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Photoshop tricks
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, hi there welcome to the Photo shop , amazing updates my name is Daniel Scott , and I am an Adobe certified instructor , for Photocopied what I'redone in this , video ISO'vie gone through all the new , feature sand I'vie kind of curated them , to put the super fantastic amazing stuff , at the front and kind of work your way , back back through no yeah it dozen't get , worse it just gets more obscure and the , amount of people that are fixed is , probably smaller in my opinion and , there's also exercise files that you can , use to play along with this course so , there'll be a link on the page download , those and if you like my teaching style , I'vie got full course son Photo shop , there's an essentials for the people who , need the fundamentalsDunnigan and if , you're a hike or Photo shop user try my , Photo shop advancements alright let's , jump in okay the best feature in , Photocopy is something called , content-aware fill you might have heard , that before but the work space they'vie , created is really cool so if you're , following along go to file open and open , up these three content-aware work space , one two and three so we'll start with , one the old version of content-aware I'm , just using the lasso tool her ewe're , gonna go around the outside this has , been around while you went to edit you , went to fill and you left everything by , default you clicked okay and it was , magic so it's really good at getting , small parts of a large image especially , kind of nature it's really easy where , it's tough is when you'begot this a , larger object that's part looks its , proportionately quite big compared to , the rest of the image , okay sou'vie selected at all use the , same technique and hopefully it's kind , of break , you can see it's in an okay job but you , can see over here it'actually started , grabbing the kind of out-of-focus land , here and it's like we should just grab , this over here and that's where the , magic happens so I'm gonna undo activate , this new feature go to edit and it's , this one here called content-aware fill , you might be likens't that always , been there nope its new what happens in , this case is that you end up with this , new kind overexpose this new work area , on the left is what we want Photo shop to , sample and on the right here is your , kind of dynamically updated result it , says worse than it was so what we're , gonna do is we need to do nothing , actually you should have these all by , default these tools and just paint out , the things you don't want included okay , so I want to say Photo shop don'include , any of this please , and your computer's gonna stress outta , little bit because on the right hand , side Theresa I'm painting this out it's , trying to like dynamically update it's , spinning your way watch this wait for , this thing to be done and there's a , whole lot better so if you're like me , and use content aware fill to remove , like this little thing and then it , removed it but replaced it with , something worse this is just a really , nice little extra feature so try edit , fill first using content-aware , and if tardiest't work or you could , have bad result jump into here go to , edit and then the content aware fill , option other things you should know here , on the right under fill settings you'vie , got this thing called color adaption and , what a founders don't worry too much , about the word color adaption it's more , like I will try using option A orb and , watch this update it'll try again with , different kind of color blending modes , and you can just see whether you like it , better or worse they look much the same , very high see that did it hold different , jobs you get like a couple of goes at it , and you go back none worse so I think , our original default one was great one , of the other perks for this method here , is you can see it's his output settings , so it'gonna output to a new layer by , default you can jam it into the current , layer and that's what the old version , did that was kind of destructive editing , right it's a new layer'll show you you , click OK I'm gonna deselect and you can , see here it'actually on its own layer , so you might actually run that couple , of times you'vie got a couple of , different options to kind of start , blending through so that's the new , content aware fill workstation thing I , wanted to show you though is , content-aware feels amazing , there's a little tool Vic it's used in a , the really same kind of purpose you , Wonder say we remove these post-it , notes let's give iota go using our , method from before with fill if we go to , it it contained a we're still use the , work space method it's gonna go , through and you can start deleting lots , of things so I'gonna say not the , laptop , goodbye watching it update over here , it's good for the wood so no the woods , please can you can chase this forever , and still get a bit of a murky result , man it's getting more wood not lizard , there are just times where this magical , little option is so same sort of lasso , tool