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in this video I'm gonna show you how to , create ballistics snow in Photo shop , everybody welcome back to another very , exciting tutorial here at the , , my name ISIS Ramirez and you can , find me on Instagram jr prompt in , this video'm gonna show you how to , create realistic snow internship this , is going to be two-part tutorial'm , first gonna show you how to add snow to , a portrait using stock image then i'm , gonna show you how to create snow by , using just a few simple filters in , photo shop okay let's get started with , the tutorial so we're gonna work with , this image here this is a portrait from , Adobe stock if you want to follow along , you can use any image that you like or , you're welcome to download the free , watermark version of this image I have a , link to it down in the description in , this video I'm gonna show you two ways , of adding snow to an image in the first , method we're gonna use an actual photo , of snow that we're gonna apply to this , image an din the second method I'm going , to show you how to create snow from , scratch so I'gonna open up my Creative , Cloud library and there's actually a , photo of falling snow that downloaded , so I'gonna click and drag that into my , portrait and you can find overlays of , snow at Adobe stock or many other , different websites and I'm gonna hold , shift and alt click and dragon the , corner handle and make that larger so , that it fills the image then I can go , into the blending mode sand select , screen screen hides dark pixels and , reveals bright pixels so in this case , we're gonna hide the black background , and now we have an overlay of snow right , on top of our image and I can click and , drag it and place it accordingly , so you can do the same thing with any , overlay of snow as long as of course the , background is black and that was the , first technique we used an overlay to , apply the snow to our photo what I'm , gonna do now is show you how to create , snow from scratch this technique will , use filter sin Hotshot replicate , the effect of snow falling and the , filters that we're gonna use are in , older versions of Photo shop as well so , if you're following and see , six are older you should still be able , to follow along without any problems , however at the end of the tutorial'm , going to show one feature that it's only , for Adobe Phototropic but that is just , an option in case that you want to use , one of the new tools to help us create , the snow falling effect okay so now , let'work on the second technique I'm , gonna click and drag and delete this , layer and now I'going to show you how , to create snow from scratch so the first , thing that I'm going to do is create , new blank layer and I'just gonna call , it snow then I'm gonna fill this layer , with white white is currently our , foreground color to fill with the , foreground color press alt + backspace , that's option delete on the Mac then'm , gonna go into filter noise add noise and , you can just crank that up all the way , to W%and press okay then you can go , into filter blur Gaussian blur and you , can add about three pixels of blur and , press okay then you can go into image , adjustments threshold and you can use , this slider to adjust how these specs , look so you want to have roughly the , same amount of specs that I have here , and then press OK so this is gonna be , the snow that's falling down and we , pretty much have what we want the only , problem is that we want the opposite we , want the inverse we want the background , to be black in the foreground to be , white so we can press ctr I command I , on the Mac to invert the colors in this , case just black and white so now the , background is black in the foreground is , white I'm going to press ctr J command , J to duplicate this layer and I'm just , gonna rename it and call it CC because , the method that'm showing you to , create the snow works for older versions , editorship but there is one thing , want to show you that works only with , Phototropic so I'm gonna leave that , layer to the end so if you're on an , older version of Photocopy can , follow along , and then at the very end I'll show one , thing that you can do with the newer , versions Photocopies we're gonna work , at this snow layer I'm gonna go into , filter blur motion blur and this is the , blur that'gonna make it seem as if the , snows moving or falling and you can , select the angle that you like in this , case an angle of about maybe negative , fifty will work and I can increase the , distance and don't go too far just , because your streaks will look too long , and they'll look more like rain than , snow so make sure that you still get , that snowflake type of shape but you , also see the motion blur so something , like this maybe W pixel sin this case , and press now we can do what we did , earlier which is changing them blending , mode to screen which will once again , hide black pixel sand reveal bright , pixel sand this is looking okay but we , have a lot mo rework to do what I'm , gonna do now is press ctr J command J , on the Mac and on this snow copy layer , what I'm going to do is I'm gonna , enlarge that that's why I'm assuming out , and I'm zooming out by holding alt and , scrolling down on the mouse wheel that , is option on the Mac as I scroll on the , mouse wheel then I'm gonna Prescott T , command Z to transform and I'm gonna , hold shift and alt and make that layer a , lot larger then I'm gonna hit enter and , return on the Mac and zoom back in so , notice now that we have more depth on , this image we have snowflakes that are , near he rand closer to us so we're , creating that illusion of depth by , creating different layers of snow so I , can rename this snow layer to snow near , because it's near us and then