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welcome to photocopy training , channel I have yet another awesome , tutorial for you guys today as you might , already know'm a big movie fan which , is why from time to time will do a , movie poster for a tutorial think that , movie posters are not only good to look , at but we can learn lot from them and , today's movie poster is no exception , we'll be creating the Man of Steel , teaser poster which you'probably , already seen by now we'll star tout by , creating the background using images of , steel and rust , we'll then add shadows using layer , mask and an adjustment layer and we'll , also create a background highlight for , the Superman logo we will use a shape , layer which we will apply layer styles , too and we'll bring in more shape layers , that will finish off giving form tithe , logo then we'll add various textures to , the Superman logo such as a grunge , texture and old steel textures after , adding highlight swill make the logo , more three-dimensional by creating an , extrusion layer and adding some cool , effects to it and we'll top it all off , by adding shadow that will finalize , the logo effect and of course will , create the Man of Steel text there ISS , lotto cover in this tutorial so I'll be , going faster than usual if you get stuck , don't hesitate to pause or rewind the , video and please keep in mind that the , original artist probably took a few , dozen hours creating this poster but , we'll try to do it all in under W , minutes the point of this tutorial is , for you to learn the general techniques , and for you to then spend some time on , your own improving the composition and , making it look as good as you can but , anyway let's get started the first step , is to create a new document you can , create new document by pressing ctr n , on your keyboard that's command and on , the Mac I'going to name my document , Superman poster my width is going to be , W height W and background contents , transparent then I'll press first I'm , going to create some guys splitting my , document in half vertically and , splitting my document in half , horizontally to do that you can click on , view new guide and , in position type W% will check , horizontal and it will create a , horizontal guide right down the middle , then we'll do the same thing for the , vertical guide so we'll go to a new , guide click on vertical and type W% , press OK and now we have our guides next , we're going to bring in our background , image'm going to click on file place , and select my background image click on , place and I'm going to press enter , notice that when we brought in the , background using the place command it , automatically converted the image into a , smart object if your image is Nita , smart object would recommend turning , it into one you can convert it into a , smart object by right-clicking on your , layer and selecting convert to smart , object then I'm going to click on filter , sharpen unshorn mask and set my amount , to percent my radius to point , pixels stretch hold and press OK and , the reason we converted this into a , smart object is because if I want to , comeback and make adjustments later , can by double clicking on the unshorn , mask effect name here and I can make any , adjustments like to this layer I'm , just going to press cancel out of that , since I don'twat to make any changes , and I'going to hide , the Smart Filters that way there'snot , so much clutter in my layers panel here , next I'll bring in my rust layer'll , click on file place and select the rust , JPEG click on place and all at the same , sharpen filter can just press ctr F , or command F or click on filter and just , click on the first option here on sharp , mask which is the last filter that we , use and it will apply ever it will apply , the same filter with the same settings , which is what we want to do and once we , do that we can come into the channels , pan eland select the channel that'Sgt , the most contrast in this case is going , to be the blue channel we'll click on it , and drag it over into the new channel , icon to duplicate it , and we'll go into image adjustments and , level sand we'll give more contrast so , we want to make the dark starker and the , lighters lighter and we don't want there , to be so much gray so we'll try to get , rid of that gray by turning into white , and the dark Gray's will turn into black , something like that , now make sure that your blue copy , shadows layer is selected and click , control eye on your keyboard command I , on the Mac to invert now if we control , click or command click on the Mac you'll , select all the white pixels which is the , rest in this layer and if click on the , layer mask icon here in the layers panel , it'll hide everything else that it's not , the rest which is exactly what we want , we'll set the blending mode to overlay , and change the opacity to W%next I'll , add a new layer I'll name it background , vignette and I'll fill it with black by , pressing alt and backspace or option , backspace on the Mac I'll add a new , layer mask and will