Make An Animated Gif In Photoshop Using Cell Phone Videos


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hey guys welcome to another very , exciting tutorial here at the , , my name issue Ramirez and you can find , me on twitter @jrfromptc , we're gonna do so by creating an , animated gift of avid I recorded , from my cellphone , you can download this video to follow , along if you like download it from my , website , it's gonna be Avery simple animation , but this tutorial will teach you all the , basics of working with the Photo shop , timeline if you'vie never USDA timeline , panel before or you're not very familiar , with it then this tutorial is perfect , for you many of the people who watch , this channel are people who are mostly , used to working with still images so I , thought it would be a good idea to , create a video teaching the differences , in photo and video workflows and to , teach you how to take advantage of , Photo shop adjustment sand other tools to , enhance your videos and animations'm , also planning on creating more advanced , motion graphic training videos but I , wanted to create a video where I showed , you all the basics first that way we can , use it as reference and we don't have to , worry about teaching the basics in more , complex tutorials for this tutorial , we're gonna first edit the video and , then we'll apply a movie look effect , using adjustment layers then we'll add , text and animate the text using , Cromwell then use a layer mask to , make the text fit within the video and , lastly I'll show you how to export it as , an animated so you can use it on , your website okay let's get started the , first thing that I'm gonna do is arrange , the work space sou have the proper , panels to work with animation and videos , so I'gonna go into window work space , motion and that's gonna open up my , timeline if you want to keep through , your groundwork's you can just make , sure that the timeline is turned on in , the windows menu just so you can have , the timeline that we're gonna be working , with okay so now we're gonna open up our , video so I'm gonna go to file open and , I'm gonna select this video here called , Street dot photocopy can open up , different types of video files MP is , just one of them , the other video types that Photo shop can , open are listed here and there's , actually more than you see on the list , there and pretty much any video that you , create with your cell phone or a digital , camera you should be able to open it , with Photocopies click on your video , press open and the first thing I want to , show you before we even get started with , the video is how Photo shop handles , videos as opposed to images when you , open up an image in Photo shop and you , save it as a PSD the image is embedded , onto your Photo shop document with videos , this is not the case so I'm gonna close , this file that has the video we opened , UPI saved it and I'm just gonna close , that then I'gonna take the video that , we used and this ISS file that we just , saved I'm gonna take this video and I'm , just gonna rename it and I'just gonna , add two to that and I'gonna open up , my Photo shop file , Photocopies telling us that it can no , longer find this file that's because , Photocopies not embed videos onto the , P as these like those with images , Photo shop simply references the video , files that you use so you have to be a , little bit more organized when you're , working with videos so make sure that , all your videos are saved in in a folder , that it's not gonna get deleted or , renamed or misplace so if you ever see , this the window pop-up click on choose , and then find the video that Photo shop , is asking you for in this ca seas easy , as this video here we just renamed it , and just click on open but sometimes you , might accidentally delete the file , rename it or move Otto a different , location in Photo shop it's not gonna be , able to find it so once you see the , check mark here you can just press , and we can continue working with the , video so Just wanted to bring that up , right away because lot of people are , used to working with images and they , don't realize that videos work just a , little bit differently one other thing I , want to tell you before I get started is , that was having some issues with , Photo shop in videos discovered that , Adobe generate creates problems when , working with video so I had to disabled , Adobe generate so if you're having , issues you might need to disable that as , well so to do that you can go toed , preferences plugin sand make sure that , enable generator is unchecked so I just , wanted to give you those two warnings , before we got started okay so now that , we'vie gone through that let's start , talking about actually working with , video and Photo shop and I'm gonna make , the timeline just a little bit bigger , I'm gonna click and drag on the edge , here till I see a double arrow and drag , up just so we can have Little more , room'm briefly gonna go over the , different sections of the timeline panel , these buttons here are called our , transport controls and they control the , video for example this one if you press , this button here the play button is , gonna play the video as you can see , there now one thing about playing the , video you notice that it's Little slow , that's because Photo shop needs to render , the video so it'splaying it that's what , this little green line here is it's , actually rendering the video so if , were to click and drag replayed back , and pressing the space bar