that's , regular snow it's closer to her so it's , Moor man focus and then there'probably , gonna be snow behind her there'gonna , be closer to those trees and those areas , behind her but before we create that , what I'm gonna do is I'gonna select , the snow near layer and Prescott T , command T to transform and notice that , we can't see the corner handles because , they're way way out here so here's a , trick for you when you press cutlet , command Z to transform and you can see , the corner handles you can Prescott 0 , command , on the Mac and it zooms out so that you , can see the actual handles so now I can , just rotate this so it has just slightly , different angle than the snow that's , near her because not all the snow is , gonna be going at the same angle the , angle is gonna change so I'm gonna zoom , back in and I'm gonna select the , original snow layer that we created and , actually I'm going to disable the snow , near layer just so it'sassier to see , and then I'm gonna press ctr J command , Jon the Mac and I'm gonna click and , drag this one down and'll call it snow , far and I'm gonna Prescott Command , here to transform hold shift and scale , it down about that big and I'gonna , hide this layer as well then I'm gonna , hold alt option on the Mac with the move , tool selected and click and drag and it , duplicates that layer so I'm gonna , duplicate that layer three times there's , a seam going through here that we're , going to fix in a moment I'm gonna , select that layer snow for copy number , three hold shift and select the snow far , layer that's at the bottom then press , ctr e commander in the Mac to merge , those layers into one layer then I can , worry about the same and'm simply , gonna fix the scene by using the Spot , Healing Brush tool you could also use , the clone stamp tool or simply paint , with black it's up to you Think that , the Spot Healing Brush tool is the , easiest method since can just come in , and just paint away those seam sand you , don't have to be precise at all it's , hardly gonna be noticeable once we , change the blending mode back to screen , what I'gonna do now is zoom in just so , that we could see these snowflakes a , little bit better and I'm gonna go into , filter blur Gaussian blur and we're , gonna blur them to try to match the , depth of field if this were a real photo , those snowflakes that were behind her , would't be as sharp as the ones that , are closer to her so I'm just trying to , make those blurry and then I'm gonna , press and I'm gonna fit the image to , screen then I'm going to disable this , layer and I'm gonna make a selection , around her and'm going to use a quick , selection tool for that so , just gonna quickly click and drag and , make selection around her and'm , gonna hold alt option on the Mac and , click and drag on areas that Want to , deselect like right in between her arms , and once again you don'thieve to be very , precise for this once you have a , selection that you're happy with you can , go into the snow far layer which is this , one and I'll just rename it just so it's , read snow far snow far and hold alt , option on the Mac and click on the layer , mask icon that it's going to create a , layer mask that subtracts from what you , have selected so that means that on this , snow layer the snow that it's farthest , away from us it'snot gonna appear in , front that makes things look more , realistic and now that if I enable the , other layers that we'vie been working , with we start getting much more , realistic image at this point you can , decide to duplicate the original snow , layer by pressing ctr J command J on , the Mac and I'm gonna zoom out a bit and , pressing ctr T commands you to , transform and I'm gonna scale it up just , Little bit and rotate it just to add , more snow I'm going to click and select , the snow near layer then I'gonna hold , shift and click on the snow far layer in , Prescott-g to put all those layers , into a group and that is how you would , create snow from scratch now we're gonna , finish up the tutorial by talking about , one feature that's available in newer , versions of Photocopies you can make , advantage of that so I'm gonna select , the snow CC layer and I'm gonna double , click on a hand tool to fit Otto screen , then I'm going Togo into filter blur , gallery and select path blur and this is , going to allow us to create blur based , on a pathos now you can click and drag , on these point sand you can see how we , created that same motion blur effect but , the advantage of using this is that we , can create new points on that path and , click and drag and notice now how we , have a curve on that blur so I can click , and drag this one down like so and it , creates that effect there so I'm just , gonna adjust these points to make it , seem more like snow falling so it's not , going straight down as it actually has a , herb and that's gonna help it look more , realistic the speed is too high so I'm , gonna bring that down to maybe right , about here and then press OK notice now , how the snow is not going straight down , it's going in different angles and , that's exactly what we want to make it , look more realistic then I can change , the blending mode to screen and what I'm , gonna do now is disable the original , snow layer and I'm gonna drag that one , in there so you could use either or or , both whatever you think it looks best , and that's it for this tutorial let me , know in the comments down below what you , thought about this technique if you , decide to create something using this , tutorial don't forget to share it on , Instagram with the handicapped bits also , if this is your first time at the , Photoshop training channel don't forget , to click on that subscribe button thank , you so much for watching and I will talk , to you again soon