Photoshop Tutorial- Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin


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hey guys welcome back for another very , exciting tutorial here at the , , my name ISO's Ramirez you can find me , on twitter @jrfromptc , so you can follow along so head over to , my website , look for this tutorial and download the , files guys let's get started the , first thing I'm going to do is create , the document we're going to be working , with so I'm going to go to file new and , we're going to have a document that's , W by I'm gonna press OK and I'm , gonna fill this background layer with , black so I'm going to hold alt and , backspace that's option& backspace on , the Mac to fill with the foreground , color and the reason we're going to be , working with black is because it's going , to be easier to see but you can work , with whatever background color you want , I'm now going to bring in the picture or , the pumpkin that we're going to be , working with so I'm going to go to file , place and have this image here over the , pumpkin and I'm going to click on it and , then click on place and it's going to , bring in the pumpkin I'm just going to , make iota little bit smaller maybe about , this big and move it tithe side and , move it up just ab it somewhere around , there'm going to hit enter to accept , the transformation and notice then when , we use the place command and , automatically turns the pumpkin into , smart object if you brought in the image , of the pumpkin in another way , make sure you convert it into a smart , object before you start working on it , and by the way this image is going to be , included with the tutorial so you can go , to my website , and look at , the bottom of the page to download the , assets for this tutorial I'vie gone ahead , and cropped out the background for you , already just because we don't need to , spend time doing that with this tutorial , since you'seen me do it in other , tutorials if you're using a different , pumpkin then go ahead and instruct the , pumpkin from the background OK , so what we're going to do now is we're , going to sharpen up the pumpkin a little , bit I'going to zoom in just so you can , see what's going on so this is our , pumpkin here and I'm going to go to I , have the pumpkin selected so I'm going , to go to a filter sharpen unshorn mask , and these settings are actually okay the , amount of W percent radius of.6 and , Tr each hold of and you can see that , before and after you can see the , difference here actually in the , highlight so before and after so it just , sharpens the pumpkin a little bit More , want to click on this arrow to collapse , two filters just because we don't we , need some real estate and we don't need , to see them'm going to now add an , inner glow to this layer so I'm going to , double click on it in the space here in , between the text and the thumbnail to , bring up the layer style panel so I'm , going to click on inner glow I'm going , to select multiply'm going to select , black and I'm going to increase the size , just little bit maybe around OR so , then I'going to press so it just , adds this shadow on the outside of the , pumpkin I'm now going to add a curves , adjustment layer and this curves , adjustment layer is gonna give Little , contrast to the pumpkin and I only want , the pumpkin to be affected by this , adjustment layer not anything else below , it there's nothing else below now but , there will be in the future so I want to , make sure that it only affects this , pumpkin so I'm going to turn it into a , clipping mask by clicking on this icon , that you see here now that we have this , down pointing arrow the curves , adjustment layer will only affect the , pumpkin so I'just going to bring in , the blacks maybe here and then just , maybe bring this down right here notice , that when we add this curves adjustment , layer it over saturates some of the , colors to fix that we can just change , the blending mode to luminosity and it , only make sit dark now without really , affecting the colors so that's what you , want to DI'm going to add a , hue/saturation adjustment layer now I'm , also going to clip it to the pumpkin but , now I'm going to use the keyboard short , I'm going to hold alt hover in between , the layer sand then click and it will be , click to the pumpkin as well and I'm , just going to bring the saturation down , just a little bit so maybe something , like negative W or so negative Will , be okay so that just sort of brings the , saturation down since this is going to , be a night scene and we don't need a lot , of color in the pumpkin now I'm going to , add a color lookup adjustment layer and , the color lookup allows you to add , different looks to your images just by , selecting any one of these and it , instantly gives new look to your image , and the one that I'm looking for is , night from day , it sort of make sit seem as if the , pumpkin was in a night time shot which , is what we want and of course I'm going , to clip this tithe pumpkin and I'm , going to bring the opacity down maybe , maybe around W% and set Otto , luminosity so this is a result we get , here I'going to click on the pumpkin , press ctr J command Jon the Mac to , duplicate it I'm going to grab the , bottom pumpkin and drag it all the way , to the top and this is going to be the , the pumpkin that's going to be the , highlight areas so I'm going to add a , layer mask by clicking in the layer mask , icon but I'm going to hold alt option on , the Mac before I click that way it fills , the