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Photoshop tricks
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hi everyone my name is Justin OD show , and in this video I'm going to be going , over the basics of Photo shop so I'm , going to do it just as if I was over a , friend shoulder and I was showing them , the program for the first time so things , like layouts menus and the basics of how , to get started so let's go to our , desktop and open Adobe Phototropic W , if you still haven't upgraded I'll leave , a couple links in the description below , Ina video on what's new in this feature , and if the subscription model and the , new versions of CC are worth it which , think they are so when you open up , Photocopied you'll be greeted with is , this new starting menu and here you can , see all of your recent files that you'vie , opened so here's sumps switch are , Photo shop documents that I'vie had open , recently and some photo files you can , view these in a grid or list mode or you , can see here on the left hand side you , can start anew projector open file , so although you do have all these blank , document presets to open on the right , hand side here you can see that you can , fill in whatever parameters you want so , if you specifically need something to be , a certain amount of pixels or a certain , amount of inches let's say you're , creating wallpaper for your desktop , then you can just type those in and , create size of your own so I'll type , Ina by W blank document you , also have the options of adjusting the , resolution pixels per inch the color , mode like red green blue Occam if , you're doing print work or the contents , of the blank document when you first , start do you want to start off white , black or with a background calorie'll , just leave it all kind of default and , then if you press create Photo shop will , open up that new blank document and you , can see here untitled one is the tab I'm , also going to open a photo just to show , you the difference so you can always go , tithe top menu and go to file and , either create a new document or press , open this dozen't close your current , thing so if press open and browse , through my desktop or computer and I , find a photo that I want to open or , other file you can see that this is a , Camera Raw file which many cameras allow , you to shoo tin raw mode and Photo shop , has earplug-in that'built-in that will , open up called Camera Raw this just , allows you to adjust things like the , exposure contrast highlights white , balance and all those simple adjustments , that are built into the camera and this , is a very powerful tool in its own but , I'just going to open the image as is , and continue in Photocopies now I have , my photo open which you can see here and , I can switch tithe different tabs that , I have open so here's that untitled one , blank document that we slap open so , let'work on the photo layer to give , you guys an example of what tools you , have available in Photo shop so the one , of the most important menus as we look , around is this one right here that's , usually in the bottom right corner , it's called layer snow before I go , further breaking down all these , different menus and panels that are , available you do want to note that in , the top menu bar where you have all , these different options like file edit , and all that there's one called window , and under the workspacepanel you can , adjust to reset to the essentials , because they have different preset , workspaceswhich open up different , panels depending on the workflow that , you're trying to do so if you press , reset essential sit should reset things , to this layout here so we are all on the , same page so as I was saying you have , the layers pan eland this is one of the , most important things backstop , work sin layers so when I have a photo , open Photo shop will make it the , background layer by default it's locked , which means you can adjust it but if you , could double click on this and press , then you'll see a few options become , available to begin editing so you have , the visibility of the layer which is , indicated by this eyeball which means , you can make it visible or not visible , whenever something is not visible or , transparent in Photocopied will be , represented by this checkerboard pattern , on top of that you have blending modes , which are the way that different layers , blend together this is justest to , normal and you also have opacity's so , this I's percent and you can see as I , lower it things start to get more , transparent so keep that in mind as you , consider how we're going to blend , different things together now you can , also create new , lairs you also should see all these , different smaller symbols which are most , all just shortcuts for doing different , things so I'll get too confused by them , they're just shortcuts when you want , them like this one here is the create , new layer shortcut and when I click it , it'll add a new layer on top so that , can begin working Onion doing different , thing son alternatively you always have , the option to go up to your top menu and , if you go to layer go to new layer you , can create new layers through this , pop-up if you want you can name them , certain things for organization purposes , and press Oakland you should see that as , well whenever you double click on this , you should be able to adjust layer names , if you want now scaling back from just , looking at the layers panel you see that , there's all types of different panels , and they each display different types of , information you have the adjustments , panel which just gives you shortcut , access to all the different type of , adjustments you can create you have , different libraries which is linked up , to your Creative Cloud membership or you , can save certain color swatches or , brushes or textures and things like that , and then you have whatever else is , active for your groundwork's just , because these are up right now dozen't , mean these are the only ones that , Photo shop has so this is like the , history this is everything that's been , done to this layer so far since we , open edit and you can actually step , backward or forward through these steps , however if you go to window you see that , there's so many different menus that , arena'tavern active right no wand they , all have