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hey what's up guys Christian here for , Chris Clark today we're learning , Photocell right super excited to get , into this I haven't done tutorial just , a straightforward tutorial in a while so , I'm really excited for this lot of you , guys have been asking me for photo shop , stuff so here it is so this is kind of , like an introductory video whether you , are just starting off with Photocopier , if you already have some experience in , it there's definitely a few tip sin here , that you might find useful so let's jump , right in and let's get started , alright guys so here we are in Photo shop , and if you launch your application this , is what you'll see , not these specific things because these , are my projects and things that I'vie , been editing on Photocopies you will , eventually have your most recent work , once you have a few projects going but , this is pretty much where you find your , your most recent so other than that you , can open them directly through here so , you can browse through your finder or if , you're using Windows folders I guess and , then you can create new one so that's , what we're gonna do because we're just , starting off and by the way guys if this , looks different from what you have it's , probably because you have different , version this is Adobe Photo shop CC W , everything else should be the same , especially for the basics we're not , going to get into any of the additional , features with that it so it should be , fairly similar for everyone across the , board so let's get started let's create , anew project and here we're going to , just kind of select what kind of , document we want to create so we have a , few presets here and I can just go for , the regular you know W by but , you can also put whatever value in here , just whatever suits what kind of project , you'redoing we're just starting off so , anything will do and also this is your , you know measurement so pixels is , usually what most screens and video , files and everything are measured in but , if you're into photography and you need , these other options these are here for , you as well this is where you can name , your project you can name it whatever , you want you also have some preset , detail that you can load up and save and , once you're happy with all this you can , just hit create and it'll create new , blank document for you now I have these , guides turned on but you can turn them , on and off here where is it clear guides , okay so if this is your first time , opening Photo shop and looking at this , interface or if you'vie never really , touched it before it can seem Little , bit intimidating but it's really really , simple and there's just few basic , mechanisms here that once you learn , those you'll be set for everything else , and everything else kind of build upon , that so it's a lot easier than you think , don't let this kind of discourage you so , let's actually start by breaking down a , little bit of what we have in front of , us so we have our toolbar here this is , where you're going to pretty much , selecting grab your tools and use them , for whatever you do in here this is , obviously where you can posit your , pictures together where you do whatever , Photo shop work you want to do we'll get , into few different things and there's , other tutorial son this channel as well , if you want to get into more advanced , photographyPhotoshop stuff or other , post and film making latest things so , most of the tools that you're using in , photo , we're all going to be here and we're , going Togo through all of these , individually in just a second and then , over here we have a few options for , whatever tool you have selected so that , is usually what this top bar is for as , well as a few other options that pop up , whenever we are moving things around and , once we get into that sort of stuff , you'll see some awesome new options come , up here and then here you have your you , know your usual file edit don'tend , to go over these you can kind of see , what they do there's a few things that , we'll go over later on such as you know , throwing in these adjustments you have a , lot of adjustments here that you can do , and some filters so there's a few , filters that you can apply to things and , we're going to get into all this in just , a second and I know I'vie said that , already three times so but we're almost , done so over here we have just colors , right now this might be different from , your sand also all of this could be very , different from what you're seeing , depending on what kind of work space you , have so to change your work space you can , go under window and under work space you , can select whichever backspace want , now most of you if you're just starting , off with Photo shop you're going to have , the default essentials which is what I , have selected so you should be fine but , just in case you're seeing anything , different then you can just go under , Windex's and select essentials , so that's what we're gonna be using , today so over here you're going to have , some information depending on what , you're doing and then you have some , adjustments that are pretty much these , quick buttons they're almost like , shortcuts of different adjustments that , you can throw in this section over here , and this section is where you have all , your layers so everything that you are , doing adding and creating and adjusting , in Photo shop will show up here so this , is in a way kind of like your timeline , if you're used to editing or it could be , different layers like what you have in , After Effects so this is all very , similar to that and I love by the way , how compatible these programs are so if , you're into the effects and you're , jumping into Photo shop for that kind of , work or anything elsewhere you need to , go in and out of