Fruit Juice Photo Manipulation Effect Photoshop Tutorial


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well hey everybody welcome into this , Adobe Photo shop tutorial brought to you , as always by Todd Viacom today we're , gonna take a look at creating this , pretty cool fruit-juice composite , effects slicing and dicing and making it , look real nice in the recovering all the , techniques you need to know in Photo shop , so you can create that effect as well , let's jump into Shipwright now and , get this thing started already folks , here we are internship this is the , effect we're gonna be creating well this , is another example of the effect we're , actually gonna be doing the orange-juice , effect but you can do it with anything , you could do this with strawberries you , can do with pineapples really anything , you could do a mango any kind of fruit , but let's get started by going file new , and create new document I'm gonna drag , this down here a new document W by , W it's just my favorite size working , internship right now Id on't know why , it'just kind of is I'gonna go ahead , and create and we want to do a couple , things the first thing we'll do is , establish a simple glowing background , and we're gonna do that by coming down , here and hitting this half white half , black circle and choosing solid color to , create solid color layer and I'm gonna , give this very very subtle orange , color so I'm gonna go wit ha very light , Orange color , maybe something sort of kind of like , that now the nice thing about the solid , color fill layer very easy to change , later on I'm gonna hit the little lock , icon and just drag the original , background layer down to the garbage'm , gonna create a new layer I'm gonna name , this layer glow to place a nice glow in , the middle what I'll do here is use my , brush tool'm gonna right click and I'm , gonna say you know what let's reduce the , hardness to zero and increase the size , man just a lot let's bum pit up to like , W or something now white is my , foreground calorie'm gonna click a , single time maybe twice and then I'm , going to grab my regular move tool and , I'm gonna hit command or ctr T which , opens up free transform , maybe I'll zoom out a little bit hold , down shift an option that's shift and , alt on the PC and then just zoom or , scale up Should say the the glow in , the middle until it's you know , reasonable size go ahead and commit that , change you can position as closer as far , from the center as you like something , like that'll look good for me here and , I'll probably go ahead and reduce the , opacity of this glow just knock it down , to something subtle% opacity's but , I'rolling with here just because I like , it alright so for the actual juice , effect have four stock photos now , these are Adobe stock photos so I can't , just do , to repeat them for free but you can get , them on Adobe stock or if you'redoing , your own type of juice you can go find , your own photos or just see what you can , find for free online for sure'm going , with a glass of orange juice the great , thing about this is you could very , easily with you saturation make it pink , for strawberry or yellow for pineapple , or green if you're gonna do some sort of , green fruit maybe an avocado or , something like that I don'TKO or , orange wellie mean more of a pale orange , type of color for for cantaloupe or , whatever whatever it may be , Tool green and red if you want to go , watermelon the point is it's not a glass , of water the glass of orange juice is , solid you can't see through it so that's , very conducive to easily changing the , color now as soon AIs say that I also , have a blue water splash now you could , go with splashing milk but I just , thought the water was Little bit , crisper looking and would lend a more , refreshing looking final image , Albee it not as realistic um however when , we're talking about making an image that , has slices of fruit coming out of a , glass is realism really where we want to , argue don't know maybe not and then , I'm also gonna have full orange and , all I'gonna do is peel the skin off , the orange you'll see how we do that in , a second and then a slice of orange just , so I can get the innards of the orange , now for the pineapple I basically had , the same thing here there's some some , milk there bu tan inside of the , pineapple Andean outside of the , pineapple and then I use the same glass , of orange juice in the pineapple shot so , we're gonna begin by dragging in the , orange juice'm just gonna drag my , stock photo into this now this is , isolated over white for sure and it can , be whatever you just need to be able to , isolate the juice and because it's over , white it makes it very easy Togo select , and select the subject which gives us a , great little selection and then'll , probably go select select and mask and , just make a couple changes you can see , it makes pretty nice selection , probably bump the radius up or 3 , pixels'll feather this the edges a , little bit and then boost the contrast , just to try to peel away any sort of , little edges that need to be D fringed , around the glass and I may even shift , the edge back negative an a W W% or so , and I'm gonna output this to a layer , mask and I will hit okay you can see , we'begot a beautiful simple smooth , nearly perfect layer mask and before I , do anything Elsie want to change the , color of the highlights they're very , sort of white bordering on pink or they , look like they have a magenta tinge to , them maybe just because of the color , we're working with so I'gonna add a , selective color adjustment layer here , and I'm gonna clip Otto my orange juice , command option or ctr alt G and I want , to work here within the whiskys , that's that's