their different use and are , related to different tools so you can , see this top menu bar is going to have , all different types of options for you , to open up windows change the view of , things use filters select different , things go to your typing tools create , new layers and things like that apply , image adjustments or edit things and , undo things or just go to file new and , open and all that this is a very , important menu the top menu bar aside , from all the panels and the top menu bar , you also have the left hand side toolbar , this is where all of your tools reside , and also your color picker so each one , of these tools does a different thing , you have things like the paintbrush , the lasso tool which lets you select , things gradient tools eraser tools text , and typing tools which create new text , layers and you have your foreground and , background color which by default is , black and white but if you double click , on them you can open up the color picker , which lets you pick different colors at , the very bottom screen you'll just see a , couple pieces of information but a , really key one here is the view , percentage so right now it's scaled at , W% because this image happened to be , pretty large whereas the window and , resolution of my screen is not large , enough to hold it so it's At's% to fit , however you can type thing sin here like , W% and this is actually the true size , of it you can use your laptop or , computers track pad to scroll back on the , view or you can go to vie wand adjust , things to be either% actual size or , fit on scree nor zoom in and zoom out , and of course there's shortcuts for all , of these things as well which Highly , recommend if you're learning try to , learn the shortcuts and work with the , shortcuts because that's how you're , actually going to want to work in the , future so now that you have general , idea of the layout of things and where , everything is let's do a couple basic , edits on this photo so let's say you , wanted to adjust the colors here's where , you'd work with adjustment layers so , although you can highlight your photos , layer and go to image adjustment sand , have access to all these different , adjustments like contrast and color , a smarter and more non-destructive way , to work on things which just means that , you have more flexibility of changing , things and things are not permanent is , by working with adjustment layers so , here you can go to layer new adjustment , layer and find all those same , adjustments so let's say I wanted to add , a curves adjustment layer so I'll go to , new adjustment layer curve sand then I , can name it if I prefer if you want to , be organized be organized but'll just , keep it at curve's which is the default , name and press OK you'll see that it , will create that adjustment layer , over top of my currently highlighted , layer but at the moment it's not doing , anything because we haven't input any , values into it here's where you can see , the properties menu changes so I , actually like to drag this out and kind , of keep it as it sown standalone pop-up , window to work with and I'll make iota , bit bigger to work with so this is just , one example of an adjustment in , Photo shop this is a pretty powerful , color adjusting tool called curves so , this line represents the dark points and , the highlights of the photo and you can , click and drag points on this to darken , or highlight things and you can switch , to different color channels like red , green and blue and adjust those , individually to boost colors in certain , areas and create different color effects , I have whole separate tutorials on this , as I do with most other tools and , effects on my channel so remember this , is just basic and you can go to my , channel and check out each individual , effect broke down into step sin separate , videos once I'vie edited the colors how I , wanted can either minimize the window , or drag it into one of these panels for , easier access now another thing you're , going to see when you're working with , certain layers like adjustment layers is , they're represented by this little , circle which means adjustment layer and , then this white box and this is a layer , mask you see nothing white is actually , showing up that'because this , represents what portions of the photo , are visible or not so when you have , white that mean sit's visible however , when you pain ton it in black that means , it's going to hide it so if I did't , want this adjustment layer to show on a , certain portion of this I could grab my , paintbrush tool I can make sure Black is , my foreground color that's active I , could go up to this top menu which , changes based on whatever tool you're , working with to give you the options for , that too land I could choose brush one , of these default brushes lower the size , softness or hardness of it and paint , black on the layer mask and you see that , hides whatever is on this layer that's , because this layer ma skis telling , to be hidden when they're black and show , when they're white but'm going to undo , that with command Z or add it undo which , is going to be one of your most used , tools so get familiar with that one , remember you have the history panel here , so whenever I press command Z it'll go , backward or forward once or if press , option commands you'll keep going , backward up to a certain amount of steps , by default believe it's W so let's , say I wanted to add some text to this , photo if I go Tommy text tool you'll see , this top menu will change to reflect the , options that now have so I can choose , the font the size of the font the , alignment pretty basic text editing , tools that you might be familiar with , from many programs when you click it'll , automatically create anew text layer , and start blinking on the cursor to , allow you to type so I can type hello , can click and highlight the text I can , enlarge it and I can click this move , tool to move things around you can see , the text wrote out in black because , that's what my current foreground color , was but if I go back to my type tool and , I highlight things I can switch to my , background color which was white so I , can make that my foreground color and , now the text is white you also have a , whole host of transformation option son , any photo or layer if you go to edit , transform