Premiere Pro or After , Effects I really love how compatible the , whole suite is so definitely big plus , for using Adobe products OK so we have a , general understanding of where , everything is and it'seagoing to get , lot easier once we get into things and , once we start using tools then you , really start seeing how this work space , comes into play and obviously in the , middle here you have your canvas can , just zoom in and now I'm using my , track pad I'm just pinching my fingers in , now this should be the same inmost , laptops if not you can scroll your wheel , or you can select the the zoom , magnifying too lover here and you can , zoo min and out let's let's jump right , into all these tools and by the way this , is our work area essentially this is our , canvas this is where we are going to see , everything that we're going to be doing , and if you're not happy with the size , you can always go under image'm going , to say edit bu tit's image canvas size , and in here you can select pixels since , that's what we're what we're using as , unit of measurement you can see that , this is the the numbers that we put in , earlier but we can change these at any , time and we can change the size of our , canvas another way to do it is by , cropping it in so you can use the crop , tool here and I know and we're going to , we're not going to go in order here but , it's okay we we live on the edge and , here you can freely move this around and , change the size of your of your canvas , and you can crop in and out or you can , even select a certain ratio maybe you , want to do one by one square picture , for Instagram well then you have this , kind of preset we can crop in wherever , you want and then you know you can just , clear this out and and you can move this , freely around again so if you want to , play these changes to this crop you can , select this checkbox icon over here and , that will apply this cloth or if not you , can just kind of have this undo button , here and if I click that it'll bring me , back to what Had so you can see how , this side of Photo shop is going to , change a lot depending on what tool , you're using so right before we can dive , deeper into this toolbar we should , probably import something so that we can , play around and you can really see the , full effect that these guys over here so , there's few ways of importing things , into Photocopies my way of doing it , just because it's quick and easy is just , going under finder opening up whatever , folder you're looking for and then just , dragging and dropping whatever element , you want to import so we'vie imported , this lamp and this is just a previous , picture that I cut out in Photocopied , that Already saved and is before the , website Just launched I just made a , few web element sin Photo shop like this , one and if you guys want to check it out , by the way it'Chris Co rt calm just a , quick little website plug there but , there's a lot of free tools on there so , maybe you guys will find something , useful so now we have this thing moving , around in our canvas here and you can , see the same two options are appear when , you import things you can actually move , them around scale them and make changes , to them so right now I can , scale it down and can you know warp it , around like this as I hit command Z that , will undo that and now if I hit shift , and scale it down now it's going to , scale it down proportionately so we'vie , scaled this down and you can see that as , Move this there's these kind of lock , guide sand you can able them or disable , them but personally I find them really , useful because I know when my item is , centered and that'st hat's pretty nice , then once I'm up here you can see that , my cursor is changing to these curved , arrow sand that is because I can rotate , this image once I'm outside of the box , so inside I move around outside I I can , just freely rotate it and if we , right-click on this element we have , few additional options so we can scale , and rotate like we'vie been doing , we can also skew it and use a really , cool because now if you goon the line , you can skew it like this , a commands to bring it back and then I , can skew it on this side so all of these , sides are skewing I guess now you would , say then you have perspective and if you , drag the points in you can see that it's , almost like yeah like laying it flat and , then depending on which direction you go , in you can modify it that way so I'm , going to do that as well and then you , have few other options you can distort , it you can warp it and these are fun to , play with you know you can even have , this sort of grid so you can really , distort the image and these are really , fun and they're really great and useful , when you're placing things or one of , your compositing things so this is , definitely good to know all right so , let's say we are happy wit hour changes , we can always undo them but if we're , happy with them we can hit this and now , we'vie applied the changes to our image , so now you can see hereon my layer , panel that we have a new layer so this , layer is the lamp so we have the lamp , layer and we have the background layer , now I want you to notice something when , I turn off this background layer we have , this checkered pattern and what this , checkered pattern is in Photocopied in , most other software is a way of telling , you that this is transparent so we have , awfully transparent background so if we , were to render this with transparency so , maybe as a PNG image we would only see , the lamp and nothing else because we , have turned off our background and we , can't do much else with this because , it's locked right now so this is just by , default backgrounds in Photo shop when , you'restarting off , are going to be locked as slayer but , you can always unlock them sodden't , kind of useless but