selection and grab the patch tool , the patch tool is hiding underneath the , Spot Healing Brush you just drag it so , this one here it's using the same , technology but you are saying replace it , with this exact bit please and then , blend it in hit deselect find that , gives you really good results so it's , the same thing it's like using , content-aware fill but you were saying , right from this area please both methods , have their place one is you let the , computer do the work and with a patch , tool find that sometimes really , specifically actually just use this bit , alright onto the next new feature all , right the next feature is not really a , feature but it's something new and that , they'vie updated and it's a little bit , painful and we need to address it before , we move on so open up transform'vie got , my logo layer selected we use edit free , transform everyone does it it's command , key on a Mac cutlet on a PC okay we hold , down shift to make sure all the portions , are fine but it's the opposite now okay , though if you hold down shift it , squishes it around so I'm gonna hit , escape so all we need to do now is , command T or ctr T and just grab one of , the corners and you don't hold anything , down now it's one of those weird changes , there it's a little bit hard to get used , too'vie been using it for maybe about , two week snow and it's totally good and , I'vie totally got used to it now and , can see why remember if you hold down , shift you can break it but in all , versions of Photo shop you saw people who , did that with logos and images and , because they're newbies are like what , it's fine you're like no you'vie , destroyed the logo so by default they , should't be able to break it but for , you hold down shift if you do want to , distort it it's the same here for this , underneath layer if'm using edit , anything that has those transform bounds , now has changed so content aware scale , love this for , it's been around a while though so we , don't hold anything down it just kind of , just well it scales it proportionately , so I want to actually just drag it this , way it's got a hold shift and use this , right inside magic new background I love , it , alright if you hate it you can go into , preferences and turn it off one tiny , little update as well is the undo the , undo used to toggle okay used to be hit , command Z or control Zion a PC and you , hit it a couple of time sand it did this , so went forward backwards forward , backwards then you had two held down , like a zillion keys on your keyboard and , hit the z key to get it to kind of do , this one the one that everyone wants you , wonder the one that said step backwards , let's change by default so command Z , will just keep going backward sand undo , right to the beginning it used to be , called step backward sit's kind of more , in line with other Adobe products and , just product sin general let's get onto , something more sexy like the frame tool , all right open up from the exercise , files frame to one so really this is the , second most favorite tool transform and , undo options are just necessary things , to address why this is really coolie'vie , got this kind of web UI mock-up thin git , does really matter what you'redoing it , with think of a frame as a mask if , you'vie undersign or illustrator they , use this technique all the time when , they'redoing clipping masks so the , frame tool is this one here , now if these tool tips are driving you , mad they drive me ma don AMA Photo shop , CC preferences tool son a PC it's edit , preference stools and rich tool tips gone , OK so the frame tool'm going to pick a , square one and I'm going to drag from , here to here and what you notice is the , layers panel has this new set up here , that's what a frame looks like but I'm , gonna do is grab my move tool'm gonna , duplicate to have a couple of versions , okay for my little mock-up here they're , empty frames at the moment to add things , to this frame you can drag them from , your library got an image here drag them , in the cool thing about them is they , load them proportionately , okay so I'll fill the frame it's really , nice so you can drag them from your , library you can click on them and go to , your properties panel there it is there , you can say insert image from you can , get it from Adobe stock or I'gonna use , this for my , local disc and I'm going to embed one so , I'll use frame tool three you end up at , the same position or I'm not sure why I , do this all the time I like to see the , Finder window just drag from this , straight into it anyway there's lots of , ways of dragging it you can see how much , nicer the layers panel is there's lots , of other ways of doing this I see you , use clipping layers but I'm totally , switching to frames now let's have a , look at another way of using it so let's , open up frame tool 5 zoom in so we , created the frame and then dragged in , the image you can do it the other way , around so I'm going to go to file place , and bi dded I'm gonna grab frame tool 6 a , little bit big get it to roughly the , right size turn so I'vie got an image and , I want to drag a frame around it so the , layer selected'm gonna go to my frame , tool and grab the ellipse version I'm , just gonna drag it across holding shift , so it's perfectly height and width you , can see there it'just converted it , into a frame now when you are working , with frame scan I'gonna go to the move , tool there's there's a way of working , with it on the screen you can double , click it you can see it kind of pulls , apart and I can see the two rectangles , this is my outer one is the image and , Icahn work on it separately from my , frame if I grab the edge of the frame , though can Could drag it around I , could resize it now those shortcuts'vie , kind of used them I find it's easier , just over here you can see the white , liner on the outside so Icahn click on , the mask or I can click on the image , find that's just Little easier so the , image selected Could transform it and , scale it over and but not holding shift , if you want to move both of them you can , hold shift and click both of the things , just move them around backwards what , you'll also notice is that in here my , layers panel you can see it converted , that image into smart object if it's , not already you can also add a stroke to , the frame which is handy okay so with , the frame selected here in my , properties panel'm gonna double click , this to shrink it up my properties panel , I'vie got the stroke and can decide on , what color I want don't even know pick , one down com eon you can pick a size and , you can see I can decide with our one at , the inside center or the outside , surprisingly handy instead of having , like , layers with stroke effects applied to , the top bun or a separate circle image , alright let's look at another way of , using it so go to file open and open up , frame tool seven so it's not just Rick , tangles in circles you can use text okay , pretty much any sort of victor path in , Photo shop can be converted so I'm gonna , use the type too land type in Daniel , that's my name and nice big font drag , this get it close okay so once you'vie , drawn the text you need to convert it , into a frame it's no longer gonna be , editable text , okay so just right-click the word Daniel , and go to this one here it says convert , to frame it all works for me click OK , now you can use any of those techniques , from earlier I'm going to use this one , I'm gonna use frame tool eight get in , there now you can see my image just , happens to be not as big as the text , that had so remember it's easy to , click on this command T or ctr T on a , PC don't hold down shift you can hold , down the option key Ina Mac Alt key on , a PC to drag from the center that's kind , of handy hit enter now you can't do some , things with these frames yet okay I , imagine they'll add them all so you can , you could looks like you can add a drop , shadow but it dozen't seem to apply so , they're just dozen't work , there's ways around it okay you can just , create group stick that layer in their , group and that group can't get a drop , shadow so know that it's a workaround , for the moment I'measure it'll get , updated to be able to show these things , okay and from destroying these things of , the fix I'm gonna select them all I'm , gonna make them all as mart object and , the worsts filter and all the land , you know what it is in sweet goodness , job done so anything can be a frame with , you circles text rectangles'll show , you a couple more before we move on are , gonna open up frame tool 9 we're gonna , use the we're gonna forget about the pen , tool when living life with the new , curvature pen too lit's new from the , last version if you haven't started , using it it's it's amazing double-click , fora corner click once for a curve , double click for a corner click once for , a curve at the curve double click fora , corner , click once for a curve double click for , a corner once for a curve you're sure , what to doing the last one I'm converted , man from the Pinto of the curvature tool , but draw anythings't mean he met at , what you'vie drawn it with the free form , pin tool what you need to do convert it , to a frame is I want this frame to kind , of wrap around and mask at this , background it won't work of the , backgrounds locked just double-click the , background layer should name it never , do click this top layer here and because , it'just above it if Aright-click the , word shape and say convert to frame , click OK magic Hui'm gonna jump to , illustrator I'vie got a shape of drawing , in he rehang a slick my little whale , that I'vie done an upgrade course note , that I'vie done our upgrade features , for Illustrator as wellie copy it from , here paste it into Photo shop make sure , it is make sure it is a shape layer , click OK it's a bit big transform them , down here we go click OK , same as before can't be a locked , background double click it click this , to pone and right click it convicted , frame because it's right above it it , should mask it all in there remember I , can work on the frame move it around or , I can work on the image on the inside by , clicking on this one you can see little , white dots around it transform it there , Otis Thea can move it around