Game of Thrones Photoshop Tutorial


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hey welcome back for another very , exciting tutorial here at the , , my name discuses Ramirez and you can , find me on twitter at junior from pct in , this tutorial we're going to create , poster based on the TV show Game of , Throne swill create the logo by using , simple techniques with a character panel , then we'll apply layer styles to give , the text chrome look we'll then turn , the text into vectors and use the pen , tool in the direct selection tool to , modify the text and distort it to match , the text from the show we'll finish up , the text effect by adding a glow and , will then add clouds to the background , there's also a second part to this , tutorial where I show you how to create , the sword from scratch if you're a , subscriber to my newsletter you can go , into subscriber only section and you , can watch it there now if you like or , you can also click on the link that you , received in my email reminding you about , this tutorial if you're not a newsletter , subscriber yet you can subscribe for , free simply go Tommy website , and enter , your email in the box you will then , receive an email with a link to the , subscriber only content section in my , website another thing that I'll do is , that I'll include the PSD for this , tutorial in case you want to take , closer look at the settings use for , the layer styles so you can go there and , download that now if you want anyway , let's get started with this tutorial so , I'vie already created a document that is , W pixels wide by W tali have a , white background and the first thing I'm , going to do is turn the background black , I can do so by precinct I command I , on the Mac to invert and then I'going , to click on the type tool and for the , font family I'm going to choose time , Roman now this is not the font that's , used in the Game of Thrones logo but , we're going to make some adjustments so , it looks a lot like it for the font size , I'm just going to choose W we're going , to make it bigger in a moment and for , the color I'm going to choose white and , make sure that the align is centered and , I'm going to click in the middle here in , the canvas and I'm going to type game of , Thrones'm going to Prescott enter , command enter on the Mac and that , accepts the text that I typed next I , want the text to be centered in the , canvas so an easy way of centering items , in Photocopies precinct a command , a on the Mac to make a selection around , the canvas I can click on the move tool , and then click on the align vertical , center button here and you saw how it , pushed it down to the center of the , canvas vertically and then I can click , on the align horizontal center button , here to align it horizontally so now the , Game of Thrones text is right in the , centre can press command D ctr D to , deselect and I can press T on the , keyboard to come back into the type tool , and if I add more characters that text , will be centered so that's the reason we , did that so we can make changes that we , want to and keep our text centered I'm , going to press control enter once again , now the next thing we're going to do is , I'going to select the entire text and , by the way you can select the entire , line of text by double clicking on the , icon here a text icon and it selects it , as you can see we're going to make the , text bigger so I'm going to click on the , font size input box here I'm going to , hold shift and press the up arrow key to , make this text large rand I'm going to , leave it at W points or so then I'm , going to click on a character panel and , I'm going to click on this button here , the small-caps button which is going to , turn all the letters into capital , letters but the letters that were lower , case before are smaller than the capital , letters so we get this look here now if , you'vie seen the Game of Thrones logo , you'll know that these letters here and , these are higher up so let's move the , baseline of these letters higher and , what I'll do ISO'll click on the , baseline input box here and I can use , the arrow keys to move that up you see , how'm adding points here and the text , rises as I do that so we're going to , move it up to , about points I can also click and , drag on this side of the text and it's , going to push up as you can see so the , baseline for this is also points then , I'm going to highlight the word of and , I'm going to change the font size for , this so I'm going to make this smaller , so click on the font size and I like , using the arrow keys because it just , gives me more control I can use shift to , make it way smaller faster and I'm going , Togo down to about W or so points and , that looks okay now I got to race this , up higher so with that selected'm , going to use the baseline input box , again and I'm just going to race that up , higher so you can see how it move sup , and for this'm going to keep it about , W points something like that and , actually Want to get this out of the , way just so we can see what we're doing , and gonna press control enter just so we , can see what we'redone so Farsi this , already looks a lot more like the Game , of Thrones logo and'll be done is just , make few adjustments in the character , panel what I'm going to do now is I'm , going to decrease the space in between , these two character sand in between , these two characters so I'just going , to click before the letter O and'm , just going to hold alt option on the Mac , and use the left arrow key to reduce the , space something like that and I'll do , the same thing for the letter here alt , option on the Mac left arrow key and you , can use the right arrow key to increase , the space if you want to in any way , notice that as I hit those key sand this , number here changes and I'll get that as , close as I can without overlapping the , text and we're going to change that T a , little later on but anyway this actually , you know what this might need a little , more space and and this is okay so I'm , going to Prescott enter and that's , what we have so faro know the T and the , F are not looking good right now but , we're gonna fix that a little later on , okay we're going to do now is we're , going to add some styles to this but , before do I'going to zoom in so I'm , going to hold alt option on the Mac and , use the mouse wheel to zoom in just just , so we can see the text closer because , we're gonna be adding some styles and I , want to see what those Styles look like , from , close I'm going to double click on the , side here in the empty space to bring up , the layer style dialog box and I'm going , to click on bevel and emboss you can , sort of see this gave it a little bevel , but we're going to work with it Little , bit more I'm going to give it alto more , def so maybe maybe about one forty four , percent I'll make it one forty five and , we'll increase the size of this to maybe , eight pixels seven pixels something like , that and we're going to change the , contour of this lighting that way we get , more of a chrome effects so what I'm , going to do is I'going to click on , this down pointing arrow and you can , click on all of these to see which one , matches the look that you want to go for , but Think that for us this one here is , going to be the best one which is the , rolling slope contour and I'm just going , to increase the opacity of the highlight , mode and the shadow mode all the way up , to on both of those then we're going , to work at the angle and altitude'm , going tench the use global lighting , and we're just going to move these , around until we get something that , resembles chrome text so one thing I , like to do is just I like to click on , the input box and just use the arrows to , find the angle that I'm looking for so , maybe something like negative W , degree sand you can see how this is , starting to look more like chrome text I , can click on the altitude no wand , actually this is looking really good I , don't think I need to make too many , changes so maybe I'll just leave it at , about degrees or so and we have a , nice-looking chrome text now so that's , looking pretty good so I'm just going to , press okay on that right no wit's not , necessary but I know we're going to have , clouds a little later on so I want to , Dada shadow around the text but we , can't see it because this is a this is , obviously black so what I'm going to do , is I'm just going to click on the lock , here once to get rid of it if you're , using Phototropic that will work if , you're using an older version of , Photo shop you're gonna need to hold alt , on the keyboard and click on that lock , to make it disappear and then you can , double click on the layer here and we're , just going to click on cover color , overlay and we're just going to choose , great color thirstily matter which , color it ISO just want to be able to , see the shadow that'm going to add so , i'm going to double click on the layer , again to bring up the layer style and , click on outer glow and i know i said , we're going to create a shadow but we're , going to use the outer glow for this , when you look at the layer style panel , don't really look at the name so much , because you can use glows of shadows and , shadows as glows or anything really so , just keep in mind that you can do , whatever you want you don't have to use , them just for the purpose that the title , describes anyway so the outer glow we're , going to change to black but notice that , everything disappeared and that's , because the blend mode is set to screen , and if you remember from our blending , mode tutorials any of the blend modes , here in between this divider and this , divider will make all the dark value , pixels disappear so we got to change , them to any of these blending modes or , the normal blending mode so i'm just , gonna go to normal and now we can see , the outer glow we can increase the size , of it if we want to so i'll increase the , size just a little bit maybe maybe five , or so and maybe give it just a little , bit of noise and i'll bump the noise all , the way up just you can see what it does , so the noise adds noise to the shadow , and that's good it gives it a little bit , more of realistic effect but i don't , want it too sharp so maybe maybe I'll , leave it At or something like that and , then I'll press so I'm going to just , disable the effects of our background , layer just so we can go back to ab lack , background and obviously you can't see , the shadow but later on when we add , clouds you'll be able to see them and we , don't ha veto worry about that anymore , anyway so I'm going to zoom out just so , we can see what this is looking like and , it's looking pretty good as you can see , this is a nice chrome looking effect now , the only problem is that it's too white , in my opinion too gray so we need to add , just the hint of color here maybe add a , little bit of blue so I'm going to , disable the effects just you can see , that we're working with white text but I , want to add a little color to that so if , I double click on the text thumbnail , here it's going to select the entire , text and I can click on the color swatch , hereto bring up the color picker and we , to be working with the hue saturation , and brightness so let's work with the , brightness first I'm just going to click , on the brightness input box and I'm , going to move that down to maybe% or , so by the way I'm using the arrow keys , on the keyboard and notice that when , press down this circle moves down if I , press the up arrow key the little circle , moves up so it's an easy way of having , complete control of the color that , you're picking so for the brightness , we're going to be At's% which is going , to give us this great color here so it's , no longer W% white then we're going to , add a hue and saturation so for Hui'm , just going to move that up and by the , way when I move the hue you'll notice , that the hue slider here is moving up so , I need blue and by the way you can , hold shift to move a little bit faster , increments of W degree sand I'going , to go all the way up to about or so , make Otto W then we're going to change , the saturation so we so this circles , move to the right so we just want to , give it just Little hint of blue so , we're not going to go too much here just , Little bit maybe maybe six or seven , percent something like that we'll leave , it at seven and we'll press if , press control enter and I can go to edit , and step backwards you'll see the , difference so this before step forward , this is after it give sit a little bit , of color and it makes it a little more , realistic in my opinion so we can zoom , out and the text is looking pretty good , okay now at this point we need to make , some changes to the actual shape of the , text so after this step the text will no , longer be editable at this point we can , add characters if we want to and each , character that we add has the same layer , style but we're going to make a , duplicate copy of this you can click and , drag it and drag it over into the new , layer icon to make a duplicate or you , can just press ctr J command J on the , Mac and I'm just going to shutoff the , visibility by clicking on the little I , here just to make it invisible so now , we're only going to be working with the , copy because we're going to make some , changes that are going to make this non , editable so I want to have a copy to go , back to in case I need to make change , so in this copy layer here I'm going to , right-click on it and select convert to , shape and this is going to create a , shape out of the text so what that means , is that it's now vectors which is why , you see these longings with these dots , here you can click on the direct , selection too land you can click on , these dot sand you can move them to , create new shapes and the layer style is , still there so it's still applying that , same layer style to the text layer so , I'm just going to press ctr alt Z , command option Z on the Mac to undo , those changes and we're going to make , some adjustments tithe text here so the , first thing I'going to do is I'm going , to click and drag and make selection , to select all the point son the top of , theta and you can see how they're now , false , and if i zoom in you can actually see it , better so now they're solid white as , opposed to just an outline of white like , you see down here that's how you can , tell which are selected and which are , not so I'm going to zoom out now and I'm , just going to use the arrow key and you , can use the arrow keys you can click in , and drag the entire selection if you , want to but I'm just going to use the , arrow keys so I'm just going to go up , and I'going to zoom out just to see , how it looks so it's looking pretty good , I'm going to make another selection here , just this side of theta and I'm just , going to hold shift and the right arrow , key to move it all the way to the right , so something like that and this is , looking pretty good now I'm going to , select the entire word Throne sand , actually Just miss one there you see , that how Amiss that one herein the , corner and just gonna hold shift and , select it oops it looks like'd be , selected the the word throne so I'll try , again and yeah I got them all this time , so now I'm going to use the arrow key to , move I want the top of the T to be right , here right and right in the middle of , the F here so something like that now , I'going to select the word of as well , and I'just gonna move it to the left a , little bit so it's closer to thee and , I'm going to zoom out , and this is looking much better now now , one of the things I want to change is , the letter and the letter n because I , don't want the sigh here coming out like , so so Just want to Sharp point here , on the top so to do that I'm going to , use the delete Anchor Point tool and I'm , just going to start the leading anchor , points like sou'm clicking on those , squares little dots there and when I , click on them they disappear they go , away so we're actually making big , dramatic changes to the shape and that's , okay that's what I want to do , so now that I'vie deleted all the ones , that I don'twat I have this anchor , point here that's got this handle , sticking up here and I want to bring , that handle down to do that I'm going to , click on the direct selection tool again , I'm going to click on that handle and , notice what happens when I move that a , handle just adjust as the shape of the , curb but I want it way down here I , wanted to snap to the actual point and , actually a better way of snapping the , handle to the point is to use the , convert point tool and I can just click , on it once and it snap sit gets rid of , that handle so now I can click on the , direct selection too land make sure that , that point is selected and I can just , move it up like so and actually I'm , going to click on the ruler here and , drag a guide down if you don't see your , ruler you can press control R or command , R on the Mac to hide it or show it and , just click and drag the guide down so , I'm going to use that as a visual aid to , see where the point is going to go and , actually you know what Indeed to go a , little bit higher so maybe something , like that and I'm going to do the same , thing for the other side of the M there , so I'm going to this time I'm going to , show you trick you don'tend to use a , delete Anchor Point tool you can just , click on the pen too land make sure that , auto add and delete is checked that , means that if I hover overs curve the , plus sign appear son the pen tool , meaning that it'seagoing to add a point , so I clicked under and data point and , if I hove rover a point it automatically , switches tithe delete point tool so I , can click on it and it will delete , point so you don'thieve to keep , switching in between all these tools you , can just use the pen tool , so I'm going to use the pen too land I'm , going to just start deleting these , points here so and I'm going to go back , into the convert point tool click on it , once and switch back tithe pen tool , oops sorry about that switch back to the , direct selection tool click on the point , and move it up now we have a problem , this point here needs to move over to , the right so I'm going to select this , point and select all the points on the , left side or the bottom part of the M , here and then move those to the right , like so and this point here it's not , centered so I'm going to click on it and , then move Otto the Left little bit to , Center it more so that'SWAT the M , looks like now I'm going to Prescott H , command on the Mac to high the guide , zoom out by holding alt option on the , Mac and scrolling back on the mouse , wheel so this is what our text is , looking like like now and actually you , know what now that I'm looking at this , is still not looking very good I got to , move some points here'm going to , select these and move them tithe right , to Center them a little bit better so , maybe somewhere around there and that , looks bit more centered , maybe I brought these in Little too , much so I'll move them out and maybe , these need to move over to the Left , little bit so yeah you might have to , play around with it Little bit just to , get the right the right look and , actually maybe I have to move these in , something like that and that'st hat's , good enough you can play around with it , more if you want to you can do the same , thing to the end if you want on this , point and I'm going to quickly take care , of that I'm just going to zoo min and , this I'm going to go faster since you , already know what we're doing click on , the pen tool don't see the points so , make sure that you click on on the path , here so you can see the points then , click on the pen tool hover over the , points and delete the ones that you , don'tend sou don't , and I do need that one click on at once , and go back into the move too land I'm , going to press ctr H to bring the guide , just so Icahn put that point right on , top of that guide like the other ones , ctr H to hide can zoom out and that , looks pretty good , one other thing I'm going to do is I'm , going to select all these points here , now if you ever have trouble selecting , the paths you can just click on pads , here and then click on Game of Thrones , shape and then go back into layers , panel and you can see the outline and , you can just click on it and see the , dots there so it does just in case it , sometimes , dis tel exit and you have trouble , selecting it but anyway so I'm going to , select the worth Thrones or everything , but theta and then this top part of the , T here as Welland I'm just gonna move , everything tithe left to get it closer , to that T so something like that okay , and that's looking pretty good now the , next thing we got to do is Dada lot of , vertical lines that are in the O's in , that logo so I'm going to zoom in we'll , do the little one first click on the , shape tool here and'm just going to , create a nice thin rectangle here and , I'm going to be airspace by the way , when you're creating a shape you can use , the space bar and move it around to a , different location while you're creating , it don'Tet go of the mouse button so , I'just going to create something , that's sort of thin not too thick maybe , something like that and I'll just place , it here and scale