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Photoshop tricks
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in this video'm going to show you how , to add patterns and textures to clothing , in Photo shop hi welcome back tithe , , I'm Mrs. Ramirez in this video I'm going , to show you how to change textures and , patterns and clothing in Photo shop , you're gonna learn a technique where , you're gonna learn how to change the , Patterson textures just with one click , you will have to spend some time , generating the different pieces for the , document bu tit's all worth it in the , end the results are amazing and the , composite will look very realistic , debated about making this a short , tutorial where I simply went over the , steps really quickly but at the end I , decided to spend more time in a tutorial , and show you an in-depth look on how an , effect like this is created you're going , to learn about creating vector masks , which allow you to make very precise , selections using vectors and we're going , to use these vectors to isolate , different pieces of the shirt so that we , can get am ore realistic result in the , reason that we'redoing that is because , if we simply overlay one single texture , over the shirt it will not look , realistic if we cut each individual , piece of the shirt into its own layer , and contain it in a vector mask then we , can control it and we can apply filters , and distortions shadows and highlights , and all kinds of things to make it more , realistic let me show you what the final , result is going to look like once you , setup the document if you use the proper , non-destructive techniques you'll be , able to change it just with one click , and still maintain all those distortions , that you applied and before we start , like to ask you that if this is the , first time that you're at the Photo shop , training channel click on that subscribe , and notification buttons also if you're , watching this tutorial and you see a , technique that you enjoy click on that , like button and let me know in the , comments what it ISO let's get started , the first step is to isolate each , individual piece of the fabric of the , shirt so if you look at the shirt you , can see that we have individual pieces , if you look at the shoulder you can see , the seam between the sleeve and the rest , of the shirt so what we need to do is , isolate each individual piece so that we , can control it individually that will , help the composite look more realistic , how you isolate the different pieces in , your scene , all the pens on the articles of clothing , that you're working with look for seams , and look for individual piece sand , things that make sense that there will , be single piece so you can break it , apart as much as you wan tin this case , I'm going to create several pieces this , graphic here is color coded and it shows , you all the different pieces that I'm , going to isolate but you don't need to , worry about that Just wanted to give , you visual representation again your , image will be different first let's talk , about how we're going to isolate this , image there's really two ways of doing , it you can isolate each piece with a , selection using the quick selection tool , select layer and then click and dragon , the different areas hold alt option on , the Mac to subtract from the selection , and you can work that way now for , something like this this is not the most , efficient way I'm not going to use layer , masks in this tutorial instead I'm going , to use vector masks I understand that , vector masks are Little harder to work , with and can be more confusing for , beginners but I highly recommend you , using them because they were more , efficient and for something like this , they work much better so I'll take the , time to explain how they work for now , I'm going to Prescott D command D to , deselect and I'm going to work with the , pen tool if you're in Phototropic you , also have access to the curvature pen , tool which Prefer for something like , this but if you're in C's older then , you will only have the pen tool so I'll , show you how to work with both I'going , to start by isolating the sleeve here , not the entire sleeve just is rolled up , part right above his forearm so if i , zoom into this area you can see that I , have the pen tool selected in the , properties panel'vie selected path and , I also have the path panel here next to , the channels panel if you don't see that , you can go into window and paths notice , what happens when start clicking on , the image I create dour work path see , that and I made a point and if I click , again can make another point notice , that before clicking on the second point , I did't have a preview of the past the , line in between the two , and without a preview it can be , difficult to know how your path is going , to look like to see a preview of the , path go into the options bar and click , on the gear icon and chagrined , and notice that now Have a preview of , how that path is going to look like , again the path is the line in between , the two points so what I'gonna do is , I'm just gonna click and then drag to , change how the curve looks that way we , don'thieve a straightedge see that you , can see that when I stretch these , handles I also adjust the shape of the , curve so I'm clicking and dragging and , just selecting that piece of the arm and , you don't have to get it perfect in the , first pass just get it as close as you , can and then comeback and refine the , path when you're done in situations like , this where I want the curve on the left , hand side but I don't want the curve on , the right to have the same curvature , can hold alt option on the Mac and click , and drag on one of the handle sand bring , it in close to the point and then , continue with that pat hand I can come , back and fix that area in a moment and , know it may seem complicated but with , practice you