layer with black and it hides the , mask completely now if press B on the , keyboard to bring up my brush tool and I , select white for my foreground color I , can start painting in highlights like , you see here now you see this weird , outline there that'because we have an , inner glow effect we can just turn that , off and you see the difference so now we , have the highlight where the eyes and , that mouth will be and we don't need to , be too exact know that the eyes and , the mouth will be in this area here so , I'm just going to paint like so now I'm , going to add a hue/saturation adjustment , layer but what I'going to do first is , I'm going to click on the layer mask and , it's going to select the visible pixels , of this layer then I'll add a , hue/saturation adjustment layer so they , both have the same map , I'm going to click on colorize and I'm , going to set the hue to about , saturation I'm going to bump that up to , maybe about W and brightness I'll , bright that up to maybe W or so then , I'going to set the blending mode to , color Dodge and I'm going to bring the , opacity way down maybe W% or so it just , makes the pumpkin look a little bit , hotter which is what we want since this , there'gonna be fire inside of here , okay now I'm going to take the top layer , hold shift click on the bottom layer to , select them all I'm going to press ctr , G and I'm just going to call this layer , of pumpkin I'm now going to add a new , layer and we're going to start drawing , the eyes and what I'going to do is I'm , going to select hard brush and oops , and I'm going to bring the size down and , I'm going to draw the eye and I'm just , going to go sort of quickly here so this , is the eye here and just going to make , the brush Little bit bigger and fill , that in as you can see here this is , looking okay and it'll do the job but , there's a problem in my opinion I think , that if this were a real jack-o'-lantern , the edges would't be so sharp there , would be a lot of jag Enos around the , edges so one way to create that will be , by creating a brush that will draw a , jagged edges as opposed to straight , lines so what we're going to do is we're , going to click on the brush panel icon , to bring up the brush panel and I'm , going to bring I'm going to click on , shape dynamic sand increase the size , Mitterrand click on scattering and just , bring up scattering just a little bit , and maybe decrease the spacing down to , 1% so now when I draw you see that I , don't have a straight sharp line there's , a lot Afghans and that's what I want , so I'going to go ahead and not delete , this layer at a new one , and I'm going to zoom out and I'm going , to start drawing the eye again like so , and what I'm going to do now is I'm just , going to click on the magic wand and I'm , going to go to select modify expand'll , expand it by pixels and I'll fill with , black ctr D command D to deselect so , now you see the jag Enos on the pumpkin , so it's not a straight line which is , exactly what I want and this is going to , be the shape that we're going to use for , our eye and the first thing I'm going to , do is just reshape the eye a little bit , I think that it's a good idea to work , with the natural grooves and edges and , texture of the pumpkin so maybe Icahn , just come in and sort of use this line , to define how the carving of the pumpkin , should be so just come along the line , there maybe go in here a little bit to , sort of use these natural highlights and , these lines to help you create am ore , realistic eye so something like that and , of course you might want to take more , time than what Just did but you sort , of get the idea is the same technique in , the raw text tutorial that I did few , month sago so you can check that out too , and it's the same the same idea behind , the technique now that we have these , shape of the eyes created we're going to , start adding some layer styles to make , it look as if this were part of a of a , pumpkin so what I'm going to do first is , double click on the layer to bring up , the layer style pan eland I'm going to , add a bevel and emboss and actually let , me move that to the side here so you can , sort of see it actually I'll cancel that , and I'll move this here maybe so we can , see it there we go we can now we can see , it better now so I'm going to add a , bevel and emboss and I'm going to use an , outer bevel and I'm going to need a , depth of about W or so percent so we'll , bring that down will work and I want , my be able to be down not , up so you see the difference there it , sort of looks like it's pushing out if I , click on down it sort of looks as if , it'pushing in which is what I want but , I'm going to bring the size in more so , maybe something like eight pixels or so , and I'm going to soften it up just a , little bit just one pixel'm not going , to use the global light because I want , to move the light independently from all , the other layer styles so I'm just going , to move this and place it somewhere , around somewhere around there maybe W , over W something like that should work , fine and for the highlight mode I'm , going to change that to normal and we're , going to set the color to a light orange , so we can pick a color out of the , pumpkin here so let me Fonda nice , highlight color somewhere around here , this seems to be a nice highlight right , about here and actually that's still a , little too dark and not quite the orange , that was looking for so maybe I'm , going to bring that up a little bit and , maybe move this over tithe left