How to make OUT of BOUNDS pop out effect in Photoshop


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hey cafe crew it's Colin Smith here from , Photo shop cafe and today I'm going to , show you how to create a really cool , out-of-bounds effect inside of Photo shop , so they're out of bounds effect is a , really cool effect that maybe you'vie , seen before where something is just , leaping out of photograph so basically , what we do is we make it look like the , photo is Ina frame and the object is , actually bursting out of the frame it , just adds a bunch of three , dimensional and also just a lot of , visual impact as that object just , appears to be leaping right at you out , of the screen'm gonna show you how to , do that and the kind of thing that lends , itself well to that is things like this , sports images action images look really , good so here's a photograph I got of , skyjacker , I got this from Adobe stock so don't , forget to check out or don't be stuck by , the way you can grab ten free images , from there check out the link underneath , and also if you're a photographer you , want to contribute get your photo in , front of millions of people and also , make some extra money check that out and , the links underneath so let's start on , this tutorial right now okay so the , first thing we want to do is we want to , cut out our kayak cover but there's a , new feature that was actually added , yesterday inside of Phototropic under , the Selective mask option and then , select subject so if I click on there , it's gonna use Adobe sense which is , artificial intelligence to figure out , what the subject is and make a selection , around it and look at that it did a , pretty good job now there's a few little , things to know about that I'm gonna be , making a new tutorial tomorrow so check , that out I'going to talk more about , these new selection features so for now , if you don't have that just use your , quick select too land go around it but , you can see we'vie goat good start there , now we're gonna choose select a mask and , there's one little refinement I want to , do to this it's looking pretty good but , one of the things I always love to do is , to turn on show edge and then I'm gonna , turn this edge detection up just until , we start to see that edge see that and , we're gonna turn that back off again and , what that'gonna do is it'gonna clean , it up and make a sharper edge of better , selections we're just gonna go down here , and we want to output to a new layer , with layer mask and then we just click , OK and now we'vie got a new layer wit ha , layer mask , now if you hardship C's or earlier , and you don't have , sister this feature just use you know , the quick selection tool or other , selection methods'vie got tons of , tutorials on selections just check out , my channel or Photo shop , for detailed tutorials on how to cut , things out , so what we'begot now is we'vie got this , guy on its own layer and in underneath , we'll just get them photographed by , itself okay so what we want to do here , is let's turn that back Ono'm gonna , create a new layer in between and what , we're looking to do is to create a , rectangle around here and this rectangle , is going to look like the photographic , frame now here's the thing I want to do , with this want to make this frame look , more alive and more dynamic than just a , rectangle so I'gonna create a , rectangle now I'm gonna stir it and warp , it so it looks more two-dimensional and , I'm even gonna give it Little bend to , just really make it feel like it's , flexing so let's do that right now so , the first thing we want to do is grab , rectangle too land that's right there , you'll see it hiding under the line tool , make sure we choose pixels the color , dozen'matter right now I'vie got white , it's completely irrelevant we're just , doing it for the selection make sure bar , on the new layer and what we're gonna do , is we're just gonna click and drag , around to define the area that we want , to be the picture frame so there's , pretty good and you can see already we , can see how this is bursting out but , this is nothing compared to what we're , gonna do so I'just getting at the V , key to go back to the move too land then , we want to transform this rectangle , making sure that rectangles still , selected we're just gonna hit command T , and if pectoral T on windows to activate , free transform free transform enables us , to start dragging these little corners , and doing different thing snow we're , gonna do a little bit more than that so , if we hit the right mouse button on , windows or we control click on mac it , brings up a menu that gives us other , things that we can do with the transform , and what I want to do is Id on't want to , use perspective or though that would , seem like would Bethe best option'm , actually gonna use warp because when I , choose warp can grab these corners , independently and notice it kind of , bend sand that's what I'm sort of going , for with this so I want to kind of make , it Bend a little bit so let's kind of , drag that Dona little bit , and here and we want to just kind of , pull this up so we'vie got some , perspective going on maybe a little bit , more you can see how we're kind of , getting this Bend now we can grab these , one sin the corner here and we can do , that to get nice kind of a warp just , kind of like you would get with a sail , imagine and you can also click on these , regions and manually do it so we're just , looking for something that seems to be , bending and flexing a little bit that's , pretty good maybe drag it down a little , bit more the more we pull these edges , the more dramatic and extreme that is , gonna get so we don't want to get too , extreme but that's pretty good so I'm , just gonna hit enter to apply that and , now what Want to do is I want to make , a selection around there so I'm just , gonna control click to make that , selection and what we're gonna be doing , now is we're just going to be using this , so there's couple of different ways we , could do it in fact let me show you , another way is if drag this underneath , and we just turn that padlock off we , drag that layer above it and now if go , in between the two see this the image , and our background where we'remade our , square and I hit the out or the option , key you see this little arrow tap and , what it will do is will clip in there , and this is actually a good way of , making a selection if we want to make it , non-destructive because within here , can actually move this around see that I , can recompose this and it's completely , non-destructive now I can also move this , layer around but it's gonna mess up if , we don'Tod the top as well so if I hit , the shift key I can move these around as , well to recompose this shut exactly how , I want to have it bursting out of the , frame okay that's looking pretty good , now there's a couple of things want to , do I want to put a little white outline , around there so the way I'm gonna do , that is I'just gonna make selection , notice I'vie done