should be able to get it , when you click on the point that you , started on you will close the path and , then you can continue adjusting it you , can hove rover a path click to create , new point and then click on the direct , selection too land click and drag to , adjust it like so also want to point , out for those of you who are a bit more , advanced that you could also doctoral , command on the Mac and click on the , point without going into the direct , selection tool so you can just stay on , the pen too land hold ctr and click and , drag at the point so that'show you , would make work path with the pen tool , now before we move on and work with the , curvature pen tool let me show you why , we created a work path we have this work , path now in the paths pan eland we can , name it if I double click on it the , window appear sand I can just call it , sleeve bottom this is the bottom of my , sleeve , NOW can just click away from it and I , deselect that path if I click on the , path did select it again if I go into , the layers pan eland duplicate the layer , and then hide the layer below and with , the top layer selected I can doctoral , that's command on the Mac and click on , the layer mask icon and watch what , happens , I created a vector mask this is not a , layer mask the vector is controlling the , shape of that mask can also come in , here with the direct selection tool and , click and dragon these points to adjust , the vector mask also if you think that , these selections are very sharp and when , sometimes they can be very sharp what , you can do is click on the vector mask , and in the properties panel you can , feather the edges in other words you can , blur the edges see that see how the , edges are blurry now and just to show , you'll create solid color and I'll , make it dark gray and bring it down see , that see how we have blurry edge snow if , Click on that vector mask again and , bring the feather down to zero the edges , are now sharp and I'll double click on , the zoom tool to see the image At% , so this is the actual pixel size of that , layer so once again'll blur it so you , can see how you can adjust the vector , mask so that's why we'recreating vector , masks because they're precise and we can , control them and by isolating each , individual piece of the shirt we're , gonna make a more realistic composite so , I'll go ahead and I'll delete these , layer sand notice one thing even though , we deleted that vector mask if I go back , into the paths panel you'll see it there , there it is so I did'actually delete , it from the paths panel so we can have , all our paths here and use them when we , need to , and what I'm gonna do now is work on the , rest of us leave but this time I'm going , to use different too land whenever you , start creating anew section of the , sleeve make sure that no pa this select , this you can click away on a empty area , because we don't want to add to that , existing path what I'gonna do now is , select the curvature pen tool this is , what Prefer to use instead of the pen , tool if you hardship cc then I , recommend this tool so let me show you , how to use it start by clicking hereon , the corner on the shoulder and just , click around the sleeve make a very , loose selection you don't have to be , precise at all just go around the sleeve , making points on the main areas of the , sleeve then come back around to the , other side and click on the first point , to complete the pat hand there you go , now what I'll do is double click on the , points that should't have a curve like , this one herein the corner so if I , double click on it watch what happens , see how it's straightened the edges of , the curve so now I can hove rover the , curb and click and drag to create new , points so click and drag up to create a , point that will click on this one maybe , click and drag down here and you can see , how quickly an dhow fast we're tracing , the edges of the shirt so I highly , recommend using this too land again you , can always come back and refine it so , you don'thieve to get it perfect in the , first or second pass that'Sally I'm , really doing clicking and dragging and , by the way when you create vector paths , try to create a path tardiest't , contain too many points so the fewer the , points that you create the better but , obviously you still want to be precise , and make sure that you follow every , single curve and I don'thieve to worry , about the bottom part because I already , traced over it with the previous pathos , I'going to use that previous path to , cu tit out from this one so I'm just , going to move on to the other side and , continue tracing the shirt as best as I , can , okay now I'm in the armpit and just , gotta make sure that I follow the seam , and this should be good enough so now , I'vie selected the top part of the sleeve , so if Double-click on the path I can , call it sleeve top and that's the top , part and if Is elect that path go into , the layers panel'll duplicate that , layer just so you can see and click on , the layer mask icon while holding ctr , command on the Mac you can see how we , make that selection the problem is the , bottom part but we don't need to worry , about that let me show you how to fix , that'm gonna undo this step and go , back into the paths panel and we have , the sleeve bottom in the sleeve top so , if Is elect the sleeve bottom layer then , with the path selection tool select , that piece I can copy it by pressing , ctr C command Z on the Marci can come , back into the sleeve top pat hand press , control Command V on the Mac to paste , and now I have that path paste it on top , of this sleeve then from the options bar , I can click on this icon and select , subtract from shape that means that , we're going to subtract this area from , the other shape so wit ha sleeve top , path selected if I go into the layers , panel now hold ctr command in the Mac , and click on the layer mask icon you'll , see that we have only that part of the , sleeve selected and this is the same , process that we're gonna use for the , rest of the shirt it's a repetitive , process and obviously I don'twat to , spend too much time doing the same thing , over and over again so what I'm gonna do , now is pause the video and work on the , rest of the shirt okay I'm done making , all the paths here they are if I click , on them you can see how they highlight , on the image could also click on the , to pone hold shift click on the bottom , one and you can see how they're all , highlighted here on the image now , there'sine other thing that I want to , do because Ire ally want to drive this , point home and that is creating paths to , subtract fro mother paths so if I select , the torso righto select the right side , of the , or so and if Just go into layers and , create new solid color fill layer you , can see how that fill layer covers his , arm so if I go into the Panthers panel , notice that Have a path labeled arm if , I go and click on path selection tool , and click on that arm can copy it , press ctr C command C on the Mac then I , can go into the torso right path and , just press control Command V to paste , there Otis right on top of that torso , then I can go into this menu and select , subtract from shape now with the torso , right path selected if I go back into , the layers panel and create solid , color adjustment layer notice the , difference now the arm is not being , covered by that black solid color so , remember to create pads that subtract , from other paths to make your life , easier so I can also go into the paths , panel torso left notice how his hand is , also covering part of that section so if , I go into torso left I can press control , V command V to paste there it is and I , can subtract from shape go back into the , layers pan eland if I create a solid , fill adjustment layer you can see what , that path is selecting so remember to , create shapes to subtract from other , paths if you need to and notice that we , ended the path right passes wrists that , way we cover all the necessary areas but , anyway now I'm going to delete these , layers because we don't need them , anymore sou'm just going to tap the , Delete key several time sand I'm going , to work on the base for the pattern so , we're gonna need a base that we can , control and what I'm gonna do is I'm , just going to duplicate this layer so , I'm going to press ctr J command J on , the Mac then I'm gonna go into the paths , panel click on the top path hold shift , and click on the bottom path but don't , include any subtraction paths so my arm , path was only there to subtract things , so I'm not going to include it , then I'm gonna go into the layers panel , and I'just going to hold control , that's command on the Mac and click on , the layer mask thumbnail and notice that , I created a vector mas knot a layer mask , so if disable this layer you can see , what that looks like you'll see that I , have some holes here and that'because , of how overlaid some paths but you can , fix it by selecting this menu and , clicking on combine shapes in a fill , those areas in so I'll quickly click and , drag and just select these areas and , select combine paths and I filled in , those paths and now I have my shirt so , all Ire ally wanted was just a shirt , then I can create a curves or levels , adjustment layer clip it to the layer , below and Icahn adjust the contrast of , the shirt also I don'twat any color on , this shirt you can see that there's some , colors coming out of the shirt I don't , want that so I'm just going to create a , black and white adjustment layer and , clip it to the layer below as wellie'm , going to select all the layers by , clicking on the top one holding shift , clicking on the bottom one then press , ctr G command Gin the Mac and , everything gets placed into a group and , I'll call it base so this is going to be , my base and can control it as I see , fit , and now it's time for the fun part we're , going to apply the texture and the way , that you want to apply the texture is by , making it into a pattern already have , some patterns enabled that could use , like this one here and by the way if you , don'thieve any patterns let me quickly , show you how you can find some that you , can start using right away if you are , using Phototropic the full version , unfortunately this will not work with , the photography plan so the full version , of the Creative Cloud that gives you all , the apps and all the services then you , can find patterns by going into the , creative cloud app selecting asset sand , under feature just change the category , to pattern sand you can have all these , patterns that you can download and apply , them as a pattern for the shirt so you , can click on a pattern and see a preview , also keep in mind the file type there's , jogs pangs and vector graphics vector , graphics will open up in Illustrator so , you will need to import those back into , photo shop but a JPEG or a PNG will open , directly internship so what I'll do is , I'll just find the pattern like maybe , this one here titled pears I can click , on it just to see the file type , that's JPEG so that will work without , going into illustrator can click on , download and I get to choose where to , download it in my Creative Cloud library , I have a library title tutorials so I'll , click on that and it'currently , downloading into my Creator cloud , library if I go into the libraries panel , and select tutorials you can see it , there it's already there and got a , notification saying that it has been , added so I can double click on it and I , can simply go into edit define pattern , give it a name , the default name is okay I'll just , remove the DTP and press OKing if , go back into my patterns section I can , click on the new adjustment layer icon , and click on pattern and I have that , pattern there I can then of course , adjust