Smart Way to Quickly Make COMIC BOOK DRAWINGS From Your Photos! Photoshop Tutorial


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hi welcome back tithe , , I'm Mrs. Ramirez in this video I'm going , to show you how to quickly and easily , create comic book drawings from a photo , in Photocopier this effect we will use , only three filters as usual'll explain , what every filter is doing behind the , scenes so that you understand why we're , using it but more importantly so that , you can use it for other purposes not , just as join effect by the way if you're , new to photocopy training channel , then don't forget to click on that , subscribe and notification buttons okay , let's get started this is the document , that we're going to work with it's just , a single layer now before we actually , start with the tutorial I want to show , you how I created this image is simply a , composite using all these layer sand , it's basically this image here this is , an Adobe stock image and this background , then I went to select select all to make , as election around the entire canvas and , then edit copy merge and paste that all , those layers as a single layer in this , document so that's how I got there and , that'show the image was created the , image is really not that important this , technique will work with most images so , go ahead and try it with any image that , you like and the reason that I'm using , this image is because I wanted a cool , sci-fie comic book live the first thing , that'm going to do is right-click on , the layer and select convert to smart , object which means that we can work , non-destructively and we can change the , filters that we apply to this layer the , first thing that'll do actually is , press cutlet commands to transform and , then'll scale up the image just so , that we have a close-up view , much like the thumbnail for this video , so I'll scale that up and place her , right about here then I'm going to press , ctr Command Jon the Mac to duplicate , the original layer and what we're gonna , work with first are the lines of the , drawing I'll disable the original layer , just so that we're looking at the lines , layer so one of the filters that we're , going to work with in this tutorial is , poster edge sand that's found under the , filter menu under filter gallery , then in the artistic group you can , select poster edges you can click and , drag so that you can see what that does , poster edges reduces the number of , colors in an image in other word sit , posts or Rises the image so that'sphere , the word poster comes from in the name , and the colors are reduced according to , the pasteurization value that you use , with this lighter so the lower the , number the fewer colors that you get the , higher the number the mo recolors that , you get for this effect I recommend , starting with 2 and seeing if that works , for your image and then you can always , comeback and edit it if you need to the , second part of the name is edges so , poster edges that means that we , pasteurize the image and then add edges , so anytime that Photo shop finds an edge , it'seagoing to add black creating this , outline look and these two sliders , control the edges of the image the , thickness of the image how big the edges , are again you can always comeback and , edit them so I'll leave the edge , thickness At and the intensity , basically how dark they are so again , I'll reduce the intensity and then , adjust it later if I need to so I'll , leave the edge intensity at then I'll , press Akihito we want to do now is keep , the black in the image and then remove , everything else so one way of doing that , is by using an adjustment called , threshold'm gonna go into image , adjustment threshold and it bring sup , this window that you see here by default , the threshold is at W that means that , any value higher than Will become , white and any value lower than Will , become black now if you don't know what , I mean by let me show you the , foreground color I'm gonna double click , on the foreground color and look at the , RGB values here if I select this gray , here you'll notice that we have avail , of if I go to black we have avail , of if go to white we have avail of , SO that's what that means , so if you have A's% gray with a value , of then that means that anything , brighter than that will be white , anything darker than , we black so threshold just gives you two , colors black and white based on the , luminosity of the image and that's gonna , help us create our line art so let me go , back into threshold and I can adjust it , accordingly can move it tithe right , to make the drawing darker or to the , left to make it brighter , so fine-tune it in this ca sea threshold , of W will give us really good line work , and then press so now we have these , black lines with a white background , which is exactly what we want'm gonna , zoom in by tapping the key and then , clicking and notice that we have a , problem the problem is that this looks , very Jag , it looks very computer-generated it , dozen't look very good but we can use a , filter that is designed to transform an , image to give it the visual appearance , of a painting so let me show you what I , mean by that if you go into filter , stylize oil paint you're gonna get the , oil paint filter which makes it seem as , if those lines were painted on by the , way make sure that lighting is off , lighting creates this effect of actual , paint on a canvas you can see how it's , got height and depth we don'really , want that in this case so just disable , it and just work with the utilization , and cleanliness