then you can just , select them or delete them we don't , really care we don't really need a , background we do what we want so now we , do have something herein our work space , let's just keep experimenting with these , so the very first one is our move tool , or a selection tool on the shortcut for , that IVs so you can switch to that and , just really move things around just by , selecting them and once you have a lot , of stuff you might need to select them , from your your layer panel here and then , that's how you'll be able to kind of , move things around when things get , really cluttered and you have a lot of , layers overlapping each other but for , now we're keeping it simple with our , lamp here all right so next up we have , this this thing it's a rectangular what , is it's called rectangular marquee tool , and the shortcut for that is and I , really actually don't know the names for , these just use what I need but , essentially what this doe sis you know , you can select this and this has made a , selection and now you can't move what's , Inuit you can only move the selection , you might think that that's useless but , hit command J on your keyboard and if , you do that boom look what happens , nothing nothing seems to have happened , but actually we created a new layer and , now if I turnoff this bottom layer , which is our lamp we're only going to , see our newly created layer and what , this is is just section that we copied , from our lamp image here so when we made , that selection we pretty much told Ito , want to make a copy of just what's in , here so that's what this selection tool , is and you can do a lot of other things , with it one thing that we'll get into , with selection that's really useful is , layer masks and in a way it's almost , like like an alpha mat that you would , ha vein After Effects or anythings like , that I don'TKO if fun if these , references are helping you or if you , don't use After Effects and I'm not , making any sense but we're get into that , we'll jump in in that in just a second , but let'move along to the next tool , for now and this is the lasso tool and , one thing that I want to point out is , we're going down this list for the rest , of these is that you can actually click , and stay clicked on them or yeah hold , your click and and then from there it'll , open up like albumen here and you can , swap this tool for something else like , this this our art board tool which'vie , never used but you can do that for all , of these so you can see how you have an , people Alec elliptic elliptical , selection tool here and a few other , options for that and they're all kind of , in the same category so you have your , lasso tool which is what we're going to , look at now but you also have a , polygonal lasso too land a magnetic , lasso tool so we're going to see the , difference in these right now let's just , zoom into our image here and this is , still going to make a selection so the , way I do it is I'going to click and , drag and you can see that I can freely , just draw whatever selection I want and , once I let go we'vie made that selection , so everything that we saw with this , rectangular guy here applies to this , type of selection so we can make a copy , of just this of whatever is in this area , or we can do a few other thing snow one , of these other things that we can do is , once we get into brushes which I guess , we might as well get into that now , because I'vie been postponing way too , many things so if we were to select the , brush we can click on the brush right , here and don'worry I haven'forgot , about these we'll get back to them we , can select the brush here or you can hit , B on your keyboard and that will bring , up the brush although right now we're , seeing this icon and it's telling us , that we can't do anything but that's not , how this works we tell Photo shop what we , want to do so what we're going to do is , we're going to click on this and it's , going to say again Oh blah blah blah , whatever this says and you're just going , to click OK because you don'tend to , worry about that for now , just know that if you want something you , get it done okay so I'm going to turn , this this guy off for now so we have the , selection made on our lamp layer and we , have our brush tool selected so if I , draw here nothing's going to happen and , that is because when you have , selection made and when you have a brush , you can only draw in within that , selection now I can invert that , selection so if I hit commands real , quickie can hit shift command I and , that's shift control if you're on a , Windows and that will invert your , selection so now if I can draw out here , I can do it but it's excluding the other , selection so I can just go over it and , it's not going to affect this area so , that'serially cool for a lot of , different reasons you can do a lot of , different tricks with just that but , another thing that we can do with , selection sin general is something I , already mentioned which is adding a , layer mas know the way you do this with , any layer selected is you go down here , these icons are and we're going to go , in-depth into all of these but for now , we're just going to click on this one , and this is what creates a layer mask , for whatever layer you have selected so , if I click on that it's going to do this , to us , now why did it cut a hole in our lamp , well that is because whenever we have a , selection it's going to apply it to that , layer mask so it's going to pretty much , cut a hole based on what you have , selected so the way that it'scatting a , hole USN'just by cutting it now you , can see that for this layer in my layer , panel we have two thumbnails kind of , next to each other so we have these to , this new element that we added by , creating a layer mask and this is our , layer mask so essentially what a layer , mask