what I want to change the , color of I once you remove cyan , therefore making those whites the white , highlights more Reid'll remove little , bit of the magenta not too much and I'm , also going to increase some yellow so , push some yellow into those highlights , after all it is orange juice so I'd , rather than be a little bit too yellow , than not yellow enough and then I'm also , gonna boost the blacks maybe like plus 5 , 6% just to kind of dull and flatten , those highlights out just Little bit , now I could go through here and mask , this just to the highlights but it looks , like targeting the whites with this , particular cup of juice it's doing a , pretty good job of containing it to just , those highlights if I shut the layer off , turn it on you can see looks pretty , decent , now I'gonna collapse my properties , panel'm gonna shift-click both of , these layers the selective color and , orange juice layer and hit command or , ctr e to merge them together it does a , couple things it gets rid of the mask it , just sort of applies it as a destructive , edit which I'm totally fine with here , and it also merges our our adjustment , layer into this layer therefore , rendering the adjustment layer no longer , adjustable all right let's go ahead and , drag in our blue water splash and what , I'm gonna do with this I'gonna zoom , out just little bit'm gonna make the , blue water splash big enough to sort of , cover this document in fact I'just , gonna stretch it side to side a little , indiscriminately which is fine'll just , boost it out like that that's coolie'm , gonna zoo min a little bit and what I , want to do here is set this to multiply , it's gonna drop away all the white you , can see we're left just really the , texture of the water the blue colors not , working for us at all it's giving us , this funky green teal color over our , orange juice so let's begin working with , this I'm gonna add a black white , adjustment layer I'm gonna clip it to , the water command option G that's ctr , alt G on the PC and'm gonna use here , in the preset area of the properties , panel for that black and white , adjustment layer the green filter this , is gonna give our shadows a little bit , of punch increase sort of the shape of , the water if you will I kind of like it , then Will add a levels adjustment , layer will clip this tithe stack as , Welland then I'm immediately gonna , remove some of the contrast of my , shadow sand boost the black output point , here - Id on't know around W or so and , then I'll boost the black input point up , to around W and I'll shift my center , point to about 1.5 or so so there you go , about.4 three looks , good and now I want to start sort of , coloring the water to match the orange , juice even if it's just a little bit , obviously we don't want the liquid to , look gray so I'gonna go with the color , balance adjustment layer you can really , do this , any number of ways this is just how I'm , gonna do it for this example again we're , gonna clip this to the stack so we're , just colorizing the water itself and , here for the mid-tones I'm gonna push a , bunch of red into it let's go+W we , landed right there on that'm not gonna , mess with magenta's or green sand I'm , gonna push bunch of yellow into the , mid-tones as well so let's go about , negative , I'll come up here to highlights , highlights I'm gonna push a bunch of red , into the highlight so maybe W W , something like that and I'll push a bit , of yellow into the highlights as well , and say I goat negative W there , and then here for the shadows I'm gonna , push a bunch of red into the shadows as , well so my plus W for the shadows you , can you can see it's very red maybe a , little bit too red let's counterbalance , that with giving it a healthy dose of , yellow as well and you can see how this , really makes it a kind oaf rich Orange , I can back out some of that red to kind , of flatten the orange a little bit make , it more like a a very orange juice light , or orange juice spritzer kind of looking , liquid I'm gonna collapse this , properties panel am going to select my , glass of juice here I'm gonna move it , over to maybe about rights here let's , say we want to place the glass of juice , there we'll nudge it downward Little , bit and I now want to mask the bottom of , my orange juice glass into the water , which is going to help make this water , appear more solid colored because we , essentially won't be able to see through , it anymore so I think I'actually gonna , drag my orange juice up above the water , altogether because I'm thinking want , to try to mask it along , maybe this dark shadowy line a little , bit that's gonna make it appear as , though the splash here so the backside , of the splash would be sort of behind , the glass therefore making it look like , the glass is sitting herein the middle , of this little puddle and you can pick , whatever line you want realistically , it's really this edge that we should , mask along but we'll just quickly mask , this in so what I'll do is I'll add a , layer mask and I'll simply use a brush , painting with the color black I'm going , to right click make the brush quite a , bit smaller and then I'll just go , through this and it's going to be a , little bit of hand labor you can see , here just quickly painting adjusting , size and hardness of brush as you see , fit and just go through and find the , edge that you want and paint your , example into play , and there we go that's pretty cool I'll , zoom out you can see how it looks like , the base of the glass is settling right , in no win there part of the beauty of , having this mask is we can decide how , deeply we wish the glass would be , sitting in the water I can simply unlike , the glass from the mask and make sure I , select