and , something like that , that's a nice highlight color there I'm , going to leave the opacity At's% and I , want to select a dark color and'll do , the same try to find a color that , works and there's a nice dark reddish , color here that I actually liked that , color so we'll leave that there okay so , now we have our bevel and emboss and you , can see that it does look as if the , pumpkin has been carved in but it's a , nice smooth bevel and it dozen't look , organic it looks sort of like plastic a , little bit so I need to add some texture , into my bubble so I'm going to click on , texture and right away as soon as I add , that texture you see those lines there , and that's exactly what I want , so the pattern that I'vie selected is , found under artists brushes canvas and , just press and select the first one , which is the Italian canvas and you see , how you get that result there which , makes it seem a lot more like pumpkin , would look like and I'just going to , bring the depth to maybe% or yeah W% , will be fine I'll leave it at I'll just , type that in W now I'm going to add a , color overlay , and I have predetermined color for , that 0 3 D 0 5 which is that orange , color there and I'm going to add a , pattern overlay and I'm going to go to , artist surfaces press OK and I want the , the pattern that I'm looking for is , start course we'vie this first one here , and you know what the reason you can't , see the pattern is because we're cover , overlay is set to W% opacity so I'm , going to move that down a little bit so , may beat about W% so you can see the , pumpkin here this will obviously be the , pulp over the pumpkin and don't worry , about it if it if it just seems too flat , now we'll fix that later what I'going , to do now is I'm going to add an outer , glow to the eye and I'm just going to , set this to a yellow color that I , predetermine which is FF DE 0 0 press OK , and I'm going to change the blending , mode to linear Dodge and I'm going to , bring the opacity down to about W or so , percent will be okay and bring the , size down to pixels and I'm going to , also add an inner shadow in this inner , shadow I'going to leave that multiply , and the color that want is C 8 5 8 W , which is that orange color there I'm , going to bring the distance down a , little bit so maybe W I'll leave the , choke At and the size will bring that , down to maybe W and I'm going to press , OKs now you see the eye of the pumpkin , here and it's starting to look a little , more realistic what I'm going to do now , is I'm going doctoral click command click , on the layer thumbnail to make a , selection out of the eye'm going to , create a new layer and fill that with , black'm also going to click on the , layer mask icon to make a layer mask out , of that selection and then I'going to , click on this icon here which links the , layer mask to the layer so now I can , move them independently of each other , I'm going to click on the layer , thumbnail'm going to press B on the , keyboard and I can now move this layer , and you can sort of see what I'going , to do if I move it down just little , bit down into the right you can now see , that I have this this that looks a lot , like an extrusion so this is going to be , the pulp Ora pumpkin so actually I this , is a good spot for I'll leave that there , I'm going to double click on the layer , to bring up the layer style layer styles , and I'm going to add a bevel and emboss , I'm going to go to utter bevel I'm going , to bring the size down to 5 pixel stop , that it up just a little bit and , although'm not going to change the , angle I'm still going to unchecked , global light in case I move it elsewhere , I don't want it to affect this layer , style'm going to leave the highlight , color at white but I'm going to change , the blending mode to soft light and you , can kind of see what that did it created , this highlight along the edge of the , extrusion there then'm going to select , a different color for this and it's , going to be ET a 3/5 a which is that , light orange color the repress OK I'm , just going to wring the opacity down , just a little bit something like that , I'm going to click on gradient overlay , and'm going to move this to the side , just you can see it better right here , and I'm going to double click on the , gradient editor double click on that to , bring up the gradient editor and I'm , going to click on this preset here I'm , going to double click on this orange one , and and I'going to turn that to white , then press OK then I'm going to select , radial style and I'm going to click on , reverse to flip that around so the white , is in the inside with a yellow ring and , an or angering around it and I'm going , to unchecked align with layer that way I , have more control over over this , gradient overlay so I'm going to just , you can actually click and drag as you , see me doing here so I'going to click , and drag so white is in the corner of , the eye there and I'm going to scale it , down a little bit maybe , maybe around there W% seems to be okay , so I'just going to leave it out there , so we have white orange in yellow and , now I'm going to add an outer glow and , I'm going to change the blend mode to , normal and the color that want is ff , E's , and now you can see how it's making that , look a lot hotter so you see that there , I'm going to I'm going to bring the size , down just a little bit I think it might , Beau little too strong so maybe around , six or seven pixels we'll be okay , and then I'm going to press okay okay so , now we have