one thing , you'll notice in this version as well is , when transform can you see it's , missing that target in the middle click , OK if I go back tithe old version of , Photo shop remember this so their target , there it'perfect okay but like'm a , teacher so whatever like I say transform , something and move it they all try and , move this and I like it'snot moving , OK so they'vie got rid of that target you , can turn it back on in the preferences , if you loved that little target but it's , gone in the latest version see gone now , a little notes about this really it's , only four images the frame can be vector , stuff in text and all that sort of stuff , but you can't put editable text inside , them at the moment so shape layers and , text won't you know can't Bethe thing , that'son the inside of the frame they , could be the frame which has mainly , images on the inside images in the smart , objects the other thing to note is if , you want to get rid of frame say it , accidentally happened you can , right-click the layer any in this text , here and there's an option that says , remove frame from layer , and it's gone all right let's get on to , the next feature right before we hit the , next feature if UN enjoying this video , you'dike my teaching style and you , want to help me out , I'd like on this video consider , subscribing tithe channel and you might , consider doing my Photo shop essentials , editorship advanced tutorial class , you'll Beau link in the description to , check that out alright let's get on to , the next feature , alright the very next best feature , number three in my humble opinion is , live blending mode sit's a simple one , I'll show you what it does we're putting , this for no good reason we're putting an , island in a bottle so live blending , modes- I'gonna drag it into like many , modes one I'm gonna rotate it around not , holding shift I'gonna try and scale it , in to get into position a little bit too , small no but you know return and I want , it to blend with the background so I , want a layer mode and if you'redone it , before you in normal dissolve dissolve , if it works so that you in darken and , then you end multiply and you clicked on , all of these and went bananas but NOW , don't actually have to click on them , look at this can just kind of scrub , through and find one that works look at , that that's which one want , it's off like you'll do looks like it's , kind of underwater now that shortcut , still works if you using the crazy way , of move tool hold shift hit plus on your , keyboard that still works but don't need , it now to be ageist alone that shortcut , now all you need to do is hover thank , you Adobe next feature please now , there'nix features called select , subject this would have been totally , number one if it had come out in W , release but they snick it in halfway , through and if you're like a lot of , people you did't even check what the , new updates were use when yes update if , that sounds like you this might change , your life so I'vie got slick subject , open'm gonna go to select and this , thing here should be called you should , have an exclamation mark or , super-fantastic afterwards but but it , dozen't just click select click subject , stand back , how good was that now being using it for , a while now it gets you kind of W , percent fear sometimes closer it depends , on our pageant let's add a mask by , clicking this little icon down the , bottom here layer mask look at that , don'look too closely at the details , but if you just need a rough cut , actually that's better than a rough cut , its I'd say% there now the select , subject to option there's a couple , little issues that we want to just I , just want to show you how to kind of , really perfect the select subject it's , gonna do a pretty amazing job getting , the edges we're gonna add a layer mask , and you can see the beard here needs , some work and there's a chunkier missing , so what we can do is use it in , combination with the Select M mask so , make sure the mask is selected not the , image mask click on select a mas know , what I'vie done is I'vie switched mine to , be on black and maybe it's a bit dark , just to see a bit of a contrast now with , us here along here okay this tool here , is the best it's one nothing selected by , default , pick a size this one here you can kind , of see from the icon it's really good , for here , basically all it says is go and do this , again please look at that , it's really good for edges of here , things that are moving the large chunks , like this there's pushing down the , bottom here this person their gap grab , this top option the quick selection tool , set it to minus because size that fits , come on just kind of gets rid of that , there's some bits in here probably just , need Little touch-up so you did one , and it did them all so good you can kind , of see it though there's a bit of an , orange hue or on the outside of his arm , here it's kind of around the hair a , little bit what I find is there's a , bunch of options in here and you can , play around with them they're great I , find the magic bullet though is this , last option you might have to