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Photoshop tricks
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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , Susie Mari sand you can find me on , Instagram @ jr from pct in this tutorial , we're going to learn how to color match , in Photo shop this is going to be a , three-part tutorial we will learn how to , use Adobe stocks visual search to find , the right images for our projects then , we will learn to color matching , techniques the first method is a quick , fast way the beginners can use to start , color matching in no time while the , second method will give you an advanced , technique which will give you more , precise results the color that we're , going to match on to the object sin our , image sis greenery the Pan tone color of , the year every year since the , Pan tone color Institute has chosen a , color that reflects the current cultural , climate the Pan tone color of the year , has historically influenced trends in , all facets of design including , architecture and share the core fashion , food travel in many other fields we're , going to start this tutorial by first , finding the right image for this project , using Adobe stock instead of regular , keyword search we will use Adobe stocks , new visual search this enhanced way of , searching allows us to use the visual , contents of an image to find another in , this project would like to create , holiday theme design would like to use , green and red disposable coffee cups , isolated on a white background using a , coffee cup on white papery mocked up , the type of image that'm looking for , and took a photo with my cellphone if , you're following along with this , tutorial you can head over to my website , or use a , short URLPTC Viacom and download this , image there's a link for it right below , this video but anyway here we are at , and in the search bar you can , click on this camera icon to bring up , the visual search , window you can drag an image on to there , or you can click on the Browse button , which will open up a window where you , can find any file in your computer and , upload it to Adobe stock to perform the , search have the coffee cup here can , select it click on open and this is , going to RNA visual search you will , notice that the resulting images will be , similar to what uploaded cups isolated , by a white background can also refine , the search by coming into the search box , and typing in a keyword so I can type in , holiday then click on the search icon , and you will notice that all the , resulting images now have a holiday , theme but the one I like and the one , that we will use for this tutorial is , this one here it has everything that I'm , looking for , well except for one thing it'snot the , right color well of course sweatshop , to apply the greenery Pan tone color of , the year to this Cup but first we must , save this tithe Creative Cloud hover , over the save preview icon and save it , to any of your libraries if you have an , older version of Photo shop without CC , libraries then you can save the preview , to your desktop'll save this image to , my library called tutorial ideas back in , Photo shop in the libraries panel you , will see that the image that we saved , from Adobe stock is there if you don't , see the libraries panel go to window and , click on library from the libraries , panel you can double click on the image , to open it up in a new tab or you can , click and drag it into any open document , which is what I will do I'm going to , adjust the size of the image by clicking , and dragging on the corner handles while , holding shift then hit Enter or return , on the keyboard to place the image first , we're going to select the greenery color , which is a Panting C double click on , the foreground color and bring up the , color picker window then click on color , libraries select Pan tone solid coated , from the drop-down , and find Aspen tone see color you , can click on a general green area then , use the arrow keys on the keyboard to , scroll up or down keep in mind that if , the focus the blue highlight is on the , drop down the arrow keys will change the , book not the color so press that Tab key , to remove the focus off the drop down , then click on any one of the swatches , and tap the down arrow key once you find , and select Pan tone C press create , a new layer by clicking Ina new layer , icon and rename it greenery then press B , on the keyboard to enable the brush tool , and paint directly over the coffee cup , you don't have to be precise at all , simply go into the blending mode , drop-down in the layers pan eland choose , hue this will apply the green color to , the cup and it will not affect the white , on the design of the cup you do see a , little bit of the green spilling on to , the background and into the surface , where the cu pis sitting on this is , because there is red in the ambient , color hitting those surfaces so you will , need to paint on those areas as well to , hide the Reid'm not going to take the , time to do that now in this tutorial but , you do have that option it will not , affect anything that does not have color , so neutral Gray's white and black will , be unaffected in images without white , backgrounds you can use a layer mask to , contain the colors to specified areas , which is what we're going to do in the , next example something I want to point , out is that this blending mode hue does , not adjust luminosity or saturation so , the color may not be exactly as the , greenery we selected if I create a new , layer rename it greenery sample color , and create one large circle by using a , large hard edged brush by the way you , can increase the size of the brush by , using the left and right bracket keys on , your keyboard press V to select the move , tool and move the circle over the coffee , cup you will see that the greens are not , the same but this image still works for , my purposes so I'm going to license the , image , by right-clicking on it from the , library's window and select licensed , amidship will ask me if I'm sure , that I want to purchase this image am , so I'm going to press other full , resolution version of the image without , the watermark will be downloaded onto my , Creative Cloud