also fill it with , black on the layer mask we're going to , add a filter render and clouds to get , this effect here then I'm going to press , B on my keyboard for my brush tool I , want to set my brush size to about W , pixel sand make sure that it's a soft , brush and I'just going to click right , in the middle twice to get that effect , there and you know what maybe I'll make , this just a little bit bigger maybe I'll , just go in a circular motion just to , give iota little bit more of a highlight , then I'll change my foreground color to , white make my brush just a little , smaller and I'll just draw around the , edges like so just just make it dark on , the edge sand you don't have to go in a , straight line you can do some wavy you , can draw some wavy lines if you like , like so then set your opacity to W% and , you get the result you see here next add , a brightness and contrast adjustment , layer by , keen on the adjustment layer icon here , click on brightness and contrast and set , your brightness to negative and your , contrast to negative and add another , adjustment layer this time add a hue and , saturation adjustment layer click on , colorize and set your hue to W your , saturation to and your lightness to , zero and change the opacity to W% next , create a new layer and we'll name this , layer highlight select your brush tool , make sure your foreground set to white , and with a brush of about W pixels , click in the middle twice and this is , going to be the highlight for a , background layer now the highlight is , not blending with my background as well , as Would like it to be I'm just going , to double click on the layer to bring in , my layer styles and change the blend if , options in the underlying layer if I , move this icon here tithe right you , will see how the dark area so the , background star to come out a little bit , and that's what I want but notice that , the edges from the highlight and the , background are too dark if I alt click , on the icon here it splits it in half , and I can create much smoother , transition between the two and that's , what I want to do so I'll move this icon , on the left here to the right just a , little bit more somewhere around W and , move the icon on the right a little more , to the right to about W or so and then , I'll press then I'll click V on my , keyboard to select my move too la hold , shift and press the up key on my , keyboard to move that up and I'll , duplicate that highlight and I'll bring , that down pass the middle of my , horizontal guide and I'll press ctr T , and I'll make it smaller since don't , want it to be as big press ENTER and , then I'll bring the opacity down of this , layer to W% , and this is my result here next'll add , one more layer and actually this layer , needs to be at the very top and I'll , call this border vignette and all I'm , going to do here is with my brush tool , and'm just going to draw once Agana , border around my image set that to W , opacity and that's it for aback ground , what we'll do now is we'll click on the , top border vignette layer and click on , the background layer while holding shift , to select all the layers then I'll press , ctr G command G on the Mac to make it , into a group and I'll call this group , background now the next step is going to , be creating our Superman logo now the , way we're going to do that is we're , going to have to trace a Superman logo , or whatever logo you're using if you , don't want to use the Superman logo let , me go ahead and open up a file that I , create din advance so we can see how , that works this is the Superman logo , here and it's actually created by using , many different shapes not just one shape , so this is how created the logo here , and what I'vie done for you is I created , this layer here so you can trace the , image and you can use the pen tool and , you can go around the image like so , using the pen tool to trace that logo , now you can also add new anchor points , if you need to to refine the shape that , you're drawing like so and you can also , draw in the gaps like for example this , gap he reside of the s and let me show , you one trick if I click and drag you'll , see how that curve is bending perfectly , on thees on the side of the S right here , but if I come to this side here to add , the top of the logo notice how I get , this weird Bend up here I don'TKO how , clear this will be in the video but , there's a weird band going , around here and that's not looking too , good because if I close out my pad and , I'll zoo min so you can see that you see , this weird Bend going on here and that's , not good so I'm going to Prescott To , undo those and I'm going to select my , pen tool once again , I'll click on this point and I'm just , going to move around and I'll start , drawing that again so when I get to this , point here if I click and drag to create , that Bend what I can do is hold alt on , my keyboard option on the Mac and notice , what happens I can move this handle , independently from the other and Icahn , click on this side here and we don't , have that weird Bend anymore so