the glass not double-click it's , just single click on the glass and , then grab my selection tool and just , start nudging down with the arrow key to , set the glass deeper into the water if , you will and you can see it'speaking , out at the bottom so I can click on the , mask and just make sure I'll make sure , we actually click on the mask there we , go grab my brush tool again make sure , I'm painting with black and then just go , through and complete the mask down there , but you can see how no wit we almost , assume that this liquid is you can't see , through it because the glass is just , descending into it so perfectly let's go , over and open up our paths pan eland I'm , gonna grab my ellipse tool right here , it's underneath your rectangle tool I'm , gonna make sure that'm only drawing a , path and then'm gonna zoom in on the , glass of juice and what I want to do , with the ellipse tool is create a simple , ellipse just a simple path that spans , the glass of juice kind of like that all , right you can choose how much or how , little of a curve you have maybe I'll go , for Little bit more of a curve all , right once we have our first path we're , gonna duplicate the path well before I , do that'm going to double click and , I'm gonna save iotas path and then I'm , gonna drag it down tithe new path icon , and I'm gonna name it path number , that'S's there's number 2 I'gonna drag , it above path because it's gonna go , above path 1 and then I'm gonna grab my , path a selection tool and click a single , time have now selected path 2 here and , I'm gonna hold down shift and tap the up , arrow key seven times that'gonna nudge , this path upward at W pixel's 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 you may be saying oh no where's our , lower path well if I select path IT's , right there and if Shift and select , path 2 we can see there's path 2 I just , want to work on path 2 right now though , I'm gonna hit command or ctr T and I , want to stretch the outer edges all the , way to the edges of the glass again so , I'gonna stretch this out just like , that it's almost better if you over , stretch a little bit rather than under , stretch so if you're just a teeny bit , past the glass that is perfect all right , that's great let's duplicate Path number , 2 by dragging it down to the new path , icon drag this path up double click , we're gonna name it path number 3 now , for this path we're gonna nudge it W , pixels upward so we're going to hold , down shift , the up arrow key 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 5 , plus 5 equals W and times I's W , so we just shifted this up pixels , hit commander ctr T stretch it out to , be the width of the glass once more , right you know the drill at this point , voila we're gonna drag Path number three , down and drop it on the new path icon , drag this path to the top of the stack , we're gonna name this path number four , this is the last path so if you're , losing track of what's going on don't , worry we're gonna cover it all herein , just a second'm gonna select this path , now this one we're only gonna nudge , upward pixels again so shift and the , up arrow Key 2 3 4 5 6 7 times and , once more commander control T as though , we haven't done it enough already and , just stretch this little ellipse out to , cover the entire class let me undo that , last move there we go get that back into , place now if I shift and select all the , paths we have these four seemingly , totally random ovals you'll see how , these work in a second think of these as , placeholders for selections we're gonna , be able to easily load them up and get , perfect beautiful selections of , hourglass so we'll begin with the bottom , two we're going to command or control , click on the thumbnail for path number , it's going to load it as a selection and , then I'm going to hold down command and , shift and I'm also gonna select path , number right so we'reloaded those two , selection snow I'm gonna grab my , rectangular marquee tool I'm gonna hold , down shift and'm gonna drag a , selection from sort of the points of , both ovals see how this crosses through , I'm crossing through just the tips of , all four of the ovals right so just all , four of those areas that's exactly what , I'looking to go through it's you know , the closer you can be to exact the , better bu tit dozen'thieve to be a , hundred percent perfect there we go now , we'vie selected too much so we want to , clip our selection to the juice glass so , let's go back to the layers we have , perfect selection of our juice glass , here on the juice glass layer so hold , down command shift option that's control , shift alt on the PC and click on that , layer thumbnail what that's gonna do is , it's gonna save only the part of , selection that'soever our juice glass , since that's what we're selecting right , boom look at that and now we need to do , is cu ta perfect rounded shall op or , scalloped whatever it's called think , it's called a shell up in the top of , this band if you will so we'll go back , to paths and'm gonna hold down the , command and option this would be control , alt on the PC and cut path number two , from our selection boom just like that , and you can see we have this perfect , little band that follows hourglass now , part of probably what's going to happen , here if Intake this and cut a piece of , it out we're probably gonna see an extra , line missing let me just hit layer new , and say new layer via cut right you can , see we'begot these bizarre shapes of , hearing if I shutoff layer one we have , this nice cutout of hourglass where we , can insert a piece of fruit but we also , have this bizarre-looking you know oval , on top of it so I'm gonna undo this a , couple times why that's happening is , because