is and how it work sit pretty much , tells where your image is transparent or , not and the way it tells that to this , image is with black and white values so , black is transparent and white is fully , opaque so I know that sounds a little , convoluted but let me show you what I , mean so if I have this layer mask , selected and I have my brush selected , you can see that my brush is now black , or white and if it USN't you can always , click on these colors and you can you , know just make sure that it's black Roy , or whatever color you want this is , applies to all the brushes and now if I , go over this and I start painting in you , can see that Icahn paint transparency in , but I'm not erasing anything I'just , painting the layer mask black so that's , really cool I use layer masks all the , time because it's very non-destructive , and what I mean by that is like I don't , want to just permanently delete things , and then not be able to go back to that , step instead of'm compositing things , in and let's say I just went too far , here can invert the colors by hitting , X by the way another shortcut if you hit , X on your keyboard that will invert , these two colors here so you have like a , primary and a secondary color you can , toggle back and forth kind of like your , primary gun or secondary gun in the game , and you always have them here you can , toggle between the two of them with XS , that's good time-saver but OK so now , that we're on Y if I go back and Is tart , painting things over my image or my , layer mask should say now you can see , that we're introducing the lamp back in , so white adds and black deletes keep , that in mind and of course you can , always invert these colors and inverting , just a quick shortcut is commando or , control I so if we have our layer mask , selected and then hit that so Aim , during the colors now you can see that , am I'vie essentially inverted the , selection and that is because we'vie , inverted this from a white background to , a black spot that was deleting things to , a black background and a white spot that , is keeping thing sin hopefully that all , made sense and hopefully I did't lose , you but essentially that's that's how , layer masks work it'serially simple it's , just two ways of doing it black or white , and of course you can use grey and get , fancy and that will show some of it , through but not entirely depending on , how dark the gray is but another way of , achieving grey in a way is to lower the , opacity of your brush so see how this , changes for every tool now that we have , our brush selected you can see that we , have a few different additional , properties for our brush so I can lower , my opacity here and if I set Otto like , OR whatever you can see that I'm , adding a lot less information back into , our image now if Click on it again , it's adding another percent of it and , if Click on it again it's pretty much , introducing the full opacity of the , layer we're going to say opacity but , that makes no sense let's keep going , down this list we have other ways of , selecting things we have the polygonal , lasso lasso tool these are really hard , words but essentially you click on a , point takes you and then you you don't , ha veto keep clicking you can just go , somewhere else click on the point click , on another point you get the idea it's , now making different kind of shape and , then you can go near where you started , like really close to where you started , and I don't know if you can see it , because the image is really dark but , there is AI or zero or a loop that is , close or a full circle that appears , around the icon of my cursor and that is , telling you that you can now close that , selection so once you click that it , makes a selection for you and same deal , as these other guys so we know what to , do from here all right let's take look , at magnetic lasso tool now this will , stick on things based on contrast , essentially that's how this tool works , so it's an easy way to quickly let's say , going in here and I want to just select , this part I'm really doing a bad job at , and , so isotope but you can see that I , kind of tried to follow along the lines , here and it kind of lost it Little bit , he rebut what it's doing is it's , creating a really quick in easy , selection base don things that are , around it so you can see how it's kind , of snapping to lines and things that , have a lot of contrast sometimes it's , magic sometimes outdoes't understand , what it's doing but that tool is there , for you and that's another way you can , make selections so that is it for this , list now we have other ways of selecting , things and this is the magic wand tool , and the shortcut for that is w what this , does it selects similar color sin your , image and it makes a selection based on , that so I could use that for some of , this wood here this USN'the ideal , image where you would be doing this , because there's alto of different , colors here this is a nice way if you , have like a solid wall that you want to , selector something that has similar , color this is great tool to do that in , a quick and easy way and here you have , other selections as well quick selection , tools so you have a lot of ways of , selecting things we get it so let's move , on we have the crop tool which we , already talked about we have the , eyedropper tool which essentially you , can just use Otto take a color and now , we have selected that color from the , image then over here you have few , things that are used for more , photography than anything else so we , won't really touch upon those but the , Spot Healing Brush too land the Healing , Brush tool are really simple to use and , they can take away pimples and like , little small skin imperfections so it's , really used a lot by photographer sand , there's a few other things here that are , really simple to