so here you'll have options to , scale rotate or flip things around no , matter what type of layer they are if , you hold shift while you're scaling , it'll make sure to scale in proportion , so that's another way to adjust the size , of things whenever you hover overs tool , if you hover long enough Photo shop , should tell you what the name of the , tool is and the shortcut to get to it so , that could help you out when you're , learning so you can see the move tool is , the move tool , and Icahn press V to activate it on my , keyboard rather than clicking it also , whenever you click and hold down on any , tool you can see the tools that are , behind it or in that same family of , tools you can see that each of these , tools has that little arrow on it which , indicates that there's more tools , stacked underneath it so if I click and , hold here , I can see Have the rectangular marquee , selection tool or I also have the , elliptical or single row and soon so , going back to the idea of blending modes , that mentioned earlier now that we , finally have a couple things to blend , together let's see what happens if we , try to blend this text so this is what , it looks like on normal however you see , we have all these subtracting and , additive blending modes which are all , just mathematically based on different , color codes and all that and you'll , learn how they operate the more you , practice them but if I press overlay you , can see it will overlay the different , color sand mix them in that way or , something like exclusion or subtract and , you'll see that they all have different , results additionally I can lower the , opacity of this and you can see how it , begins to become more transparent and , see-through so what you can also see is , that the layers work kind of like from a , top-down perspective so if you're , imagining a sandwich the top layers are , the top piece of bread and the bottom , layers are at the bottom so anything , that you put on top is going to show in , front of whatever is behind it so now , let's say you want to save your creation , here you can go to file save and if you , haven'staved it before it'll pull up , the save as menu alternatively I usually , just go to file save Astor be safe so , here I can save iotas a dot PSD Ora , Photo shop format document which is what , it's prompting me to do which means that , it saves with layers intact so when I , open it back UPI'll see all of these , layers again and I can edit things and , it would be flexible for me to edit , however it's not a flat image for you to , share so after you save it as a , Photoshopdocument if you know you want , to continue working on it you then have , the option to save iotas a JPEG or PNG , file or all these different formats , depending on the way that you want to , share it typically for photos JPEG or , Inkwell do fine if you're ever working , on an object that has transparency in it , you're going to want to save it as a PNG , so that things , mien transparent so after you save it , then it will show up on your desktop and , you'll have created your new photo file , or creation that you wanted to create , alternatively if things are too big or , thesis't the size that you want to , save it in you can go to image image , size and here's where you can choose , what size you want to scale your image , to be so out of the camera roll it's , it'pretty large five thousand by three , thousand pixel sand I can scale it down , to be nineteen twenty by twelve eighty , if that's the size that wanted it to , be in the first place so that's how you , edit the size of your image and once you , save things you can close or keep the , document open so let'close this and , here we are back at our blank document , that we had opened earlier so when , you're talking about working with blank , documents here's where you can either , drag photos in here you could just , directly drag JPEG or photos from your , desktop into this canvas or you could , build and generate graphics of your own , invitation spree set tools so you , have things like the paintbrush tool , which allow you to paint and then maybe , add text on top of it so I could create , a new layer and on this empty , transparent layer could go to my , gradient tool and I could choose a , colorful gradient and add that for me to , work with whenever you're working on a , layer you also have the option to apply , filters onto it so you could apply , filters onto your photo layers or onto , your graphics so you have all types of , different filters like blurring , distorting adding speculating , rendering different graphics like clouds , stylize all that again have separate , tutorials using many of these more , specifically and you could use blending , Modesto create graphic creations of , your own I know this dozen'look like , quite of a masterpiece but you , understand the basics so you have all , these tools available for you to use in , Photo shop all these menu sand my best , advice is just take it easy one step at , a time , open up your photos play around with , them and whenever you're trying to , figure out how to do something adobe has , a great , section where you can search what a , specific tool does if you don't know , what it does or you can go on YouTube , and find channels or people like myself , where you can search on my channel , specific things like how to do this or , how to do that and see a video walking , you through it and slowly by slowly , you'll be able to piece together all , these different tools in Photo shop until , you build a knowledge and strength and , are comfortable with the program so , that's the very basics here definitely , check out my playlist and subscribe and , follow me on social media at Justin , oldish on Facebook Instagram Twitter to , keep in touch and use all these , resources in front of you to learn the , program learn what you need to do and , hopefully this video gave you Good , start , definitely subscribe to my channel here , on YouTube it's free to do you can check , out all of my previous tutorial sand , I'vie always got more to come again if , you haven'gotten the latest version , yet then check the description below for , a few more videos about what's new in , the latest version and why Think it's , worth Otto get and to wrap things up , here thank you guys so much for watching , and I'll see you next time