which is the , keyboard shortcut for the play button , you'll see that the video now is playing , at normal speed or roughly normal speed , and once it gets to the edge of the , green line there it's gonna slow down , and it'gonna start rendering again , when it gets to the end it's gonna stop , I can hit the spacewalking to play the , video the other part of the timeline , that you to be aware of is the time , indicator which is this here and here , you'll see the number of frames and this , is the time so this is one second here , SO frames one second W frames two , seconds W frames three seconds if you , want to zoom in so we can get a closer , view of the frames and seconds you can , click and drag this handle here to zoom , in so now you'll see each individual , frame and you're gonna also click on , these buttons to zoom in into the zoom , out but I like clicking on the little , handlers here better this composition , here is nine seconds long and we can , clip this video to make it shorter by , clicking and dragging on the edges so we , have this video here of this car driving , through , and I simply want to create an animated , GIF that starts where right before the , car shows up so start somewhere around , here and it plays through to just as , soon as a car leaves the frame and we'll , just keep looping that over and over , again and that will be our animated GIF , so I wan tit to start right about here , right before the car show sup on the , screen so to clip this video layer can , hove rover the edge here till I get that , black double arrow bracket , cursory can click and drag to the right , and you'll see the preview there showing , me where the new start point is and , it'll snap right on that on replayed , and then I can let go and I can come , back to the beginning now and you'll see , that the video will start right before , the car show sup on-screen now I want , the video to end as soon as it leaves , frame so right about there so I can , click and drag this over tithe end to , clip the video or I can click and drag , this bar here which tells me how long , the video would be so Icahn have a , longer video but Photo shop would only , render and worry about this part here , but'm actually gonna make the clip , smaller don'tend to have a longer , video but Just wanted to show you that , anyway so if I press play now you'll see , that video stars there and it ends when , the car leaves if you want to have the , car looping back and forth here we can , get better understanding of how this , is gonna look on an animated you can , click on the fly out menu here and click , on loop playback press play and the car , is just gonna keep looping back and , forth and you'll get Avery good idea of , what the animated gifts gonna look like , I'm just gonna press stop on that also , currently there's no audio enabled for , this timeline but if we click on this , button here it will enable the audio so , I'm just gonna pres splay just so you , can hear it , you can also click on this icon hereto , add more audio or another track if you , want to but remember we're not gonna be , working with audio in this project so , I'm just gonna disable this just , wanted to point that out we can also , click on this arrow here and it's gonna , show us the different key frames then we , can add to this video for example I'm , gonna grab a guide click hereon the , underside on the ruler sand if you don't , have your rulers you can just Prescott , R to enable them or disable them I'm , gonna click and drag and just put our , ruler right here right at the bottom , here where the tree starts out and'm , gonna click on the position framed , add a key frame and that's that yellow , thing you see here I'm gonna do a , timeline click and drag just so we can , zoom Inonu the timeline and we can see , more of the footage and we can see the , key frame here now the way key frames work , if you're not familiar with them is , every time make an adjustment to the , position this is what this is , controlling'm gonna create anew , key frame so I'm gonna show you how that , works I'm just gonna go tithe end of , the video right here this is the end and , then I can click and drag this layer and , move it away using move tool notice , that Photo shop created anagram , so if I click on this arrow it'll bring , me back tithe previous cream I click on , this arrow here it'll take me to the , next frame'm gonna I'gonna go to , the first key frame which is where the , video starts and I'm gonna press play , and you can sort of see how that works , Photo shop takes the information from the , first key frame the information for the , second framed fills in everything , in between in this case is as the , position there's also opacity so I'm , gonna go back to the first key frame and , I'm gonna turn on the opacity key frame , I'm gonna click on the next key frame , arrow which is the one up here so it , takes me directly above the other one , and I'm gonna just gonna bring the , opacity down if I go back to the , beginning can press on this button , here to go back to the beginning of the , animation and click play you see that , the layer moves and it brings the , opacity down and that'SWAT that , animation doe sand style controls the , layer styles so I can double click on , the layer style , and maybe I can add a color overlay , start would red move it to the end and , add another color overlay but this time , we'll make it green so now if I click , and drag you'll see that layer starts , out as red and it turns green as we move , along we can