use and Could really , help some pictures or some people out , all right so we have some brushes and we , already talked about that then we have , the clone stamp tool now this is a huge , one in Photo shop so first of all before , you jump into the clone stamp tool which , I now have selected I'm going to get rid , of this selection and the way you do , this nice and quickly in Photo shop is by , hitting command D or control Don your , keyboard and that will get rid of any , kind of selection that you'vie made so , now we have the clone stamp too land , this kind of looks like a brush and that , is because it behaves like a brush for , the most part now one thing that I , skipped with brushes and then I'll get , into here because it'll be pretty much , the same thing is the size of the brush , the way you change this is by , right-clicking wherever in your , in your canvas and when you right-click , it'll bring up these options so this is , the same as with your regular brush so , you're going to have the same window up , here if you right-click here you can , change the size now you can see that if , I move it back onto the image you can , see the size of it NOW can change it , again you can see that it's much smaller , or make it bigger so that's how you do , that and then over here you see the , hardness and hardness is almost like , feathering and after effects okay I need , to stop doing After Effects references , but it kind of softened things out , soften the edges so if have a let's , let's get a brush real quick so Icahn , show you this so if have a soft brush , and let's bring our path City all the , way up so you can see what I'm talking , about so if I click here we have a very , soft spot now if right click and I , bring these options again and I increase , the hardness now if Click back out , here it does a pretty solid circle so , that is what this thing is doing it's , pretty much how much is blurring out , or feathering out the edges of your , brush and then of course you can select , other brushes here you can import , multiple brushes you can go crazy with , brushes but there's a lot of different , options and different ways that you can , you know maybe brush some things in so , that is really cool I love brushes and , they can do wonders when you're , compositing things together and now , they're great but that'snot what we're , talking about let's go back to the clone , stamp tool so let's turn this off for , now and let's just turn on the layer , that we copied for no reason other than , just to show that we can change , different layers depending on which ones , you have selected so in here we're gonna , explore the clone stamp tool so what , this does is essentially it looks like a , brush because it behaves like a brush it , paints things in but it'painting , things not based on color but based on , what area you have selected here so to , select an area to kind of paint in or , copy can hit all on my keyboard and , you can see that my cursor now changed , to this kind of target cursor and that , is because now I can select a certain , area or a certain part of my image and , once I do that I can paint that area , anywhere I want so you can see that now , the brush actually shows the area that , you'vie selected so if I were to click on , here you can see that I'm painting the , the image back in , is really really useful you can use it , to paint people out of pictures if , you'vie seen this and other tutorials on , YouTube photocopy it's a really , popular one and that is what this tool , does so it's really useful you can use , it fora lot of things I use this all , the time in matte paintings so it's , definitely good to know and I mean , photography- there's a lot of uses for , the clone stamp tool next we have the , history brush tool which kind of brings , undo stings undoes things based on what , you have selecting when you're painting , but I really don'Tues this very often , then you have the eraser tool which , erases things and this behaves just like , a brush so you can again right click and , you can change the size and the hardness , and you can just erase whatever you want , your image don't usually do this too , often just because I use layer masks , whenever I want to delete or you know , change things that way because it's like , I said before it's non-destructive , versus this way you need to undo things , rather than being able to just paint , things back in so that'shy I rarely , use the erase tool but you know it's , quick and easy it's there if you need it , next we have the paint bucket tool , wherever you click it paints that entire , layer or the empty part of that layer of , a solid color and you can change , whatever color you want here and you can , do that so it fills things in based on , similar colors so if it's a fully , transparent area it'll fill that area or , it'll kind of act like the the magic , wand tool that we that we looked at , earlier and it also has gradient tool , which is really useful you can kind of , create these quick and easy gradients , with this and this can be really useful , even in layer masks and you can toggle , back and forth to these like we did , before and all the other ones then we , have a let's go back to an image here , let me turn this off bring our lamp back , in then we have some other tools that I , don't really use much but this is a blur , tool and right now Have my other layer , selected so I need to make sure that I'm , selecting the lamp that I want to change , now this blur tool let me just zoom in , to really show you what it does it , surprise surprise blurs things out what , yeah so right now Have the strength , sets of really low so this is how strong , it will blur things out or how much , it'll blow them out so I'm going to , increase this all the way to hundred , percent and now you can see that'm , really really blurring things out so , over here you can , click on this and you can also sharpen , thing sup so this behaves just like , brush like we'vie seen with all these , other options so just like how I was , blurring things I can sharpen things , back up so you can see that on it's , obviously not going to make them go back , to normal and it will start to create , some distortion if you sharpen things , little bit too much you know that noise , is really going to stand out and now you , have let's see what else is in her ea , smudge tool this kind of is like the , liquefy tool so you can smudge things , around could come in handy these are , nice and easy and quick to use if , anything so I like that they're here , then you have Dodge tool and let's , bring the size of this down well the , Dodge tool will just brighten things up , let me just pull this up so you can see , that it's just brightening whatever area , I want so you can do some cool light , effects with this and if you're , compositing things together this could , be definitely cool way to add a little , bit of integration in into your scene , like so like if I were to drop this desk , on a table and there's window that's , emitting light from this way then Icahn , you know it's a nice little detail that , you can add with this too lover here , same thing you can burn things you can , darken thing sit's called the burn tool , so you can create some shadows you can , darken parts of an image you can do , whatever you want and if I'm going over , the same area while I'm still clicking , it that'just something that is true , with all brushes it's it's going to , pretty much keep the same intensity but , now if I let gonad I click again it'll , make that same area darker so that's why , Keep that in mind when you're using , these tools the more that you click the , the more you will affect that area so , right now especially we have our , exposure set to% so we can even go , W% and again this is kind of like the , strength of how much is dark hang things , but you can see that if Iago over that , same spot it'll darken things a lot more , so the more you pass over certain spots , after letting go of your click the more , it'll you know it'll show up with , whatever you're doing if you're , darkening things or if you're using , brush with like a lower opacity same , kind of deal so like you can see that , it'sago over again'm adding another , layer of opacity and so on so that's a , kind of an overview on these tools then , you have the pen tool which is another , selection tool and this is similar to , After Effects , and know this is not just a reference , this is literally like they have the pen , too land after-effects and I'vie used it , a Lot actually used After Effects , before jumping internship so for , selections'll use this alto of times , so you can click then click again and , you can also hold and click so you can , make some curves out of these lines or , you can make just some some straight , lines just by clicking you know so you , can click and drag again you have these , knobs that you can move around and you , can make some interesting shapes and you , can cut around certain things that would , be otherwise difficult with these more , freehand tools so you can go back to the , initial point and you'll see that same , circle appear and once you click on that , Ithacan't made a selection yet it's , closed it's a sort of path of this of , this pencil to make a selection you have , to go up here where it says make , selection and once you click on that , it'll tell you how much you want to , feather the selection that you're going , to make and feathering again it's like , blurring out the edges so I put it for , point 6 pixel sit's barely noticeable , but it still blends things in a little , bit so it works for most selections that , I make but if you want things to be , really blurry you can go up to pixels , 3 pixel sand up from there really , experiments see what that does , so 0.we'll hit OK and now we have a , selection so this acts like any other , selection tool that we'vie looked at , before so from this point on it should , be all the same I'm going to delete that , selection by hitting command D octal D , that gets rid of that next we have the , title tool now once I click on here you , can see that it creates its own layer , and this will be our title layer so I , can say hello and you know I can select , my move too land Icahn move this hello , around and we can see that it's it sown , layer so Icahn again can select this , lamp so we can move this lamp around , that we'vie kind of damaged and we can , move the title around we can also place , the text below the lamp and now we can , see that the hello goes underneath the , lamp the way that this works is because , this is a low mode that my computer is , about to die hold on next we have the , path selection tool but we're not going , to be using that for much so we're going , to skip that for now and then we can , create some basic shapes so we can , create square and now that created a , new layer called rectangle for us and I , can always notice that up here our , options are changing so we can change , the color , the fill of this of this rectangle or we , can give it a little bit of a border , like a nice little stroke and we can say , how thick we want the outline to be and , then from there we can create different , shapes so we have a few presets over , here rounded rectangle too land Eclipse , the polygon too la line tool and you can , create custom shape tool so right now , there is an arrow selected and you can , change the shape of this right over here , and the cool thing is you can import , your own images here so you can create , some custom shape sand you know just , drag and drop them like this so then we , have the plan around tool and this is , kind of what I use to navigate whenever , I'm zoomed in now if I hit V