How To Blur Backgrounds In Photoshop - Shallow Depth of Field Effect [Lens Blur and Depth Maps]


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in this video I'm going to show you how , to blur background sin Photo shop hi , welcome back tithe Photo shop training , channel I'm Mrs. Ramirez in this video , I'm going to show you two techniques to , recreate the shallow depth of field , effect in Photocopying other words I'm , gonna show you how to create blurry , backgrounds the first technique will be , a simple technique that beginners could , use to blur their background sand in the , second technique we're gonna use a , filter designed specifically to recreate , lenses inside of Photocopies it'll help , you get a realistic blurry background , okay let's get started we're gonna work , with this image here that contains , couple and of course we're going to blur , the background what I'm gonna do first , is duplicate the layer to work none , destructively so I'm going to select , that and Prescott J command J on the , Mac then you need to select whatever you , want in the image to be in focus in this , case the couple one of the best ways of , doing so is by selecting the quick , selection tool and simply clicking and , dragging around the couple until they're , selected if you're in Photo shop CC W , in your that's actually a faster way of , doing this or a way of getting you , started faster rather you can click on , select subject which is that button , there when the quick selection tool is , active in Photo shop will analyze your , image and select whatever it thinks the , main subject is in this case it did a , really good job in selecting the couple , I can refine the selection by clicking , and dragging to add areas that Photo shop , missed Orin can hold down the Alt key , option on the Mac and click and drag to , subtract from the selection now this is , not going to be a cut out selection , masking tutorial so I'm not gonna spend , too much time refining my selection but , you do need good selection for both of , the techniques that I'gonna show you , today if you don't know how to do that I , have several video son masking one of , which is on how to mask difficult hair , behind busy backgrounds have a link to , it down below in case you're interested , but anyway I'm not gonna spend too much , time with the selection what I'm gonna , do is I'm gonna go into the channels , panel because Already saved the , selection you can save your selections , from the Select menu , and go in to save selection and you can , just call it selection or whatever you , want press and Dishtowel save it , as channel so that'show you would , save as election and Ire commend you , saving your selection in case you need , to come back and refine it later but , anyway so I'gonna just delete the , selection because I don't need it , and with whispered selection I'm , gonna hold ctr command in the Mac and , click to load it as a selection or I can , go into select load selection and select , it from the drop-down obviously , remembering that shortcut is much faster , so remember to hold down ctr and click , on the channel thumbnail to make a , selection'm gonna go back into the , layers panel now currently we have the , couple selected we don't want to apply , the blur filter onto the couple we , actually want to apply Otto everything , about the couple so we need to invert , the selection to do so you can do two , things with the quick selection tool , active you can right click on the , selection and click on select inverse or , you can remember the keyboard shortcut , ctr shift I that's command shift on , the Mac to invert the selection and , notice now that the edges of the canvas , are selected that means that everything , but the couple is selected and now we , can go into the filter you can going to , filter blur gallery tilt shift and this , is where we're gonna use to create , realistic blurry background the center , part where these two solid lines are , those are the areas that will be in , focus then you have this dashed line so , anything from the solid line to the top , dashed line or the bottom dashed line , will gradually be getting out of focus , and anything past that dashed line will , be completely out of focus so then you , can click and drag the center point and , decide where the focus is going to start , in this case we'll start the focus down , herewith the items are closer to them , and then click and drag this point up to , gradually make this image out of focus , so what I'modding here ISO'm trying to , replicate the narrow that , field by spreading those lines apart , which creates more gradual blur so , it's not just one sharp blur and it , looks more realistic you can control the , blurriness by clicking-and-dragging on , this handle but Think that the blur , slider is easier to use at least for me , so I'm gonna set this to about ten , pixels and then press and by the way , if you decide to create something using , this tutorial and you upload it to , Instagram use the hashtag pct voids , would like to see what kind of blurry , backgrounds you guys are creating but , anyway'm going to press ctr Command , D to deselect and we have our blurry , background now there'sine thing that I , recommend doing to finalize the effect , so it's Little more realistic if you , zoom in you will notice that by blurring , the background we lost all the film , grain and if you look at the photo , you'll notice that there is film grain , there so in order for this to Beau , realistic effect we need to add some of , that film grain back and what I need to , do first is bring back the selection so , I'm going to click on my premed , selection and I'm going to invert it , control shift command shift I so that , Only affect the background when I add , the film green and one of the best ways , of adding film grain is by going into , filter Camera Raw filter clicking on the , effects ta band adding film grain to see , what's going on you can zoom in to , around or so percent and then add , film grain so that it matches the image , right about or so and press OK and , notice that the background now is film , green I'm gonna press caroled command D , to deselect and now the image looks much , more realistic now there'sine more , thing I want to mention before we move , onto the next technique and that is , working non-destructively we created , another layer to work non-destructively , the tilt shift blur filter actually , works with a smart object but it dozen't , work as you would