I can , comeback and close out my shape here , and I can also add another anchor point , if I want to to match my shape a little , bit better so I'm going to just fit the , image on-screen and once you trace this , image make sure that your shapes are , selected by clicking the path selection , tool and you can click on the adjustment , layer icon and click on solid color and , notice how that filled in the shape you , were just working on and you can select , whatever color you want and you can come , back into the shape if you need to the , direct selection tool here and you can , move these anchors around if need be but , anyway I'm just going to go ahead and , delete this because'vie already done , that remember that when you trace the , image to create new layer paths for each , section that's going to help you out and , you should have a result similar to what , I have here which is these different , shape snow I'm going to be nice for you , guy sand I'm going to include this PSD , file so if you're lazy and you don't , want to trace this image you can just , use the shapes I have here , but Would highly recommend getting , some practice with the pencil I think , it'll do you some good so I'll include , this file here you can go to , and look , for the Superman movie poster tutorial , if you're not there already and look , under the tutorial assets for this PSD , file anyway since I have my shapes , created already what I'm going to do now , is I'm going to click on the top shape , and at the bottom shape select all my , shape sand right click on your layers , and click on duplicate layers know the , screen capture software is cutting , cutting off that option here but it , reads duplicate layers you just click on , that and you'll get this dialog box here , and you can click on the destination , select the Superman poster which is the , file we're working on and press OK if , you go back into our Superman poster , document you'll see that the files were , brought in I'm going to press ctr G on , my keyboard now that all the layers are , selected and rename that group logo and , as you can see it was brought in and it , placed here right down the center which , is exactly where I want it what I'll do , now is I'll open up my logo group click , and drag on the eyes here so all the , layers are hidden except for the bottom , I said for the last one except for the , main tape layer and I'll double click on , that layer so the layer Styles dialog , box come sup and first I'll add some , bevel and emboss to this image I'll set , my depth to my size to soft and , and I'll unchecked global light and , for angle I'll type W for altitude , output in W from my gloss contour'll , select this one right here the second , one from the bottom titled ring and I'll , change the color on my highlight toe F , D for the which is a pinkish color , then I'll press Oakland I'll change the , color of my shadow to W% , then I'll click on texture to add a , texture Tommy shape and I'll select the , pattern titled , great granite which is this one right , here these are the default patterns that , Fetishism's with if you don't have , that on your screen now just click on , the little flouting here and click on , reset pattern sand press Oakland then you , should get these patterns here and click , on the one the right titled great , granite and change your leave your scale , At% and change your depth to , positive then click on inner glow , change your blending mode to normal , opacity leave At's% and will change the , color to six seven zero zero one F which , is sort oaf dark red color press OK and , will increase the size of this to about , W pixels so I'll just type in and , click on gradient overlay we'll select , the style radio we'll click on reverse , make sure your angles set to W and , we'll change the blending mode to , overlay and make sure a line with layer , is selected and then press and what , we're going to do now is turn on the eye , for the upper shape which is this shape , here and I'm gonna hide all the layer , styles there again to keep things , clutter free and if I hold alt on my , keyboard which is option on the Mac , click and drag the Little's icon here I , can add exactly the same layer styles , onto that other layer as you can see , there but the layer styles are not , exactly the way we want them they're , almost there so I'just going to change , those Styles just a little bit some of , them click on that layer and the first , thing I'll do is I'll change my bevel , and emboss and I'll change the size to , pixels at an angle of and an , altitude of W , I'll change my gloss contour to linear , which is the first one here and I'll , increase my shadow just Little more , W% we fine then I'll change my texture , depth to positive ten remove my inner , glow click on satin and make sure it's , set to black multiply opacity we will , bring that down a bit to W% angle is , fine at W degree sand we'll set our , distance to W pixel sand W pixels , we'll use the Scurvy you see here and , make sure invert is checked then we'll , click on gradient overlay bring our , opacity