonna click on this icon and click on , new texture press Oakland then I'going , to right click on that icon again and , click on edit texture there it is now , I'm gonna go back into the layers panel , of the project that we'reworking on , click on the street which is the , background with the move tool selected I , can click and drag it over onto the tab , when the tab switches over you can , continue holding the mouse button and , release it in the middle if you hold , shift is gonna release it right in the , center of the image then you can press , ctr ls command S on the Mac to save then , I can close this image based light and , you're not gonna see the reflection yet , because weened to make some adjustments , so I'm gonna double click on they'd , layer and go back into the extrusion , material the one that we'd switch to red , and increase the reflection roughly W , percent or so and notice reflector now , we see that trees being reflected the , building in the car but we want to , adjust it just because the reflections , would't necessarily be in front of the , sphere because the tree and the car both , behind the sphere or the poke ball rather , so I'gonna click on the environment , and I'm just gonna rotate it just so we , can see something different here so , maybe it'something like this , and this works okay for now we may , adjust it later if weened to but for , now this is gonna work I'm gonna click , on the ellipse and there Otis we have , half asp here with the reflections of , the street environment and what we're , gonna do now is just duplicate this and , rotate Otto the other side to create , the bottom half so we have the ellipse , there I'gonna right-click on it and , choose duplicate objects there it is and , with this one could simply rotate , around they-axis or I can just look in , the coordinates here and just reset it , type in negative and there it is then , I can click on it and drag it down , leave some space in between the top and , bottom part and then I'm gonna change , the color so I'm going to open it up , select the extrusion material and then , select an off-white color so maybe , something like this and press so , there you go we have the top half and , the bottom half at this point I'm gonna , put these two D layers into a group so , when I click the ellipse one and drop it , off on top of the ellipse 1 and I can , rename them that one on to pis red so , I'll cal lit red the one in the bottom , is white so I'll call it white then I'm , gonna go into the layers pan eland I'm , gonna create one more ellipse right in , the center here and this is gonna be , that button in the center of the , likeability's gonna be about this big , then I'm gonna go into den D , extrusion from selected layer and that's , gonna be a D model there as you can see , notice that am rotating the camera the , poke ball did't move because we are in , two different layers so we're gonna , work on this D layer when we're done , we're gonna merge the two onto one , so with this delayer selected I'gonna , select the ellipse number 2 click on the , shape presets down-pointing arrow here , to see all the preset sand I'm gonna , select this one right here which is , bevel with contour and it creates this , contour that looks a lot like a button , so that's going to work for us great I'm , going to change the extrusion depth to , then I'gonna click on the front and , placing material hold shift and click on , the back inflation material and I'm , gonna increase the reflection really , high on all five materials so maybe , something like ninety percent this is , gonna be a really reflective surface , then under ellipse number two'm going , to right-click on it and choose , duplicate objects this is gonna be an , inner button so I'm gonna scale it down , a little bit and I'm gonna push it out , right about there and maybe make it just , Little bit bigger so something like , that and I'm just gonna keep these two , next to each other and actually on the , one on top I'just going to call outer , and the inner one will of course call , inner then I'm going to go back into the , layers panel I'gonna select both , layers by holding shift and clicking on , both then can either go to layer merge , layers or simply press ctr e command on , the Mac I'm going to use the keyboard , shortcut just because it's a lot easier , to use so ctr e commander and that's , gonna merge these two D objects onto , one layer if I double click on it you , will see all the elements that have , here the red the white outer and inner , I'going to click on the red hold shift , click on the white selects both and drag , it down on top of the outer and then I'm , gonna hold shift and click on inner so , it selects all four and I can press ctr , G command Gin the Mac to put that into , a group in this groupie can call , poke ball there Otis now I gotta select , the outer and inner and put that into a , group ctr G command Gin the Mac and , I'm just gonna call this one button for , that center button and I'm gonna click , and drag it out there it is obviously , it's not facing the right way but I can , just reset it or reset both rather and , there you go and if I make if I need to , make any adjustments can do so so let , me just rotate the D element around , little bit just so I can see what it's , looking like gotta push the inner one , to the left Little bit and what I'll , do now is actually , under current view and click on the , camera and select front just so we can , see the front part of it and now Icahn , align it properly so click on the button , and push it to the front right about , here and then I could rotate just to , make sure that it's is