expect and let me show , you what I mean by that'm going to , duplicate the original layer right click , select convert to smart object and then , load my selection invert it and apply , the same filter you will see a big , difference in this preview the couple is , gonna be blurry but that's okay , once I press you'll notice that the , filter wan't applied , the actual couple just the background , but notice the difference between a , pixel layer and a smart object and that , is that the smart object gives us a , ghosting effect when we apply the filter , I'm not really sure why that is but , that's the reason why duplicate the , layer instead of using a smart object , because Id on't like that ghosting , effect on my final image and by the way , if you're enjoying these techniques , don'forget to hit the like button and , subscribe but anyway we're gonna move on , to the more advanced technique and don't , get scared of you're a beginner I'm , gonna take it one step At time and , real slow so that you can understand but , this technique is going to allow you to , more accurately recreate the depth of , field that a lens will cause to blur , your background okay so I'm gonna work , with this image here it's of another , couple and they're at a train station , and what I'm gonna do now ISO'm gonna , use a filter called the lens blur filter , in this filter is gonna create a blur , based on a depth map that we're gonna , create essentially we're gonna tell , Photo shop how deep things are in an , image using dominance values black is , going to be in focus and white will be , out of focus so let me show you one , thing'm going to double click on the , foreground color notice that true black , W% black has a value of zero across , all thereby values if Id rag the point , up to white notice now that we have W , so that means that black is zero in , white is W% gray is W and you get , the idea if I drag up and down you'll , see those values changing SO to W , black to white now that's gonna be , really important for this filter because , we're gonna create a depth map that is , gonna use those values to tell Photo shop , how deep something is and the filter is , gonna use that information to recreate , what a lens would do to blur the , background now I know that sounds , confusing but it's actually really easy , I have this graphic here that will help , you understand , notice how this graphic is implying , depth by using values black is closest , to us , in every shade of gray until it gets too , white makes it seem as if these objects , are receding further into the background , so that's what we're gonna create we're , gonna create ab lack and white image , tutorship is going to use to , interpret depth so we're gonna delete , this layer just so we have a clean , layers panel to work with and this is , our image we first got to establish the , background in the depth of the , background so I'm going to create a , gradient overlay and we're going to , select black to white then we're going , to select reflect it now this should be , somewhat familiar black is some focus , white it's out of focus in the different , levels of gray are the different levels , of focus so this is much like the filter , that we just use a second ago the middle , is in focus , and then it gradually gets out of focus , going up and it gradually gets out of , focus going down and I can click and , drag to the side where to position this , so I'm gonna click and drag it down and , press OK and the reason dragged it , down is because that's roughly where , they're standing so that's what will be , in focus in just as with the last , example I'm not going to spend too much , time with the selections if you're , interested in learning more about , selections mass and all of that I'vie , included couple of videos in the , description to talk all about that but , anyway need to make a selection out of , my subject sand I'vie already done that , so I'm gonna make my selection and'm , going to create solid color and I'm , gonna make it black because I want him , in focus he's in focus and press see , how I'building my death ma pone step , at atom that'SWAT you need to do in , your image you need to look at the , elements that you have and start , building it one step at a time like I'm , doing here now we have another person , her but she'snot in the same depth as , he is she's just little bit further , back so we need to telephotos that , and the way of doing that is by making , her a different shade of grey not black , so I'm going to enable this layer and , see where she's standing there I need to , make a selection , of that color or sample that color , rather so I'm going to select the , eyedropper tool click on that shade of , gray then create anew layer clip it to , the layer below so that it only affects , that layer ctr alt Command option G , on the Mac and I'm going to paint with , that gray over her and I use the right , bracket key on the keyboard to increase , the size of my brush now the arm the arm , it's extending out so it's going from , focus to out of focus so there needs to , Beau gradient between black and that , shade of gray so I'm just gonna increase , the size of my brush and I am working , with a hardness of zero so it's a soft , brush and I'just gonna create this , soft transition that you see there it , might be a little hard to see in the , recording because of the compression but , notice that if I double click on the , color picker if I select her shade of , gray we're looking at avail of he , of course is at zero which is black and , then there's a gradual transition from , that shade of gray to black so we're , tellingPhotoshop how deep things are by , using dominance value sand in this case , I don'thieve anymore objects like , people cars buildings or whatever but if , I had something someone else standing , back here and this is an amazing stick , figure as you can see then they would be , a different shade of gray the shade of , gray that they will be will be the shade , of gray where they're standing on so , there will be that shade of gray and , then you can keep doing that for all , your other subject sin your photo but in , this Case don'thieve anyone else so , I'm just going to delete this layer and , this is going to be our depth map and we , need to save iotas channel now I know , that sounds scary but it's actually , really easy all we need to do is go into , the channels pan eland duplicate any one , of the channels they're all the same red , green blue they're