down just little bit to W% , and change our blending mode to multiply , and we'll bring our scale to about W% , or so and we'll unchecked align with layer , and what I can do now is I can come to , the left here and can click and drag , that highlight when I place that , highlight right in the middle here to , match the other highlight sand this , looks like good spot first so I'll , just leave it there next I'll click on , drop shadow leave the blending mode at , multiply click ON type% unchecked , use global light an angle of W degrees , a distance of a spread of W and a , size of 4 and press OK when you're done , and once again hide the effects and I , can do the same thing as Id id before , I'going to hold alt click and drag , those effects to the other shapes of my , logo and I'm going to turn the , visibility back on by clicking on those , eyes there and this is my result here , I'm going to press ctr H on my keyboard , or hide my guides and that's what you , get and you know what one thing Just , notice is that my main shape there , is layer here it'looking a little bit , brighter than the rest of them and I , think made a mistake earlier with my , gradient overlay and yeah I said my , blending mode to overlay what I really , wanted was my blending mode to be , multiplied so that makes it darker and , that's what Originally wanted so I , made mistake Apologize I guess I was , going too fast but as I said earlier I , want to try to do this in a timely , manner anyway the next step is to create , a layer mask for this group so what'm , going to do is I'going doctoral click , on the main shape that's command click , on the Mac by the way and I'll click on , my logo group and click on the layer , mask icon and it creates a layer mask , around my shape then I'll click on the , small lower shape which is the to player , of this group and I'll go to file place , and I'll bring texture 1 dot JPEG onto , this composition and I'll press Enter , I'll set the blending mode to overlay , and if I press V on my keyboard Icahn , move this texture around and you can , find a spot that you like'll just , leave that here for now and I'll do the , same thing for layer number so I'll , click on file place texture to JPEG , and I'll do the same thing I'll set this , to overlay and again you can move this , around if you want to or maybe you can , resize the layer so you can get a better , texture for your LOGO'll do the same , thing for texture number 3 file place , texture number 3 and click on place once , again I'll set this to overlay and this , time'll bring the opacity down to W% , and you can also move this around and , you can resize it if you like I'll just , leave that there for now next I'll add , an adjustments layer it'll be a curves , adjustment layer and I'll just give iota , little more contrast so I'll bring that , down and maybe bring this up just a , little bit like that let's create that , highlight there in the middle and I'll , let another adjustment layer this time a , hue/saturation layer and set my here to , zero my saturation to negative W , lightness I'll leave it 0 and what that , does is it saturates the logo just , little bit it still as bright but not as , saturated which is what we want next , I'll come back and select my main shape , and I'll duplicate that layer and the , main shape copy'll just place that , right behind the background and move it , right above the background so it's , outside of the groupie'll go ahead and , close that folder and with my main shape , copy selected I'm going to press ctr G , on my keyboard to turn it into its own , group I'll rename this group extrusion , and the main shape copy or rename to , extrusion shape then I can press ctr T , on my keyboard to select the extrusion , shape if I hold alt and shift I can make , that extrusion smaller and let me remove , the layer styles by right clicking on it , and clicking on clear layer styles and , you'll see the extrusion here'm going , to zoom in just little bit and if I , select the white arrow tool which is the , direct selection tool can select the , points from this extrusion and I can , move those around so there's no weird , gaps like here and up here so I'm just , going to move those around little bit , and actually maybe I'll move this one up , I'll move this one up as well and I , would like for it for the bottom here to , have Little more of an extrusion , effects I'm going to click on that one , hold shift click on this point here and , I'just going to move those up just a , few pixels'll do the same thing for , these here like so , and maybe I can move this to the left a , little bit and move these to the right a , little bit and I'll actually move these , down too to give a little more extrusion , here at the top so I'll just move them , down just a little bit something like , that and maybe this one maybe this one , in this one here Icahn move tithe left , to give it more extrusion there and I'll , do the same thing for this one here , something like that next I'm going to , double click on my extrusion shape'm , going to click on gradient overlay , another will