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Photoshop tricks
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hi welcome back tithe , , I'm Mrs. Ramirez in this video I'm going , to show you five light room tips and , tricks that you probably don't know okay , let's get started , Here I am in Light room classic CC in , this first tip I'm going to show you how , to mask the graduated filter so I'm , going to select a graduated filter by , clicking on it you could also press the , M key on the keyboard to select it and , this filter allows you to create a , gradient like this one here just by , clicking and dragging and then you can , use these sliders to adjust that , particular area so if I wanted to adjust , the ski could increase clarity which , is contrast in the mid-tones also , increase the haze and by the way I'm not , really worried about making the sky , better , I'm just exaggerating the sky so that , you can see how it also affects the , tower so I can actually mask the towers , out so that they're not affected by the , gradient and the way that you would do , that is by clicking on brush and then , selecting erase and when you paint , notice how I'm erasing that effect from , the tower and I can also use the left , and right bracket key son the keyboard , to adjust the size of my brush so I can , come in and just paint away these areas , so that they're not affected by the , graduated filter so now if make an , extreme adjustment you can sort of see , what Id id there I just basically masked , these areas out obviously when you're , working on a real project you want to , spend a little more time fine-tuning the , mask in this tip I'm going to show you , how to change the color of anything , inside of Light room by the way I , actually have a full length tutorial on , how to do this process so I'm gonna go , fairly quickly here but if you want , in-depth instructions then check out the , tutorial'll place a link right below , in the description but anyway to change , the color of anything the first thing , that need to do is select the , adjustment brush so I'm going to click , on it you can also press K on the , keyboard make sure that all the sliders , are set to zero if you're not you can , just double click , Slider to reset it or you can hold the , Alt key option Ina Mac and click reset , and it will reset all the sliders so , once all the sliders have set to zero we , can start painting over the image we're , going to paint over the area whose color , we want to change in this case we want , to change the color of the saddles to , something else now depending on your , settings when you paint you may or may , not see the overlay if you can't see the , overlay just press the O key on the , keyboard , by default the overlay is red so if you , are painting over something that is red , you really won'tube able to tell so hold , shift and and that changes the color , of the overlay so notice how I just , paint it directly over the saddle and , also the horse to make the painting , easier you can enable the auto mask , which allows you to paint and Light room , will select the colors that are similar , to the ones that you're paying over so , notice how I'Mont going over lines you , could also unchecked mask and hold , ctr does command on the Mac and click , and you temporarily enable auto mask and , that's actually the way that prefer to , work I'm going fairly quickly hereof , course'm not working on details in , your image you may want to spend a , little more time working on those , details but for the sake of time this is , going to be good enough for this , tutorial once you paint at the area you , can pres so again to disable the overlay , and then saturate that adjustment so , that saturates that area and we can , now apply a color and we can apply a , color by clicking on this color swatch , and just select any color that we want , so if we wanted to make this green we , can select green and then we can use , these tonal adjustments from exposure , down to blacks to change how that green , is going to look so we can change the , exposure and change how that green looks , and we can even use clarity in the haze , any of these other sliders so that we , can adjust the color we can always come , back click on the color swatch and , change Otto different color and , obviously Id on't really work in the , details on the edges of what you would , need to do is zoo min so I'm going to , zoom in by pressing the Z key and use , the left bracket key on the keyboard to , get a smaller brush and just pain in , those areas and obviously I'Mont gonna , spend the time to paint all those , details in there but Think that you , get the idea so this is how you change , the color of anything inside of , Lightening this trick I'm going to , show you how to apply an auto adjustment , to a single slider so when you're in the , develop module you of course get the , development tools and here under basic , we have this auto button that when you , click on it , Liturgists all the sliders to where , it think sis the best position for your , specific photo then you can just , fine-tune the adjustments that Light room , made and make your image look better but , what do you do if you want to work , manually and only apply the auto , correction to one slider let me show you , how to do that I'm gonna Prescott Z , command Z on the Mac to undo to reset , the file back to its original settings , if you want it to work manually and only , apply the auto adjustment to a specific , slider what you would need to do is , simply hold shift and double click on a , slider so if I wanted to work manually , with the highlights but then wanted to , apply an auto correction to the shadows , I can hold shift and double click on the , shadow slider so that Light room puts it , in the position where it thinks that , best work sand I can do that for all the , sliders like blacks for example and then , adjust the other sliders manually to get , abettor result and obviously in this , tutorial I'm not really looking at the , aesthetics of the image Just wanted to , show you how the sliders work when you , hold shift and double click on the min , this Light room tip I'going to show you , how to change the identity plate on the , left hand side of the application frame , you will see the default identity plate , which right now is set to my name and , right , that adobe light room classic CC but if , you go into edit you can select identity , plate setup and you can change that you , can change it from adobe ID to a , light room classic CC notice how that , changes now it reads adobe photo shop , light room classic CC and you can also , personalize it and you can put whatever , you want currently it has my name but we , can change it to something Elsie can , change it topic Viacom which is the , name of my website you can also click on , this swatch to change the color so i'm , gonna select this color here and press , Tokyo can see that the color changes in , the preview window and also on the top , left of the application frame you can , also change the font style and font size , if you like once I press the changes , that I'vie made will be applied to , Light room you can also go back into the , edit menu select the identity plate and , instead use a graphical identity plate , so you can use a Longhand add your , company logo or any other graphic that , you like on this area and for this final , light room tip I'm going to show you how , to see the keyboard shortcuts for the , module that you're in currently we're in , the develop module so if you want to see , the keyboard shortcuts for this module , you can press straightforward-slash does , the same key as question mark , that's command forward-slash on the Mac , anteroom displays this overlay with , the keyboard shortcuts for this module , develop shortcuts if go into the , library module can doctoral or it , slash and I will see the library , shortcuts so this is a great shortcut to , remember because it'll help you remember , all other shortcuts by the way'm , curious to know how many of these tips , and tricks are new to you let me know , down in the comments below you can , simply type IN to none all whatever it , is also if you're interested to learn , more about Liverymen check out my , free course on Light room cc here on , YouTube just to be clear this is a , different version of Light room than what , I use din this video however if you , learn the principles that I apply in , that course , you could always bring them back into , Light room classic I'm gonna place a link , to it right below in the description , also if this is your first ti meat the , Photo shop training channel then don't , forget to click on that subscribe and , notification buttons thank you so much , for watching and I will talk to you , again in the next tutorial