How To Create a SUN GLOW Effect in Photoshop - SUN FLARE Tutorial


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welcome back to another very exciting , tutorial here at the , , my name is Luis Ramirez and you can find , me Instagram at jr from pct in this , tutorial'm going to show you how to , create some flare sin photo shop if this , is your first time at the Photo shop , training channel don't forget to click , on that subscribe button the effect that , we're going to create in this video is , that some glow effect that is really , popular in portrait photography it's a , stylized effect that warms up the image , and makes it more interesting like , anything else in Footpath is a , lot of ways of achieving this result for , this effect prefer to us ea gradient , fill later because it allows me to work , non-destructively and it gives me a lot , of control as to how the glow looks also , adjustment layers don't add too much to , the file size of the finalPhotoshop , file so Prefer to use adjustment , layers instead of pixel layers whenever , I can but best of all if we create a , glow effect using the gradient fill , adjustment layer we can save it as a , preset and use it again whenever we like , okay let's get started with this , tutorial'll be using an Adobe stock , image there's a link to it right below , in the description you can download the , free watermark preview if you like or , you can use your own image to follow , along the first step is to create a , gradient fill layer go into the new , adjustment layer icon in the layers , panel and select gradient and we're , going to get a gradient that goes from , foreground color to transparent that is , the default option if you don't see that , you can click on this gear icon and , select reset gradient sand press OK the , foreground to transparent color is this , one here you can click on it and then , select radial and this is the result , that you get you can then click on the , gradient to bring up the gradient editor , and you can make adjustments the color , stops at the bottom control the color , the color stops on top control the , opacity this is a little , counterintuitivethis top left opacity , stop the black one represents% , opacity , the white one represents 0% opacity and , that can be a little confusing because , with layer mask black hides in white , reveals these color stops is the , opposite but anyway top ones control , opacity the bottom ones control color , currently this one set to black and so , is the one on the right you can double , click on the color stop to bring up the , color picker and select a different , color I'm going to select white then I'm , going to press OK then I'm going to , double click on this color stop and , select a light yellow something like , that and press OK , want to press OK once again and OK a , third time now this is the result and , we're going to change the blending mode , of this layer to hard light the change , will be dramatic but this is the , blending mode that we want'm going to , double click on the gradient fill , thumbnail to bring up the greening fill , window once again can then click and , drag on the canvas and move that around , I can adjust the scale to make my , clothes smaller or larger can come , into the gradient and continue adjusting , it I'm going to click and drag the , yellow color stuff to the left to make , the glow more yellow if you'diked you , can adjust the opacity stops to show , more of those colors or maybe less by , bringing this one to the left so now I'm , just going to keep this one all the way , to the left right in the black one I'm , going to move slightly tithe right I , want that center of the circle to be , pure white and not have any transparency , I think the yellow might be a little too , strong so I'm going to double click on , the color stop to bring up the color , picker and I'm going to make this yellow , just a little bit lighter , click and drag in positioning , accordingly the scale may be Little , too much I'gonna bring that down and I , can place it anywhere I want right in , between the trees is where this looks a , little more realistic for now I'm just , going to place it right about here where , we had it and'm going to press okay , that'before and that's after to make , this a little more realistic I'm going , to click on the background layer and , create selective color adjustment , layer this is going to allow us to give , color to this image so that the global , natural in the Selective color , adjustment layer'm going to select , neutrals'm going to add Little bit , of yellow to them and reduce cyan to get , red , that'before and after this sort of , warms up the image a little bit allowing , for the glow to look more realistic at , this point you can make further , adjustments to refine a glow'm going , to double click on the gradient fill , thumbnail then double click on a , gradient to bring up the gradient editor , and I can actually add a third color to , make things a little more interesting so , if I just click on the empty space on , the gradient can create a black color , swatch can double click on it to make , that one red then press , I can then fine-tune these color stops , to determine how much red I want if I , want a really stylized effect I can drag , the yellow stop to the left so we get a , little more red on the outer edges of , the glow'm going to press oppress OK , once again and now I can adjust the , Selective color adjustment layer to , include more red so I'm going to go into , the cyan and reduce it even further and , also going to the blacks and reduce the , cyan there as well notice how the , shadows are going to catch some of that , red making this image a little more , realistic before and that's after one of , the reasons Alike using this technique , is tutorship allows me to save this , gradient fill as a swatch to use at a , later time if double click on the , green and fill thumbnail click on this , down pointing arrow can click on this , gear icon and select new gradient can , call it Sun flare , press okay and here it is at the bottom , of the list so if I were to cancel this , delete this creating fill layer and , start from scratch with a new gradient , fill layer can select that preset from , the list'm going to click on that then , go to style radio in here it is once , again can adjust the scale make it , really small or make it really large and , click and drag this to the edge of the , canvas and can of course edit it so , maybe Icahn remove the red color stop so , only have the yellow or remove the , yellow color stop and only keep the , white one'm going to Prescott Z to , undo that's command Z on the Mac and I'm , going to press OK and Icahn continue , adjusting this glow any way I want if we , only keep the yellow glow you would have , to adjust the selected color adjustment , layer so we can just click on the reset , button and go into the neutral sand a , little bit of yellow go into the blacks , add a little bit of yellow and reduce , the cyan just a tiny bit just to warm it , up Little bit and don'forget to , change the blending mode of the green , and fill layer to hard light in that set , for this tutorial hope that you , enjoy edit and that you learn something , new don't forget to click on that , subscribe button and share this video , with a friend thank you for watching and , I'll talk to you again soon .

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