unbeknownst to us there ISS , very tiny selection so small that , Photocopies't even displaying it , that's happening above this selection so , we're gonna hold down our option key see , how we get that little minus next to our , cursor and we're just gonna drag the , selection down like that and what this , is going to do is Photo shop saying any , little bit of selection that's , underneath this area we're dragging this , - selection just get rid of that , selection and now if we select our glass , of orange juice and go layer new new , layer via cut then pop that label up , onto a new layer and we have cut out , that little piece of the juice glass so , alright so let's go through that process , again and cut out the second a little , label we'll go back to our paths hold , down command and shift that's control , and shift on the PC select both paths , three and four just like that and then , with our rectangular marquee tool drag , that perfect selection or as perfect as , you can make it over the middle of our , ovals just like that then go back to , layers command shift option that's , control shift alt and click on the glass , of juice to clip our selection go back , to the paths command option or ctr alt , and - a path number to cut that nice , rounded edge in the top and then hold , down alt or option and - so any bit of , selection that's above it and we have a , perfect selection we're hereon the , juice glass layer we can go layer new , layer via cut and we have cut out two , pieces of our glass of juice yeah I , never said it was gonna be easy but boy , is it going to be cool when we get this , finish edit's a little complicated but , it's alright alright I have these two , slices of the glass that we cut out'm , gonna need them later just to create a , selection so I'gonna leave them shut , off for now and just sort of stash them , away they'll be helpful for us later I'm , gonna select my glass of juice now and , we're going to apply hue/saturation , adjustment directly to , this glass of juice want to kind of , orange it up Little bit more so there , we go hue/saturation this is a totally , destructive effect began again I'Mont , really too terribly concerned with being , perfect when it comes to non , destructiveness I'm gonna go negative , ten on the hue that's pretty cool , maybe we'll boost a little saturation , into this as well should I put some , brightness in there don't think so I , think'll leave it at zero brightness , so just a nice you know sort of deep , orange hue gives it a nice almost rich , smooth color and what Also Think I'm , gonna do is cut each piece of the glass , so right no wall three pieces of glass , are in this one layer so I'll probably , go with my poly lasso tool here and I'm , just gonna cut the top part of the glass , up to its own layer right so we'll go , layer new layer via cut notice also the , hotkey command shift or control shift , we'll use that from now on and I'll just , call this top glass and then I'll go , back to the layer I'll select the middle , piece here command shift or control , shift J and I'm gonna name this layer , middle glass and then of course this , will be bottom glass , okay I'm gonna collapse my adjustments , panel here just to bias a little space , it's time to get busy with the orange so , I'm gonna drag in the orange first and , then we'll worry about the inside of the , orange I like this maybe I'll , right-click on it and just flip it , horizontally there's kind of a highlight , on both sides of the orange but I sort , of like the highlight on this side more , to match the highlight on our glass this , is definitely the shadow side of the , glass so we'll see how this works maybe , I'll make the Orange little bit large , or kind of something like that and what , I'm gonna do now is just move this over , the glass now we can see it's way wider , than the Glass almost want to take , advantage of the natural contour of the , orange and the glass wraps right around , like an orange so maybe I will actually , size this back down to about the size , that I need something kind of like that , and now what'll do is command or , control click on well this is the upper , piece of orange that I need so I'm not , gonna use that yeti'm going to command , or control click here on this lower , piece of orange right you can see we're , getting nice selection of orange and , then I'll simply hit command or control , J and we'vie popped the piece of orange , up onto its own layer now commander , control J is not new layer via cut but , new layer via copy so if I shut that off , we can see we haven't actually cut a , chunk out of the orange but if Is elect , the orange now I move it out of the way , and I turn that layer back on we have , this perfect piece of orange that fills , the gap so I'm going to call this low , or orange and then'll select the full , orange I'll drag it back into place here , and we'll cut out the piece for the , upper piece of orange and hit commander , control T let's hold down shift and drag , this to make iota little bit bigger just , like that make sure it's in place and it , can fill exactly what we needed to fill , that looks about right and then I will , command or control click here on the , second a piece of glass that we cutout , we're still only orange layer commander , ctr J to pop that up and I'm gonna call , this my your orange now I can get rid of , the orange layer altogether so the stock , photo of the orange I can just drag it , right to the garbage and let's get our , layers organized here properly so we , have the bottom piece of the glass and , then we have the lower orange so I'm , going to drag the lower orange down then , we have the middle piece of glass which , should be next , and then the higher orange and then the , top