that there and then I'm , just gonna create a new layer and in , what I want to do is just contract this , a little bit so I'm gonna choose select , modify and everything to do if modifying , selections are there and we're gonna , choose to contract and let's contract , this by I don'TKO let's try W pixels , and see how it looks maybe little bit , more , so we're gonna choose select again , modified contract and maybe let's do it , another W there we go and that's gonna , give us pretty good are abut remember , this area is selected we want to select , everything else and we're gonna come on , shift when that be control shift I on , Windows to inverse we can't ever got , marching ants around here and marching , ants there so now we'vie selected this , region and we just want to fill that , with white so there's a couple of , different ways of doing this you know , actually there's many different ways of , doing this but'm gonna take advantage , of this clipping group so I'm just gonna , fill the whole thing with white and , notice we'vie got white for the , foreground color just make sure you'vie , got white selected and then just hit Alt , Delete and that would be option , backspace or actually option delete all , backspace on Windows and then what it's , done is has just filled the area with , white and if we also clip it we can see , now we'vie got our white outline around , it now we could have done a stroke , there's many different ways and you know , why don'you drop into comment how you , would have done that because then , Photo shop there's a million different , ways of doing anything and this is just , kind of the way we're doing it right now , excellent so what we'redone is we'vie , kind of got the out of bounds we'vie got , a little bit more to go though we're , gonna add some shadows to give it that , diff and realism I'm also gonna drop , something in the background so we don't , have the transparent area around there , or though dozen'look too bad so why , don't we try that first let's create a , new layer and we're just gonna drag this , to the bottom and I'm just want to kind , of create a gradient so why don't we , grab something like maybe this blues , kind of nice we'll base it off there , we're gonna reduce the saturation maybe , make it darker and we're gonna hit the , back key there and I'just gonna tap on , there so what I'm doing is selecting the , same color again so we selected the , background picker rather than the , foreground picker to bring up background , notice that and by tapping here with the , eyedropper we'vie selected the same color , for the foreground in the background so , what I'm gonna do now is I'm just gonna , maybe brighten it up Little bit and , reduce the saturation there we gonad , now we'vie got that foreground background , grab gradient tool set it to linear , and just drag it down and just play , around until we get something that we , feels good you know like maybe something , a little bit more maybe even more abrupt , maybe something very , like that so it kind of looks like your , desktops't like the other way yeah I , think kind of like it that way that , looks good , excellent so now we're just gonna do as , shadows and this is really what's gonna , make whole thing pop right now so I'm , just gonna add on the very top I'm gonna , add vegetable turf frame why don'twee , add a drop shadow to our frame so we're , gonna select it right now and what we're , gonna do is grab this actual area that , we're clipping to CZ this is where , we're gonna add a shadow and we're gonna , create a drop shad owlet me just drag , that out of the way now one of the , things of the drop shadow is you can , drag this around manually and I think I , want Togo this way a little bit'm , gonna drop down the opacity quite a bit , and also the size so there we go we're , going about there Fred this is now we , hit the size a little bit just to kind , of soften it yeah we go now it looks , like it's kind of popping maybe give it , Little bit more of a shadow so we're , like percent that's not bad , click okay so that's looking good now we , just want to add a shadow on this now , there's so many different ways of doing , this just like you know everything else , is a ton of ways of doing it and what , I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna create a , new layer and I'm gonna pop that new , layer underneath here and I don't want , Otto be clipping so let me just hit the , out or the option key and pull that out , so we get a new layer right there and , now what Want to do is I just want to , paint my shadow in so I'm just gonna , grab a black brush grab the brush make , sure we get a soft brush which means , that hardness goes all the way down , stuff that size down a little bit I'm , gonna go up a Little wanted to kind of , match there that's not bad and also'm , gonna hit the D key to reset the , foreground background color so now we're , gonna be painting with black now , remember the light direction is coming , down here so what I'gonna do is I'm , gonna start under there and I'just , gonna paint now don'worry if it's too , dark we can adjust this Ina minute and , [Music] , wish Went too far there let me just go , into here just do it like that let's , drop the size Dona little bit so we , can just kind of get little bit of a , shadow , there Think it'll just be kind of , interesting and let's increase the size , of that shadow again we're gonna drop it , down here and we're just gonna kind of , paint that in by hand and the reason , we're doing that is because if we apply , Otto here it's gonna just kind of look , weird it'snot gonna work so anyway what , we're gonna do now is we just want to , adjust our opacity so it matches the , rest of the shadow so let's just play , around with that little bit just , slowly bring it down so we get pretty , close match there and if we want to , smooth en it out we could add a blur it's , just choose filter blur give it a , Gaussian blur Gaussian blur Gaussian , blur , there we go notice that just smooths out , some of our moves there and there we go , guys there we have it there'sour out of , bounds effect hope you enjoy edit once , again if you want to grab some free , images from Adobe's stock or you want to , become contributor click on that link , underneath check it out and I hope you , like this video if you did smash that , like button in to dust if you like these , kind of tutorials'm doing new , tutorials at least once awakes usually , two to three times a week hit the , subscribe button right now become part , of the cafe crew maybe you'vie been , watching these videos and you haven't , hit the subscribe button yet hit it , right now become a subscribe rand also , hit that little bell get the , notification sand you're gonna know when , I have a new tutorial so did you guys , enjoy this let me know your thoughts in , the comments underneath also let me know , what you'd like to learn next so anyway , guys I hope you enjoyed that and until , next time I'll see you at the cafe , you  

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