also move creamiest , change the speed of the animation or to , change where the animation starts or , ends we can delete them by clicking on , them when they're yellow you can just , press the Delete key you can also copy , and pastrami's so I'm just gonna , click on the stopwatch hereto delete , all those grosbeaks we're not , gonna be using these particular , key frames NOW'm just gonna go to file , and revert but you know what if I do a , revert it's gonna lose the connection to , the video so I'm just gonna close it , instead and I'm just gonna open it again , so file open open the street Stand , it's gonna tell me that it needs to find , the missing video so I'm just gonna , click on choose find the video and press , open and then okay alright now we can , start working with the video again so I , need to find my start point once again , and that was right about here right , before the car show sup click and drag , and then find my end point which is , after the car leaves the screen which is , right about there click and drag all the , way to the red line there which is the , play head and I can pres splay just to , see how that looks all right that looks , pretty good I'm gonna go to the , beginning on my timeline and you can , just press this button here'm gonna , click and drag a guide over to the edge , where this tree is and that did'twerk , there we go so I'm gonna click on this , down pointing arrow at a position move , to the end of the animation and I'm , gonna add another motion framing I , wan'teasing a tripod so the camera was , very shaky if I were using program , like Adobe After Effects or some other , applications to make video effects they , come with software that allows you to , stabilize shaky image since we don't , have that in Photocopier're gonna have , to fake it a little bit so I'gonna add , another key frame here by clicking on the , move tool and then using the arrow keys , on the keyboard to move the layer over , to the right right along the edge of the , tree so now if click play the image is , not as shaky is still a bit shaky but , that's okay it'snot as shaky as it was , before you can sort of see on the left , here how much the image was moving due , to my shaky camera work but anyway'm , gonna press the space bar to stuff the , video and I'm gonna grab the crop tool , and I'm gonna make crop and I'gonna , hold shift to make a crop there so we , don't see those transparent pixels on , the side'm also going to move the crop , up so I can see more of the houses there , and more of the street and not so much , of this sidewalk here and actually , that's way too high maybe maybe that's , the highest we can go there I'm gonna , press ENTER and I'gonna press play , just to see how things are looking and , things are looking pretty good so we're , gonna keep things as they are since I , don't need this guy anymore I'm just , gonna press the Key on the keyboard , click and drag it out of the way to , delete it one of the biggest advantages , of using Photo shop for video is it you , can apply pretty much any layer style , adjustment layer filter evened objects , onto your video and render those out so , for this image we're gonna give iota , little bit of a movie effect so I'm , gonna click on the adjustment layer and , click on color lookup and I'm just gonna , select teal orange plus contrast which , is way at the bottom you probably , could't see they see it on the video , but it's way at the bottom and it's , gonna give my image sort of a movie look , like so I'm also gonna ad done more , adjustment layer and that's gonna be a , curves adjustment layer and'm just , gonna create an S curve like that but my , highlights are way too strong and I , don't want them to show up as much so , what'm gonna do is I'gonna double , click on the layer here and use the , blend , if options here to move the slider so if , I move this lighter to the left , it's gonna get rid of the white pixels , created by the adjustment later but I , don't want to I don'twat the , transactions the transitions to be so , harsh so I'm gonna hold alt and split , those so the transitions are much much , smoother then I'm gonna press OK so this , is a before and after it just sort of , makes the highlight of the shadows ab it , stronger , they might be too strong actually so I'm , just gonna bring the opacity down and , and this is just personal preference , here you can do whatever settings you , like on that but anyway this is a movie , look effect that we created just by , adding two adjustment layers another , thing we can do to this video is add , text so I'm gonna click in a text tool , I'gonna choose white as my foreground , calorie'm gonna click there and'm just , gonna type the word speed first control , enter when I'm done now notice that , Photo shop created this speed layer on , the same video group as the one we were , currently working on and that's not what , we want we want to create a new video , group so we can click and drag this , layer and put it on top of the video , group we were working on and now the , word speed is on top of the video we , were working on and I'm gonna make this , the same length as a previous video , groupie'm gonna press cutlet to , transform to make this word speed bigger , and by the way I'm using'm unreal , italics for the font so I can put that , there what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna , convert this into a smart object I'm , gonna click on it so it opens up and , that way we can add more elements to , this and it will all be animated on this , same