click on this icon here to , edit my gradient I'm going to double , click on this black square here to , change its color and we're going to make , it into an orange calorie'll type in E's , b-W I'll press Oakland I'll click again , so it creates a second color swatch of , the same color and I'll drag that to the , right just a little bit then I'll click , here and it creates a third orange , swatch but that's not the calorie want , so I'll double click on it and the color , that I want there is a brown color so , I'll type IN 9 1 8 0 e press OK and , click to the right of that about here to , create second brown color swatch for , my gradient then I'll double click on , the white one here and this time I want , to make it yellow so I'll type , FBI b E press OK and click a little bit , to the left of that to create a second , one and if you notice the yellow ones , are highlights right up top here the , brown color the shadows here and here , and the orange are the neutral color sat , the bottom and if I drag these to the , left you can see the shadow gets a , little bit darker here if I drag these , to the right you'll seethe same effect , up here don't want the shadow to be , that high up so I move it back tithe , left and when you're done just press OK , and then click OK on your layer style , dialog box to accept those changes what , I'll do now is , is add anew adjustment layer this time , I'll add a pattern adjustment layer and , I'll click on the fine grain pattern , here press set my blending mode to , multiply and set the opacity to W% and , actually you know what my patterns just , a little too big so I'm going to double , click on the pattern here and just scale , it down to about% or so and then , press now if you notice our pattern , is affecting the entire layer we only , want it to affect the extrusion shape so , if we hold alt on our keyboard you can , see that down pointing arrow with a , square next to it and that will turn it , into clipping mask , now what this usually does is it makes , it so that the only pixels that show on , this top layer are the pixels that are , visible in the bottom layer but since we , have layer effects applied to this layer , it's completely hiding that pattern , effect so watch what happens if , disable my effects you see the pattern , on my extrusion layer if I enable those , effects the pattern goes away so how can , we keep that gradient but also add that , pattern overlay well one of the things , we can do is just click on the layer and , then click on layer layer style and , click on create layer then press OK what , that does is it takes the layer style , adds it into its own layer and creates a , clipping mask out of it so now we can , have the pattern the gradient and the , layer and everything works beautifully , what we can do now is keep adding layers , and apply clipping masks to them so that , they only show with the visible pixels , of the extrusion layer so what I'll do , now is I'll click on the pattern , adjustment layer I'll add a new layer , I'll fill it with black then alt on my , keyboard command on the Mac put my , cursor in between those two layers until , I get the down-pointing arrow at the , square next to it and click to create my , clipping mask then I'll go into filter , render fibers Liberians I'll set two six , in my strength oppress okay then , I'll change the blending mode to color , burn and bring my opacity down to about , W% I'll add one more layer I'll fill it , with black will also make clipping , mask then I'll set it to W%add a layer , mask and fill it with black and that , hides it completely what I'll do now is , I'll grab my polygonal lasso tool and , I'm going to give this extrusion layer , some dimension and what I'll do is I'll , click in the edges here like so and make , sure that my layer mask is selected I'll , change my foreground colour to white and , I'll fill it with white and I'll zoom in , so you can see it created that edge , there which is going to give our , extrusion layer some dimension'll set , this to fit to screen and you know what , actually'm Little too far away he'll , zoom in just a little bit more and what , I'll do is once again I'll select my , polygonal lasso too land I have to , figure out where I think the shadows , would be or where the darkest side would , be of , each of the sides of this extrusion , layer so I can fill it with white which , in turn will make it black and Icahn , click on these here fill that and again , you'll seethe results here and you know , what Think Indeed to make this dark , here as well , and we and this is the la stone I need , to fill with white to make it dark and , that's a result there as you can see and , I'll zoo min it created this it treats , these edge sand it makes it look a , little mired as you can see there here , in here then I'll click on fit screen so , we can see the entire image'll ad done , more layer and this layer I'll name , highlights I'll make it into a layer map , into a clipping mask I'll press B on my , keyboard or select my brush tool and , I'll press X on my keyboard to make my , foreground