sterilization adjust the , style of the strokes ranging from zero , to ten zero creates a dab look and ten , creates a smooth stroke so I'm gonna , treat sit all the way to the end and , you'll see how it creates a long smooth , stroke and I can bring that down and it , creates that dad look so again you have , to fine-tune it accordingly until you , get something that works for your image , I would recommend just applying a , setting that looks okay and then coming , back and editing later and I'll show you , how to do that in a moment , and then adjust the cleanliness , cleanliness adjusts the length of the , stroke raising from short strokes to , long strokes so short strokes or long , stroke sand again all these settings are , subjective and you can adjust the mas , you see fit in this case I'll just leave , it at 1.5 and I'll press OK then'll , right click and fit the image to screen , just so that you can see what we have , so now we created a line art and it , looks great let's now work on the color , that we're gonna use for this comic book , effect so I'm going to collapse the , smart object disable the layer and I'm , going to press ctr J command Jon the , Mac on this original layer to duplicate , it and I'll enable it and I'll change it , to color this is gonna be the color of , the image and we're gonna use the same , filters to create the color so go into , filter filter gallery and poster edges , to be selected by default since it's the , last filter that we used and then all I , will do is just bring the edge thickness , to zero and the edge intensity to zero , so that removes the edges and we keep , the color of the image which is exactly , what we want then I'll press and , we're going to use the oil paint filter , to make it look as if it was painted by , hand so go to filter stylize oil paint , and you can use the same settings for , now and just press OK so we now have the , color and we have the line art to , combine these two layers we're going to , use a blending mode blending modes allow , you to blend layers together based on , several factors including luminosity and , in some cases color in this case we were , only worried about the luminosity , because we want to keep the dark pixels , the line art and we want to remove the , white pixels the white background so the , blending mode that will do just that is , multiply when you select multiply you'll , notice that the white disappears and you , keep the black so just like that we , created the comic book effect and by the , way if you're enjoying the tutorial do , me a favor and click on that like button , now and let me know down in the comments , below what you'vie learned now remember , what Is aid armament ago that you can , always comeback and make adjustments to , your image and that'exactly what you , should do at this point so let me show , you what I mean by that I expanded the , smart filter and you can see all the , filters that you applied you can click , on these icons to disable them or enable , them by clicking on the empty spaces so , if I double click on the first one , filter gallery you can see how , the poster edges filter comes back and , can make an adjustment so I can make , thicker edges and make them darker press , OK and the adjustment is updated to my , drawing in this case Id on't really want , to do that so I'm going to undo that , step something that I do recommend doing , is playing around with the threshold so , I'gonna double click on the threshold , and I'll just make it a little bit , darker to add more shadows into the , artwork and make it more dramatic , and then press and see how that , affects the drawing so again you can , decide whether you want to keep the , darker or lighter versions one thing , that I do want to work on in this image , is her hairy would like more detail in , her hair so we can adjust the original , image remember all these filters use the , dominance value sand colors of the image , to create the effect so if we adjust , those then we change the effect of the , filter so let me go ahead and double , click on anyone of these smart objects , it dozen't really matter which one , they're all linked they're all the same , and that will bring up the original , image and if I make an adjustment to , this original image it will show in the , working document and I'll close this , composite since we don't need it and , what I'll do is go into window arrange , to up vertical to put the two , side-by-side so now I have the two , windows side-by-side so this is the , working document and this is the image , inside of the smart object so I'm going , to zoom into her hair and I'm going to , click on the quick selection too land , just make are ally rough selection , around her hair like so and I don't want , to select her face so I'm gonna hold alt , option on the Mac and click and drag to , remove her face in her body from the , selection I just want her hair and I'll , also deselect the helmet , so wit hour air selected'm going to go , into the new adjustment layer icon and , select level sand I'm just going to , create more contrast in that levels , adjustment like so then I'going to , press ctr s commands on the Mac to , save and watch what happens see how that , adjustment immediately updated on the , drawing don't want the color to take , effect onto the drawing I just want the , luminosity to change I can do that by , using blending mode if I select the , luminosity blending mode notice that I , just make the pixels darker I don't , increase saturation so I'll save again , and you'll see what happens but before I , do that notice one thin gin Photocopier , have tab sand if you see this little , asterisk right next to the parentheses , that means that that file is not saved , so watch what happens when I press ctr , command S on the Mac to save Photo shop , saves the image theatre goes away , and it update sour comic book effect so , once again this is before and this is , after so I would recommend going back , into the smart object and making these , kinds of adjustments so that you can get , the proper line work that you want in , your project and I'll paint with white , on the layer mask just to bring in more , detail into the drawing on this part of , the image I'll save and I get more , detail as you saw there so that'SWAT , you need to do just fine-tune your image , I'm gonna close the smart object for now , and we're going to add a few adjustment , layers to enhance the color of the image , first'm going to add a levels , adjustment layer and can use this , middle slider to adjust the contrast of , the image this one to adjust the dark , point and this one to adjust the , brightest point so you can adjust it , accordingly to create the right dramatic , effect that you want in your comic book , drawing then you can add a vibrancy , adjustment layer vibrancy is a smarter , way of saturating it protects already , saturated pixels and skin tones so I can , click and drag the vibrancy slider to , the right , and it saturates the image if you want a , stronger effect then increase saturation , and you will really bump up the , saturation of the image but in this case , we really don't want to do that too much , and by the way if you're interested in , finding out more about vibrancy and , saturation I do have awfully-length , tutorial on that particular adjustment , layer an dhow it works check it out'll , place a link right below in the , description at this point with the , topmost layer selected'm going to hold , shift and click on the color layer then , Prescott G command Gin the Mac and , I'll call this group effect and I'll , enable the original and you can see the , before and the after now there'sine , more thing I want to show you I'going , to show you how you can use this as a , template now but before I do that I want , to remind you that if you are following , along to share your result son Instagram , and use the hashtag PTC Vidal's if , you'Reno Facebook consider joining the , Photoshoptraining channel Facebook , group this is it here this is a Facebook , group that it's free I'll place a link , right below in the description you can , just click on that and join and this is , where users share their work ask , questions and this really neat , community where not only answer , questions but everybody helps each other , out and now that I'm looking at it , there's one thing that I wanted to show , you this is my latest personal project , it's a D render in adobe dimension you , can check it out on MB hands page and , I'll click on it just to show you what , it is this is a full D render it's not , a photo there's an animation here that , shows you what they'd model looks like , and these are all the different renders , that'vie made each render took about , eight and half hours believe it or not , and if you're not really familiar with , Adobe dimension or what Otis I do have , a free dimension CC crash course here on , YouTube so you can check that out I'll , place a link right below in the , description to this project and you can , check out the tutorial from there if you , like also feel free to leave me a , comment on my be hands page but anyway , let me show you you can use this as a , template so we have the original file , here which is any smart object and we , have the group with all the layers that , make up the effect as you saw earlier , with a smart object you can always work , non-destructively you can double-click , on the smart object thumbnail to open it , up in a new ta band you can make , adjustments that reflect on the artwork , that also means that we can just bring , any other photo and the effects will be , applied so I can click and drag on this , portrait and I can scale Otto fit it on , screen and then just save the image ctr , command S on the Mac and go back and , then you'll see the effect is updated , the reason that it looks like this is , because the layer was scaled up in the , beginning of the tutorial remember when , we press cutlet command Ton the Mac and , we scale it up that's why the comic book , effect looks really big but you can see , that all those effects were applied and , we can come back and edit them if we , need to so Icahn maybe change the , threshold amount to fine-tune it and , just bring in more detail on her hair , and press or we can make it darker , just to make it more dramatic , again the settings are totally up to you , and the image that you're working with , what I'm gonna do now is delete this , layer and keep the original design close , it save it and the artwork is updated , and this is what the final image looks , like after I spend sometime fine-tuning , the different controls and details of , the drawing and that is where the magic , happens in Photo shop when you spend time , working on details and recommend you , do just that let me know down in the , comments below if you like this comic , book effect and also don't forget to , share your result son Instagram and on , my Facebook page if this is your first , time at the Photo shop training Channel , then don't forget to click on that , subscribe and notification buttons thank , you so much for watching and I will talk , to you again in the next tutorial  

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