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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , sue Ramirez and you can find me on , Instagram at jr prompt in this , tutorial i'm going to show you how to , create and apply bouquet overlays in , photo shop we're going to create these , overlays by using photos that you , would'think would be good for much , we're going to use these bad photos so , that you can see that you don't need , high quality images to create good , effects by the way if you're new tithe , Photoshoptraining channel don't forget , to click on that subscribe button for , more free tutorials okay let's get , started we're going to use this Adobe , stock image but feel free to follow , along with your own image the first , thing that we're going to do is bring in , the files we're going to use to create , the bouquet overlays so I'm going Togo , into file place embedded and I have , these two files her ewe're going to , start with the street by the way you can , download these images from my website , if you're , YouTube you can look at the , description for the link to this , tutorial on my website so I have the , street image here I'm going to select , that click on place there Otis I'm , going to click and drag the handles to , stretch the image out so that it matches , the canvas notice that this image is , just very bad photo of the street this , image actually came off my cell phone , and as you can see it's not very , exciting but we're going to use this , image to create the first bouquet , overlay also notice that this ISS smart , object that means that we can apply , filters and edit them so I'm going to go , into filter blur gallery filled blur , then I can increase the fuel blur so , click and drag on this slider and you , can see how the image gets blurrier and , I can start adding the light bike and I , can also add some bike color and Icahn , adjust the light range so , click on the black point click on the , white point and just make the , adjustments that you need to get , something that looks like this then , press and you can see that this is a , smart filter if I double click on blur , gallery it brings up the blur gallery , again and I can make adjustments'm not , going to do that but Just wanted to , show you that you could if you wanted to , so I'm going to cancel this then I can , click on this icon here to collapse that , filter so it's not on the way and it's a , little less confusing we're just looking , at the two layers that were working with , and what I'going to do now is change , the blending mode to screen all the , blending modes between this divide rand , this divider hide dark pixel sand reveal , bright pixels so watch what happens in , this dark area here screen notice how , that area is not really affected'm , going to bring it back to normal then , I'm going to create a new levels , adjustment layer and clip it to the , layer below doctoral alt Command option , G on the Mac and then I'm going to click , the black point here and drag Otto the , right now we only have these bright , area sin the rest of the images black , watch what happens when I select Street , and change Otto screen black pixels , are invisible and we only see the bright , ones so we can use this levels , adjustment layer to control how the , Goya overlay looks so I can make some , more adjustments something like this so , that's before and after and I can also , click on the Street layer create a layer , mask by clicking on this icon selecting , the brush tool and making sure that I , have a soft brush so hardness set to , zero it maybe even a larger brush maybe , even larger than that and I can start , painting with black on the items that I , want to hide so I thought that highlight , there was too bright and now I'm using , the bracket key sin the keyboard , to increase the size of my brush and I , can keep hiding the pixels that I don't , like , so that's before and after I'm holding , shift if you shift and click on the , layer mask thumbnail you hide the layer , mask that's what that red X indicates so , now I can select this layer hold shift , click on the on eon top press ctr G , command G to put those into a group and , I can call this layer bouquet number one , and this is what we have so far before , and after then I can go into file place , in bed and bring in this Berger file , again it's a photo right off my cell , phone there's nothing very exciting , about it in fact it's not a great image , it's just burger it's out of focus but , this is going to work great to create a , bouquet overlay so I'm going to go into , filter blur gallery filled blur and I , can make similar adjustments to create a , similar effect so adjust the blur then , adjust the light bike and maybe add , more color so something like this and , I'going to press OK once again I'm , going to collapse a filter just so we , could see the layer that we're working , with and I'going to change the blend , mode to screen and I thin kit looks , we need to make some adjustments I don't , like this blue par there maybe this , parts a little too bright so I'm going , to undo the blur so what I'm going to do , instead is I'm going to copy the parts , that Alike and use that for my bucket , so I'm going to select the lasso tool by , pressing L on the keyboard or you can , just select the lasso tool from the , toolbar and this is the area that I like , right here not the blue and , I'm just going to duplicate doctoral J , command Jon the Mac notice that we just , duplicated that section there so then I , can press V on the keyboard and move , this around maybe place that here so it , covers that part and I can also hold alt , option on the Mac click and drag to , duplicate that other piece and hide , whatever bright area I had up here so , now I can select all three layers by , holding shift clicking on the bottom one , so now those three are selected and I , can press ctr e commander on the Ma cor , I can go into layer merge layers so now , it's one single layer then I can go into , filter blur gallery field blur or I can , just simply press ctr F since it was , the last filter that I used and there , you go that looks much better , I can now change the blend mode to , screen and this is the result that Get , I can create a layer mask again and hide , the pixels that'm not happy with so , the cohere covering her face so I'm , going to select the brush tool and paint , with black in those areas and I don't , want pressure sensitivity so I'm going , to click on the brush panel under shape , dynamics notice how I have pen pressure , I'm just going to disable that so in , this case it looks better without the , pen pressure so there it is before and , after can also create a new levels , adjustment layer to do what we did with , the other layer or use something like , curve sit dozen't really matter what , adjustment layer you use as long as you , adjust the luminosity the layer so I'm , going to make the darker pixels darker , and make the brighter pixels brighter , essentially creating ans-curve to add , more contrast so before and after and , maybe I need to click and drag this , point to the right here and of course , clip it to the layer below Ito wan't , using the clipping mask so as affecting , the entire layer if I use the clipping , mask it only affects Thebes layer so , before and after I'm going to hold shift , and click on both layers ctr G command , G in the Mac and this will be bike , number , I can