video layer and I'll show you how , that works I'm gonna click on this I'm , gonna add a new layer and I'm just gonna , fill it with W%gray and the the only , reason I'modding this is just so Icahn , see what's uh what's going on sou , filled it with W% Gray hit alt and , backspace option backspace on the Mac to , fill I'm also gonna click on the crop , too land I'just going to , drag this down maybe this over to the , right this over to the left and move , this up just a little bit and press , Enter and again this background layer , I'm gonna fill it again all backspace , option backspace so it so I can feel , that what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna , control click command click on the , thumbnail here this icon of the T so it , makes a selection around the word speed , I'm gonna create a new layer and I'm , gonna fill that layer with white ctr D , command D to deselect then I'm gonna go , to filter blur motion blur angle of 0 , distance maybe just Little bit more , than that , W pixels look seems to be okay and I'm , gonna click on a move tool and drag it , over to the left and actually'll press , ctr T maybe bring that in and bring , that back like so I'm gonna add a mask , press B on the keyboard for my brush , tool with black'm just gonna make a , big Brush and sort of loops sort of hide , that but I need soft brush so yeah , something like that , so maybe make that don't make those , lines USA's strong and maybe bring the , opacity Dona little bit and actually , you know what , under masks I'll even add the motion , blur on that as well and'll add it , again on the under layer and that looks , like it'll work it dozen'tend to be , perfect and also I can create anew , layer select black as my foreground , color and then just create a oops I was , a little too too long create a shadow so , maybe something like that and I'll add a , mask increase the size and then just , sort of fill the bottom part enough with , black and I'll fade it out so it's not , completely gone it's just , semi-transparent bring the opacity down , something like that so I'm just gonna , disable layer one so it's transparent , press ctr ls to save closest and if we , come back we see the changes that we , made to the layer and if we want to we , can press ctr Tot make it bigger and I , think we need to make the shadows , little bit more transparent and the , blurriness of the word speed a little , more opaque so I'gonna double click on , the smart object press OK I'm going , enable is just so we can see it and I'm , just gonna increase the opacity to like , W percent or actually this is the , shadow I'm gonna bring get passing on , that a lot lower so maybe W% and this , is the blur and we'll put that up all , the way to Dada hundred percent I'm , gonna disable this layer again , ctr s to save command S on the Mac I'll , come back and that's looking little , bit better and we're just gonna leave it , at this is really not that important but , anyway so I'm gonna comeback to the , beginning of the video and right after , the car passes the tree I want this word , to appear so I'm gonna click and drag , this right here actually maybe that car , needs to be about there , this is the video group number two that , we're working on this is where the speed , composition is I'm gonna click on , transform I'm gonna move the play head , wait till the car leaves the video then , I'gonna click and drag while holding , shift and move that all the way to you , know what I'm noticing already that it's , too low so what Indeed to do is actually , get that little bit higher maybe maybe , right about there and so it sort of , looks like the word is following the car , there , well I'm over the first frame'm , gonna move up just a little bit and then , you'll see it follow the car and , actually you know what Id on't want it , to be as fast as a car so maybe should , move this everywhere at the very end , I might need to make the original video , just little bit longer so I'll do I'll , make the original video just a few , frames longer just so Icahn have time to , get the word out like so I'm gonna click , on the speed group layer once again and , I'just gonna make the speed text layer , longer so it fills up the entire , animation because we made the animation , longer so I'm just gonna close it and , save it and now you can see it there if , you notice it's just second ago it was , gone because the timeline of the smart , object was not long enough on that text , layer but anyway so now let's play our , animation and see what that looks like , okay so now what we can do is we can add , a mask to hide the word when it's behind , the tree if I add a layer mask notice , that we get a layer mask position and , layer mask enable Freemasons I find , them Little hard to work wit hand I'll , show you why if I add a mask position , here and then paint with black on on the , tree and'm just gonna do this fast , just so you can see the problem at least , that I see you'll see that I paint it , with black and it hides the text and it , sort of looks like the text comes out , from behind the tree which is what we , want but then if we move to the end of , the timeline and maybe we want to paint , on this post here once we paint the , layer mask changes and it dozen't create , a key frame because the only key frame , this has is for a layer mask position , and that's not what we want in that and , that'snot gonna solve our problem , there's two ways of fixing this problem , you can unlike the layer mask from the , smart object and that will allow