How To Select and Change Colors In Photoshop - Replace Colors In a Photo


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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , my name is , sue Ramirez and you can find me on , Instagram at jr prompt in this video , i'm going to show you how to select and , change color sin photo shop we're going , to be using three different techniques , the first we'll deal with the color , replacement too lit's atoll that you , probably haven'tusked before but it can , be very powerful then I'm going to show , you how you can use the hue and , saturation adjustment layer so that you , can work non-destructively and change , the colors of objects in your image and , if you change your mind you can always , go back and easily make edits to those , adjustments , okay let'Sgt started with the tutorial , so the first method that I'm going to , show you is how to use a tool that you , probably never used before is the color , replacement tool which is nested under , the brush tool if you click on that tool , you can set a foreground color to use as , your source color so I'm going to double , click on the foreground color picker I'm , going to click on the beanie hat and I'm , going to click and drag this up to , select a red that has the same , luminosity and maybe even make it just a , little bit darker so I'm going to click , and drag this down and then I'm going to , press with the color replacement tool , selected I'm going to make sure that I , have color under mode and under limits , find edges so when you click and drag in , an area you'll notice that the colors , will change to the color and the , foreground now the good thing about this , tool is that I can increase the size of , the brush so I'm tapping on the right , bracket key on the keyboard and I can , keep painting and notice that Id on't , really go outside of that blue line , because Photo shop knows that I'm trying , to replace this blue color and there is , no blue found on her face or in the , background the downside of this tool is , that'm working destructively as you , can see on this layer here so I'm going , to undo those changes if you wanted to , use this tool what I recommend you do so , you work done destructively is use the , lasso tool to make a selection around , the object whose color you want to , change in this case the beanie hat then , press ctr J command J on the Mac to , duplicate that selection so now we have , have a layer that contains the beanie , hat then you can use the color , replacement tool again but to be frank , with you there's better ways of changing , colors internship this is just an easy , tool use but the downside is that if we , decided to use green as the color we , would have to come in and paint , everything allover again and that just , takes too much time but for something , small and quick this tool be just fine , but if you want to have more control , there's better alternatives so it's , better to have flexibility when working , in Photo shop so what I'm going to do now , is show you two different methods that I , like using for changing colors of things , so what we're going to do first is make , as election around the beanie hat I'm , going to click on the quick selection , tool come over to the hat click and drag , and just create a very quick selection , as you can see there that was really , really quickie'm going to zoom in by , tapping on the key and then clicking , just so Icahn deselect some of these , areas it should't be selected so I'm , going to hold alt option on the Mac and , click and drag to subtract from the , selection and I'm not going to spend too , much time here you get the idea and , that's going to be OK for this example , so what I'going to do now is I'm going , to zoom out fit to screen and I'm going , to create a new adjustment lay era hue , and saturation adjustment layer then I , can click and dragon the hue slider to , change the color of the beanie now the , problem is that not all the colors , change at the same time notice that we , have some orange and then some yellow if , you have this issue you can solve it by , clicking on the colorize checkbox here , and it colorized is the entire area so , then Icahn find a red color that I want , to use maybe something like this , with a little more saturation but a , little bit darker maybe bring down the , saturation ab it so something like that , I'm just looking for something that , matches the scene but anyway so now that , we have this set up we can always come , back and make changes if you want we , want to make her hat green we can do , that and we can make all types of , adjustments because we're using an , adjustment layer and a layer mas know , what Would do if this were a real , project is zoo min on parts of her hair , like this one here and just fix them by , painting with black on the layer mask so , what's like the brush , and with White reveal but black I , conceal so with black Would paint in , areas like that strength of hair and , just go around the entire area here , making sure that there's no green , spilling onto her face obviously I'm not , going to take the time to do that in , this tutorial but that's something that , you definitely should do with your image , now what if we want to make this into , sort of Christmas theme where her hat , is green and also the blue on her shirt , is green one of our initial thoughts , might be to use the select color range , feature in Photo shop which allows you to , select the color and then find similar , colors around the image and select those , now the problem with that is there's so , many different shades of blue here that , you're really not going to be able to , get a good selection it's solution for a , problem like that is to use the hue and , saturation slider again but this time , take advantage of the slider here so if , I click on it I can hold ctr command on , the Mac and click anywhere on this image , and adjust the color that I click on in , this case if I click on the Hat the , color is blue watch what happens when I , doctoral command and Mac then click and , drag notice that I can change the color , of our hat to green but also the other , Blues in the image turned green as well , then I can control exactly which shades , of blue notice these gradients are this , is telling us exactly what's happening , we're taking these blues here on top and , converting them into the green here on , bottom and you can also make adjustments , to those notice and in some areas I'm , not quite getting all the green sin , there this awesome blue well I can click , and drag this icon to the left and it , pops here onto the other side and they , can continue clicking and dragging on , that and notice that NOW'm selecting , more of the colors in the Hat and in the , shirt and can do the same thing on the , other side if need be but there's no , reason to do that I can also adjust , these as well so that'before and , that's after and after this you can just , take a little bit more time to adjust , the image this green is a little too , colorful and saturated for the image so , what would do is maybe saturated a , little bit and maybe darken it up this , a bit so maybe something like that will , work better with this particular image , now in this image is not really , necessary but if there were certain , areas of the image that also had blue , you can simply mask those out by , painting with black on the layer mask of , this hue and saturation adjustment layer , but there's no blue in the background so , there's really nothing to paint but you , can paint that if you wanted to or maybe , if you wanted to keep the Hat blue you , would just paint with black over the hat , and the layer mask to reveal the , original blue but that's not something , we want to do in this case so I'just , going to go ahead and undo that and one , other thing I want to mention is that if , we go back into the human saturation , adjustment layer by clicking on the , thumbnail here you will see that the , adjustments we made are not going to be , shown here and that'because we're now , back on the master if you want to go , back and make mo readjustments to the , blue which is now green you will have to , select Blues from the drop-down and then , we can come back here and make , adjustments if need be also you have , more options you have reds yellows , Greenspan's blues and magenta's so , maybe you want to adjust the red so you , can select reds and adjust the hue and , saturation of the reds as well as , lightness of course and you can adjust , this widget to select the colors it will , be adjusted by the hue saturation and , lightness obviously this is not looking , very good so I'm just going to undo the , changes that I made and go back to what , Had before I press ctr alt Command , option C on the mac to undo and that's , it for this tutorial hope that you , enjoyed it and that you learn something , new if you have any comments or , questions leave them down below if you , enjoy the tutorial don't forget to click , that like button and share this video , with Friend if you haven't already , subscribe to photocopy training , channel now thank you for watching and , I'll talk to you again soon.

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