looking on all , areas and it looks like it is then I can , push it inward and I'll go back to the , front just so I can see what'seagoing on , so current view click on the camera , front and click on the button group , click and drag it up right about here , and then I'm gonna go back to the camera , and looks like like on the wrong thing I , clicked on default go back to the camera , under current view click on the camera , here and choose either left or right so , we'll go left just so we can see how far , we can push that in so I'm gonna click , on the button and push it in right about , here then what I'gonna do now is work , on the inner sphere that's gonna be , inside in between the red one and the , white one so I'm gonna click on the , white half sphere and right click on it , and choose duplicate objects and I'm , gonna click and drag that new object , right under the original and I'gonna , call it black because this is gonna be , that black Center sphere and I'm gonna , make few changes'm gonna click on , the deform tab here and instead of W , I'm gonna choose W to get a complete , circle and I'm gonna change the , extrusion material to a very dark gray , almost black so something like that and , it's Little too big sou'm just gonna , scale it inward by clicking on the , center cube yellow one there in the , middle it turns yellow when you hover , over it and it reads scale uniformly so , when I click on it and scale it in so , there it is the problem is that it's too , reflective so I'm just gonna bring down , the reflection on that one so I'm going , to click on the extrusion material bring , down the reflection not all the way to , zero but pretty low% , and this is what we have now we have the , poke ball group with the red white and , black spheres the button with the outer , and inner and at this point we're pretty , much done creating the poke ball but we , just got to make a few adjustments to , make it fit within the scene and so that , the bowl looks as realistic as possible , so I'm gonna click on the current view , go to front just to make sure that , everything is looking okay from the , front and the button might be a little , too big so I'm gonna scale it in a , little bit and push it out and I'm gonna , rotate it just freely so I could see how , much it sticks out actually might be a , little too much'll push it back in so , maybe something like this and it's , looking pretty good , maybe this inner buttons Little too , big so maybe'll scale that one in as , well so maybe something like that , okay so now let's make sure that that , the overall D scene fits in with the , photograph so what I'm gonna do is I'm , gonna rotate the camera so that the , scene matches so have you seen my , compositing course then you know that , one of the best ways of matching two , different elements is to match the , horizon line so let's find the horizon , line of this image so there it is on D , you can see that white line that one , there ISS horizon line so we got to , match that horizon line with our scene , the horizon line is where the ground , plane meets the sky so on the photograph , it's down here somewhere on the D scene , it's up here so we just gotta bring that , down one way of doing it is by clicking , on current view and clicking on , coordinate sand then we can adjust that , camera around you can click and drag on , tax or you can just put in the cursor , inside of the tight box and use the up , or down arrow keys so I'm using the , arrow keys so right about there that's , more or less where the horizon line , would be and notice how our ground plane , now matches the street much better so if , I enable the poke ball I can select the , likeable entire thing here and I can , move it around in space so maybe what , I'll do now is go into dove object , ground plane so it'actually sitting on , ground plane and I can maybe rotate it , so it's not facing straight forward and , you might now that I'm looking at this I , can I think might have made a mistake , in terms of where I place that center , button thin kit's not quite centered , so let me click on that and maybe just , move it up just a little bit and I'll , rotate the entire thing again just to , make sure it all looks good yeah I think , I think that's much better centered so , there you go , centered and if the balls a little too , big we can scale it down of course and , maybe right about here again D move , object to ground plane so it's always , sitting on the ground and you know what , Gotta go even smaller so maybe , something like that , D move object to ground plane it's , always on the ground so I'm gonna go , back into the environment one more time , and I'just gonna make sure that the , environment matches the scene so maybe , something like this that's looking much , much better and I'gonna press M on the , keyboard and I'm just gonna do quick , render and this is just so Icahn tell , that everything is working fine and , there are no issues so I'gonna make a , selection click on the render button it , may take a little while because I'm , selecting the entire D object and I , also have a lot of reflections and , things like that but that's okay I just , want to make sure that everything'soak , and I'Mont gonna go too long into the , render just enough so that I could tell , that things are working and you can just , press escape to stop the render and the , one thing that I may do is actually , maybe work on the shadow a little bit , and I'm gonna move the infinite light , around so I'gonna click on the move , tool and move the infinite light about , that much also I'm gonna increase the , softness of the shadow so maybe W W , percent