on my , keyboard and go back to the selection , tool if I want to just pan around since , I'm maybe moving some things around and , I don'wanna just go back and forth you , just hit spacecraft that will change , this icon to the hand so now you know , you're kind of panning around and while , you have the space bar press down you can , kind of navigate the same way so the , nice thing is that once you release that , you're back to the selection tool and , you can go and do whatever it is that , you were doing so that'since and easy , there's a lot of really useful shortcuts , and I'vie mentioned few already , throughout this video but i definitely , recommend learning them as you go , because they definitely speed up your , workflow quite a bit now there's a few , things worth mentioning on this side , over here , you can see that we can we have a bunch , of layers now because we made all of , these custom layers but I am tired of , looking at this lamp so I'm just going , to import something a little bit more , exciting so we can play around and take , look at layers and how they work just , pop up finder over here so I'm gonna , select an image and I'm going to drag , and drop it not on he rebut I'm going to , drop it over here right next to our , project in this area over here and this , is going to create a new project with , the same dimension as that image and , we're seeing that image so we can always , go back and forth between different , projects or we can close projects if , we're done with them we can save them , not save them'm not going to save this , but yeah if courtship or if your , computer starting to run a little bit , slow and you have too many projects open , you might want to close few down and , the same goes with any apps or anything , like that so we have our image import , here and this will help us kind of see , what these adjustments are going to do a , little bit more clearly than just a lamp , this is my friend by the way Maria , Garcia she's a really talented model so , you should checkout her Instagram it's , really really good so let's start , throwing in some adjustment sand see , what we can do so I'going to start , with , some of these on the bottom here so we , don't with this icon does this is the , layer mask so just just Little , reminder we won't be needing that for , now instead we're going to go right next , to that and we're going to click on this , half white half black circle and over , here we have bunch of different , options and these are things that you , can you can add you can add solid colors , gradient sand you can add a few , different adjustments and effects as , well so let's start with solid color , so you click on that it fills the entire , canvas of a certain color you can pick , whatever color you want and you can , click OK right now I just randomly pick , a color but let's say we wanted to give , iota give our image a nice vintage tinge , well with a solid color like this if I , were to set this to overlay and by the , way I did't mention this but in your , layer panel here with all of these , layers you have blending modes go away , you have blending mode sand this is a , way to blend the layers with each other , so right now it's on normal but if I go , onscreen you can see that it's kind of , blending itself with the image below it , and I'Mont sure how to really describe , each and every one of these but you can , kind of see what they do and the main , ones that I use our overlay scree nor , add that definitely makes the whole , thing little bit brighter so they just , blend together indifferent ways , depending on which blending option you , pick so I'm going to go with overlay for , now and right no wit's obviously way too , much it's completely destroying the , image but if I goon the opacity for the , layer so again we have the blending , options and we have the opacity for each , layer that we can select so if I select , the color Icahn lower the opacity of it , and we can make that change much less , drastic so if we go to like maybe like I , don't know W W yeah and if we switch , back and forth it's not a huge , difference but you can see that we're , blending in the colors a lot more , together and we're giving it just a more , of a unique and uniform feel so I mean , this is getting kind of specific and you , can definitely play around with this in , many other ways , so let'sleet's move on the list you can , create gradient sand that'serially good , and maybe if you have a landscape you , can create some nice gradient effects , for the sky and things like that but I'm , just going to move through these really , we because it's just fun to experiment , with on your own so brightness and , contrast these are adjustment sand they , get created as their own sort of layer , and this will affect anything that is , below it so right now if I increase the , brightness over here you can see that , it's affecting everything if I increase , the contrast or if I decrease it you can , see what's happening there so pretty , straightforward and again I want you to , notice that with all of these layers , that we're adding you have a layer mask , so if we were to let's say go back to , the effect if we were to brighten this , up a lot but we don't want to see maybe , the stuff in the closet here can , select the layer mask of that adjustment , layer and then with my brush selected , with black you can see that Icahn I can , darken that up because I'm actually , subtracting this area from this , adjustment by using the layer mask so , that's that'sphere layer masks come in , really really handy and I really love , using them so there we go we can just do , that little quick adjustment this looks , pretty bad so we're going to just select , it and delete it and we're going to add , something else , so levels and curves an exposure these , are all just different types of , adjustments of