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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , , my name ISO's Ramirez and you can find , me on twitter @jrfromptc , look i will also show you how to add , snow to the scene by using a luminosity , mask the snow on the grass and the snow , on top of the cabin will be created by , using layer styles so that we can give , it shape in texture , we'll then add fog and haze tithe scene , by using the Camera Raw filter in this , tutorial you will also learn how to , create custom brushes which we will use , for the snow falling in our scene will , be using stock photo from Adobe stock , for this project if you want to follow , along you can download the free , watermark version or you can purchase a , high-resolution photo as I have simply , go to stock dot Adobe com in search for , this number eight nine zero eight nine , W and that should bring up the image , titled old wooden hut cabin you can , simply save the preview to your desktop , or Adobe library if by the time you , watch this tutorial the stock photo is , no longer available you can simply use , any other image - similar to this one , and follow along let's get started , with the tutorial the first thing I'm , going to do is create hue and , saturation adjustment layer and we're , going to bring down the saturation on , the greens so I'm going to click on the , master drop-down select green sand bring , the saturation down you will notice that , not a lot changed because in these , greens on the trees and grass and , everything else we have a lot of yellow , so I Giotto click and drag this icon , hereto the left and notice as I drag it , to the left the greens are going to , start this hatch rating also Giotto , click and drag this white one over to , the left as well anything in between , these two white icons is going to be , completelydesaturate it and between the , white icon here , and this one here you're going to see a , gradual transition and actually this one , dozen'tend to be that far off tithe , Left can click and drag that over to , the right to about this point so all the , color sin between here and in between , here are going to transition into the , saturation hue or lightness that I use , in these settings I also want to , saturate the sky which is obviously , blue so I'm going to go into the blues , and bring down the saturation we also , have similar problem the blue in the , sky is also found in the scions here so , I'm going to click and drag this over to , the left when this icon research the , edge it pops in onto the right side here , which I can then click and continue to , drag tithe left and I can also drag , this white one over further until find , the saturation that I'm happy with what , I'going to do now is I'm going to , create snow the snow that is going to be , laying on top of the trees and grass to , do so I'm going to use the channels , panel but I don't want to use one of the , channels is here NOW actually want to , make some adjustment sand use those , adjustments as my channel to create the , selection so what I'm going to do first , is add a new black and white adjustment , layer which is going to turn everything , black and white and then I can use this , to create my selection remember bring , you in the channels panel white pixels , reveal and black pixels conceal so I'm , going to start making adjustments to , this image and I'going to just darken , up the cabin here because Id on't really , want to have that selected I am going to , increase the dominance values of the , yellows because there's yellows in the , tree and that'seagoing to represent the , snow also increase some of the dominance , values in the greens here and decrease , them in the scions because that's the , sky and the blue as well , magenta really won't have any changes in , this particular image it may on your , image and just continue to bring the , Reds all the way down now that I made , the changes you can sort of see what's , going to happen for example up here if i , zoo min you'll see that this sort of , looks like snow already so I'm just , going to zoom outgo into the channels , panel , doctoral command on any one of these , channels and click on one of those icons , control , all command click it'seagoing to make a , selection out of the bright pixels you , can come back into the layers pan eland , you will no longer need the black and , white adjustment layer so I'll just , delete that and then I'll create a solid , color which will be an off-white color , and this is going to be the snow that's , going to be on the trees press OK and , you can see what we got there it's , before and that's after now in your , image like in mind you may have some , areas they did't workout too well like , in this area here or this area here'm , not going to worry about it too much now , I'm going to continue working on the , project and if I need to adjust it later , then I'll comeback and make those , adjustments also notice how I have some , red on these flowers here and actually , kind of like that so I'm just going to , leave it but feel free to remove the , saturation off those flowers if you want , to NOW'm going to show you how I'm , going to create the snow that's on the , ground here and what I'going to do is , I'm going to come into the lasso tool , and just make a quick selection around , this area here then I'm going to create , a solid color and it's going to be again , an off-white color so maybe something , like that so I'm going to double click , on the side of the layer to bring up the , layer style window then I'm going to , click on bevel and emboss and then click , on the reset button just so we're all , looking at the same thing and I can , increase the size of the bevel here and , that'soak if we have the bevel herein , the corner we're going to fix that later , and I'm also going to add texture I'm , going to click on this arrow here then , click on this icon here and click on , artists surfaces press OK then I'm going , to click on the second-to-last texture , which is that one there I'm also going , to increase the scale and decrease the , depth so maybe something like that then , at this point you can come and add more , or less highlights more or less shadows , and just slide that over until you find , something that you're happy with , then press owe have problem with the , edge here as you mentioned before and to , fix that'm going to separate the layer , styles from the layer and then merge , them onto one layer , distort them appropriately to do so I'm , going to right click on thefts icon and , click on create layersPhotoshop will , then create layers out of each of those , adjustments so what I'going to do is , I'm just going to simply select both of , them by clicking on the top one then , hold shift click on the bottom one , then press ctr e commander on the Mac , to merge those into one layer then if , press ctr T and I'm actually going to , collapse this so you can see what's , going on and I'm going to zoom in a , little bit if you press ctr Notice , that the bounding box go all around the , campus and we don't want it to do that , we want to make it easier on ourselves , to edit so what I'm going to do is I'm , going to Prescott command click on the , layer mask thumbnail which is going to , load the selection then click on the , layer mask icon it's going to apply that , layer mask onto the texture then , right-click on the layer mask icon and , click apply layer mas know if we press , ctr Command T to transform the , bounding box is only around the texture , and not the entire canvas so then I can , right click on it and choose something , like scale and I can hold shift alt , shift option on the Mac click and drag , scale that out I can also right click on , it and select warp and I can warp the , pixels inside to make it more realistic , ground and I can zoom out just so I can , see what I'modding and sort of get a , better angle and better perspective so , maybe something like that then press , Enter and actually I'm going to just , scale that outward just little bit , more so something like this'm going to , zoom in and I could also create a , texture layer in this area here but I'm , not going to you for the sake of time , instead I'm going to select the layer , mask for the layer titled color fill one , and I'm going to paint with white on , that layer mask to enhance the snow , effect and as you can see I'm not being , very precise but that's going to work , then I'm going to go into edit fade and , fade that accordingly so maybe something , like that , and at this point I'm going to add a , gradient overlay to the color filter , which is the Snow Hill so I just call , that Snow Hill and color field one is , snow on the tree so I'll call that snow , trees so I'm going to double click on , the Snow Hill layer off to the right , there on the space to bring up the layer , style window and then I can click on , gradient overlay and maybe adjust the , scale the Angle can drag this move it , accordingly maybe increase the scale , again and bring down the opacity , something like that just to give iota , little more shape that's before that's , after , then I'm going to press OK I'm going to , click on this up pointing arrow to , collapse the layer style so we can have , a little more room to work with at this , point'm going to add some snow tithe , top of the cabin so what I'm going to do , is I'going to click on the polygonal , lasso too land then quickly going to , make a selection around the roof and I'm , actually going to zoom in just so I , could see it better and I can make a , better selection I'm going to go fairly , quickly here but I would take more time , if you'redoing this on an image for an , actual project so quickly selecting the , areas where want the snow to be now , that have that selection can click , on the top layer then create anew solid , color and it's going to be an off-white , color then press I'm going to click , on the layer mask icon and have a Wac om , tablet I'm going to be able to draw and , trace around the edges so the edges are , not so straight so I'm going to make , sure have a hard brush at W%and the , smaller brush so maybe add about W , pixels or so and I'going to just paint , and the edge , here's look they're not straight and , they look Little bit more realistic , and as I said before if you're working , on your own