account and it will , automatically be updated in my working , document that's a big advantage over , other stock image providers get to try , out all the images before I buy them and , I only license what works don'thieve , to redo any work , Allie'm flattened versions of the , unlicensed image will be updated once , license it it will keep all the , distortions masks filters and , adjustments that'vie applied to it now , if you want a more accurate color match , then you will have to use a more , advanced method I'm going to disable the , coffee cup layer the greenery layer and , this white BG layer now we're looking at , another Adobe stock image and the green , circle if you want to follow along with , this image type this number and the , Adobe stock search and download it to , your library or to your desktop for the , advanced color matching technique we're , going to work with the LAV color mode my , guess is that you're currently working , with the RGB color mode or the CMYK , color mode you can go into the image , menu under mode you can see which color , mode has checkmate next to it that is , your current color mode in my case I'm , using RGB change the color mode to lab , click on don't merge and don't pasteurize , this is the easiest color conversion to , do and it's non-destructive , no matter what color mode you start with , it will always fit within the lab color , mode keep in mind that not all , adjustment layers filters and tools will , be available in this color mode so you , must convert it back to Regor Commence , you have completed the color match one , of the biggest differences between lb , and Ribs that lab separates gray scale , information completely from color , information this allows us to work with , color separate from dominance in other , words we can alter the color of an , object without affecting , detail this graphic shows you how each , of the three channels work the channel , or lightness is the easiest to , understand it controls the dominance , values of the image it has no color , values at all the lightness values range , from to the a channel is a color , balance between green and magenta the , center is neither one notice that these , are the same colors as the tint slider , in Camera Raw Angstrom the B , channel is a color balance between blue , and yellow the center is neither one , these are the same colors ass , temperature slider in Camera Raw and , Legroom warm colors are positive , numbers magenta and yellow while , negative numbers are cool green and blue , a numerical value of 0 is in between , both color sit's W%gray neither green , or magenta or neither blue or yellow now , that you have BASIC understanding of , what the laughs color mode is and how it , works we will apply the greenery color , to this couch you should already have , greenery as your foreground color in the , greenery sample color layer if not you , can follow the step sin the previous , example to get both start by selecting , the color sample tool which is nested , under the eyedropper tool in the tools , bar or what I prefer to do is select the , eyedropper tool then hold shift on the , keyboard to switch the color sample tool , notice how the cursor icon changes as I , hold the shift key the color sample tool , will create point samples that display , the numerical values of the colors that , we have selected before selecting any , colors make sure that you have W by W , average under sample size in the options , bar this will help us get more , accurate representation of the colors we , have selected by default the eyedropper , tool samples only one single pixel which , may not give us the best representation , of the colors were selecting especially , on noisy or grainy images where you , could quite easily click on a noise , pixel or any other unwanted artifacts , hold shift and click on a greenery color , notice that Photo shop , place the point sample labeled number , one and it also open up the info panel , which shows us the sample colors , numerical values for each channel click , on the color that you want to change in , this case the red couch make sure that , you don't select the shadow or highlight , try to get the best representation of , the precise color that you want to , change or at least the best , representation that you can get the , center of the couch will do this will , place a point sample label number two , and of course the info panel remains , open and it displays the numerical , values of the two colors that I have , selected so far the values under label , represent the green color and the values , under label to represent the red color , to apply the color match we simply have , to change the values from the red couch , to match the values of the green Pan tone , color the best way to do this is by , using curves adjustment layer but , before we create curves adjustment , layer let's first make a selection , around the couch so that we contain the , adjustment to only the couch and not the , rest of the room click on the quick , selection too land click and drag on the , couch to select it if you accidentally , select an area that you are not supposed , to hold alt option on the Mac and click , and drag to deselect in most cases you , will need to refine the selection bu tin , this example this rough selection should , work with the selection active click on , the new adjustment layer icon and select , curves this will create a curves , adjustment layer with a mask targeting , only the couch in the properties panel , click on the targeted adjustment tool , icon to enable it this tool allows you , to select precise point in the image , to adjust as you hover over the image , you will sea circle moving up and down , the curve this circle represents the , precise point in the curve of the color , that I'm hovering over in this case the , point of the curve that were interested , in is where the red color is , under sample number two clicking once , will place a point in the curve where , this red color Falls , unfortunately this is not at a point to , Thea orb channel to add a point to all , three channels we need to hold two , modifier keys as we click first reset , the curve by clicking on the reset icon , then hover overs point sample number , two and hold shift control , that's shift