a scaling and work with that , pattern so that's how created some of , the patterns that you're gonna see in , the tutorial some patterns I just made , from scratch using the shape tool and , other patterns downloaded from Adobe , stock but these are the patterns that , we're gonna work within this tutorial , but that was just a quick side tutorial , to show you how you can get patterns so , the first thing that you want to do is , create anew pattern fill layer and , select the pattern that you want to use , in this Case'll start with this plaid , pattern and I'll change the scale to , and press oaken I can reduce the , opacity to see if that's gonna work and , it looks like it will then I'm going to , click on the rectangular marquee to one , I'm just going to make as election that , is bigger than the largest piece that , we're going to need the largest piece is , either the left side or right side of , the torso , they're both roughly the same size and , this selection here is bigger than both , so this will work , delete the default layer mask and just , create a new layer mask bring the , opacity back up to W%then convert it , into as mart object and we're converting , this into smart object for two reasons , number one working with smart objects , allows us to work non destructively so , we can always go back and make changes , if we need Toni number two if you , duplicate a smart object it's linked to , the previous version so if you change , the contents of one you change the , contents of the second one let me show , you what I mean by that'm going to , press ctr J command J on the Mac and , I'm going to press the V key on the , keyboard click and drag to select the , move tool so now I have two pieces right , this piece in this piece if I double , click on the smart object either or it , dozen't matter which one you can see my , pattern fill layer if I create a new , pattern fill layer and change Otto this , redone here and change the scale to W , actually in this case we'll geom press , OK then say by pressing ctr s commands , on the Mac and go back into our working , document you can see how we change the , contents so smart objects is the secret , sauce to changing the texture just with , one click so I'm gonna go back into my , pattern fill layer disable this layer , for now close it and select yes , so I'll use this pattern fail layer to , work on the sleeve so I'm going to press , cutlet command T to transform and I'm , going to rotate it and try to place it , accordingly you can reduce the opacity , so that you can see where you're placing , it then you can right click and select , warp and you need to warp this so that , the contours match as best as possible , obviously it won't be perfect but try to , get good contour when you're done just , hit the enter key and increase the , opacity'm going to enable the base , group we'll need it soon and actually , just before that I'going Togo into , filter liquefy and we're going to use , the liquefied to create the creases , so if I go into shadow backdrop and , select my background can use this , opacity to see the changes that I'm , doing to that layer and the background , so I'm going to use this slider , accordingly as I'm working and I'm going , to start at the top and I'm going to , zoom in so that we can see what we're , doing and you want to use a large brush , for this and also use Therese mask , tool so I'll show you how this works , first I'll increase the opacity so that , we can see and Icahn use the forward , warp tool to push pixels around I'm , gonna undo that if I select the freeze , mass tool and paint whatever is in red , will not move when I use the forward , warp tool so what I'm gonna do is reduce , the opacity and just paint in areas that , I don'twat to move in other words I'm , trying to create folds so I'm gonna free , some areas and then push areas , underneath so it'll create the illusion , of a fold and you want to use Avery , large brush for this so increase the , size of your brush by using the right , bracket key on the keyboard and then , click and drag and push right under that , fold like so then I'going to select , the freeze mask tool again and now paint , this area away select the for work tool , click and drag and move it forward and , I'll just keep doing that over and , over again any time there is a crease , because this is going to help us create , the illusion of a crease and I'm only , doing the larger crease is not the , smaller ones so I'm gonna go quickly , here but then you'll be able to see how , these adjustments are making the folds , and creases look more realistic now I'll , freeze this bottom part select the , forward warp tool click and drag up back , into the freeze tool , and by the way you can use the the , eraser here to erase those areas that , you accidentally select that like I did , here went over the crease then I can , click and drag and drag more of these , pixels up and I know this can be a , tedious process but it's worth it in the , end and I'just gonna do few more , but obviously take your time when you're , working on this in your image , I would at least focus in areas with , large creases and folds like this area , here where the arm is bending or other , large folds that you find throughout the , shirt and when you'redone you can just , press OK and that's our result there I , know it looks a little crazy but that's , okay so the first thing that we're going , to do is create vector mask so I'm , gonna go into my paths pan eland select , the right shape'm looking for the left , sleeve which is this one here sleeve , left selected go back into the layers , panel , hold curtailment the Mac and click on , the layer mask icon it'll masked out , that area then you can change the , blending mode to multiply and look at , the results it looks very realistic it , looks as if the fabric is actually , folding on those creases obviously we , can come in here and adjust the base , layers