piece of the glass so it's just , gonna be kind of important that we keep , all that stuff sort of stacked in place , so we don't get too too confused because , we're gonna add more to this here in , just little bit okay so what we'll do , now we'll select the lower orange and I , want to move it a little bit because , obviously these slices of orange are , moving away from our glass so I'm gonna , hold down shift and'm gonna tap my , left arrow Key times to move it to , the left W pixel sand I'm also gonna , move it downward W pixels so that's , shift and down arrow key twice for the , upper piece of orange I'm gonna move , this to the right W pixels so that's , W taps right while holding shift lost , track of my count 2 W 5 W 8 9 W 1 , W 4 and then I'm just gonna tap this , down W pixels just like that so , essentially this piece of orange won't , be sticking out as far if you will as , the piece of orange on the bottom so now , what we need to do is drag in our slice , of orange and add the inside of the , orange right hereon top of this slice , the inside of the orange on top of our , glass here on top of the orange here and , on top of the glass on the bottom so , let's drag our orange slice uni'm gonna , zoom out a little bit yep that looks , great I'm gonna drag it all the way up , on top and what we'll do with this is , we're gonna select the orange here so , I'gonna grab my quick select too land , choose select subject there we go you , can see we'vie mad ea pretty rough , selection around it we'll go select the , mask just check it out see what it looks , like looks pretty good , maybe I'll shift the edge back just a , little bit I think I am gonna go with , the selection not a mask because I'm , gonna pop this piece of orange out onto , its new layer I don't want to deal with , the layer mask here so I'm just gonna , hit command or control J , and then I can get rid of the orig , orange now we have a nice right here we , have a nice piece of orange ready to be , worked with let's save a copy this , orange that's been isolated just in case , we do something dumb here and knead it , commander control J just to create a , copy and shut that off and I'm gonna , take this now and let's begin working , from the bottom up so we'll put the , piece of orange in place for the bottom , of the glass so what I'gonna do I'm , gonna drag it down to where it's gonna , go in the layer stack it's gonna go just , above bottom glass and I'm gonna shut , off everything above it just so we can , focus on this one thing'm gonna grab , this piece of orange hit command octal , T to open up free transform and I'm , gonna scale it down quit ea bit'm , gonna zoom Ina little here and what we , want to do is try to align the front , middle edge of the orange with about the , front middle edge of our juice then I'll , grab this and I'll flatten it out a bit , I'm going to extend it outward holding , may behold down alt or option extend , both sides just like that then I'll , right click and choose perspective and , let's go ahead and tilt this back by , compressing of the back Anchor handles , if we just squeeze them together you can , see there we go it looks pretty good , right click again choose scale let's , scale this straight down something right , about there and then extend both sides , of the orange outward just like that , something about there I think we'll look , proximate right it's almost better if , you overextend the orange Little bit , CZ we can always mask it back Little , bit just very subtly create our edges if , you don't stretch it far enough it'll , never quite look right so let's go ahead , and commit that change maybe nudge it , down we're just a little bit so we have , a perfect edge of orange we can always , shadow it up Little bit clean it up a , little if it needs to be and then I , think'm gonna call this layer flesh , for flesh of the orange it sounds a , little gruesome but it works for us here , I'm gonna turn on the lower orange and , we're gonna simply duplicate this flesh , layer up by holding down alt or option , drag that layer up and then we'll move , it over into place now because of the , perspective changes here every one of , these oranges is gonna have to be free , transform and just adjust it a little , bit command or control t let's stretch , this over just a little bit it may be , helpful to go view and shut snapping off , for this little exercise just it'll give , you a little bit more control there we , go we got the top piece of that slice of , orange let's turn on middle glass and , duplicate the flesh of the orange up by , option or alt dragging that up you can , see here weened to adjust the piece of , orange again command or ctr T let's , stretch this bad boy out , something something Little like that , maybe Giotto go a little further , remember we can always it's easier to , take it back Little bit if weened to , then have to go and continually re , stretch stuff all right let's turn on , higher orange and let's option drag our , flesh of the orange up once More'm , gonna bring it over put it in place you , can see it's pretty easy but look at how , much it is just building out this effect , and selling what's really a totally fake , effect bu tit's it's borderline , believable at this point turn on the top , glass and now we're really starting to , look like we have slices of orange , coming out of our glass now before we go , any further I want to provide some space , between the pieces of glass the thing , that's looking most fake right now is , not the fact that there's no shadows , although shadows would help there should , be a little bit of space where these , slices of orange are coming out so let's , select the top piece of the glass the , top slice of orange and the mid slice of , glass and lift