white and now I'm going to , paint wherever I think there would be , highlight son this extrusion layer so I , already know there's going to be a light , behind this text so the light is , probably coming from the top somewhere , it's reflecting off the steel in the , background and coming and hitting my , logo so there probably some light here , maybe some here maybe some here as well , something like that then I'll set my , layer to overlay and bring the opacity , down to about W% and what that does is , it gives the background layer just a , little more shape so that's before and , that's after so you can see it looks , just a little bit better'll add , another layer of course make it into a , clipping mask and I'll title this layer , shadow and we'll do the same thing but , this time we black and we'll also have , to think more or less where we think the , shadows would be so maybe here maybe , coming off here something like that and , again I'll set this to overlay and I'll , bring my opacity down to W% that's , after and that's before and that's after , again adding these shadows and , highlights gives it Little more shape , a little more dimension what I'll do now , is I'll close this folder her ego back , into my logo folder click and drag , texture number to create a new layer , and then click and drag it down to our , extrusion folder and drop it in there , I'll go ahead and close this logo folder , since we don't need we don't need it at , this point and I have to find the , texture number two which came here to , the bottom so I'm just going to drag , that up to the very top and of course , I'll make it into a clipping mask but , this time I'll change the blending mode , from overlay to soft light and change , the opacity to W% , I'll have one more group on top of all , these group sand I'll name this group , highlight then I'll click on my logo , layer mask here and I'll architectural , click on the extrusion shape so it , selects the entire logo shape including , the extrusion then I can create a layer , mask with that shape for my highlight , layer'll add a new layer to that group , if with my brush tool selected I will , set my foreground color to white create , a highlight for this text something like , that , then I'll set my blending mode to , overlay and maybe bring the opacity to , about% we'll add a new layer and , we'll name this layer top highlight and , the bottom one they might as well name , it now I'll cal lit general highlight , and on the top highlight layer'm just , going to paint on top here and this is , where the light it'actually hitting , the logo here and we'll do what we did , with the background layer before we'll , have some of the blacks come out just a , little bit so we'll double click on that , and we'll change your blend if options , and we'll move this to the left and , click on alt as well to split these and , this time I actually wan tit just , little bit brighter so somewhere around , her eat 4 and the other side I don't , know somewhere around W , that'll work and press Oakland Icahn , actually create a layer mask and with a , black brush I can hide the areas where I , don'twat the highlight to appear can , click and drag that layer to create , new layer and Icahn bring the opacity , down on that layer to create a stronger , highlight like so and I can actually , press cutlet , and maybe decrease the size of that , layer so it only applies Tao certain , spot here and there's a stronger , highlight here in the middle and the , highlight it's not as strong on the , sides will go ahead and close that , folder what I'll do now is I'll click on , my background group and click on the , create new group icon and I'll call this , group shadow which will be the shadow , for the entire LOGO'll click on the , highlight layer mask to select the , entire group including the extrusion , I'll create anew layer within my shadow , group and I'll fill it with black and , I'm going to select my move too land , hold shift and press down once then I'll , click and drag my shadow layer and I'll , hit shift and down once again and I'll , bring the opacity to about W percent , and I'll bring this group tithe bottom , so the group on the top is the one , that's set to W% and I'm going to zoom , in so you can see what'seagoing to happen , there's a hard edge here don't want , that so what I'll do ISO'll go to , filter blur Gaussian blur and somewhere , around three point-two the hard edge , disappear sand that's what we want so , I'll leave that a three point two then , I'll press Oakland I'll click on fit to , screen and everything's looking pretty , good except for two areas hereon the , left it's a little bit uh it's a little , Jag so what I'll do is I'll just grab , the marquee tool and then just fill with , black , and I'll do the same thing on the other , side something like that and there that , looks pretty good and then I'll click on , fit to screen and now we have the shadow , for our logo and if you want you can , move it down maybe just a few pixels , I think the shadow needs to comedown , just little bit more but I'll leave it , therefor