to better match the lighting of , the scene you can click and drag up and , make adjustments to the brightness so , that's why we created these layers to , adjust how shadows and highlights affect , the sleeve also we're going to add one , more level of distortion we're going to , use the displacement map to make this , even more realistic and a displacement , map is simply an image that distorts , another image based on its dominance , values so if we use a black and white , version of this image then we'll get , distortion that makes it seem as if the , fabric is wrapping around the bump sand , creases of the image but anyway the , first thing that you need to do is , select your background copy and , duplicate it sou'll right-click on it , and select duplicate layer and select , new so it duplicate sit in a new , document then I'm going to Prescott , shifty that's command shift view on the , mac distrait the layer because the , displacement maps really will not use , the color of the image and this watch , can tell it's going to give us some , problems so I'm just going to use the , smudge tool to smudge the watch in so , that it dozen'ts how up in the but map , and Icahn maybe even move some of the , pixels in the hand as well and I think , that should be okay so I'going to , double click on the hand tool , and I'm going to save this document as a , PSD file save as and Icahn just save it , on this folder and I'll call that , displacement shirt save it press OK and , if I go back into my working document , and click on this arm layer can zoom , in so that you can see what's gonna , happen here then I can go into filter , distort displace these values represent , how much we're going to distort it I , will start with a lower value of 5 and , if you need more increase it so I'll , start with 5 on horizontal and vertical , and press oaken find your displacement , document and open it notice how , Photo shop further distorted those pixels , based on the dominance value of the , displacement map that's before and after , the great thing ab outworking with Smart , Objects is that you can always edit them , I think that my displacement is a little , strong so I'm going to click on that , displace label on the smart object to , edited it or change the value to and , press OK select that displacement once , again and then run that filter and I'll , zoom out to% to get an accurate , representation of the distort means that , we made and Think it looks pretty good , and again the great thing about using , this technique is that no matter which , smart object you select you can change , it Tao different pattern save it and , it's applied with all those distortions , so you can see how that looks very , realistic and to continue fine-tuning , this leave I'm going to create a new , layer and press contralto G command , option G on the Mac to make it into a , clipping mask so that this layer only , affects the layer below which is the , sleeve then I can just call it Dodge and , burn if I hold shift and backspace that , brings up the fill window and Icahn fill , it with W% gray then change the , blending mode to soft light which makes , W% gray invisible then with the burn , tool or dodge tool can change the , luminosity of that layer so if Is elect , the burn too land use the right bracket , key on the keyboard to increase the size , of my brush make sure that mid-tones is , selected and maybe reduce the exposure , to around OR so percent can start , darkening these pixels , and you can see that before in the after , and I can also do the same thing with , the highlights make sure that mid-tones , is selected an exposure of or so it's , good and I can start painting highlights , in here as well so that's before and , after and of course I can use the , original highlights of the shirt pass a , guide so I can zoom in and I can click , on this layer even though the layer is , disabled can still paint so I'm going , to paint I really can't see the results , but'm mainly focused on just getting , those highlights right , it's okay if I can'really see what I'm , doing I'm just following the highlights , and'm obviously doing it quickly here , so if Enable this layer you can see , now how I'enhanced shadows and , highlights of that layer and if I change , the blending mode to normal you can see , how affected those areas but anyway if , I go back into soft light you can see , that effect overlay is just stronger , effect don'think it'll work in this , case so soft light is the way to go for , this image but you may want to try , overlay on yours'm going to double , click on the hand too land you can see , the before in the after now obviously , I'Mont going to do every single piece , on this shirt because the process is the , same and I don'twat it to get , repetitive but I will do one other piece , just to show you some shortcuts that you , can take so what I'm gonna do now is put , everything into a group with the Dodge , burn in layer selected I'm gonna click on , the pattern fill layer about holding , shift then press ctr G command Gin the , Mac to put them both into a group and , just give iota name left sleeve and if I , wanted to do the bottom part of that , sleeve I could just duplicate this group , and can call it left sleeve bottom and , Icahn make some changes first I'm just , going to click on the Dodge and burn , layer hold shift and backspace and fill , it with% gray it makes everything , invisible which is what I want then I'm , going to remove the liquefy filter so , I'm going to open up the smart object , right click on liquefy and select delete , smart filter the displacement map is , fine it's the same one that I'm gonna , use anyway so I'll leave it and we don't , need this vector mask I'm going to , create a new one so right click on it , and delete it then I'm going to press , ctr Command T to transform press OK , and I want to reset this transformation , to reset that transformation I'm going , to