all the same in this , case because we're working with a black , and white image so click on any one of , the channels and drag it onto the new , channel icon to duplicate Ito'll call , it PTC depth map but you can cal lit , whatever you want and I'm gonna go into , the RGB view once again by clicking the , RGB and click on the layers panel , and now I can disable these layers , because we don't need them anymore at , least for now and I'm gonna click on , this layer and duplicate it to work none , destructively unfortunately this filter , does not work with smart objects so ctr , J command J to duplicate and we're gonna , go into filter blur Lens Blu rand this , filter is like a really expensive lens , inside editorship and it's going to , allow you to apply the shallow depth of , field effect and you can blur the , background of any portrait so what I'm , gonna do first is select the PTC depth , map that I created so this will have , whatever name you gave your death map , and we're gonna comeback to the focal , distance in a moment because it's really , important but before I do that I'm gonna , go into the radius which controls how , blurry the background will be so I'm , just gonna drag it up just so that you , can see that Otis in fact blurring the , background and you can always click on , the preview checkbox to see that before , in the after now focal blur distance , that tells Photocopied's in focus so , right now zero is in focus and you're , probably thinking about what is zero , remember earlier when mentioned that , zero was black well this is telling us , that black is in focus if I drag the , slider all the way to the other side you , will see now that I's in focus W is , white notice how now the foreground is , blurry in the background it's in focus , and I know that this maybe a little , hard to understand so don't even worry , about these values what you can do is , simply hover over the image and click on , whatever you want to be in focus so if I , click on him the blur focal distance is , now zero if I click on her it's W , remember earlier when I clicked on her , shade of gray it was value of W , across the RGV values so that's what , this W represents and if I click on the , background you'll see that it's W and , then this shade of gray is this shade , of gray here is W so that is what's , happening there you're clicking and , selecting the shadow gray and that's , what's in focus usually don't use this , invert checkbox basically in , vets that slider and NOW is in , focus but it's shown zero I think , that's even more confusing so Usually , just work with the blur focal distance , and click on the area that I want to be , in focus and of course this filter is , referencing the depth map for these , dominance values this section here the , iris that'basically trying to , replicate a lens ins idea Photo shop , first we have the shape and it's got all , these different shapes you don't really , need to worry about what that means all , you need to know is that the higher the , number the blurrier things get so I'm , going to increase the radius all the way , to and that's the blurry as the , background gets if I change my shape to , 7 notice how it gets blurrier to 8 even , blurrier and if bring it back down to , 3 notice that it's not as blurry so I , would leave it at the default which is 6 , and just adjust the radius don'think , you're gonna need to go past W with , the default setting but anyway the next , two sliders also control the lens the , curvature and rotation once again they , don't really affect the image too much , so I usually don't adjust those sliders , then we have a really important section , which is a secular highlights , whenever you blur the background you , also blur the whites of the image so if , you have a secular highlight it won't , no longer be a secular highlight and it , would look a little unrealistic so with , these settings you can telephotos , how bright your secular highlights are , going to be and what the threshold is , right now it's saying anything that is , white at W remember W is white , should be a secular highlight and the , brightness will be a brightness of W , but I can click and drag the slider to , the left and notice how now anything , that is a value of OR higher will be , considering secular highlight and it , will get brighter and I can increase , this and you'll see how the background , gets brighter this creates some really , interesting effects but they're really , there to make sure that your secular , highlights in your images look realistic , so I'm just gonna turn this off because , I don'really have any secular , highlight sin , my image that I want to keep ingest , that'SWAT the first example blurring , the background eliminates all the film , grain so this filter has film grain , built-in so I'going to zoom in so that , you can see and Icahn just add film , grain from here see that all you need to , do is just try to match it and you can , use the different settings to match , whatever film grain your photo has , monochromatic means that it's film green , with no color and that's what I ha vein , this image so I have that checked so I'm , going to zoom back into fit on screen , and it looks like the film gray might be , Little too much so I'm just gonna , bring it down to or something a little , more realistic and the radius might be a , bit too high so Just want to keep it , at realistic level so maybe impress , okay so now we have the before and the , after'm not sure if you work with , Adobe dimension or not but Adobe , dimension actually exports a depth map , whenever you export something as a PSD a , Photo shop file and you can use the with , this filter let me show you what I mean , by that so this is a Postdate was , exported by Adobe dimension and we have , aback ground layer with this D car and , in the additional layers group that , Adobe dimension exports you have depth , information that's a depth map so this , means that you can apply the lens blur , filter to your renders with Photo shop , and Adobe dimension by the way I have a , free course on adobe dimension here on , YouTube I'll post a link to it down , below in the description let me know in , the comments which of these techniques , were new to you and which you plan to , use on your projects if this is your , first time at the Photoshoptraining , channel then don't forget to subscribe , thank you so much for watching and I , will see you in the next tutorial  

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