How To Place ANYTHING in Perspective Non-Destructively in Photoshop [Real-World Workflow]

in this tutorial I'm going to show you , how to place a logo or a design in , perspective non-destructively , so you can always come back and make any , changes that you want hey everybody , welcome back tithe Photo shop training , Channel my name ISIS Ramirez and you , can find me on Instagram jr prompt , in this tutorial i'm going to show you , how to place any designer logo into any , surface in perspective and we're gonna , do it all non-destructively that way you , can always comeback and edit the , contents of that design or logo this is , a technique that came up with when I , was working as designer and it's , really helpful in a production , environment where you have to work , non-destructively and you have to work , fast , also make sure that you stick around , until the end of the tutorial , so that you can see how I use adjustment , layers to make this composite more , realistic and even though we're working , with a billboard in this tutorial you , can apply the principles that you're , going to learn to any other surface like , the side of aw all the side of a truck , or anything else really okay let's get , started , we're going to work with this file that , contain sour background image that , contains this blank billboard and this , is where we're going to place our design , we also have this layer here titled , company logo an dis just a generic , company logo with some text and if we , wanted to place this company logo onto , this design what you might have seen in , the past is people telling you to press , ctr Command T to transform and then , right click and select the start and try , to match the perspective and you can , probably eyeball it and get decent , result but that's not what we're gonna , do here so I'm gonna press the Escape , key and the biggest problem is that we , don't know the aspect ratio of this , billboard even if we have something with , a similar shape we can match the corners , to the billboard to match our design , because it will be distorted is a , different aspect ratio so if Oppress , cutlet command T to transform and select , restart and try to match it we might , get the perspective right but this won't , necessarily be the right aspect ratio , we're stretching the image ensure we can , right click and select scale , hold shift and alt shift option in the , Mac and scale it down to try to Center , it but that dozen't solve our problem , know that some of you may be thinking , that we could use new blank layer then , select the company logo and make a copy , of it by going to edit and copy and then , in the blank layer using the banishing , point in the management point simply , allows you to make a grid where you can , pay something in perspective and that , sort of solves our problem we have this , grid here and I can press control V , command Vito place that logo and I can , move it in perspective and that works , but the problem is that this is not a , smart object we cannot apply that filter , using a smart object sou want to be , able to have a smart object that Icahn , just place anything I want in there and , have it match the perspective of the , billboard so I'm gonna disable this and , what Ire commend you do is use this , little trick that again as I said before , this is something that Acme up with , when I was working as a designer and I , was doing a lot of these types of jobs , I'm not sure if anybody else is using , this technique but certainly haven't , seen anyone use it on YouTube video so , I decided to create this tutorial for , you and basically you select the , perspective crop too land I'vie already , set up guides on this image to make , things a little easier for me sou'm , gonna press ctr H command on the Mac , so I have these guides that I created , off screen but they're simple to create , you just need to click and dragon the , rulers if you don't have the rulers you , can go into view rulers and that's how , you enable and disable them and all I , really did is created rulers that match , the corners of my billboard and I have , snap selected under view so I can , quickly just click on that corner and it , will snap tithe next corner and click , in that way I always make sure that I'm , clicking on the right corner and what , the perspective crop tool does is it , takes something into perspective like so , and then you commit the changes and it , crops it and removes the perspective so , now we have afloat view of that , billboard so now we know exactly what , the aspect ratio , of that billboard is so I'm simply gonna , Prescott-a command and the Mac to , select all so I'm selecting everything , in the canvas then I can either use the , keyboard shortcut or go into edit copy , merge then I'm gonna undo so I'gonna , press ctr alt command option Z on the , Mac to on do and I'gonna undo several , steps until we go back into the original , image then I can go into edit paste or I , could press control V command V on the , Mac to paste so now this layer here is , going to be our placeholder so I'm gonna , rename it placeholder then I'gonna , convert it into a smart object so I'm , gonna right-click and select convert to , smart object then I'm gonna press ctr T , command T to transform then right-click , and select restart and I'm just gonna , click and drag the corners to those same , spots , and I'gonna commit the changes by , either hitting enter or clicking on the , check mark and I'm gonna press ctr H , command on the Mac to hide all extras , including the guide sand you'll see now , that we essentially have the original , image once again but now I can double , click on the placeholder and this is my , template for anything I want to put in , that billboard so