right click and select warp and under , this drop down menu to select none so , that brings the layer right back to , where it was originally and I can now , press cutlet command T on the Mac again , and rotate it in a , just for this part of the sleeve here , right about there then I'm gonna go into , the paths panel select sleeve left , bottom go back into the layers panel , hold ctr command on the Mac and click , on the layer mask thumbnail to create a , vector mask if i zoom in you can see how , that'starting to look like it belongs , and of course with this layer selected , can go into filter liquefying I can , make any liquefy adjustments need to , to this layer and remember to enable the , backdrop and select background or , whatever your original layer is and you , can adjust the opacity accordingly and , use the for warp tool in this area where , the arm is bending you'vie got to push , those pixels in Zen press and if you , zoo min you can seethe result that , looks really good , and then you can use the Dodge and burn , tool to add highlights and shadows'll , select the Dodge tool and add few , highlights , then select the burn tool and add , shadows obviously I'm going fairly , quickly here but in your design spend a , little more time on the details and , that's all you really need to do keep , working on every individual piece of the , shirt and fine-tune it I know it's a , repetitive process so I will not record , it but I'modding the same thing that you , just saw wit hall the pieces so I'm , pausing the video and I'll comeback , when I'm dink I'm back and I , completed the project'll briefly go , through the things that I'changed and , added and then we'll work on the next , steps first of all on the original smart , object that duplicated gave it a , label red lab eland you can add labels , to a layer by right-clicking on them and , selecting color I chose red for this , layer and just called it replace so that , I can easily replace the texture sou , can double click on the smart object it , opens up and I can apply a new texture , close it save it and then go back into , my working document and the changes are , applied and wanted to use this texture , because it has those straight lines that , make it easier to see the distortions , that'vie applied so another thing that , I did was put all the pieces into this , group called pattern and they're all in , individual groups color coded the one , that we worked on together was the left , sleeve and I made couple changes , I removed the Dodge and burn layer from , the bottom part of the sleeve I did't , think it need edit because I was using , the base layer and that was suggesting , the dominance values through here and I , felt that it did't need it in that case , also another thing that I did is I added , this shadow layer to the bottom part of , the sleeve I wanted a stronger shadow , right here on his armpit and under the , arm so all I really did was paint with , black with a soft brush and then clipped , it to the layer below another way of , creating a clipping mask is by hovering , in between two layers and holding alt , option on the Mac or you can Prescott , alt Got create clipping mask but , anyway that's basically what I did on , that layer an don all the other layers , so if you open up the other layers you , will see that also have dodging , layers in this case I added an overlay , highlights oh I just painted with white , and change the blending mode to overlay , to add a stronger highlight so there was , little details like that that did and , one thing that I'm noticing now here on , the right collar is that this parts a , little too dark so I think is this , shadow here that's not the right one , maybe this one yeah that'st he one it's , Little too dark so maybe bring down , the opacity even more so just keep , adjusting it until you get the results , that you want , but anyway the next step is to create , casement layer so that you can adjust , the shirt as you see fit sou'm going to , create another group and I'll just call , it adjustment then I'll create a , vibrancy adjustment layer and I'll open , up the base layer and select this vector , mask you're the one that controls the , entire shirt and I'll simply hold alt , option on the Mac and click and drag it , into the adjustment group so that any , adjustment layer that we put in that , group only controls the shirt so I can , increase the vibrancy is , controlled saturation it protects highly , saturated pixel sand it adds more , saturation to pixels that don't have , much saturation or regular saturation , which bump saturation and all pixels , equally and if you want you can also , create something like curves or levels , adjustment layer change Otto luminosity , to better fine-tune the contrast of the , shirt that includes the color and , everything else so I'll collapse these , group sand you can see now how each of , these groups applies different effect , to the shirt I can come inhere and , double click on the pattern smart object , create a new pattern and I'll just , select the different one maybe one that , you haven'seen yet we can probably go , with this one , change the scale to press OK , close it save it and now that we're back , in the working document you can see how , all that work that I did to create the , grooves creases and distortions on the , shirt make it look more realistic and , did the same thing on the rest of the , shirt and'll fit the image to screen , so you could see it and every time you , change the pattern , shirt you may have to adjust the , luminosity or saturation and of course , in your project spend a little more time , fine-tuning the image let me know in the , comments below what you learn from this , tutorial if this is your first time at , the Photoshoptraining channel that , don't forget to click on that subscribe , and notification buttons thank you so , much for watching and I will talk to you , again in the next tutorial .