will be okay , and I think this is gonna work what I'm , gonna do now is just do a final render , once it'Stone rendering I'm gonna come , back into Photo shop and we're just gonna , do some finishing touches so I'gonna , press on the keyboard make that same , election I made earlier click on render , but this time I will pause the video , until it's done rendering Photo shop , just finished rendering the D model so , I'm gonna press ctr Command D to , deselect and the first thing I'm gonna , do is go into the layers panel and press , ctr J command J on the Mac to duplicate , that layer'm gonna right click on it , and choose pasteurized layer so now , that D layer is just a regular pixel , layer it's not D anymore and we're , gonna work with this layer just to make , the final adjustments so I'm gonna add a , new hue and saturation adjustment layer , I'm gonna bring down to the saturation , and I just want to make sure that the , dominance values of the environment , matches the dominance values of the ball , notice that the ball is just a little , too light so I'm gonna click on the , ellipse copy which is the final , poke ball sou'll call it inapplicable , and the D layer'll call that one , poke ball dock so there we go we have , the two layers labeled so we know what , they are so on the final poke ball layer , I'm gonna create a new levels adjustment , layer I'm gonna clip Otto the layer , below it catalog command option G on the , Mac or you can click on this icon here , and then move the dominance values it , will only affect the parkland now , you're just gonna make sure that the , darkest part of the car matches the , darkest part of the ball and the same , thing for the lights because they're , roughly in the same area and they're , made out of roughly the same material so , they should be matching notice that , without the adjustment layer the , poke ball is just a little too bright , with it it matches the scene a little , bit better and we can actually adjust it , even further maybe make the dark's a , little bit darker and the lights a , little bit brighter create a little more , contrast like this so that'before and , that's after , and in black and white everything seems , to match pretty Good'm going to , disable the hue and saturation , adjustment layer and you'll see how the , D ball looks much better than without , it now the problem now , is that we adjusted the color so we only , want to adjust the dominance so I'm , gonna click on luminosity so the color , should not affect it and now that I'm , looking at it Think the effect might , have been a little too strong so I'm , gonna bring that down with the opacity , so now that see the color it might be , a little too strong so I'm gonna create , a new hue and saturation adjustment , layer'm gonna clip Otto the layer , below it another problem I see is that , it's a little too saturated so I'm gonna , just bring the saturation down just a , tiny bit so again so that this matches , with the objects around it and finally , I'going to create color lookup , adjustment layer and this is so that we , can apply one overall effect to the , entire image this is something I like to , do in compositing just to make the , entire scene come together as one so I'm , gonna just select fall colors and it , creates this really interesting effect , but that'snot what I'going for so I'm , just gonna bring the opacity way down to , zero and then increase the opacity very , very slightly so that we get a hint of , those colors so that's before and after , you notice how those colors are applied , to the entire image both the foreground , and the background so it kind of helps , it come together a little bit more , finally I'gonna press ctr alt shift E , and I call that keyboard shortcut , smashed your head onto the keyboard , keyboard shortcut because you have to , press a whole bunch of keys so ctr alt , shift command option shift on the , Mac and that takes everything in your , scene merges it onto one layer as a copy , and puts it on the very top so there it , is , and what we're gonna do in this layers , we're gonna apply some noise so I'm just , gonna call it noise and that's another , thing I like to do to make a composite , come together so we're gonna add just , tiny bit of Nisei'm going to filter , and we're gonna use the lens blur this , filter usually adds blur to an image but , if you bring down the radius down to , zero , it adds no blur and it's got a noise , setting that you can add it and I like , using this filter for noise just because , Think I get good results so something , like an amount of will be okay and you , can look at uniform or Gaussian and see , which one looks better uniform works , I don't wan tit monochromatic I want , just a little bit of color in there so , I'm just gonna press OK , and'm gonna zoom in just so that you , could see what we did so this is before , and that's after and maybe you can even , bring down the opacity if if the effect , is too strong so just Little bit of , noises to help everything fit together , so that's before and after and I can fit , into the screen and that's our final , result and that's it for this tutorial I , hope that you enjoyed it and that you , learned something new if you create an , image using this tutorial feel free to , share it on Instagram with the hashtag , PTC voids often do a search for this , tag to see what you're all up to you if , I find your image I will leave you a , comment also don't forget to subscribe , and click on that like button if you , have a friend who would enjoy this , tutorial then share the link with them , now thank you for watching and I'll talk , to you again soon