two layers we have this , original layer which is the shape of the , eye and the outside part of the eye in , this shape here that creates the , illusion of an extrusion and of the pulp , and the inside of the eye now to take , this tithe next level we need to create , two adjustment layers two curves , adjustment layer so I'm going to create , a new curves adjustment layer and I'm , just going to click and drag this up and , I'm only concerned about the area here , which is the pulp so so you can drag , that up and you're concerned about this , area here and just make sure you don't , over blow it too much so maybe maybe , around here and then I'm going to fill , that with black I'm going to create , another curves adjustment layer and I'm , going to do the same thing with this , time I'm going to make the image dark , and I'm going to fill that with black as , well I'm going to put these two curves , adjustment layers into one group so I'm , going to select them both press ctr G , command G on the Mac to put them into , one group and what I'm going to do is , I'm going to ctr click command click on , the layer thumbnail for the original , shape and I'm going to hold alt ctr and , click on the layer right above that on , the second layer which will give us a , selection of only the Pope or the , extrusion part of the pumpkin and then , connect and then I , click on the layer mask icon to create , mask around that selection so now if , paint with white and either of these for , example this top one here you'll see you , sorry about that let me change the brush , to a regular brush and maybe bring the , flow actually the flow just down a , little bit maybe flow about so now , what Icahn do if Paint with white on , either of these layers you will see the , changes so on this top layer it just , starts making some areas darker maybe , like here and on the second layer I can , make some areas brighter so you can , really play with the highlights and , shadows of the extrusion to make this a , little more realistic so I'll zoom out , so you can see what's going on so that's , before and that's after so you can see , it really starts shaping the inside of , the eye and you can just take more time , to do that and make it more realistic , but I'm going to stop there one thing , you might want to do is select all three , layers put them into group and to save , Little time I'just going to pause , the video no wand create the other eye , in the mouth'm going to be using , exactly the same steps I used to create , this eye so you really won't be missing , anything if you get stuck just go back , watch the video is the same step no , matter the shape that you create okay , guys I'm back'vie gone ahead and , created the other eye and fixed up this , eye a little bit and created this eye , here and just you can see what Id id , I followed the shape of the pumpkin as , you can see here to sort of make it a , little more realistic and then Ia dded , these shadows and highlights in , different areas of the pulp hereto , again make it more realistic so you can , see it on both eyes here you can see it , in the mouth how I just followed along , the actual shape of the actual pumpkin , you can also see that here okay now that , we have this created I'going to make a , selection out of the inside of the , pumpkin here and anything that's inside , of this gradient with white yellow and , orange so to do that so I'going to , click on the layer thumbnail here to , make a selection out of the shape of the , eye and by the way I rename the layers , so you can see that there that's really , not that important and then on the top , layer here'm going to hold alt control , shift command , option shift on the Mac to make a , selection out of the inside of the eye , there and I'm actually going to create , new layer on top of everything Elsie'm , going to fill it with black actually I , want my layer to be outside of all the , other folders and I'm going to do the , same thing for the right eye so click on , the bottom lateral click command , click on the Mac and then ctr alt shift , click command option shift click on the , Mac to make a selection of the inside of , the eye and I'going to fill that with , black as well and I'going to do that , for the mouth control click ctr alt , shift click fill with black so now that , I have this shape here I'm going to ctr , click on it , command click to make a selection out of , it then I'm going to go in to select , save selection and I'll just call it , shapes just because we will probably , need this in the future and I want to , have that save that so I'm just going to , press OK all right I'm going to press , ctr DOT deselect'm actually going to , turn this layer into white by pressing , ctr I command I on the Mac to invert , and I'm going to convert this into a , smart object and I'm going to apply , blur filter so I'm going to go to filter , blur radial blur amount W% zoom and , best and I can click and drag this , anywhere want and this is going to , have is going to create the zooming , effect and it's going to make it look as , if there was light coming out of those , holes that we created in the pumpkin so , I'm going to move that to around this , area here and I'm going to press Oakland , you can see that it created this effect , it makes it look like as if light we're , emitting from the pumpkin and that's , exactly what we want and it's a smart , filter so you can go ahead and double , click on it and make any adjustments if , you need to I'm not going to do that I'm , just going to go into filter radial