us to , mask out the word speed from behind the , tree and will also allow us to add a , mask behind this post so it looks like , the word speed goes behind the post as , well so notice that the layer mask , did't change there so you ha veto , unlike Ito'm gonna fill it with white , now the other way of working around this , problem is by adding layer mask tithe , video group and that's what I'll do I'm , gonna add a layer mask tithe video , groupie'm going to comeback to the , beginning of the animation'm gonna , grab the quick selection tool click on , layer one which is the video and simply , make a selection around the tree and , it'soak if you go up into the sky that , really dozen'matter , click on the video group two layer mask , fill with black click on layer one , select this post and hold alt option on , a mac to subtract , the selection still using the quick , selection tool then I can click on the , video group two layer mask and fill with , black again and you'll see what happens , now we you can actually see it here on , the icon and if I hold alt and click , option and click you'll actually see the , layer mask that's what I Dido'm gonna , Prescott D to deselect and I'gonna , press the space bar on the keyboard or , see you what that looks like so now it , looks like the word speed is coming from , behind the tree and it goes behind this , post here okay so that's gonna be your , animated I'm gonna press ctr ls to , save it's always a good idea to save , when you're working with video because , if you have an older computer Photo shop , is more likely to crash so now that we , have our animation it's time to export , the GIF and to do that let's go to file , save for the we band we can export this , as an animated goofiest of all the , width is just too big , usually animated gifts are much much , smaller than that especially because , they're shared on the internet so we , can't have huge file sin huge file sizes , so I'm just gonna bring this down to% , and also notice it's only one frame of , the image that's because we have the , file type as JPEG and by the way just as , a side note if you wanted to save a , particular frame as an image just go to , the frame that you want to save then do , a save for the web save it as JPEG and , it'll say about that particular frame , but we want the whole animation to do , that we're gonna change the file type to , GIF and it'seagoing to take a minute it's , gonna render out every single frame of , the animation and then we can play , around with the different settings for , the GIF , one of the most important ones is the , looping options if I press play you'll , notice that the animation only loops , once that's because the looping options , are set to once you can change them to , forever or other if you press other you , can just put any value you want here for , example if you wanted it to loop 5 , times but you know we don't want it to , loop times we want it to loop forever , so I'm just gonna select forever from , the drop-down menu , I'll click play oh you'll see a preview , of what our animated gift looks like'm , gonna press stop there's also a , different preview you can do you can , click on the preview button here which , will open up this animated GIF in a , browser in this case is gonna open up in , my default browser which is Google , Chrome'm gonna click the preview , button and it's gonna open up the , animated giving a browser so this is , more or less the way the animated GIF , would look online and this gives you , some information about the file format , dimensions file size and a bunch of , other information but anyway you can , just pres son the Save button when , you're ready and then save it onto your , computer but I'm not gonna do that I'm , just gonna click on done if you wanted , to save out this animation as a video , you can come to the drop down menu click , on render video and choose where you , want to save your file give it a name if , you like you also have to select the , format that you want to save out your , video sh dot I's great if you're , gonna be sharing it on YouTube or , sharing it anywhere online if you want , higher quality would recommend , Quick Time you can use the preset of high , quality or uncompressed but this is , gonna give you some really big file , slices but they'll be the highest , quality possible-- also if you are using , and objects or animation sin your , video you want to consider the render , options and most importantly the D , quality there are three different levels , of quality in which you can render out , your D animations interactive is the , lowest literature final is the , highest quality depending on your D , animation an dhow complicated it is , choosing retracing could add hours , if not days your rendering so you're , gonna think carefully if the extra , quality is worth the extra hours of , rendering you might also consider , leaving a video rendering overnight if , need be but anyway those sort of , different ways you can export your video , okay guys and that'sit for this , tutorial hope you enjoy edit and that , you learn something new feel free to , leave any question , comment down below I would love to know , what you thought about this video if you , find this tutorial useful don't forget , to click the like button and share with , your friends make sure you subscribe and , don't forget to check out my website for , more tutorials , my name is , Susan Ramirez thank you for watching and , we'll talk again very soon , you  

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