two different things , with levels you have more control over , your shadow sand your mid sand you can , kind of control it that way curves let's , just add these in real quick , curves with RGB selected you can do , something similar so you can control the , mid-tones and the shadows in terms of , luminescent then you can also go we , just make this Little bit bigger then , you can also go in the individual , adjustments of of each color so the red , has its own curve and you can play , around with the red curve like so you , can go on the green you can we take out , a little bit of green and make it more , violet sh or purplish I don't know you , can have fun with this but that's , essentially curved so you can make some , color adjustments really quickly in a , nice visual way really like curve sand , I use this all the time so moving on we , have exposure that changes your exposure , that changes the the exposure of your , scene so pretty pretty self-explanatory , then we have vibrancy hue and saturation , we we just have a lot of options that , you can go through you can click them , you're adding them the same way you can , increase saturation decrease the , saturation something cool about this , adjusts , that you can go under the individual , colors just like in curves you can , control the hue of just the Reds or the , saturation of just the Reds so , definitely really cool there's a lot , there to explore definitely go through , the rest of this list everything else , works pretty much the same way you can , add them and and just experience with , the sliders so very very simple stuff , there now I'm going to bring in just , another random image these are all , images from Instagram by the way so if , you want to follow me on Instagram , definitely do so Crisco art I try to , post there as much as I can and I'm , posting stories daily so if you want to , see what I'm up to definitely do that , and I'll be in Italy for this time , around depending on when you're watching , this video and I'm just going to make , some room here and by the way you can , notice how all of theseworkspaces you , can just resize them so we have this , image and we're going to drag it and , place it right above our other image so , we can see that we're getting all of , those same adjustments now onto both , images so you can see that just from , that movement alone you can see that , there is sort of a layer hierarchy so , the the more they're up towards the top , the the more it's going to ignore , whatever else is below it so if I move , this just below the curve snow it's only , going to be affected by the curve sand , this image is also being affected by my , curves because it's underneath to move , it again , wait move it again there we gonad it's , being affected by the levels adjustment , and now if I move below the solid now , it's also getting that overall brownish , reddish tinge so that's kind of the , hierarchy of layers and layer panel and , how they work definitely keep that in , mind and it can get tricky when you have , a lot of layers but let's say you want , to apply these effects only to this , image and maybe you don'twat to move , this image above them because then it'll , it'll block everything else out so how , do I apply these effects only to let's , say just this image alone so I'm going , to show you little trick if you hold , alt on your on your keyboard and you , hover right in between the layers you , can see that the handle kind of changes , slightly whenever you're in between each , layer so let's let'story to do it with , this color so I'm going to I'm going to , click right there so when you do that , you're telling Photoshop that you want , to contain this layer in this image so , I'll show you exactly what I meanie'll , do it for these ones as well so you can , kind of see what that is doing so , you'vie assigned essentially these to , adjustments and this color only to this , image so now it's kind of bypassing the , hierarchy and it's containing all of , these elements all these layers within , this element and you do that by holding , alt and you go in between the layers so , you can undo it by doing the same things , for your you see how the cursor is , slightly different has like a line , through it if I go up here that will , just undo that sort of selection few , things that we did't really go over are , are the filter galleries here and a few , other things but really it's just it's , very simple and it works kind of the , same way except that outdoes't create , layer so if we want to apply these , filters we want to select an image and , then we can go filter maybe we can like , add an unshorn mask and we can sharpen , this image and if Click OK that filter , is being applied to that layer so we're , not going to create another adjustment , layer it's just going to be applied to , that layer but for right now Olden't , worry about it too much just know that , there'filters here that you can apply , directly to layers and you can , definitely you know go through each , little section category and experiment , with the mall right guys I hope you , enjoyed the start in Photo shop hopefully , they did't bore you too much know , there's a lot of tedious stuff that we , needed to cover but hopefully you , enjoyed it hopefully you learned , something from it and if this is your , first time on this channel I don't , usually make Photo shop videos I do more , film making and visual effects but if you , guys want to see directorship , definitely let me know because I really , love it I'm but using it a lot lately , even for VAXes let me know what you , want to see next if you want to see more , of this definitely let me know in the , comment section below anyways guys thank , you so much for watching my name is Kris , Trina forgeries Carr and i will see you , next time  

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