them up a little bit , so here's top glass and I'm gonna select , all the way down to middle glass and , then I'm gonna grab my move tool and I'm , gonna hold down shift and'll tap the , up arrow Key don't know once twice , yeah we'll go like two times something , like that and then I want to select the , top glass the top flesh of the orange , and the top side of the orange and I'll , move this up one two times as well nope , that'st he wrong way we just want to go , just the top of the glass and go about , W pixels up there as well now when we , ad dour shadow it's really gonna look , pretty realistic'm looking at Ito , might move all of this stuff top glass , down the middle glass I might nudge it , down ten pixels think that might look , a little more realistic once we add the , shadows now how are we gonna create the , shadows you might say well it'seagoing to , require creating more layers we're , actually done with our libraries up here , let's go ahead and go back to our pounds , and load Path number one as as election , right there that's great and then I'm , gonna go back to layer sand I'm gonna , create layer where it should go , if this slice of orange was casting a , shadow across the bottom piece of this , glass so it should be just above bottom , glass right so I'm gonna go a new layer , and I'm gonna call this shadow and then , what I'm gonna do is I'gonna fill this , with black edit fill contents black it , okay then I'll hit command octal D to , deselect and I will go filter I'm gonna , say blur Gaussian blur and let's blur , this I don't , let's go take eight pixels something , like that should be good now I'm gonna , hit command or control T I'm going to , move this over we're gonna begin moving , it into place I'm most concerned with , the shadow being right here like meeting , up with the corner or the the very edge , of our slice of orange and where it runs , into the the flesh of the glass if you , Willie'm gonna actually commit this , change temporarily because I actually , want the the glass or I'sorry the , shadow to be above the bottom piece of , glass and that flesh that way if the , shadow sort of slides over this way you , can see it would still be casting the , shadow on that piece of orange there I , don'TKO that we're really gonna be , throwing a shadow much that way but it's , good to have options I'm gonna hit , command or control T we're gonna right , click and choose distort and I'm gonna , pull the front corner down like this , right so what this is gonna do is it's , gonna allow us to pull this shadow out , and create the shadow that really falls , away from the piece of orange then I'm , gonna pull it out that way you can see , we're really expanding the shadowier need , to make sure that the edge of shadow , lines up as naturally as it as it should , over there something like that maybe'm , gonna pull it a little bit more this way , I think I'm gonna zoom out Little bit , mores I'gonna pull the shadow down , a little bit more so it's kind of apish , and pull you're gonna tug it back and , forth until it looks just until it looks , about right has good fall-off something , like that I think will work'm gonna , look at what'seagoing on with the shadow , right hereon this very edge I should , probably nudge it to the left just a , little bit maybe something like that , will be good now obviously it looks very , unrealistic fora number of reasons , number one it's shooting way off the , edge of the glass but also it's solid , black in this case the the shadow should , be really not black but very very very , dark orange so we'll make Avery dark , iron shadow by hitting command or , control U which is going to open a , hue/saturation , we're gonna colorize this bad boy'm , gonna push Otto the hue at about W so , you can see we're hanging out in the , orange /Reds , let's go like W on the saturation , front and then the brightness will set , to about you can see it's very much , red maybe we'll push it down to like W , and maybe W now let's go's W , something like that we can always reduce , the opacity Little bit and then what , I'll do ISO will command or control , click the bottom of the glass right , there and also the flesh of the orange , on top of the command shift add to that , selection and , I'm gonna create a layer mask right here , on the shadow layer by hitting the new , mask icon and now our mask is just cast , perfectly on the glass at this point we , could go in and create a second shadow , if we wanted I'm not going to do it for , the sake of saving time in this tutorial , but just know you can do that as well , NOW'm gonna duplicate the shadow by , alt or option clicking and dragging it , all the way up to just beneath the , higher orange I'm gonna select the mask , by actually clicking on and seethe , white outline around the mask that means , we'reworking in the mask and not the , layer and I'gonna fill this with white , I'm just gonna go edit fill contents , white and hit OK now what I'll do I'll , make sure I selected the layer itself , again commander ctr T and right click , and choose hey just flip this , horizontally and then I'll position this , over here and maybe what I'll do is I'll , rotate it a little bit I'll just kind of , finesse it Little bit get it right , where I want Otto be for this , particular shadow there we go something , like that and then Would now cast that , shadow on middle glass and the flesh of , the middle glass by command shift , clicking on both of those layer , thumbnail and then here on this layer , mask and actually easier just to drag , this whole stupid layer mask right to , the garbage will delete it and then , hit the new layer mask icon and there we , go we have the shadow cast just like , that and I'gonna zoom out Little bit , the the shadows