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Photoshop tricks
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, welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , , my name is his Luis Ramirez and you can , find me Instagram at jr prompt in , this tutorial'm going to show you , three Photo shop hacks that you probably , don't know if this is your first time at , the Photoshoptraining channel don't , forget to click on that subscribe button , OK let's get started , the fistfights hack is creating , templates have this file here which is , AP's be the default Photo shop file , format and it's a template that I used , to create my lightship tip and , it's an image that ends upon Pinter est , so I'm going to open it up so you can , see it there it ISO just change the , text and save it as JPEG and this is a , template file that I use and alto of , people have template Photo shop files , that they use for repetitive tasks it , dozen't have to be social media post it , could be anything , now when you don't know there'sine , thing on the tab you'll see the name of , the lightship tip xxxix dot PSD , and if I make change to the template , and close it Photocopies going to ask , me to save this original template file , and if I accidentally click on yes then , I will have made changes tithe template , and that'snot something you always want , to do because if you adjust the template , then you have to fix it next time you , open it so that can become problem so , instead what recommend doing is going , into your PSD that you use as a template , and rename it and add a different file , extension instead of Postwar're going to , USP as theta you just add that letter , on there , your operating system will ask you if , you want to change the file extension , click on yes notice that the icon , changes if we open it up now it's going , to look exactly the same but the one , difference is that it's no longer that , same file now it's an untitled file so , that's whats is the T does it opens , an untitled new version of the document , that you're working with so you can , never overwrite that original template , this is actually the same format that , Adobe stock templates use so you never , work with the original you always work , with a new untitled instance this is the , file format that I recommend using if , you use Photo shop P as these as , templates in hack number two'm going , to show you how to use a custom plugins , folder with Phototropic actually in , older versions of Photo shop Adobe allows , you to use a custom plugins folder to , install all of your plugins , unfortunately starting with CC that's no , longer the case but there is a hack to , get around that'm here in my programs , folder if I go into the Adobe folder , you'll see all your WF locations that I , have installed I'm going to open up my , Phototropic W folder and I'm going , to go into the plugins folder you will , see that Have earplug-in from Google , Caledonia collection now this is not , specific to this particular plugin it'll , work with any plugins but the only one I , have installed currently is Nick , collection and if Io pen it up you'll , see if there's a whole bunch of files , that makeup the plugin now if I , uninstall Photocopying the files will , also be uninstalled if I upgrade to a , newer version of Photo shop then the , files will be in this installation not , the new one so sometimes it's best to , have a custom folder where you put all , your plugins what you need to do is just , delete the files that are in this folder , because we don't need them anymore'm , going to go into folder where have , the plugins here they are and just to be , clear you will have to copy over the , files from photocopy folder onto a , different location , but I did it before recording the video , but here Otis in this folder which is , not in the Adobe Photo shop folder as you , can see here and I can just simply , create a shortcut or an alias if you're , using a Mac and there's my shortcut here , now I'going to go back to the Adobe , plugins folder and I'm going to click , and drag that shortcut onto it there it , is , I have Photo shop closed and I'm opening , that up now , I'm going to create new document you , click on create and there Otis and if I , go into filter you will see my , collection plugins are here and I can , select it and it turns on and as you can , see it's working obviously have a white , background it's not really doing much , but the plug-in work sand all we're , using is a shortcut to that folder if I , were to upgrade to a new version of , Photo shop all I need to do is create , another shortcut and drag it onto the , new plugins folder or just copy the , shortcut onto the rebut the plugins will , always be there on that separate folder , so once again if you'reworking on an , older version in Phototropic you don't , have to worry about this because there , is an option in the preferences panel , that allows you to select a custom , plugins folder , in hack number three I'm going to show , you how to get more lookup tables and , what I mean by that is if you create a , new color lookup adjustment layer you , have these LUT files that you can select , to apply different look onto the image , so we can select ad umber or any of the , other LUT files that we have if you're a , member of the Creative Cloud you can , take advantage of extra LUT files that , are included in those other applications , I'm going to minimizePhotoshop and Here , I am in the Adobe folder it contains all , the different Adobe applications that I , have installed in this computer if I go , into Premiere Pro then select metro , inside of that we have altos folder , with three different folders you can try , legacy for example sort them by type , cube are the ones that we're going to be , able to take onto Photo shop so we can do , something like this one here I can do , them all but I'just going to copy one , so that you can see how it works so I'm , going to copy that go back into my Adobe , folder invitation and under presets , there is a dilute folder and you can , paste that in there and here it is now , what I'm going to do is I'm going to , rename it and I'just going to add the , - so that it moves tithe bottom of the , list so then I'going to need to close , Photocopied I need to ope nit up again , in the image that I was using was in my , library's panel so I'm going to open , that up and we'll use the same image , that we were using before I'm going to , double click on it to open it then I'm , going to go into color lookup click on , the drop-down and notice here at the , very bottom we have this Z - panel log , for tool in your cube that's a different , effect that that LUT file creates and , you can come back into that Adobe folder , and you can look at Adobe Premiere Pro , once again and select any of the other , files found in the luminary LUT folder , once again not all the files will work , but if you're using cube files they , should work in Photo shop and I have an , extra bonus hack for you this one deals , with layer masks I'm going to click on , the quick selection tool and I'm going , to click and drag to make a selection , around the sky as you know in Photo shop , CC you have the selected masks work space , you can click on this button hereto , bring that up and you can adjust the , edge of your selection with these , sliders the selected mask work space was , introduced in Phototropic and many , people prefer the old refine edge dialog , if you prefer to work with it you can , actually bring it back go into select , hold shift then click on select in mask , and that brings up the old refine edge , dialog box so if you prefer to work with , it this is how you can bring it back in , that set for this tutorial hope that , you enjoyed it and that you learn , something new if you enjoy this tutorial , share this video with Friend clicking , that like button and don't forget to , subscribe thank you for watching and , I'll talk to you again soon , you