blur , or you can just Prescott F to do the , same effect again and it'just going to , make this effect a little stronger like , so , I'm going to double click on it to bring , up the layer style panel I'm going to , click on color overlay and I'just , going to make it yellow and I can bring , the opacity down if I want to depending , on how strong Want that yellow light , to be so maybe% and'm going to , press OKs now we have this light , emitting from our pumpkin if there are , some areas that you don't want light to , go through maybe for whatever reason you , don'twat light like under the eye you , can just click to create anew layer , mask and paint with black and you can , hide some of those light streaks if you , want to but'm just going to leave mine , as they are for the most partook what , I'm going to do now is I'm going to open , up the pumpkin folder and duplicate this , pumpkin layer here by pressing ctr J , command J on the Mac drag it all the way , to the top delete the layer mask and , what I'going to do now is make sure , that there's no filters or anything , apply too and so I'm just going to right , click on that and click on clear smart , filters and I'm going to press ctr Tot , transform and I'm going to actually make , this a little smaller sou'm going to , just bring that in just Little bit , like so and what I'going to do now is , I'm going to go into my channels panel , and that selection that we saved is , actually here so you can just control , click on it to make a selection out of , it come back into the layers panel and , I'm going to add a layer mask by , clicking in the layer mask icon so now , we can set the blending mode of this top , pumpkin here the one inside the eyes to , soft light and what that does is it , creates this texture inside of the eye , so it sort of looks like there'smote , that pulp inside the eye so it'just , not a complete flat gradient there's , actually some texture and something , going on inside that face so that's what , we want and it zooms out now that we're , done with our jack-o'-lantern I'm going , to select all those layers and groups , press ctr G command G and , Mack to make them into one group and I'm , just going to call this jack-o-lantern , so this is our jack-o'-lantern lair so , now it'stymie to work on the background , of this image what I'm going to do now , is click on the background layer and , create a new gradient adjustment layer , and I'm going to work with black and the , other color that I want is a blue color , which is two seven four five six B it's , that dark blue you see there and I'm , going to change the opacity to W%and , I'm actually going to reverse this so we , have dark on top blue on the bottom and , that seems to be okay so I'm going to , press okay and this is going to be a , nice guy and I need some stars so I'm , just going to create a new document and , I think it'll be easier to show you an , ad document so I'm going to feel this , new document with black then'm going , Togo into filter noise add noise and , it's going to add some noise so about , W% will be okay then I'm going Togo , into filter blur blur more if you press , ctr F or command Fin AMA after , applying a filter it will redo it sou'm , going to redo that blur again so that's , two blurs then I'm going to go into , image adjustment threshold and if I move , this slider over to the left you'll , start seeing some dots up here this is , going to be our stars so I'm just going , to press okay when it zoom in just so , you can see so you can see it looks , lot like a star field so I'm going to go , to channels control click on any one of , these channels are all the same and it's , going to create a selection out of those , white dots I'm going to add a new layer , fill it with white and press ctr D , command D to deselect the original , background layer I'just going to fill , it with black just so we can see that , the dots are now on this layer you don't , really need to fill it with oi with , black I just wanted to show you so now , if i zoom uni can add a bloomed , that as well and actually was Little , too strong so I'm going to go edit fade , blur and I'm going to fade that back so , maybe somewhere around there I can , double click on this layer click on , outer glow , and just select bluish color so maybe , maybe around there and by the way so I'm , going to set that to normal and bring , the size down to about three pixels so , you have these blue stars there so I can , click and drag this over onto our later , hold shift then or drop it right in the , middle and here we have our star field , and by the way I think might have , created more stars than intended to , but that'soak we'll just work with that , you can play around with a threshold , command more if you need to but for the , sake of time I'll leave it as is okay so , things are looking pretty good but I , think that this needs to be a little , darker sou'm just going to add a curves , adjustment layer'm going to bring in , the dark's a little bit and like that so , that looks a little bit more like a , night scene there and actually on this , gradient fill if I double click on it it , brings this gradient fill panel up and , can click and drag up Little bit just , because want more blue here I'm also , going to add a new layer select white as , my foreground calorie'm going to select , a brush'm going to increase the size , I'm just going to paint with white so , maybe another pass and I'll fill that , I'll turn that into an overlay blending , mode and I'm going to add a new layer , and this time