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Photoshop tricks
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in this tutorial'm going to show you , how to create realistic tattoos welcome , to the Photoshop training channel my , name is Susie Maris and you can find me , on Instagram jr from pct in this , tutorial we're gonna work with two , layers this background layer and this , foreground layer which ISS design that , we're gonna use as a tattoo the first , step is to take the design layer and , convert it into smart object so that , we can work non-destructively sou'm , gonna right click on it and select , convert to smart object then I'm gonna , double click on the smart object , thumbnail to open it up in a new tab and , from here we can extract the background , from the foreground since we're only , working wit ha black and white image , this is quite easy all we need to do is , go into the channels panel we can , control click on anyone of the channels , click on the blue one you'll see , selection Icahn then go into the layers , panel go into the new adjustment layer , icon and select solid color we're gonna , select black for now and press oaken , I'm gonna disable the design layer and , that gives us an inverted version of , what we wanted so we can click on the , layer mask thumbnail in the properties , panel we can click on invert and that , will invert the selection and we no , longer have a background now we can , select the right color for this before , we do that I'm going to open up my , creative tile library and when you're , doing compositing jobs it's always a , good idea to look at reference photos so , Downloaded this reference photo over , the tattoo and that's sort of what I'm , gonna go for this same color here so I'm , just gonna select that color and I'm , gonna close this image and I'm gonna , double click on the color fill layer and , select that color from the foreground , color and it select sit right there , that's a little more blue than what I , wanted sou'm just gonna click and drag , this down to make it just little bit , more green and then press then I'm , gonna close this tab click on yes to , save the smart object and the smart , object will be updated in our working , composition we can now work on , transforming the image , it fits the area that we're gonna place , it in so you can Prescott Command T , to transform and then click and drag on , the corner handles while holding shift , to keep it constrained , and move the design into the position , that you like so in this case Would , like my design to be somewhere around , here and I'm gonna hit enter that's , return on the Mac then we can work on , distorting the image so that it matches , the contours of the body there's a lot , of ways of doing that'm going to show , you different techniques just so that , you have options when you're working on , your image so one of the things that you , can do is go into filter liquefying you , can use the forward warp tool to move , pixels around so that they match the , contours of the body you could also use , the bloat tool which is this one here to , bloat things out like so or you can hold , alt option on the Mac to pinch things in , like so and then press oaken you're , done you also can go into edit puppet , warp and you get this mesh and you can , place pins on the mesh and manipulate , those pins accordingly have tutorial , on just how to use this tool so if , you're not familiar with it you can , watch it there'll be a link to it right , below this video and there's also , another method you can use under filter , distort displace and this uses the , dominance values of an image we're not , gonna go into that but again do have a , tutorial on that that goes deep into , this tool there's also a link to it , right below this video but just wanted , to show you all those different options , that you have so that you can work with , the image and they're all , non-destructive as you can see so once , you have your design placed and match to , the contours of the body now it's time , to work on actually blending the design , into the body so that it looks like it , belongs there so we're gonna keep , working non-destructively , the first thing that I'gonna do is , zoom in and in my opinion these edges , are too sharp if you look at images of , tattoos the edges of the tattoos are , never really that sharp so what I'm , gonna do is I'm gonna apply a slight , blur'm gonna go into filter blur , Gaussian blur and just give it a very , slight blur maybe half a pixel so 0.5 , and press , now it's time to actually get some of , that skin texture onto this design and , there's a lot of ways of doing it one , way that you may not be familiar wit his , by taking the original image in this , case the background and pressing ctr J , command Jon the Mac that duplicates the , background layer and you can put it , above the design then you can go into , image adjustments saturate and that , makes a black and white version of the , image and then you can go in to filter , other High Pass eight pixel sis fine for , this image in your image you just want , to make sure that you hit the detail of , the skin so in this case we see a lot of , detail here and that's what I want so , I'm gonna press okay then I can press , ctr alt command option G on the Mac , to make this into a clipping mask , notice it's down pointing arrow this is , telling Photo shop that whatever is on , this layer is only going to affect the , layer directly below it that's the , design layer and you can see that we now , have the texture on the design but we , lost the color so we want to bring the , color back and we're gonna use a , blending mode for that'm going to , click on the drop down menu and select , linear light so that brings back the , color and you can see the skin texture , on the design at this point you can , bring down the opacity if you need to in , this case Think maybe ninety percent , will work and I'm gonna bring in more of , those highlights those bright highlights , on the skin to do so I'm gonna double , click on the design layer to the side of , it to bring up the layer style window in , the blending options tab we have the , blend if sliders this allows us to blend , pixels using luminosity we're gonna work , with the underlying layer this will look , at the layer below the layer that we're , currently on and it's gonna allow us to , hide or show pixels based on their , luminosity so we want to bring in some , of the brighter pixels in this case so , I'm gonna click on the brighter pixels , slider on the white slide rand drag that , to the left essentially what this is , saying is any pixel that is white up to , this level of gray will shine through , and hide the pixels of the layer that , we're on so if we keep going further , you'll see that it will hide more pixels , so in this case we just want that , highlight to show through , now the translations are very harsh we , can hold alt option on the Mac and click , on that point to split it in half and , I'm going to drag the first point to the , right and the point on the left I'm , going to click and drag it to the left , so this creates a much smoother , transition and makes things look more , realistic so essentially what this is , saying is that anything that is a value , of W which is white up to a value of , W which is this bright gray here will , have a transition from invisible to , visible then I'm gonna press Oakland I'm , gonna double tap on the hand tool to fit , the image screen and that's what our , tattoo is looking like so faro'm gonna , click on this arrow to collapse the , Smart Filters just so that we can have a , little more room to work with I'm gonna , click on the background copy and now I'm , gonna show you how you can adjust that , tattoo design in case outdoes't really , match your image there's really two , things that Would recommend doing I'm , going to create a hue and saturation , adjustment layer I'm gonna click on this , icon here to clip it to the layer mask , so you don't have to use shortcut in , this case and you can adjust the , saturation maybe the color that you , chose is too saturated you can bring , that down or you can bump it up it , really depends on the color that you're , going for in this case I'd make it I may , actually need a little more saturation , because I wan tit to be a little more , green you could also create a levels , adjustment layer again clip it tithe , layer below it and use the black point , slider to adjust the luminosity of that , tattoo again these adjustments really , depend on what image you're using and , what the ski nor background looks like , but at this point we have a very , convincing tattoo and these effects are , all of course non-destructive so you can , adjust any of the effects that we'vie , applied and including the distortion so , you can disable the liquefy puppet , warp and the Gaussian blur the great , thing about using this technique is that , we use this background copy which is , technically the skin texture so I'll , rename it skin texture and you can , select the design and you can move that , anywhere and you still get that skin , texture and that's it for this tutorial , let me know what you think about it in , the comments below if this is your first , time at the Photoshop training channel , don'forget to click on that subscribe , button thank , so much for watching and'll talk to , you again soon