select datebook number to group , and I can press ctr J command J to , duplicate it and then I can press cutlet , command T on the Mac right click and , choose flip horizontal and then can , move this around just so we can add , bouquet on the other side and I can move , it Tao whatever area that I like can , even rotate it Little bit if I need to , I'm just finding the right spot when I , move this just so we can see so maybe , right about there and what I'm going to , do is I'going to hold alt option on , the Mac and click on the layer mask icon , to hide everything and I'ms imply going , to paint with white on the areas that I , want to reveal so maybe some of that , bouquet layer careful on the sharp edges , so I'm going to paint with black to , remove that sharp edge so that's before , and after and I'just going to change , the name to bike number three notice , that it really did'make a difference , in this case applying the layer mask the , entire group or simply applying the , layer mask tithe actual bike overlay , so it's up to you where you apply the , layer mask what I'm going to do now is , on the topmost layer I'going to select , it and create anew layer and with white , I'm just going to paint right in the , center like so and this is going to be a , Sun flare that we're going to put on the , top right then I'm going to press ctr T , command T to transform to get the , transform handle so I'm going to hold , shift alt shift option on the Mac click , and drag and scale this up then I'm , going to press V on the keyboard to move , this over to the top right , right about here and I'm going to , double-click on the side of the layer to , bring up the layer style panel then I , can go into the blending modes and , choose linear dodge add watch what , happens when I unchecked transparency , shapes layers see ho wit's brighter and , hotter this is one of eight blend modes , that acts differently when you unchecked , this transparency shapes later also the , opacity and fill react differently in , this case fill will work better so I'm , going to click and drag the fill down to , right about there so it's still hot and , bright then I'm going to change the , color by adding a hue and saturation , adjustment layer of course I'm going to , create clipping mask ctr G command , option Gin the Mac so that only , affect this flare layer and I'm going to , click on colorize notice the bar here at , the bottom that'st he color that we're , going to be applying if I click and drag , the lightness to the left make a darker , you see how the color is applied here so , that's that's before and after so let me , make this more yellow with more , saturation something like that will work , great maybe even bring down the fill a , bit more on the flare layer or maybe , even bring it up see what looks better , yeah maybe little bit brighter so this , is all subjective of course so whatever , looks better to your eye so I'm going to , select these two layers put them into , corruptly G command Gin the Mac there , they are and I'going to call this , group flare what I'going to do now is , click on the model layer and we're going , to add a little bit of color to her just , so that it matches a little bit better I , see a little bit of blue going on here , and a hint of blue right up top here so , I want to add some of that blue to the , shadow son her face just so there's a , little more interest so I'm going to , create selective color adjustment , layer under blacks'm going to add a , little bit of cyan and subtract yellow , to get blue , something like that just you know these , are the colors that we can add or , subtract if we subtract the color we get , the opposite color so the opposite of , cyan is red the opposite of magenta is , green and the opposite of yellow is blue , which is why when we click and drag to , the left on this slider we got blue so , it's just subtle effect it's before , and that's after what I'm going to do , now is sharpen the eyes Little bit , more so I'going to create new layer , and with the sharpen tool can sharpen , the eyes make sure that you have sample , all layers checked and that you're Ina , new blank layer and watch what happens , when use this tool on her eyes get , really sharp which is what I want , unfortunately that also adds some , saturation to the eyes and I don'twat , that so I'm going to zoom in just so you , can see what's going to happen so both , eyes look the same but we're only going , to focus on the left one so that's , before and after notice how the color , change I want the sharpness but not the , color change so I'm going to change the , blend mode to luminosity and watch what , happens with the color see that see how , the color went down but we still have , the sharpness so that's what I'going , to use I'm also going to bring the , opacity down to zero and just bring it , up accordingly so maybe thirty percent , might be okay so let me fit that to , screen so we can see that's before and , that's after and Think that's pretty , good so we'll keep it there'm going to , end the tutorial by adding some noise , and the way that I'going to do that is , by pressing contralto shift command , option shift e on the Mac to create a , layer on top of everything that's a , combination of all the layers below it , so essentially what that keyboard , shortcut does is it merges everything , onto new layer so there Otis then I'm , going to go into filter blur Lens Blur , and we're going to use the lens blur to , add some noise and you got to make sure , that the radius is set to zero so that , we don't have any blur you don't want to , add any blur at this point so just make , sure there , to zero you can just simply type zero on , there then I'm going to reduce the , amount of noise and I'm also going to , zoom in just so that you can see what's , going on here so look at that noise we , have here we have uniform Gaussian , monochromatic in this case I'm going to , unchecked monochromatic and keep it at , Gaussian I can click on this box and use , the up and down arrow keys on the , keyboard to add noise or subtract noise , so I'm going to subtract noise and I , think right about two or three will be , Good'll leave the amount set to three , in this case and I'm going to press OK , so that'before and after I know you , can't really see it sou'm going to zoom , in before and after fit to screen and , I'm just going to rename my layers here , it's Good idea to always name your , layer so this layer here was the eyes , sharpening so I'm just going to call it , eye sharpening and the layer above that , is the noise I'm going to click on the , noise layer hold shift click on the , Selective color adjustment layer and , then press ctr G command Gin the Mac , to put that into a groupie can call this , bouquet overlays and this is before and , after and that's it for this tutorial I , hope that you enjoy edit and that you , learned something new make sure that you , leave all your comments or questions , down below if you create an image using , this tutorial or any other of my , tutorials feel free to share it on , Instagram with the handicapped voids , often do a search for this hashtag to , see what you're all up to if find your , image I would leave you comment also , don't forget to subscribe and click on , that like button if you have a friend , who you think will enjoy this tutorial , please share this link with them now , thank you for watching and I'll talk to , you again soon .