I'm going to choose yellow , as my foreground color and I'll do a , couple passes as well and I'll leave , that there for now I might need to play , around with that a little bit in the , future but that's OK for now so I'just , going to call this yellow this white , just so I know what they are and this , layer here is the star so I'll cal lit , stars now we're going to create some , grass so to do that I'm going to select , this grass brush you see here I'm just , going to create a new layer just so you , can see how it works so if start , painting it sort of looks like grass you , just go over back and forth a whole , bunch of times it looks a lot like grass , I have two colors here that we're going , to use so the first color is zero eight , one six one seven , which is the dark green color and the , second color I'm going to use is one , nine three zero three six which ISS , another dark green but not as dark as , someone before'm going to create new , layer gonna increase the size of my , brush little bit and I'just going to , start painting by the way this is a , little too light and that'because our , flow set to so I'm just going to , bring that up to W I'm going to delete , that layer and create a new one and and , make sure that new layer is selected , bring the sides down a little bit and , I'm just going to start painting here , here and here like so okay I'm going to , create another layer and I'm going to , make my brush just little bit bigger , and do the same thing I'm actually going , to bring that layer down maybe right , there so I'm going to select these two , layers Prescott-g and I'm going to , call this grass behind and this is , because this grass is going to be behind , the jack-o'-lantern so I'm going to put , that behind the jack-o'-lantern there , and I'm going to zoom in just so you can , see what happened we created the this , very realistic-looking grass just by , using these two colors and you'vie seen , that brush that comes pare-loaded in , Photo shop so this is looking pretty good , I think and I'm going to zoom out and , what I'm going to do is I'm going to add , a little bit of blur to both of them but , I'going to convert them into smart , objects first just so I can have the , advantage of changing my blur in the , future if I need to so I'm going to , start with the top layer now go to , filter blur Gaussian blur and it'll be a , subtle blur maybe.4 or so and I'll , hold alt click on this icon here and , drag it down to apply the same blur to , the other layer actually maybe this top , layer needs a little less blur since , it's closer to us so I'll end up I'll , click on that Gaussian blur filter there , and just bring it down just a little bit , so maybe we'll just leave it at 1 1 , axle and I'll zoo min just so you can see , so this is what our grass looks like , okay so I'm going to do exactly the same , thing now but just with bigger grass , blade sand this is going to be in front , of the jack-o'-lantern so I'm going to , create a new layer on top of the , jack-o'-lantern group and increase the , size of my brush I'll zoom out just so , we can see everything better and I'm , going to start painting like so and I'm , going to add one more with much bigger , blades here , okay and I'll do the same thing I'll put , the min one group and I'll call this , group grass front what turn them into , smart objects and we'll apply a blur , we'll start with the same blur but we , might need to change it so let'just , see what that how it looks with the same , blurs we applied before okay so it's , looking okay but it'snot looking very , realistic because these plates are , actually pretty close to the camera so , we need to add more blur to them so I'm , just going to click on clash and blur , and just blur tho sea little bit more , and I'll do the same thing for these , guys here and actually Think we need , more grass I'm just going to duplicate , this layer I'going to go to edit , transform horizontal and I'll probably , just move them Dona little bit like so , I think that's looking pretty good and , what we're going to do now is in this , grass front group at the very bottom I'm , going to at the very bottom under this , layer here'm going to add another , layer and actually I want that layer to , be right at the very bottom of the group , so it's behind these layers here and , what I'going to do is I'm going to , zoom in and I'm going to paint in some , lighter grass plates so I'm going to , double click on this color here and what , I want is just the brighter green and , for the light color I want maybe like a , yellowish color maybe like this color , there and I can actually paint the same , smaller brush maybe but this big just , paint here like so , and actually you know what maybe I'm , going to drag this layer up one level , and that looks okay Think there's a , line her eat the bottom but we're not , going to worry about that now so I just , want to paint with this brush here maybe , make another pass with a slightly larger , brush like so and I'going to hold alt , and click on the layer mask icon to hide , everything'm going to sell leg just a , regular brush fill up with white just , paint here wherever I think there the , highlights would be like so maybe I'll , paint with black just to get rid of some , of those here some of those here maybe , the ones at the bottom here so there you , go if there was a light coming out of , the pumpkin the grass will definitely be , lit up so this is something that you can , do to create some nice lighting effects , and it's just going to take