command on the Mac and , click this creates a point on the , lightness channel as well as the a an dB , channels now we can target the specific , red color and change it tithe exact , green that we want this process is very , simple simply click on the point and , change the output number into the , appropriate value of the color we , selected one thing to note however is , that currently label number one is , giving USA values of the gray , background not the green and that is , because we have this layer select the , curves adjustment layer if I click on , the greenery layer notice that the , values change what we need to do is we , need to click and drag the curves , adjustment layer to the very top of the , stack now that we have the curves , adjustment layer on top of the stack we , can see the right numbers displayed here , in the lab label number one also note , that there's two values being shown on , each of the labels the value on the left , represents the original value the value , on the right represents the adjusted , value after we make the adjustments so , you only need to focus on the values , here on the left for label number one , and the values on the right here on , label number two so we need to make , fifty into to do that make sure that , you're on that L channel on lightness , click on the point you'll know that it's , selected because not only you clicked on , it but you can see that the point is now , filled in is no longer an outline of a , square so with the point selected under , output type in the number this number , here , then press ENTER on the keyboard to , accept the change now we need to work on , a channel so change the lightness , channel into the eighth channel the , point is selected under output we're , going to type in negative W hit enter , now we need to go into the B Channel , the point is selected under output we're , going to type in the number W so now we , have negative and W the , adjustment layer change the values of , the red couch to match those of the , green channel notice that the negative , W dozen't quite match the a channel it , dozen't have to be precise if you want , to be precise you can select the point , and notice that the value here output is , negative but that's not what the , Sp lane here under the value number if , you want those two to match and Be% , precise just use the up and down arrow , keys on the keyboard so I'm just going , to press the up arrow key a few times , and now I'm at negative W it really , did't make that much oaf difference in , the way that color looks onscreen but , this is how you would get those numbers , to be precise sometimes just typing the , output value here won't give you the , exact same results under the adjustment , layer and these sample points so I'm , going to press ENTER to accept the , change and now they match you can see on , screen that these colors are pretty much , the same there is one problem the , highlight shave a yellow tint to them so , we can fix that by going into the a , channel we're already there clicking on , the top point you see here on the white , point and dragging that down if you , recall from the earlier example the a , channel control screen and magenta the , negative values are green which is why , I'm dragging this point down and as you , can see in the output we are in the , negative values so now we're removing , that yellow highlight by adding green , also one thing to note is when you're , working with a curves adjustment layer , in the RGB color mode you do not want to , have points that are side by side , because they'll flatten out the image , you , lose a lot of detail in the image one , look right in the lab color mode this is , not a problem you can have two points , side by side I'm going to now click and , drag the curves adjustment layer below , the greenery sample so it dozen't affect , it then I'm going to click on the , greenery sample color layer and click , and drag that layer on top of the couch , so that you can see that the colors , match exactly , obviously the shadows are going to be , darker in the highlights are going to be , brighter but the color that we sample , matches precisely'm going to disable , the layer now that I made the adjustment , I'm going to need to switch back into , the Recolor mode one thing to note is , that adjustment layers will not convert , from one color mode to another so what , we need to do in this case is merge the , document so we have it on one single , layer obviously this is a destructive , effect and we lo stall the other layers , one thing you can do to work around this , problem is do a merge yourself before , actually converting the document so I'm , going to show you how to do that'm , going to press ctr alt command option , Z on the Mac to undo so what I'going , to do is I'going to first select , visible layer so we can select the , curves adjustment layer or the , background layer then I'm going to press , contralto shift that's command option , shift e on the Mac and that merges , everything onto a single layer so NOW , don't really need the curves adjustment , layer anymore just have this layer , that contains the color change and Icahn , delete the curves adjustment layer and I , can make the color mode change to RGB , Photo shop is going to ask me if I want , to flatten the file I don'twat to do , that I don'twat to merge so click on , don't merge and Id on't want to , pasteurize it so click on don't pasteurize , and there Otis I don't have the curves , adjustment layer anymore but I do have , all the other layers in case I need them , and of course the couches are now , Pan tone color of the year greenery , and that's it for this tutorial hope , that you enjoyed it and that you learn , something new make sure that you leave , all your comments or questions down , below if you create an image using this , tutorial , or any other of my tutorials feel free , to share it Instagram with the , handicapped voids often do a search for , this hashtag , to see what you're all up to if I find , your image will leave you a comment , also don'forget to subscribe and click , on that like button if you have a friend , who you think will enjoy this tutorial , please share this link with them now , thank you for watching and I'll talk to , you again soon .