might be a bit intense , and that might be a bit of an , understatement , in fact the issue maybe that they're , just too much of an angle downward so , here's how we'll correct it let'work , on the top shadow real quick first I'm , gonna slink it from its mask select the , shadow itself hit command or ctr Tot , bring up free transform again we have , the center anchor point we can drag it , over here because we know that we want , this to be your fulcrum right there on , the corner and I'm gonna just then tilt , this upward so you can see we're getting , more of that sort of faded edge of the , of the shadow as it just drops off much , more beautifully much more naturally , like that and you can see there we need , to go ahead and mask away some edge of , the top fleshy part of the orange we can , clean that up and make it look realistic , Justine second let's do it here with , the bottom shadow as wellie'm gonna , unlike it select the shadow command or , ctr T move our anchor point over tithe , rotation so with the fulcrum and then , I'll tilt this upward Little bit more , maybe something Little bit like that , and I should nudge it over a little bit , down a couple'm just watching how the , shadow is coming out of that corner that , looks a bit better alright let me zoom , in let's do , real quick here clean up this edge this , that light edge is gonna be very , noticeable very bad looking where it is , it'aright here on this piece of the , flesh and actually it'snot on that , piece of the flesh if we take the flesh , of the orange and we might not to the , mask at all if we simply take it use the , move too land nudge downward one pixel , two pixels no probably one pixel that's , gonna help clean that up a lo tit's , still not a hundred percent perfect but , leaving it like that it'll be a lot much , less noticeable than it was before , and cap these shadows we want to place a , shadow underneath the glasses that just , a slight shadow that's being cast on the , surface of the two orange slices that , are that are kind of shooting their way , out so we're gonna go back to path sand , I'm gonna command or control click to , load a path number four and then we'll , come backup here and this shadow is , gonna be on top of the flesh so I'm , gonna say up go ahead and add a layer , we're gonna name this layer shadow as , wellie'm gonna fill it with black by , going edit fill and from the drop-down , menu choosing black and hitting okay , and then commander control D to deselect , now to get the same color orange we can , use that same command you would open up , hue/saturation but command option you , would open hue saturation and apply the , last used settings which would be , colorized at fifteen one hundred and a , lightness of fourteen which is exactly , what we have for our shadows and then , I'm gonna go filter I'm gonna say blur , I'm gonna say Gaussian blur we probably , don'twat to go eight here we probably , want to go more like for something like , that contain it a little bit more and , then'm gonna just nudge this and move , it into place so I'm gonna say right , about there should probably be my shadow , and what I'll do before I mask either of , these just to keep this simple , I'll drag this'll copy this shadow , down by holding down alt or option and , dragging it down above the flesh so this , flesh down here we need shadow being , cast onto that flesh so I'll take the , shadow and I'll just drag it down and , I'll kind of position it where sort of , kana needs to go something like that now , these both need to be masked we can use , variety of mask sit probably easiest , just to clip them to the fleshy Orange , by hitting command option Gust like , that we clip it right to the flesh and , the same thing herewith the top shadow , command option or either be ctr alt G , for those of you on the PC and then we , should probably reduce the opacity quite , a bit maybe we'll knock it down to like , I don't know forty percent something , like that and forties not quite enough , let's go's I don't know if W is even , enough let's go's yeah something like , W I think you don't , think they might need to be blurred a , little bit more let's take the second , shadow down to see what it looks like , yeah I think these shadows look a lot , better if we blur them so let's go , filter and just apply another four , pixels of Gaussian blur yeah I think , that's alto better , filter Gaussian blur voila something , like that and you can see now we're , building out a relatively realistic , looking effect'm just obsessing over , this let's go down to% for these two , shadows yeah I think that looks a lot , better and at this point let's do some , dodging and burning so I'm gonna create , oh I'm gonna get rid of the orange and , the to slice layers here we're finished , with them let's create a new layer up , here'm gonna cal lit affectionately , NB for dodge and burn , we will go edit we'll go fill and we'll , choose to fill this wit ha W%gray and , I'm gonna set this to the blend mode of , overlay now this what we're gonna do is , is some global dodging and burning and , also really kind of clean up the edges , and give them mo reshape so let's grab , our Dodge and burn tool sup that's blur , smart or smart sharpen right down here , I'm gonna begin with the burning so what , I'll do here'm working with mid-tone , range pixel brush tip with as oft , edge I'll probably be pushing it up and , down quickly with my square bracket keys , just changing the brush head to size and , an exposure of W%so mid-tones at W% , that's really what you need to know here , and what we'll do here is maybe'll , just darken up kind of some of the , shadowy parts of the the juice splash , add a little bit of shadow there come in , he retouch up the shadow just directly , underneath the slices and directly , between the cuts in the glass kind of , something like that , I'll come into the juice up here come , down the front of the cup like that , which probably just make the brush , bigger and do a clean pull through like , that essentially I'm trying to make the , slices of the orange match the the , highlight and shadow on the cups as well , that'just something I'm thinking about , I might zoom in here and with burning , you can go over and just burn the very , edge of the glass just to give it a more , realistic edge make it look like there's , actually it's a kind of rounds , underneath the remake the cut look a , little bit more natural you can do the , same with the slices of orange we can , also add highlights to the top parts of , these slices that can help to make them , look Little bit more realistic so , we'll do that in just second here , maybe also add a little shadow around , where the the water sort of splashes up , around the glass now again if you're , doing this for real do a little bit more , of a careful loving job for her for your , shadows and just roughed in there then , what I'll do is I will switch over to , the Dodge too land I'm going mid-tones a , W% again I'm gonna zoom in actually , before I do any the detail work'm , going to let's just go ahead and boost , out that highlight boost up the , highlights on the edges of our orange on , the cup as it comes through they're , great maybe down here to the front , center of our juice splash and then I'll , zoo min and Will touch up the top , edges of the slices and the cup really , quickly here as Welland again the , object is just build out and influence , what will look like shape on that edge , to help convince people that hey this is , not just an optical illusion this was , for real something like that'probably , about great I'm gonna paste in some text , here that I got from the pineapple juice , and we will say not pineapple juice but , orange juice and this text should , probably be different color so maybe , what we'll do is we'll sample like this , Orange off of the glass and because we , have a text layer here selected we can , use the hotkey option delete that's alt , backspace on the PC and we can just fill , our text with the color we'vie selected , and I think I want the simply and juice , to actually be behind the top of the , glass so I'm gonna drag these down and , then I'll drag these over somewhere , maybe right around here maybe something , like that is cool what will do here is , apply a couple global adjustments with , adjustment layers so we'll open up , adjustments once more and I will add a , color lookup table and the helot that , I'm looking for it's a default with , Photo shop it's the Fuji W W Kodak , right there it gives us just this nice , like fad edit just Id on't know it just , works for this kind of thing it make sit , look really nice really smooth very much , like get in my mouth kind of looking , thing then I'm going to fade it a little , bit more using curves adjustment layer , here what I'll do is I'll boost the , shadows Little and then I'll pull a , little bit into those shadows just to , kind of enrich them a little bit you can , see here's before global color treatment , and then after makes it a little bit , less arguably natural-looking but again , we're talking about an image that if if , we're arguing about how natural it is we , probably have bigger problems as I'm , looking at this I should probably reduce , the opacity of both of , the shadows'll select both those , shadows let's knock these down to about , W as well maybe we'll knock them down , and a little bit more maybe almost W , and as that look maybe a little bit more , now probably W W something something , around I think will work for us and , that right there is pretty much it you , can go in you can clean up any little , selections will probably spend a , little bit more time right there on that , one little spot I would spend more time , with the dodging and burning around the , edges to make it look perfect clean up , somethings like that maybe perfect the , shadows Little bit more but this is , the essence of how to create this kind , of sliced fruit juice composite right , here in Photocopied there you have it , you can see it's it really dozen't all , come together until right there when it , all comes together and looks great as , you begin building out the depth of the , shape adding shadows and dodging and , burning and all sorts of stuff like that , it's a lot of sort of tricks of the mind , that you have to play to make , two-dimensional object look rather , three-dimensional but we covered all , here in this tutorial if you do create , this effect would love to see what you , created make sure you upload it to , Instagram tag mien the Instagram post , my Instagram hand leis at Tut vii try , to respond to like and comment on every , image where I'm tagged I'm actually got , it actually tagged mien the image not , just a little sort of caption because , the tag in the image never goes away and , I never lose it my notifications that's , long story short there so for taking a , look at masking and building out fade , fake and phony D effects and masking and , prospective changes in all sorts of , different things that we covered here , today and Photo shop ladies and gentlemen , that's it get got it good Neva turn yo , calm'll catch you in the next one and , before you go make sure you subscribe to , my channel for more great tutorials , every day also by my course it helps us , do what we do and this channel is , supported by viewers just like you you , can also just click the thumbnail and , watch another video from this channel , see you next time guys .

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