a little , time to get the the right lighting but , you can take time to do that on your , image this tutorial ready been long , enough so I'Mont going to take too much , time into shaping the how the light will , portray on the grass but this will give , you Good idea of how you can do that , OK so we're almost done with the , tutorial so what I'm going to do now is , I'm going to add just a few more layers , to finish this up so I'm going to go to , file place and have this smoke layer , here which is gonna which is just a , picture of smoke so I'm just going to , press enter and then change the blending , mode to screen and that is just some , smoke that's gonna becoming out of the , pumpkin so I'm just going to click on it , and drag it on top of the , jack-o'-lantern but under the grass , front group and I'm going to ad din a , layer mask and in with black I'm just , going to paint in some areas here so , maybe there's some smoke coming out of , the mouth or maybe a little bit around , the eye maybe not so much hereon the , forehead something like that , okay but that most smokers I'll just , bring the opacity down maybe to about , W% or so and then I can add an , adjustment layer a hue/saturation , adjustment layer clip it to the smoke , click on colorize and now I can change , the color of the smoke so I'm looking , for greenish color just makes it look , a little more eerie so maybe maybe , around there and of course I can bring , the opacity down to the smoke to get the , right color that I have in mind so , something like that this greenish , yellowish smoke maybe needs a little , more yellow so I'll bring that over , so yeah somewhere somewhere around there , so it's Little yellow a little green , and that's what I'm looking for okay one , thing want to fix is this yellow , highlight we had here just here at the , bottom'm just going to move that up , just a little bit because maybe there's , a city or something in the background , there and it will be emitting yellow , light maybe this is some sort of field , out in a farm somewhere and there's a , city far far away you can see in the , back so that's what that yellow is just , a bunch of city lights I guess okay what , I'going to do now is I'm going to add , just few more layers to finish this up , so I'm going to add a new color lookup , layer a color lookup adjustment layer , and I'going to change this to , moonlight and it'seagoing to make , everything really really dark and that's , not really going to work for us so the , first thing we need to brighten up is , the eyes so I'm going to click untruly , click on the shape of the eyes in the , channels panel and we want to fill that , with black and what I'going to do now , is all the grass front blades I'm going , to fill those with black so ctr click , ctr shift click ctr clitoral shift , click on these guys and'm going to , fill that with black so now if press , caroled to deselect you'll see that the , blades in the front are brighter than , the ones in the back which is exactly , what we want and also you know what I , just realized one thing on this grass , front layer here we did't add a smart , filter so I'm just going to hold I'm , just going to convert that into a smart , object and I'm going to hold alt and , drag that blur filter here so it blurs , it up but that's a little too strong so , I'll double click on it and bring that , back just to sort of match the same , blurriness as the other grass blades so , things are looking Little bit better , no wall right so I'going to zoom out , and I'going to go back into that color , lookup that we're working on this layer , here and what I'going to do now is I'm , just going to grab my brush and I'm , going to change the flow way down to , about W I'm just going to bring in some , color back into the pumpkin not too much , just little bit maybe here like so , actually bring the flow even down even , further maybe W yeah that light works , good and maybe just around the pumpkin , like so yeah so this is for and after , and I'm going to add one more color , lookup adjustment layer and this time , it's going to be a film stock and it's , really going to make that pumpkin stand , out so I'm going to go back into my , channels control click on the shapes to , make selection out of that fill it , with black and I actually only want to , affect the pumpkin nothing else and , actually there's a better way I could , have done this but oh well so I'm going , to ctr click on the pumpkin to make a , selection out of the pumpkin and then , just go to select click on inverse to , inverse the selection go back up to the , very very top color lookup and fill that , with black press control DOT deselect , so now you make your pumpkin a whole lot , scarier just by adding that one single , adjustment layer and can actually , click on that and paint with black to , sort of fix the bottom part here , since we don't need to affect the grass , blades like so so if i zoo min click on , these double arrows here to collapse out , just so we can see the pumpkin a little , bit better so here you go this is our , final result I hope you enjoyed this , tutorial if you have any questions or , comments please leave them down below if , you're at my website you can enter your , email on the sidebar to get access to my , subscriber only tutorials also don't , forget to share this tutorial on , Facebook Twitter Google+ or , wherever you like to share your stuff as , always thank you for watching and I'll , talk to you guys next time , you  .

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