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Photoshop tricks
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in this video I'm going to show you the , quickest way to white balance an image , internship hi welcome back to the , Photoshoptraining Channel I'm Mrs. , Ramirez in this video I'm going to show , you how to color correct images with , just one click and even though we'll , focus on an automatic adjustment am , gonna take sometime to explain what , Photocopies doing behind the scenes , that way you understand how the Tool , Works and if you run into any problems , you'll know how to solve them okay let's , get started we're gonna work with this , image here and it obviously has a color , ca stand our goal is going to be to , remove the color cast so that we can , neutralize the image I just want to , point out that in this tutorial you , could use either the levels or the , curves adjustment layer I'm going to use , the curves adjustment layer and we're , gonna work with the auto button but , notice that the levels adjustment layer , also has that same auto button so you , can use either adjustment layer for this , tutorial I'm gonna stick with curves if , I simply hit the auto button you'll , notice that Dishtowel make an , adjustment and that adjustment won't , necessarily be the best adjustment , Photoshop actually has different , algorithms that it uses to determine how , to color correct the image automatically , you can access those algorithms by , holding alt option on the Mac and , clicking on the auto button to bring up , the auto color correction options , another way to get to that is by , clicking on flout menu and , selecting Auto options you'll notice , that on the top of this window you'll , have four different algorithms by , default Photoshop selects enhance , brightness and contrast and you have , different algorithms that you can choose , from the algorithm that I prefer is the , fine dark and light colors algorithm I , believe that it gives the best results , in most cases also like to check these , snap neutral mid-tone sand you can see , that by simply doing that I'vie color , corrected this image I can also tell , Photoshop to use this algorithm as , default by checking this box then , pressing that way the next time that , I create a curves adjustment layer and , hit the auto button , Photoshop will apply that auto , adjustment now before we move on I want , to explain what's going on behind the , scenes so that you understand this , algorithm then we're gonna move on Tao , photo that's Little bit more , complicated and simply applying the auto , color correction option swill not color , correct the image but I'll show you what , to do when that happens so we applied , the find dark and light color adjustment , and really what that means is this if , you are an old Photoshop user you might , remember an old color correcting , technique and that old color correcting , technique is this one you can select the , red green and blue channel sand then , find the light and dark color sand what , I mean by that is you select the black , point and then move the black point over , to the right until you find the darkest , point of the image basically that's , where the data starts here in the , histogram if you don't see the histogram , on your panel you can click on the , fly out menu and selectors display , option sand make sure that histogram is , enabled but anyway you can click and , drag the black point until you start , seeing some data on that histogram , another way of doing it is by holding , alt option on the Mac clicking and , dragging in this case the image will , turn red because this is a red Channel , and whenever you start seeing black on , the image that's where you'll find your , black point so you can just drop the , point there but it's a lot easier to do , it through the histogram so I'm just , gonna click and drag the white point to , the left make sure that it matches where , the data starts here on the histogram , and I'll do the same thing for all those , channels that's the green Channel and , this is the blue Channel notice that as , soon as I find the dark and light points , of the image the image now looks much , better that's before and after let me , know in the comments if you're an old , Photoshop user and remember this all , technique but basically this is what the , auto color Corrections option is doing , with this algorithm it's finding the , dark and light colors again in most , cases this is the best algorithm so I , like having iotas default but it dozen't , always work and that's what I'going to , show you in the following example , what to do when this algorithm dozen't , work so I'm gonna go into this image , here and if I create a curves adjustment , layer and click on the auto button , you'll notice that the image does look , better but it'snot quite the result , that we're looking for if I hold alt , option on the Mac and click on the auto , button you'll see that we're using the , fine dark and light colors I'm snapping , that neutral mid-tone sand the image is , still not looking the way it should and , I can actually scroll through the , different algorithms and you'll see that , none of them give Mae good result so , what I'll do ISO'll keep the one I had , originally find dark and light colors , make sure that snap neutral mid-tones , has selected and then I can come into , the properties panel and simply select , the gray point eyedropper then you can , click anywhere on the image that should , be a neutral gray for example this brick , path and as soon as I click the image , looks much better can even click on , her sweater because her sweater is soft , white so it's still a neutral gray so , when I click on that the image also , looks much much better now you maybe , thinking well why don'twee do that from , the beginning why can't we simply just , click on a great point and just be done , with it well let me show you what , happens when I do that I'going to , click on this reset butt onto reset this , curves adjustment layer have the great , point eyedropper selected and if I click , on the path the image looks much better , but it looks washed out because we , haven't found the black in white points , of this image of course we can click and , drag the black point and the white point , of each individual channel until we find , the information but that will take too , long it's much easier to start with the , auto button if it dozen't work select , the gray point eyedropper and click on , anything that should be neutral gray a , gray color and the image looks much much , better right away so that's before and , after and by the way before we continue , Wanna mention that if you're , interested on learning more about curves , and how they work an dhow they work with , color more specifically then Ire commend , watching my tutorial on cinematic color , grading because I go into dept hon how , the curves adjustment works how it , relates to color , action and color grading it's one of my , most watched tutorials and I believe , it's one of my be stones so check it out , I'll post a link to it right below in , the description but anyway let's get , back to the tutorial one thing that I , want you to note is that when we make an , adjustment with a great point eyedropper , we don't actually change where the white , point or black point is if I click , anywhere on the image you'll see that , the only thing that changes is the , center point and that is true for every , channel notice how I'm not really , adjusting the black and white point just , that point right in the center which is , a neutral gray also if you select the , black point eyedropper and click on any , color notice it in this case the black , point changes in the black point change , on all channels so if I go into thereby , mode watch the black point of the blue , Channel which is here and the green and , red channel which are right here almost , in the same spot if I click on this area , here notice how all three change so the , black point eyedropper changes the black , point for all three channels the same is , true for the white point notice how all , three change and I'll click on her , backpack just so that there's a bigger , difference you can see the three white , points change up here and I'll reset the , adjustment click on auto and the same is , true for the gray eyedropper if I click , on an area it will change all three , channel sat the same time but the point , of me showing you this is that when you , hit your auto button you will adjust the , black points in white points of all , three RGB channel sand you can adjust , the gray point without affecting any of , the black points or white points and , there you have it the one-click solution , to color correcting images in Photoshop , in this case it was actually two but you , get the idea let me know in the comments , below of you already knew this technique , or if you prefer a different algorithm , that the one I use if this is your first , time at the Photoshoptraining channel , then don'forget to subscribe and to , click on the notification button thank , you so much for watching and I will talk , to you again in the next tutorial .