it in so something , like that and maybe and then after you , create this rectangle you can use the , move arrow tool to move it if you want , to and I think something like that would , work'm going to press ctr Jot , duplicate it command Jon the Mac and , then move it to the right and this one , will be actually this one we in the , center ctr J command J again to , duplicate and I'm going to move it and , you know what the first one that I , created is too far off tithe left so , I'going to just move it one pixel to , the right and that looks pretty good , so now that I'recreated these three , shapes want to apply the same effect , but if Apply it individual , it's going to look like four different , shapes as opposed to one solid object so , what Indeed to do is click on the Game , of Thrones copy and drag that up to the , top click on it click on the bottom , shape her eat the bottom the bottom , rectangle and then press ctr e command , e on the Mac to merge them and now they , will all be one shape with the same , effect remember to move the Game of , Thrones layer to the top otherwise it , won't work so let's do that one more , time , now we're going to with the Big O here , so I'm going to create shape and I don't , eat this one panel so I'll move it away , click on the move too land this time I'm , going to hold alt click and drag and it , makes a duplicate copy so that's another , way of duplicating layers in Photo shop , so hold alt click and drag and this , middle one here I'm going to move over , to the left one pixel press ctr Drag , it up a little bit , drag it down okay I just want to make , sure that the shapes are overlapping , that there's no gap sand once again , click on the game with the donuts copy , move it all the way to the top hold , shift click on the bottom one ctr , 'command in the mac and it merge sit , into one shape okay so everything's , looking pretty Good'm going to zoom , out and you know what it thinks are , looking good but there might be too much , space in between these lines so I'm just , going to press ctr alt 0 undo and I'm , just going to bring that one in more , bring this one in more that's a little , too much and make sure that they're , centered tithe oh there so maybe move , it to the right Little bit and I'll , select them all Cantrell e command , on the Mac and I think this will be , better let's see how that looks I'll , zoom out and it looks like I have a , space here now so I got to make this one , taller so I'll press ctr alt Z again , find that shape press ctr T then just , drag it down and then maybe drag it up a , little bit just to be safe , and I'll select all of them Cantrell e , commander and yep now their one shape , and it looks much better so I'll zoom , out , and yeah things are looking pretty good , okay so what we're going to do now is , we're going to create the clouds that , are behind the text so I'm just going to , click on this arrow here just so we can , have a little more space'm going to , click on this layer here and I'm going , to add a new layer above that then I'm , going to click on this icon here to have , black as my foreground color and white , as my background color I'm going to go , into filter render clouds just to create , some clouds'm going to add a layer , mask by clicking on this button here and , I'm going to add cloud son the layer , mask as well so that way we create a , more translucent effect on the clouds , then I'm going to add a curves , adjustment layer and I'just going to , make them Little brighter not too much , I don'twat to blow them out but you , don't want to miss dark so maybe , something like that and we can come back , and change this if we want to then we're , going to add a color balance layer and , this is a great way of adding color to , black and white layers especially , because you can target the tones so I'm , going to target the highlights so we can , add some blue to the highlight sand what , I'going to do is I'going to add a , little bit of cyan , so maybe W we don't need any green or , magenta but we do want to add a little , bit of blue so maybe we add you know , something something like that now this , is getting to Beau little too saturated , but that'soak I'm just going to double , click on the layer here to bring up the , layer style pan eland you might have , seen me use the blend if options before , this essentially hides pixels depending , on the tonality of the image so for , example if we click and drag to the left , here the light pixels from the bottom , layer hide the pixels on the layer above , or we can do the same thing with the , dark pixels the dark pixels of the layer , before will hide the pixels above it so , what we're going to do is we're going to , hide some of the pixels in the light , areas here but I don'twat any sharp , transitions like that so to avoid that , you can hold the Alt key on the keyboard , and click on an option on the Mac and , you separate that little triangle and , then you can get much nicer transition , so you see how we're losing alto of the , blue and only keeping hint the blue , and that'SWAT we want to do so , something like this it's going to work , great for USO'm just going to press , okay , this is actually still a little too , bright so I'm going to click on the , clouds layer mask'm going to go into , image adjustment levels and maybe I'll , darken it up a little