twirl down , output settings and there's one here , decontaminate colors it's like this , magic thing that happens watch click , once and it did'really you also , notice it more in the bead here what's , disarrange beard , Nor en grange badinage Beard , goat bit closer Who am I redefine edge , for his face be a little bit more , careful than me let's crank this up to , W%redefine on/off that looks more , secure that looks more more exciting , let's click open and other than I , selected a bit too much of his cheek , it's a pretty amazing mask so it came , out earlier in the year it's slicked , subject it dozen't have to be people , it'just kind of like main object in , it you're doing product photography it , works great jumped out of the video , and found this just , to kind of show you it dozen'thieve to , be people it can be beers stuff beers , slick subject wait for it to do its , thing hit the button and it's not , perfect but it's pretty amazing and , again if you find the edges arena't , perfect for you click on the mask select , range grab this little feathery guy here , and just kind of paint the edges and , somehow it just magically finds the , edges of the beer all right now we're , finished with this too lit came out , earlier in the year but I bet you you , missed it it's brilliant tool , especially if you combine it with select , and mask all right on to the next , feature all right the next feature is , something called quilt wop so from the , exercise files open up these three wop , files one two and three so when we'vie , done warps in the past I'm gonna combine , these two so I want to mock up this , magazine cover on this background and we , just go to edit transform we go to warp , alright and it's pretty easy the old way , okay as long as there's a kind of on a , single plane now I'm gonna spend like a , couple of minutes doing this just , getting it looking nice so I'll get it , to speed up zoom time , you , all right so not my best work but it was , quick easy as long as it'son a single , plane it's nice have you'vie used it much , before you know that if I want more , control okay I can add ab it more of a , grid so edit the same sort of thing edit , transform warp can jump to this kind , of like's grid and that's cool as long , as it's everything's uniform okay so my , next example is going to require a , little bit more customization and that's , where this quilt warp option work sin so , unwrap 3 I want to get the vine to kind , of wraparound the text bit I need to , move it up so first of Allie'm gonna , mask this background probably in this , one because there's one simple color it , slicked on the vine and use the , handy-dandy select color range it's a , pretty good job straight up and so you , can click inhere with a dropper and say , I want that color then raise the , fuzziness to say kind of pick his , buddies to pick the other bits of green , and you can add the plus butt onto say , and this and probably not as fuzzy , anymore eventually you'll get something , pretty good let's click OK , not a bad selection it's at a mask but , now what I want to do is turn down on , and get it to kind of wrap up the top , here if you'redoing this along with me , you don't have to use then you can use , your own name so with the image selected , I'm gonna use that same thing edit , transform warp and these are the new , features they call it quilt warp well , they'vie told me that'SWAT they'vie , called it but really it's this split , along the top here allows you add your , own custom ones so you ca neither do it , both horizontal and vertical okay and , add a custom point which is coolie'll do , that or you can just do our horizontal , or vertical and just get kind of real , just simple control sit's up to you I'm , in this case gonna use the split one and , I'm going to hopefully I practice this , beforehand , I try to make it look cool so I'm gonna , add two there so I don'thieve to kind of , use that grid which can be really even , though it's only by it can be really , complicated so I'm gonna raise these two , up here because wanted to kind of come , up and look like it's over there and , just a bit of mm messing around to try , and get Otto look real , you , alright as real as something like that , can so you can tell like the cool thing , about it is that you can hack into , custom you can do exactly how you want , by adding as many points or as little , points as you want into the confirm it , OK and yeah that'st he kind of new , feature the new addition to the wop tool , is adding custom points they call it , quilt warp before we move on Want to , quickly show you a cool little tricks a , really easy way to get the vines that , look like it'seagoing in and out of the , text that kind of like interaction that , looks really coo lit's any two versions , so I'm going to duplicate this guy two , Danes you have one above the vine one , below it and with this top one selected , add slayer mask grab your pen brush , make sure all black is your foreground , color pick a size and just paint the , bits in you want it's quite coo lit's , gonna be a behind their part and then in , front of their part sand you can kind of , just decide how much how much kind of , peeks through look at us and paint in , white to get rid of stuff all right now , I'm waffling if you do do your version , show me your example user own and you , can use my name you might not have such , a stretch divine give it a background , color with my white one there insure it , with me on social media , okay so Instagram is the best one am , bring your own laptop or if your Twitter , I am Dan loves Adobe take a screenshot , and show me what you did and let's get , onto the next feature all right the next , feature is something called distribute , spacing so up until this version all you , could do is select all of these people , and say I want to horizontal that's what , no vertical always get that wrong wanna , line them up but then I want to kind of , step them out in individual space sand , up until recently all you had was this , okay distribute centers okay and that , would kind of work okay but you can tell , like this it's using the center of every , object and because this one's small and , this one's big they don'thieve the same , internal spacing so this is quite coolie , find you know I should have If eel like , this could be earlier in the tutorial , NOW feel like it's always been , problem here but now this thing is new , they don't look very fancy but they , distribute their gaps which is very cool , so click on horizontal or vertical if , you can work it out that's why they got , icons for people like me , come on so now the spacing is even , rather than the center's being even it's , a simple addition it's been in things , like illustrator fora long time but we , welcome you here tutorship next team , all right , next feature all right for this next , feature it's called symmetry painting , you might have bumped into it in the , last version it was hidden under some , special features you had to turn on was , a bit of a secret handshake to make it , work but now it's just built straight in , and if you did lose the last version , there is some updates to it so the way , it works is pick I'vie got symmetry , painting open okay basically just an , empty layer is all I really need , I'going to grab any other brush or , eraser tools or any any other kind of , things you draw with the pencil tool , we're gonna pick a brush now the sweet , new brushes are they came out two while , ago in Hotpoint that long ago but , you notice that the brushes panels been , cleaned up nicely and under dry media , and special brushes Kyle Webster's , joined Adobe and all those brushes came , along wit hit and they're all they're , amazing so I'm gonna use not the dry , ones I'gonna use whit this one here , ultimate inking think and then so the , way this work sis you pick ab rush size , and this is the new little feature here , this little butterfly so basically you , pop it down and you pick one of these , we'll start with just vertical one , it's nice and easy you get to transform , it first you'vie really got to kind of , decide do I wan tit to be this way or , this way was gonna leave iotas it was , strapping down and hit enter now I'vie , got a foreground color and I'just , gonna click hold and give you things of , it there's giant brush but you get the , idea right you don't need to see me draw , not even sure what I'drawing , there's a cool little mix here of both , the both asymmetry which is cool but , also the brush and also the Wac om tablet , all kind of coming together to become , draw as an artist best Friend'm not , sure what I'modding now so that's just a , flipping across either side one you can , just turn it off when you're finished , you can actually just change to , something else if you finished that and , you're like actually I want to see what , the the weird I wanna see what the radio , one does that's a new one okay so I'm , gonna have eschewing , we're missing about hit enter okay and , you can draw around and it kind of draws , really one you'vie got a sense for onion , turn this went off and show you the last , one my favorite one so instead of , working on radio I'm going to look at , this mandala I'm gonna go up to five , enter at the size now if you don't have , a Commutable a way to kind of fake it , and is to nothing to do this I'just , changing the size it's this thing over , here they're smoothing if you lift up , the smoothing to% it's gonna kind of , smooth out your lines and look a whole , lot more natural and all the more , hand-drawn then they're kind of jittery , stuff you might get you can also miss , ab outwith some of these ketchup stroke , is cool and ketchup the end of stroke , can be fun same with pulled string give , them a go you'll kind of find what you , feel is natural maybe with that and I'm , just going to draw for no good reason , now I'll speed this up because'm just , gonna play around with it fora little , bit , you , all right you're back I don'tavern know , how to doing but if it's fun okay but I , got my little petting so somebody brush , you can see there's a bunch of different , options in there , one thing you might fin dis like mine , and it runs Little bit slow if you , pick some really hardcore brushes in , some of these other