now but within your , composition feel free to move as many , things as you want to try to get them to , look just Little bit better okay what , I'm going to do now is I'going to , click on the highlight group and , shift-click on the shadow group select , all of those groups press ctr-g on my , keyboard to make it into one group and , I'll just call this group s logo is for , Superman of course and now it's all in , one single group and I can move it , around if want to I'going to add one , group on top of all these group sand , I'll title this group text then I'll , grab my text tool and I'll type the , words Ina Brim bold at W points , centered with the color white and I'll , type men of steel in capital letters now , I got the spacing by clicking on the , character and paragraph panel sin , changing the tracking to W so you can , do that as wellie'm going to click on my , move tool and then'll press ctr H to , bring my guides back and you know what , I'll add a guide here at the edge and , I'll add another guide here at the edge , so I can Center my text just a little , bit better something like that I'm gonna , press ctr H again it's probably not , Center W% but again we're a little , short of time here the story is already , going a little long and a few pixels off , won't make too much oaf difference so , would you stick with this what I'll do , now is I'll duplicate my background , layer'll bring that into at ext layer , and put it above the text we just , created , create clipping mask out of it and set , the opacity to% next we'll add a new , layer I'll make a clipping mask out of , it and with my brush tool selected'll , set my foreground color to white and , I'll paint right on top of that so the , top half of my letters are white and you , can see the texture in the bottom half , of the letters then I'll add an , adjustment layer it curves adjustment , layer and I'll create an S curve to give , it just little more contrast and of , course I'll make that into clipping , mask and I'll double click on my manna , steel text and I'll add some bevel and , emboss and just bring the size down to , zero , I barely want to see that bevel , something like that and maybe add a drop , shadow but again don'twat it to be , too prominent so I'll bring that just , just you can barely see it and maybe , increase the size OR pixels to to , feather it a little bit and I'll bring , the opacity down all the way to zero but , then I'll bring it up maybe to W Ir's , you could barely see it then I'll press , OK I'll click on fit to screen what I'll , do now ISO'll click on my curves layer , and then click on the new layer icon , I'll fill this layer with black go to , filter render lens flare and click right , in the middle of this preview box here , and set your lens type to movie Prime , press OK then go to image adjustment , hue saturation de saturate and curve sand , do this-curve here so it's Little , brighter then press change the , blending mode to screen press cutlet on , your keyboard hold alt shift and make , that smaller , and place it right on top of the s like , so and I'll zoo min so you can see that , better and I'll place that maybe there , and I will also add the same layer too , and actually I'll just name it s , highlight so we know what this layer is , I'll duplicate this layer and I'll add , this to the letter M so I'll go ahead , and move that to the M and'll rotate , that just Little bit just to give it a , different shape and then the S here I'll , duplicate the S layer once again and , this one is going to be for the letter , and I'll press the V key to move that to , the letter and I'll place it there , press cutlet again on this one and I'll , make this one even smaller you can , barely see the highlight on that n I'll , duplicate thees highlight once again and , this time I'll place it in the letter L , and'll move that here and I'll make it , smaller but not as small as the other , two just a little bit smaller and then , I'll rotate it you know just to give it , a different look than the s there then , I'll click on my zoom tool right click , on the screen and click on fit to screen , and that is our Superman Man of Steel , movie poster my apologies if I went a , little long but I really wanted to , complete this project in one video , remember go to my website , if you're , not already thereto download the images , that I used in this tutorial also while , you're there take the time to subscribe , to my free newsletter by entering your , email on the top right of the page or , under each tutorial once you subscribe , Tommy newsletter you will not only , receive email notifications every time I , put up , tutorial but I will send you subscriber , only tutorials and other goodies every , so often also check out my Facebook page , and don't forget to click the like , button if you enjoy this tutorial if you , have a YouTube account click hereto , subscribe to my channel or go to , slash user slashPhotoshop , training CH to subscribe as always , hope that you learned a lot from , watching this tutorial thank you for , watching and I'll talk to you guys soon