bit and maybe move , this over tithe left so it's not too , bright just little bright maybe , something like that so that's before and , after weird arcing at it up just a , little bit and I'm going to press okay , so now I'm going to select the clouds , layer and the two adjustment layers by , holding shift and clicking on the top , one to select all three then I'm going , to press ctr G command Gin the Mac to , turn that into a group I'going to add , a layer mask but I'm going to hold alt , on the keyboard to add a layer mask that , is black which hides everything in that , group then I'm going to click on the , brush tool make sure that I have a large , brush that is soft so this won't work , fine mine is set at W pixels then I'm , going to set my foreground color to , white and I can paint in some of those , clouds and I'm just clicking I'm not , really painting I'm just doing one click , at a time that way I have more control , over where my clouds go so something , like that I like here on this part that , Ia dded too much can switch over to , black you can click on this icon here , the double arrow or you can press X on , the keyboard or go between one or the , other and you can hide it some of those , clouds so that's the way we're going to , create our clouds alright the next thing , we're going to do is we're going to , click on the Game of Thrones shape layer , there and we're going to add another , layer with the same brush selected'm , going to switch my foreground color to , white and I'm just going to click in the , center like so then I'm going to press V , on the keyboard to go into the move tool , and press cutlet command T on the Mac to , transform'm going to click on the , handle here in the middle hold alt , option on the Mac and , dragged down tithe center so we can , have one long line like so and there's , going to be the highlight of our text , then I'm going to hold alt again but , this time on the right side handle here , and then bring that in right about there , and I'm going to press ENTER and I'm , actually going to zoom in just so I , could see that better and it's still a , little too thickos I'm going to press , cutlet again hold alt and'm going to , come down and you know what sometimes , when you come down you might see it snap , and you can't really get to where you , want it to go so while you're holding , alt or option you can also throw in the , ctr key or command key on the Mac and , it turns out snapping so you can , actually get in there really really , close like so then I'm going to press , Enter maybe move it down a little bit it , dozen'tn ice highlight there but I want , to add some color to it so I'm just , going to double click on it and this , time'm going to add an inner glow and , I'm going to set the blending mode to , normal mean let me move this here so , you can see it actually you don't need , to see the bottom of the window even , though it's getting cut off by the video , but that'soak you don't need to do the , bottom part then we can click on and the , inner glow color picker here , and there we go weened a blue color , just sort of to match the background so , I'm just going to push up here maybe , somewhere around here and we need it to , be more blue than that so maybe right , about there should work and something , like that so you can see the the , highlight there press and you know , what the opacity is way too strong so , let's bring that down to maybe about W , that looks pretty good press OK and what , I'm going to do now is I'm going to , press ctr J and then press ctr T and , I'going to bring this second one way , in like right about there maybe you know , what maybe even make a little bit taller , holding alt and ctr that way outdoes't , snap , so now I have a bigger highlight there , but for this one I'm going to bring the , inner glow opacity down even more so , maybe OR W percent press okay and , then I'm going to zoom in and now you , can see my highlight so now it's got , this beautiful looking highlight there , okay so that's looking pretty good now , you can create some highlight son the , background here if you want to all you , need to do is just add out another , curves adjustment layer and sort of blow , out some area sand press ctr I command , I on the Mac to hide the effects by the , curves layer and just paint with white , like we did earlier and just add some , some highlight sin certain areas if you , want to that's totally up to you I'Mont , going to do that but I just wanted to , show you that in case you thought it was , too dark and that's it for this tutorial , as I mentioned earlier you can head over , to the subscriber only section on my , website to watch the second part of this , tutorial where I'll show you how to , create sword from scratch and add it , into the poster if you're not a , newsletter subscriber yet you can , subscribe for free simply go to my , website and , enter your email in the box you will , then receive an email with a link tithe , subscriber only content where you will , find the second part to this tutorial if , you enjoyed this tutorial don't forget , to click the like button and share it , wit ha friend , if you have any questions feel free to , leave me a comment or send me an email , thank you for watching and I'll talk to , you guys again very soon , you  

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