ones that Kyle's , designed okay just this whole symmetry , things a little stressful on my machine , and I really hoped it became this , tutorials look I'm gonna do something , I'm an amazing and Is aid like we did , here and kinda looks likes or ran , over pizza , I was hoping for glory I even got my , Wac om out of the cupboard for you you , are welcome alright I got the solution , select them all they smash them down and , you know what'coming the world is a , better place all right on to the next , feature all right we're getting close to , the Enid'm gonna throw these last kind , of three into this one amazing image , it's my favorite stock image sou'm , gonna stock image it's one shared by the , photographer Charles DE Livia , sorry dud eon splash go check him out , and then we'll do a bit of aw rap-up , afterwards kind of snick steps thing , this one here I'm gonna use the pin tool , or a stroke'vie kind of feel I'm just , gonna draw a set of red glasses on him , for no reason other than to show you , this feature if it worked Ina document , where this is not too bad because the , defaults blue in the backgrounds kind of , bluebird it's quite thin little bit , hard to see you can now in Photo shop go , to this little cog so I'm working my pin , tool go to this cog you can say actually , I want to see it a lot thicker when you , go to giant size okay so you can see it , nice and easy and also pick a different , color nice high contrast one rubber , bands quite cool as well I start another , shape over here you see it's actually , connected to it , illustrator does that by default now you , can decide whether you like that thing , because without it if you forget it's , that kind of like hope and guess what , it'seagoing to do if you're okay with the , pin tool then it'fine if you're a , newbie turn that rubber bending on it'll , give you a hand alright back to this guy , I love them so much alright three more , simple things I'm gonna grab the brush , tool where is it they're gonna make a , new layer and under , colors here this is the color cube right , so we'vie been using this forever and , it'shandy but they'remade handier , one okay it's called color whee land it , just means you'vie got the hue all the , way around and the color loops back on , itself rather than that weed slider that , kind of stops it red and then goes back , to red this one here just a nice easy , way to pick the hue okay and within , their hue you'vie got the option of like , a fully saturated and then you can start , washing it out all the ways white or , dark ending up to black and anywhere in , between it's common in some other kind , of fields like some of the video work , and premium and it is just quite handy , especially love the hue saturation and , brightness RGB is weird , especially when it's a slider but this , here is quite nice so we're not doing it , for anything else other than Tue I had , this man a little it's made to be a , mustache wears a mustache on a taco yeah , alright so that's one feature color , wheel the other one is window work space , lock the explored just turned , it on okay and what it mean sis you , can't move these or break them okay and , why would you do that you might just , like it okay you might have got it , sorted , but really it's for people working on , computers that actually are touchscreens , like the Microsoft surface or the , surface studio or the Wac om Centime'll , show you one and this is the new one , from Microsoft or talked about yesterday , this way all these images are a day ago , we can actually work on these so it's a , full operating system you can actually , start drawing on top of it and that can , be problematic when panel start moving , around so that option is for you and our , last one before we wrap up and talk , about next steps is view and this one , here horizontal this one here flip , horizontal just flips it over just , temporarily it's not like done it's not , like edit transform flip horizontal it's , just thereto do quick kind of chicks , there's what is the end I can't work out , a reason for this'm honest Adobe told , me it's because artists like to check , symmetry and you might yeah leave a , comment if you like yeah totally love , that idea , so it's not finished it's just kind of , like temporary flipping you can work on , it but it is just a view change alright , let's jump to real Dan to wrap things up , say goodbye to the pug alright my friend , you'vie made Otto the end long video I , know if we'vie only just met , Daniel Scott and I'vie got a bonus for , you for making it to the end , it's a printable cheat sheet like chichi , shortcuts it'SWAT I'm doing this but , you it's about that big okay you can , print it off stick it next to your , computer it's free go check it out , bring your own laptop calm and there's a , resources tab there's a bunch of other , shortcut yeah worksheets in there as , Welland what else can you do I'vie done , this is photocopy W , I'vie do also done updates for , Illustrator Indignant Effects , premiered animate Dream weaver go check , out those if you like them and yeah I , will see you hopefully in another course , how Dido good people , you