image for an actual projects , take a little more time and try to get , better result sand actually there should , also be some snow right up here so I'll , add that in and maybe some on this side , and I'just going to do this one even , quicker than to the last ones and if you , make a mistake like I did there you can , just press X on the keyboard switch your , foreground color to black paint with , black to hide those pixels press X again , to swap those two and bring white to the , foreground color and continue painting , this going to be good enough for this , tutorial what I'm going to do now is I'm , going to apply layer styles to this , layer to give that texture that we had , down here so I'm going to double click , on the side of the layer to bring up the , layer style window then I'm going to , click on bevel and emboss and click on , texture and if you're using Phototropic , W then the same settings are going to , apply if not you can just apply the same , settings to apply it earlier you may , need to make some adjustments in my case , Think this is good enough so I'm going , to press and usually when you add a , layer style you see areas that you , missed so I missed a little bit there so , I'm going to paint with white in this , area there and maybe right up here so , now it looks like the cabin has snow on , the roof one thing you have to think , about is if snow is actually falling on , this cabin there will also be snow on , top of here now I'm not going to take , the time to do it perfectly but I'm just , going to quickly add snow right up here , just to pull the eye a little bit more , and we're also going to add snow and , haze to this image so this might , actually be good enough and I'm just , adding snow right on these window sand , I'll just add some more right up here , and I'm holding shift as I do that to , quickly create straight lines and paint , more snow in there , so now I'm , is going to zoom out and just fit the , image screen little later Ono'm going , to show you how to add falling snow onto , the scene and if there were snow falling , there would also be some fog some haze , so we're going to add that now and to do , so I'm going to make a merge copy of , everything you see here and apply the , haze to that one layer to merge , everything onto one layer as a copy you , can Prescott alt shift e command , option shift e on the Mac and it's going , to be one layer that's a copy of , everything that'divisible on your canvas , that's that layer here I'm also going to , convert that into smart object so that , I can make adjustments tithe filter I'm , about to apply then I'm going to , right-click on it and choose convert to , smart object so we can apply filters and , edit them I'm going to rename this and , call it haze because this is what this , layer is going to be then go into filter , Camera Raw filter in the FX icon look , for Theodore slider and slide that all , the way to the left if you don't have a , dike slider that's because you're not on , Photo shop CC OR newer if you are on , Photo shop CC W then make sure that , you have the latest version of Camera , Raw installed to find out what version , of Camera Raw you have going to help , about plug-in Camera Raw and you should , have at least this version here or , something newer so notice what that did , that layer created haze onto our image , and it's bringing an extra level of , realism and you can make adjustments to , that by clicking on the Camera Raw , filter label and coming in and making , more adjustments but leaving it at , negative W should work and you can , also click on the layer mask herein , paint so I'm going to click on my brush , tool now use a soft brush and use a , large brush maybe something like that , and I'going to paint with black since , Id on't want so much of that haze on the , foreground here , Oh layer masks have something that's , like the opacity slider but they call it , density at a hundred percent whatever , you paint is on there but if you bring , the slider down you start minimizing the , effect you see that you can see it on , this icon here if I hold alt option on , the Mac and click you can see what that , does to the layer mask and I can see , that I forgot to pain tin this bottom , area here so then Icahn adjust the , density hold alt click on the layer mask , icon again and see the difference and , that seems to work that's what we had , before and this is what we have now I'm , now going to show you how to create snow , in Photo shop one of the best ways of , doing Otis by creating a custom brush , so I'm going to show you how to do that , I'm going to go into file NeWS document , that's W pixels wide by pixels , tall should work press OK and select any , hard brush maybe this one here click on , this icon to bring up the brush panel on , the brush tip adjust the size of the , brush so maybe bring that down to about , maybe W pixels click and drag and , adjust the shape of the brush and then , paint with black so I'm going to make , sure Black is my foreground color and , paint then I'm going to increase the , size of the brush and rotate it maybe a , little bit and paint here and now maybe , I'll even bring it down just a little , bit and paint another one about there , and this is going to be the snow brush , that we're going to use I'm going to go , into edit define brush preset and call , it snow press and now when we paint , we have this which is not really snow so , I'm going to fill this layer with white , by holding ctr backspace command , backspace on the Mac and maybe adjust , the size of the brush or something like , that I'm going to undo and then we can , come into shape dynamics increase the , size literally the way up , angle literally the way up and , roundness terabit W percent now , when we paint we have that which looks a , lot more like snowier can also click on , scattering and increase the scattering , maybe even a little bit more and that , looks a lot more like snow so what I'm , going to do now is use this brush to , paint in snow in the composition that , we're working with I'm going to click on , the cabin ta band then I'm going to , close the brush panel'm going to , create new layer and I'going to , paint with white and that's going to be , the snow this farthest away from us then , I'm going to create a new layer increase , my brush size this is going to be snow , that's a little bit closer to us then , I'm going to create one more layer and , increase my brush size again and by the , way I'm increasing my brush size by , tapping on the right bracket key on my , keyboard and just paint some larger , snowflakes and maybe even one or two , more really big ones something like that , what I'm going to do now is in the first , layer one back here I'm going to go into , filter blur motion blur and angle of W , seems to be okay but W pixel distance , is too much so I'm going to bring that , down to maybe 9 pixels press OK click on , the layer which is the middle they're , going to filter motion blur again and , maybe just Little bit more so I'm , going to do one more time motion blur , click on that and finally this one here , the ones that is closest to us little , filter motion blur but this time hold , alt option on the Mac while clicking on , motion blur is going to bring up the , motion blur settings then you can , increase the distance and press you , may also want to decrease the opacity , and some of this for example the middle , one and the one that's farthest away , from us and maybe even the ones closest , to us so something like that at this , point your image may need some contrast , it may not in this case I think want , to add just little bit of contrast and , I want to add it behind the layers of , snow so I'm actually going to hold shift , click on the top one click on the bottom , one then press ctr G command Gin the , Mac and just call this falling snow and , right below that above the haste layer , I'going to create curves adjustment , layer and I'just going to use the , preset hold darker to give it just , little bit more contrast and if that's , not enough for you click and drag this , point down just Little bit further so , that's what I'going to do so ever , falling snow we have the layer that's , giving us contrast and we have a haze , layer now that Ilk at it I'm not too , happy with the curves layer because we , lost alto of that haze that really , liked and actually like the way the , cabin looks but I don't like that we , lost so much ace so what I'm going to do , is just bring down the opacity , and'm going to paint with white on the , cabin just with a regular brush nutter , snow brush and I'going to press ctr I , command Ito invert just to hide all the , effect sand just paint with white on my , cabin here just so the effects applied , on the cabin I really want the cabin to , stand out Little bit more so that's , where the contrasts going to be a little , bit dark and I can actually increase the , opacity just a little bit and if I went , over the line here like I did I can just , press and bring down the size of my , brush by hitting the left bracket key , I'm painting with black in areas that I , want to maintain that haze okay at this , point I'milker , everything about my image except the , color the color is not working for me so , what'm going to do now is right above , this curves layer'm going to add a , solid color the color that I'm looking , for is a blue colors blue that looks , like this then press OK then I can go , into the blend mode and switch to , overlay and bring down the opacity I , just want to get that cold blue feeling , and maybe at about% will be a good , number and I actually going to bring the , falling snow below that layer just so I , can get some of that blue when the , snowflakes at this point you can simply , click on the top layer hold shift click , on the bottom one to select all the , layers in between then Prescott G , command Gin the matte put that into a , group and you can see that before , and the after and that's it for this , tutorial hope that you enjoy edit and , that you learn something new if you have , any comments or questions leave them , down below if you enjoy the tutorial , don't forget to click that like button , and share this video with a friend if , you haven't already subscribe to the , Photo shop training channel now thank you , for watching and I'll talk to you again , soon .