I can go back into my , original design and select this company , LOGO'm gonna click on the move tool , click and drag that logo on to the next , tab by hovering over the ta band holding , shift and releasing and that'll place , the logo in the center and I really , don't need this placeholder for now so I , can just disable it and I can press ctr , s commands on the Mac to save and now , that logo is there in perspective and , let me disable the original now the , advantage of using this workflow is that , I can double click on this placeholder , smart object and can add any image , that I want and it will always be in , perspective so let me select an image , from my libraries pan eland I'm just , gonna select this image of Hong Kong and , I'm just gonna drag it into place and , I'm gonna scale it so that it fits the , entire canvas and it'soak there I'm , covering the logo I really don't need it , and I'm also going to select the type , tool and just tutorship training , channel and then click on that check mark , to commit the changes and here's the , trick for you if you press ctr a , command and the Mac to select all then , click on the move tool you can click on , the center vertical sand center , horizontal buttons and now the text is , right in the center but I really don't , want it in the center vertically want , it Little lower so right about here , then I can press ctr ls command s to , save and if I go back into my , perspective view there it is and you , might notice that we have a few problems , number one we haven'properly masked , the building so I'm gonna go ahead and , do that now and I'm gonna disable this , placeholder layer and one of the easiest , ways of doing it is by selecting the , polygonal lasso tool , just zoom in and make selection around , this area of the building and you only , have to be precise on the top here the , rest really it's not that important in , terms of being precise then you can hold , alt option on the Mac and click on the , layer mask icon to create an inverted , layer mask then when zoom out you'll , see that we have that part then I'm , gonna change the blending mode of this , layer to multiply in this case this , particular background dozen'really , have shadow but if it did I would want , that shadow to come through and the , multiply blending mode will do that for , me also it'll make it easier for me to , mask out these lights so I'm gonna click , on the zoom tool zoom in into one of , these light sand in the placeholder , layer mask'm gonna paint with black in , areas where want to reveal these , light sand I'm using the bracket key son , the keyboard to reduce the size of my , brush and for something like this maybe , you want to use a harder brush something , that it'snot so soft we have hard edges , so those soft edges don't do that good , of Job in this type of masking , so that's the first light what I'm gonna , do now is pause the video and continue , with the other light so you don't waste , time watching me do the same thing three , times okay I'vie gone ahead and masked , out all the lights from the billboard so , this is my result and again you really , did't miss much I just essentially did , the same thing that you saw me do with , all the other light snow the final step , is to make the billboard look a little , more realistic after all this is a , compositing job so if you look at the , billboard it's a couple of things that , don't look realistic number one it , dozen't look like it fit son this scene , and the reason is that the original , image from the citizen't match the , atmosphere the dominance of our scene so , one of the things that you can do is , create a black and white adjustment , layer just so that you can remove the , color of the image and just look at the , dominance values and that helps your , brain really see what's going on so I'm , going to click on the placeholder and , then create a levels adjustment layer , click on this icon to clip it to the , layer below then I can use this middle , slider to adjust the contrast and , think it's got too much contrast and I , think that the dark's are too dark so I'm , gonna click and drag this slider to the , right a little bit and at least to my , eye that looks much better , and this is what it looks like with , color so that's before and after also I , think that this layer has a lot of , saturation so I'm gonna create new hue , and saturation adjustment layer clip it , to the layer below and I'just gonna , drag the saturation down on the entire , image like so and now this looks a , little bit more like a print on a , billboard so that's before and after in , the advantage of using this workflow is , that you can always come back and make , adjustments tithe contents of this , billboard without having to redo , anything else so I'm gonna double click , and a placeholder and maybe we're , working on campaign that has different , cities so we have Hong Kong there and we , can also drag in maybe Sydney so now we , have an image of Sydney here so I'm , gonna just make that larger so that it , fits within the canvas and I'gonna , drag it below the word Photo shop , training channel but this time I'm going , to click and drag the words Photo shop , training channel to the top , right the repress ctr ls command s to , save go back into my working document , and there it is everything is in , perspective and that'sit for this , tutorial Hope that you enjoyed it and , that you learn something new let me know , in the comments if you enjoy this , perspective crop technique also if this , is your first time in photocopy , training channel don't forget to click , on the subscribe button thank you so , much for watching and I will talk to you , again soon  

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